Karl Habsburg-Lothringen

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Karl Habsburg-Lothringen (2017)

Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam Habsburg-Lothringen (born January 11, 1961 in Starnberg ) is a former Austrian politician ( ÖVP ), media entrepreneur and, since 1984, a farmer and forester. From January 2002 to January 2003 he was Director General of the Organization of Unrepresented Nations and Peoples (UNPO). As a military pilot in the air force , he is captain of the militia in the Austrian army . He has been President of the Blue Shield International organization since 2014 and was previously Chairman of the ANCBS (Association of National Committees of the Blue Shield) from 2008 to 2014.

Karl Habsburg has been President of the Pan-European Movement in Austria since 1986 and a member of the Presidium of the Pan-European Union since 1994 . He is also the founder and chairman of the “Paneuropakreis Alpen-Adria”.

As the eldest son of Otto Habsburg , the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary , and his wife Regina , née Princess von Sachsen-Meiningen, he has been a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece from birth , and has been its sovereign and grandmaster since November 30, 2000 is. Since January 1st 2007 he has been the head of the Habsburg family within the family .



Habsburg graduated from elementary school in Pöcking and then from the modern language grammar school in Tutzing . 1981 Karl Habsburg began in Salzburg with a study of law at the Paris University of Salzburg , in 1983, he also took up the study of Spanish and political science at. Habsburg-Lothringen finished his legal studies in 1993 without a degree and instead took up a study irregular , which combined elements of ancient history with legal aspects. From 2005 he was enrolled in a course at the former private university IMADEC University , which he completed in 2012 as an “Executive MBA”. Karl Habsburg did his military service in the armed forces, where he did his pilot training as a one-year volunteer and is currently captain of the reserve in the air force.

Professional life and political functions

Karl Habsburg-Lothringen (1989)

In addition to his work as a close associate of the Salzburg Governor Haslauer for the ÖVP, he was a member of the European Parliament after a very successful preferential vote campaign from 1996 to 1999 and particularly campaigned for minorities. Habsburg caused a stir when he compared the abortion drug Mifegyne to the death penalty.

In May 1990 Habsburg personally led an aid convoy to Vilnius with food, medicines and clothing as a representative of the Paneuropean Union, in response to the raw material blockade imposed by the Soviet Union after the independence of Lithuania in March 1990. In 1991, Karl Habsburg organized international aid against the Destruction in Dubrovnik and the former Yugoslavia.

With a view to his planned entry into politics, Habsburg briefly headed some episodes of a new television quiz show on the public broadcaster ORF (“Who is Who”) from September 1992 to April 1993 , which was supposed to help him gain public awareness: “Of course I have seen my work in television under the aspect [...] And if I wanted to be politically active in Austria [...], a level of awareness is always something important. Something like that contributes enormously to having a certain degree of awareness. "

His political career ended with the so-called World Vision donation scandal. In doing so, u. a. from Wolfgang Krones, then Secretary General of Paneuropa Austria, donations from World Vision Austria - Christian Relief Organization u. a. diverted to Paneuropa. A test report by KPMG confirmed cash flows of around 640,000 schillings (around 46,500 euros), part of which flowed into the Habsburg election campaign in 1996. In 2004, Krones was finally convicted. In this context, Karl Habsburg was accused by some journalists of insufficient supervision of his Secretary General. His father Otto Habsburg was heavily criticized when he compared the allegations and calls for resignation against Karl Habsburg with the Nazi persecution of the Jews. It was not until 2004 that Karl Habsburg paid back the 36,899 euros to the successor organization World Vision - Society for Development Aid and International Understanding , which - according to Habsburg, without his knowledge - had been used to finance his election campaign.

Karl Habsburg was found guilty in 1999 of attempted smuggling of a diadem in 1996. The Appeals Senate of the Financial Directorate for Vorarlberg confirmed the findings of the first instance in full. Habsburg had to pay a total of 180,000 schillings (13,081 euros) fine. In an initial statement, the former ÖVP EU MP admitted that he “may have made a mistake”. In any case, he never wanted to smuggle anything. For Judge Erich Wieder, chairman of the appeals panel, Habsburg did not act out of ignorance, but with intent.

After the ÖVP had not re-elected Karl Habsburg-Lothringen for the EU elections, he failed to get back into the European Parliament in 1999 with his own list CSA - Christian Social Alliance (List Karl Habsburg) (1.54%).

Habsburg is a media consultant with projects in Eastern Europe and the Netherlands or co-owner of television and radio stations in the Netherlands (e.g. Radio 10, SLAM! -TV), in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as a farmer and forest manager. The digital radio SoundTraxx is, for example, a media project by Habsburgs in Bulgaria and the Ukraine and broadcasts film music.

Protection of cultural property

Karl Habsburg-Lothringen on a Blue Shield Fact Finding Mission in Libya in 2012

Habsburg has been chairman of the Association of National Committees of the Blue Shield based in The Hague since 2008 and World President of Blue Shield International since 2014 . For the Blue Shield Committee, he repeatedly led fact-finding missions in the Middle East - for example in 2011 in Egypt and Libya to document the destruction and looting during the revolutions there. In Mali, Habsburg directed the training of Malian officers for the protection of cultural assets. In this regard, he can also fall back on experience from a mission in the first Afghanistan war in the mid-1980s through the judgments of the then new weapon systems (see mini Kalashnikov). In addition, Habsburg is a cultural property protection officer in the Austrian Armed Forces assigned to the Institute for Human and Social Sciences.

Private life

Karl Habsburg-Lothringen lived in Anif near Salzburg from 1981 until he moved to Vienna in 2005 . He has been married to Francesca , née Thyssen-Bornemisza (daughter of Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon ) since 1993 (marriage on January 31, 1993 in Mariazell ); they have been living separately since 2003. They have two daughters (Eleonore, * 1994 and Gloria, * 1999) and one son ( Ferdinand , * 1997).

On July 20, 2020, Eleonore married the Belgian racing driver Jérôme D'Ambrosio , who thus became Karl Habsburg-Lothringen's son-in-law.

The trained pilot Habsburg owns a Cessna L-19A Bird Dog , which was used as a 3A-CI in the army in the 1960s .


Karl Habsburg-Lothringen is exclusively an Austrian citizen . According to his own statement in an interview with Der Spiegel , his first passport , issued by the Austrian consulate in Munich , contained the following special provision: “Valid for every country in the world, except Austria”, due to the fact that Charles was born his father Otto Habsburg-Lothringen had not yet given a waiver in the sense of the Habsburg Law .

Habsburg's relationship to the Habsburg Law and the Nobility Repeal Law

"Nonsense Habsburg Law"

In December 2013, in an interview with the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes, according to the APA , Karl Habsburg compared the Habsburg law with the Beneš decrees : “There are still certain legal restrictions. The Habsburg laws, like the Beneš decrees, are utter nonsense. They are completely outdated. "

Case "Karl von Habsburg"

He appears on the Internet with his website karlvonhabsburg.at under the name Karl von Habsburg . After a complaint with the City of Vienna's magistrate, the latter imposed a fine of 70 euros on Karl Habsburg on October 6, 2018, with a penalty of four hours in the event of irrecoverability, "because the complainant [Habsburg] was (continuously) with the law of April 3, 1919 on the abolition of the nobility, secular knights and ladies' orders and certain titles and dignities, StGBl. 211/1919 as amended, (hereinafter: Nobility Repeal Act ) and the corresponding enforcement order issued by the State Office for Home Affairs and Education and the State Office for Justice, in agreement with the state offices involved from April 18, 1919, on the repeal of the nobility and certain titles and dignities , StGBl. 237/1919 as amended, [...] denoted the forbidden nobility designation 'von'. ”Karl Habsburg lodged a complaint with the Vienna Administrative Court, which rejected the complaint on the matter as such on April 3, 2019 on the grounds that“ the complainant through his internet presence in constant or challenging disregard of the Nobility Repeal Act with the forbidden nobility designation 'von' in social intercourse. The Vienna Administrative Court omitted the sentence about the punishment [...], however, because the sentence in kroner specified in § 2 of the Nobility Repeal Act is not applicable and therefore no substitute imprisonment may be imposed. "Paragraph 5 of the enforcement order does not change anything," because this ordinance provision does not have an independent regulatory character, but at most merely a reference character without normative content. "

Habsburg, on the other hand, filed a complaint in good time with the Constitutional Court (VfGH), which rejected the complaint with confirmation of the judgment of the Vienna Administrative Court. This, among other things, by obtaining an opinion from the constitutional service in the Federal Chancellery . The guiding principle for the decision of the Constitutional Court, E 1851/2019 of October 9, 2019, states: “No violation of constitutionally guaranteed rights through the finding of culpable violation of the Nobility Repeal Act due to the use of the nobility designation 'von' on a website; no possibility of imposing a fine in kroner. "

The procedure has not yet been finally concluded, the complaint has been transferred to the Administrative Court (VwGH) so that it can examine whether Karl Habsburg's other rights have been violated by the administrative penalty.



Karl Habsburg is the chief band owner in the Academic Association of Catholic-Austrian Landsmannschaften and an honorary member of various other Catholic student associations.

Since 1998 he has been Honorary President of the European Military Parachute Jump Association, holder of the plate of honor of the European Military Parachute Jump Association eV AEPM Assiette d'Honneur en Etain , the Brevet de Parachutisme Militaire Européen Honoraire , since 2002 the Grande Medaille d'Or avec Ruban Merite Philanthropique and since 2003 bearer of the Commander's Cross of the European Military Parachute Jump Association


As the head of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen in the history of nobility , he is Grand Master in the following orders:

In addition, he is the Grand Master of the St. George Order, founded in January 2010 under private law .

Honors and awards (selection)


  • The Europe Service Book. Program addresses - Funding - EU institutions. 2001, ISBN 3-7020-0838-1 .
  • Foreword in: The Capuchin Crypt with the PP Capuchins in Vienna. 2001, ISBN 3-9500584-3-5 .


  • Karl Habsburg in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely accessible)
  • Johannes Saltzwedel and Dietmar Pieper: Karl von Habsburg, 48, on house laws, visionary knighthood and the political and moral obligation of his family: "The name still polarizes". "Mirror Conversation" series. In: Spiegel Geschichte , issue 6/2009, November 24, 2009, pp. 22-25 (PDF) .
  • Christoph Zotter: For God's sake: why Karl Habsburg worries about Europe, why a Habsburg can also be a Muslim and what he thinks of local journalism. Interview. In: Datum , Issue 3/2013, p. 37.
  • Herbert Lackner: Karl Habsburg: "I am a one-man company". Interview. In: Profil , issue 28/2013, p. 33ff.

Web links

Commons : Karl Habsburg-Lothringen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Karl Habsburg , Internationales Biographisches Archiv 37/2010 from September 14, 2010 (hm). Supplemented by news from MA-Journal up to week 24/2011, in the Munzinger archive , accessed on July 31, 2015 ( beginning of article freely accessible)
  2. ^ Karl Habsburg-Lothringen on the website of the Austrian Parliament
  3. ^ A b c Hans Haider: Protection of cultural property: Karl Habsburg-Lothringen. In: Wiener Zeitung , June 29, 2012, accessed on February 9, 2020: “'Misuse of cultural goods is punishable'. Karl Habsburg-Lothringen, world president of the international organization 'Blue Shield', speaks about successes and failures in protecting cultural assets and explains his love for the wild regions of Central Asia. "
  4. "Nobody was to blame for the war." Renata Schmidtkunz talks to Karl Habsburg-Lothringen, farmer and forester. In: series in conversation. Radio Ö1 , June 26, 2014, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  5. ^ Persons involved ( Memento from June 22, 2007 in the Internet Archive ). In: Website of the Pan-European Movement Austria, accessed on May 29, 2011.
  6. Strolling student Karl Habsburg 1171 / AB XX. GP  - Inquiry answer of October 14, 1996 by the Federal Minister for Science, Transport and Art: “The written parliamentary question No. 1199 / J-NR / 1996 , regarding the idle student Karl Habsburg, which the MPs Mag. MAIER and comrades on September 19 Addressed to me in 1996, I have the honor to answer as follows: ... "
  7. IMADEC University (uploader): Interview - Josefina Vázquez Mota - Karl von Habsburg - IMADEC Graduation Ceremony 2012 (from 0:04:10) on YouTube , October 11, 2012, accessed on February 9, 2020 (Karl Habsburg as newly elected " Executive MBA 2012 ”in an interview).
  8. Karl von Habsburg. In: TW Schwarzer's website, accessed on July 15, 2011.
  9. ↑ A matter of opinion: Ranking of the peculiarities in the ORF. In: Der Standard , December 27, 2005, accessed on February 9, 2020. Gallery image no. 5: “Does anyone still remember“ Who is Who ”? No? This is the host of the show, Karl Habsburg-Lothringen. Now you also know why. "
  10. Contribution by Karl Habsburg in: Andreas Khol , Günther Ofner, Günther Burkert-Dottolo, Stefan Karner , Dietmar Halper (Eds.): Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik: 2004. Publication of the Political Academy of the ÖVP, Vol. 28. Verlag für Geschichte und Politics / R. Oldenbourg, Vienna 2005, ISBN 978-3702804206 , p. 640.
  11. "Incorrect Cash Flows". According to the test report, pressure is increasing on Habsburg. In: Die Presse , December 9, 1998 ( full text online. In: haGalil.com. Jewish Life Online, accessed February 9, 2020).
    Karl Habsburg does not rule out a return to politics. In: Die Presse / APA , July 13, 2011, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  12. Hans-Peter Martin : Yellow star. The House of Habsburg goes under for the second time: Emperor grandson Karl and Papa Otto embarrass themselves in an endless donation scandal . In: Der Spiegel . No. 52 , 1998, pp. 129 ( online ).
  13. Anneliese Rohrer : The tragedy of an old man. Comment. In: Die Presse , December 7, 1998 ( full text online. In: haGalil.com. Jewish Life Online, accessed on February 9, 2020).
  14. Rainer Schüller, Barbara Tóth : November 25, 1998: The donation scandal surrounding “World Vision Austria” puts the ÖVP politician Karl Habsburg in distress. People's party and nobility: a difficult relationship? ( Memento of May 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: Datum , Issue 10/2005, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  15. Local: Salzburg, Karl Habsburg. In: Wiener Zeitung , November 2, 1999, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  16. European elections 1999: campaigning parties, CSA. In: Election portal of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), undated, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  17. European elections 1999, election day, reference date, overall result. In: Election portal of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), undated, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  18. ^ A b report on Karl Habsburg. In: News , No. 47, November 24, 2011, pp. 138–142.
  19. Jens F. Hofstadt: 100% NL and SLAM! now form RadioCorp. In: radio scene. The insider magazine for radio makers , October 5, 2016, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  20. Profession: grandchildren. Karl Habsburg-Lothringen has professional difficulties again - this time in Bulgaria. Series portrait of the day. In: Die Presse , April 3, 2011, accessed on February 9, 2020: “At the moment, a Bulgarian oligarch is trying to force the nobleman out of the joint media company. The former EU politician speaks of 'coup' and 'rebellion' and feels - once again - that he has been treated unfairly. "
  21. ^ A b Herbert Lackner: Karl Habsburg: "I am a one-man company". Interview. In: Profil , July 8, 2013, accessed February 9, 2020.
  22. Bernhard Baumgartner: Digital radios are aiming for regular operation as early as 2016. In: Wiener Zeitung , October 27, 2015, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  23. ^ ANCBS Board 2009–2011. ( Memento of March 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) In: Blue Shield's Network Website (English), undated, accessed on May 29, 2011.
  24. The CCHAG Monuments Men and Women of Today: Captain Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen. ( Memento of March 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Website of the COCOM Cultural Heritage Action Group (English), undated, accessed on March 3, 2014.
  25. a b Christoph Zotter: For God's sake: Why Karl Habsburg worries about Europe, why a Habsburg can also be a Muslim and what he thinks of local journalism. ( Memento from January 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Interview. In: Datum , Issue 3/2013, February 26, 2013, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  26. Meike Winnemuth : Numbers for Painting In the past, Francesca von Habsburg ran with a bare bottom at the jet set parties. Today she knows what to do with her name (and her money). Section: With ten silver spoons in his mouth. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, issue 31/2010, August 5, 2010, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  27. Karl Habsburg's daughter, Eleonore, married in Monaco
  28. AIRPOWER05 - Photo Story Part 3 - Air Race & Oldtimer. In: Doppeladler.com, 2005, accessed February 9, 2020.
  29. Johannes Saltzwedel and Dietmar Pieper: Spiegel conversation: “The name polarizes still”. Karl von Habsburg, 48, about house laws, visionary knighthood and the political and moral obligations of his family. Interview with Karl von Habsburg. "Mirror Conversation" series. In: Spiegel Geschichte , issue 6/2009, November 24, 2009, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  30. Kaiser-Grandson compares Habsburg laws with Benes decrees. In: ORF.at , December 23, 2013, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  31. Decision of the Administrative Court Vienna, VGW-001/010/14933 / 2018-11 Vienna, April 3, 2019. (Note: 100 years to the day after the enactment of the Nobility Repeal Act of April 3, 1919. - Decision text (PDF) on the website of the VwG Vienna.)
  32. a b nobility mark “von”: complaint against punishment rejected. In: Press releases on decisions. Website of the Constitutional Court, November 5, 2019 accessed on 9 February 2019.
    realization of the Constitutional Court, E 1851/2019 of 9 October 2019 ( decision Text (PDF) on the website of the Constitutional Court): principle - principle of law - Decision text in the legal information system of the Federal (RIS).
  33. Habsburg flashes with "from" complaint. The dispute over a "from" in the name of his personal website has occupied Karl Habsburg and the judiciary for months. Now the grandson of the Kaiser flashed a complaint before the Constitutional Court (VfGH). However, the cause has still not been shelved. In: Austria. ORF.at , November 5, 2019, accessed on February 9, 2020.
  34. Philipp Aichinger: "Von" Habsburg flashes before high judges. The Constitutional Court rejects the imperial grandson's complaint against the punishment. Habsburg does not have to pay a fine. However, the Constitutional Court leaves open whether people who call themselves noble can be imprisoned. In: Die Presse , November 5, 2019, accessed February 9, 2020.
  35. Ban on noble names: Habsburg fails at the Constitutional Court: “From” ban does not violate the constitution. The penalty for using noble names is still given in crowns in the old law. Therefore there was no punishment for Karl Habsburg, but a guilty verdict. In: Der Standard / APA , November 5, 2019, accessed February 9, 2020.
  36. Birgitta Ronge: Korschenbroich: Otto von Habsburg says goodbye. ( Memento from May 12, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) In: RP Online , August 28, 2008, accessed on February 9, 2020: “On Thursday, Otto and Karl von Habsburg, son and grandson of the last Austrian emperor, will come to Korschenbroich. There, the 95-year-old Archduke Otto will knight 20 riflemen before handing over the office of Grand Master to Karl in Aachen Cathedral on Sunday. "
  37. The order government. In: Website of the association "Society of Knights of the Order of St. George (OSG) or Society of Knights of the Order of St. George (OSG)" based in Vienna and date of creation on January 15, 2010; entered in the Central Register of Associations under the ZVR number 272649786.
  38. ^ Program of the International Scientific Conference "Society Against Terrorism". (PDF) paneurouni.com, p. 1 , archived from the original on December 8, 2015 ; accessed on November 28, 2015 (English): "Ceremonial session of the Scientific Board of the Pan-European University on the occasion of awarding of the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Karl von Habsburg - Lothringen (Aula Maxima, PEU)"


Pedigree of Karl Habsburg-Lothringen

Karl Ludwig of Austria (1833–1896)
⚭ 1862
Maria Annunziata of Naples and Sicily (1843–1871)

George of Saxony (1832–1904)
⚭ 1859
Maria Anna of Portugal (1843–1884)

Ferdinand Karl III. (1823–1854)
⚭ 1845
Louise Marie Therese of France (1819–1864)

Michael I of Portugal (1802–1866)
⚭ 1851
Adelheid von Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (1831–1909)

Georg II of Saxony-Meiningen (1826–1914)
⚭ 1858
Feodora zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1839–1872)

Ernst zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (1842–1904)
⚭ 1869
Caroline von Wartensleben (1844–1905)

Maximilian Friedrich von Korff (1820–1889)
⚭ 1851
Gabriele von Mirbach (1831–1892)

Richard von Hilgers (1829–1904)
⚭ 1866
Agnes Zernentsch (1845–1909)

Great grandparents

Archduke Otto Franz Joseph of Austria (1865–1906)
⚭ 1886
Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony (1867–1944)

Duke Robert I (1848–1907)
⚭ 1884
Princess Maria Antonia of Portugal (1862–1959)

Friedrich von Sachsen-Meiningen (1861–1914)
⚭ 1884
Adelheid zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (1870–1948)

Count Alfred von Korff (1856–1936)
⚭ 1893
Freiin Helene von Hilgers (1868–1963)


Emperor Karl I (1887–1922)
⚭ 1911
Duchess Zita von Bourbon-Parma (1892–1989)

Georg von Sachsen-Meiningen (1892–1946)
⚭ 1919
Klara-Marie von Korff (1895–1992)


Otto von Habsburg (1912–2011)
⚭ 1951
Regina von Sachsen-Meiningen (1925–2010)

Karl Habsburg-Lothringen

predecessor Office successor
Otto von Habsburg Head of the "House of Habsburg"
since 2007