Luminous shadows

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Original title Luminous shadows
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year ( 1945 unfinished)
Director Géza from Cziffra
script Géza from Cziffra
production Erich von Neusser (production group) for Prague film art
music Anton Profes
camera Jan Roth
cut Walter Fredersdorf

plus Margrit Aust , Gisela Deege , Inge Egger and Helga Marold as four members of the "Leuchtende Schatten" troupe

Shining Shadows is a German crime film that should have been released in 1945 ; however, it remained unfinished. Directed by Géza von Cziffra played Carola Hohn and Rudolf Prack the leading roles.


The Alhambra Variety Theater is celebrating a program premiere. When the owner Heinz Batovsky is supposed to come on stage after the performance to bow before the audience, he has disappeared. He is found shot dead in his office. The police are investigating, there will soon be the usual suspects: there is, for example, cousin Karl Batovsky, employed as artistic director, who envied Heinz the possession of the variety show. Or the old former court actor Seydelmann, who was angry about a part that was too small in one piece and then gave up his appearance, whereupon Batovsky reached out to him. Red with anger, the old man left the stage, not without making wild threats. The third member of the group is the dancer Robert. He is part of the “Leuchtende Schatten” dance troupe, the gem of the variety show. A right glove was found in Batovsky's office, as worn by the dancers of the "Shining Shadows" when performing. The stage manager claims to have heard that the murdered man had said that one should watch out for Robert, as he could be dangerous. The afternoon before the murder there was a heated argument between the two men. The reason for this was Heinz Batovsky's insinuation that he was in a relationship with his dance partner Anita. Robert still had something going on with his ex-flame Mara, who is now Batovsky's girlfriend. All of this is enough for the police to arrest Robert.

First of all, Karl Batovsky is exonerated, as he had been seen in the sets all evening. Kripomann Werner interrogates the conductor Sperling. He is outraged that his drummer Toni missed his assignment on the evening of the murder - a full 32 bars. Werner and his colleague Krüger, Krüger, listen carefully. Couldn't this time slot have been enough to murder Batovsky? You play through the possibility and realize that it would have been just barely possible for Toni to commit the act. But this is not yet proof and is not enough to arrest the drummer. Toni finally admits that he was in Batovsky's office in the missing time to plunder his box office in order to run away with the money and Anita. Heinz had surprised him. A scuffle broke out in which a shot was released from Heinzen's weapon, which was supposed to be fatal for the vaudeville operator. On the way back to the orchestra, he then lost the glove he found and instead took an identical one from Robert's pair that was on the stage manager's desk. After this confession, Robert is released again.

Production notes

The shooting took place at the turn of the year 1944/45 in Prague . At the end of the Second World War , the film was in music synchronization.

The buildings came from Karl Weber . Production group leader Erich von Neusser also took over the production management.

A serious incident occurred during filming. Director Cziffra got into a violent conflict with SS-Sturmbannführer Heinrich Eweler, who was at his side as a "criminal adviser" from the Propaganda Ministry , when he interfered more and more in questions of direction, whereupon the annoyed Cziffra finally expelled him from the film studio. Eweler retaliated by having Cziffra arrested after filming was over in February 1945 on a flimsy reason - allegedly for illegally acquiring meat cards. Cziffra received a six-month prison sentence and was only able to flee the protectorate in April 1945 at the last moment, immediately before the liberation of Prague by Czech underground fighters.


Since the film never saw a performance, there are no reviews.


  • Ulrich J. Klaus: German sound films 13th year 1944/45. P. 185 f. (039.45), Berlin 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Geza von Cziffra: Buy yourself a colorful balloon . Memories of gods and demigods. Herbig, Munich 1975, p. 311, ISBN 3-7766-0708-4