List of architectural monuments in Aschaffenburg

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The monuments of the Bavarian city of Aschaffenburg are listed on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority. This list reflects the update status of August 1, 2018 and contains 397 architectural monuments. The previous statuses contained: January 10, 2018: 395 monuments, September 8, 2017: 395 monuments, September 6, 2016: 395 monuments, November 24, 2015: 396 monuments.


Upper town of Aschaffenburg

Aerial view of the upper town of Aschaffenburg between the castle and Löhergraben (in the lower left quadrant)
Panorama of the upper town with the Johannisburg Castle , tower of the collegiate church and the Parish Church of Our Lady
Bürgerhaus Dalbergstraße 56, back with stair tower from 1590
Bürgerhaus Dalbergstrasse 56 from 1440
Town hall, 1956–1958 by Diez Brandi

The Upper Town Aschaffenburg ensemble ( Lage ) encompasses the area of ​​the old town, which extends over a roughly triangular plateau between the Main, Löhergraben, Landing and Schloßberggraben. In the center of this upper town, which lies between the two poles of the castle and the monastery, rises the Parish Church of Our Lady , whose patronage of Mary refers to its origin as a Carolingian royal church. The palace, the second residence of the Imperial Chancellor , Elector and Archbishop of Mainz, is the grand square complex with four corner towers and an older keep , which was rebuilt after 1945 and built by Georg Ridinger for Elector Schweickhard von Kronberg in 1605–1614 . South on the pin is Berg, founded on the site of late Carolingian Chapel later than 957 pin . It has been in the possession of the Archbishopric of Mainz since 982 ; Duke Otto had given it to Archbishop Willigis (975-1011). The monastery and market were re-fortified under Archbishop Adalbert (1111–1137) after the construction of an archbishop's castle had begun in 1122 in the north-west corner of the settlement. The settlement became a fortified city . The former ford settlement had already received its first wooden bridge under Archbishop Willigis in 989. The high part of the town, the upper town, was interspersed with aristocratic courts and collegiate curiae , which characterized the type of spiritual town. Three main streets form the basic structure. Pfaffengasse leads from the formerly larger market square in front of the collegiate church to the castle. The so-called Stäblerhaus (Pfaffengasse 5), which was destroyed in the war and in which a stone house is believed to have been handed down to 1182, was demolished, but this lane with the Jesuit Church and the Starkenburg Curia (Pfaffengasse 19) still has significant historical structures. The approximately parallel Schloßgasse with numerous former aristocratic courts leads past the Mother of God Parish Church to Schloßplatz and is one of the particularly well-preserved old town streets. Dalbergstrasse (previously referred to in sections as Am Windfang, Große Metzgergasse, Marktplatz and Zwischen den Toren), running in a hollow between Stiftsberg and Schloss, forms the basis and transverse axis for these alleys; it was the main or market street of the old town and was once lined with many inns. As part of the trunk road, which is so important for the city, it created the connection between the Main Bridge and the city center. Under the residential building there are half-timbered buildings, as remarkable as the house Dalbergstrasse 56 from the 15th century, and buildings of classicism, such as the sandstone house at Metzgergasse 11/13, which are clustered around the Parish Church of the Mother of God, a baroque building with a Romanesque core, and the classicist theater . Architecturally and in terms of urban planning, the monumental buildings dominate, the Mannerist castle over the banks of the Main and the monastery with church and cloister, looming over the Löhergraben. Together with the bourgeois development, this results in an impressive city silhouette when viewed from the Main. Despite various approaches at the beginning of the 19th century, it was not possible to implement larger urban planning concepts. Only the small Karlsplatz has remained a closed effect. The classicistic individual buildings are characteristic witnesses of the short era of the Dalberg state for the city . During the Second World War , the area between the town hall and the theater as well as the southern part of Pfaffengasse were completely destroyed and many other buildings were damaged. The reconstruction took place mainly along the historical route in the tension arc of reconstruction (Stiftsgasse 5), over historicizing new buildings in changed forms (Schloßgasse 1), up to the modern accent of the New Town Hall (Dalbergstraße 15), which with its volume and its height extension one for the historical cityscape forms a strongly changed component. The seat of the bourgeois administration is no longer subordinate to the formerly sole governing Poles of lock and monastery. File number: E-6-61-000-1.

Friedrichstrasse / Weißenburger Strasse

Green area in the course of the former northern city fortifications between Friedrichstrasse and Weißenburger Strasse, view from the southeast
Friedrichstrasse 19

Since 1854, with the connection to the Ludwigs-West-Bahn , Aschaffenburg began to expand further north. This growth did not fully develop until the founding period , as the outer city fortifications from 1370/80 were essentially preserved until 1870. Only after the ditch between the former Apfelbaumallee (now Weißenburger Strasse) and the Seilergang (now Friedrichstrasse) had been filled and the city ​​wall removed (1870/71) did the development begin, which left the ensemble with its permanent mark despite numerous war damage and new buildings . An example of the early development is the property at Friedrichstrasse 19 from 1874, built on the site of the so-called torture tower, which was demolished in 1867 and which was part of the outer Aschaffenburg city fortifications. This former late classicist house, today connected to a modern commercial building, illustrates the original villa-like development on the outskirts of the lower town. With buildings of the late Historicism and Art Nouveau, with partly magnificent, red and yellow sandstone facades from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this road system was extended to one of the type of the Ringstrasse, which also has the park-like green strip that is characteristic of it makes the old "city limits" clear. The ensemble is given a special urban development weight because it is connected to a larger park and green belt surrounding the city. Because to the east of the preserved barbican of the Herstalltor, which was demolished in 1869 and marks one of the endpoints of the ensemble, the Schöntal Park, the formerly walled princely zoo, which was converted into an English park (with the "staffage architecture" of the Beguine monastery ruins) in the 18th century . At the western end point of the ensemble area, roughly where the former Karlstor or Dingstalltor stood, the green belt continues in the palace garden, which, leading to the Main, forms a park surrounding the palace and Pompejanum ( location ). File number: E-6-61-000-2.


Western section of Grünewaldstrasse, view from the east
Dalberggymnasium Grünewaldstrasse 18

The Grünewaldstraße ( Lage ) ensemble is an avenue that was mainly built on with villa-like houses in the period around 1900. Historicist buildings as well as those in Art Nouveau forms determine the image of a typical elegant residential street of the late 19th or early 20th century with the buildings on the eastern side of the street, a gym from 1904 and the stately school building of the Dalberg-Gymnasium from 1906 more monumental public buildings were also integrated into the ensemble. At the end of the street, before the railway line to Miltenberg creates a turning point in the urban fabric, the ensemble in the Grünewaldstrasse 20 and Lindenallee properties has 26 highlights. These two buildings, built by Anton Gentil , are excellent examples of historicizing architecture from the 1920s, which, above all in their sculptural details, clearly show their late development and idiosyncrasy. File number: E-6-61-000-3.

Town center Obernau

The former walled street village, attested since the end of the 12th century, is located directly on the Main. It shows a regular row of courtyards on both sides of the main street. The residential buildings in the courtyards, usually each accompanied by an entrance gate, face the street at the gable end; the deep plots are closed at the back by the barns, which on the mains side form a largely undisturbed barn edge. The oldest houses and gates come from the 16./17. Century. The street scene is dominated by the late Baroque tower front of the former parish church, the eastern parts of which were destroyed in a fire in 1942 ( Lage ). File number: E-6-61-000-4.

City fortifications

In the 12th century, under Prince-Bishop Adalbert I of Saarbrücken, the inner wall ring around the upper city was renewed and with the butcher or wind trap gate (Dalbergstraße / Suicardusstraße), the Döngestor on the market (Dalbergstraße / Pfaffengasse), with the Mühlpforte (castle square) and the Badbergtörlein (Stiftsgasse) as well as the forerunner of the Johannisburg Castle and reinforced.

This was followed in the 14th century by the wall ring around the lower town with the Strickertor (Strickergasse / Erthalstraße), the Herstalltor (Herstallstraße / Goldbacher Straße), the Sandtor (Sandgasse / Würzburger Straße), the Wermbachtor (Wermbachstraße / Betgasse) and the Löhertor (Löherstraße / parking garage entrance).

Towards the end of the 14th century, a wall was built around the fishing district with the Fischertor, two gates on the Main Bridge and the Bleichtor (Suicardusstraße).

In the 15th century, under Prince-Bishop Theoderich von Erbach, the former wildlife park in the area of ​​the Schöntal was included in the city fortifications and the protection, i.e. the later so-called Karlsvorstadt, was provided with a wall ring and three gates (Main or Theodorich gate, customs gate and Dingstall, Capuchin or Karlstor).

In the 16th century, the stately vegetable garden in today's Schöntal was included in the city fortifications and the Black Gate was built. In the 17th century, bastion-like fortifications (terraces), a three-arched bridge and the so-called coat of arms wall on the Main side were built with Johannisburg Castle.

Towards the end of the 18th century, the city moats were converted into public green spaces and most of the city towers were demolished. The covered battlement over the Theodorichstor was redesigned in 1788 in the manner of an arcade into an open promenade.

Parts of the city fortifications are still preserved in the following places:

  • Wall in the Brennofengasse ( location )
  • Vorurm, so-called Herstallturm, in Herstallstrasse
  • Wall and Badbergtörlein in Stiftsgasse ( location )
  • Walls on the Schloßberg ( location )
  • Ditch, stone corridor ( location ) above the Theodorichstor and the customs gate, walls in the castle garden
  • Theodorichstor ( Lage ) and Zolltor ( Lage ) in Suicardusstrasse
  • Graben ( Lage ), Mauer ( Lage ) and Schenkenturm ( Lage ) in Schöntal
  • Lower floors of the tower and gates of the Sand Church in Sandgasse ( location )
  • Wall in the old town cemetery
location object description File no. image
Kapuzinerplatz 8 (according to the list of monuments), actual location s. text above
( location )
city ​​wall Masonry made of quarry stone and ashlars, partially preserved in the Brennofengasse, Herstallstraße, near Stiftsgasse, on the Schloßberg, Schloßgarten, rebuilt in 1788 by d'Herigoyen as a connecting bridge between the parts of the castle garden (above the Theodorichstor), in the Schöntal (Schenkenturm) and on the Suicardusstraße with Theodorichstor, built between 1434 and 1459 by Elector Theoderich von Erbach and expanded into a promenade in 1780 D-6-61-000-2 city ​​wall
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Near Goldbacher Straße
( location )
Herstallturm Round turret of the barbican of the otherwise demolished Herstalltor, upper floor protruding on a round arch frieze, 1545 D-6-61-000-124 Herstallturm
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Architectural monuments by district

City structure of Aschaffenburg

City center

The Aschaffenburg city center can be divided into four sections according to the historical urban development. The core of the old city is the Stiftsberg with the collegiate church as a pictorial and actual highlight. It is limited by the Löhergraben (today: Löherstraße) and Dalbergstraße, which was also the central route from the Main to the market below the collegiate church. The further old town extends from Dalbergstraße to Schlossplatz, which forms a generous open space in front of the palace from the Renaissance period. The old town (also called Upper Town) is delimited by Landingstrasse. Beyond that, like a ring around the old town, the lower town adjoins, which was still within the former city wall and often still has two to three-storey buildings from the early modern era. Herstallstrasse is an exception, as it was the central shopping street that was rebuilt with large commercial buildings throughout the early days. With the demolition of the previous city wall, the city was able to expand further in the late 19th century. In the Neustadt area, from Friedrichstrasse and Weißenburger Strasse and beyond the Schöntal Park, again as a ring around the lower town, there are increasingly three- to four-story residential and commercial buildings with sometimes magnificent facades, which clearly show the wealth of their builders. There are also large villas from the Wilhelminian era to the east of Schöntal and west of the palace gardens. In the north, the city center is bounded by the railway. A fourth area of ​​today's Stadtmitte district lies to the east outside the modern inner city ring, which is formed by a non-intersection bypass road. This is a large city park, the Fasanerie - once a hunting ground for the electors' kitchens - and south of it below the Godelsberg a very sought-after residential area.

Old town

location object description File no. image
Dalbergstrasse 2
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey corner building with curved ornamental gable and bay window with plastic Art Nouveau ornamentation facing Landingstrasse, otherwise a hunched mansard roof , upper storeys structured by cornices and pilaster strips, windows framed by stone, partly profiled, loggia at the corner on the second storey, above balcony, decorative framework around entrance Dalbergstrasse and above lying window, by Heinrich Morhard 1906 D-6-61-000-21 Residential and commercial building
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Dalbergstrasse 15
( location )
town hall Three-part assembly, seven-storey, cube-shaped main building with a glass-roofed piazzetta-like hall, three-storey central wing with courtyard, 1956–1958 by Diez Brandi

Simultaneous assembly hall construction with a reconstructed portico by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen from 1790; with equipment

D-6-61-000-22 town hall
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Dalbergstrasse 36
( location )
Community center Three-storey mansard roof building with plastered, slightly protruding half-timbered upper storeys, essentially first half of the 16th century, rebuilt at the end of the 18th century D-6-61-000-24 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 41
( location )
Bürgerhaus, former house of the Barons von Reigersberg Three-story, gable-independent half-timbered building with protruding upper floors and richly ornamented pilasters, inscribed "1589" on the reverse D-6-61-000-25 Bürgerhaus, former house of the Barons von Reigersberg
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Dalbergstrasse 43
( location )
Building core from the 16th century in a modern construction With preserved sandstone portal, around 1600; integrated in modern construction D-6-61-000-26 Building core from the 16th century in a modern construction
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Dalbergstrasse 47
( location )
Community center Three-storey, gable-independent gable roof construction with cantilevered upper storeys and crooked hip, 17./18. century D-6-61-000-27 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 48
( location )
Residential and guest house Three-storey, gable-independent gable roof construction with a crooked hip and protruding half-timbered upper storeys, portal marked "1784" D-6-61-000-28 Residential and guest house
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Dalbergstrasse 49
( location )
Community center Two-storey half-timbered building in corner position with hipped roof, cantilevered upper storey and bay window reaching into the roof, around 1710 D-6-61-000-29 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 49 a
( location )
Community center Three-storey hipped roof building with triangular gabled, flat projecting central projectile, plastered half-timbered upper floors, horizontally divided by cornices, classicistic, 1803, in the Art d'Herigoyens D-6-61-000-30 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 50
( location )
Community center Three-storey, gable-independent gable roof building with half-timbered upper storeys, the second storey cantilevered, corbels with the date of the 16th century (partly renewed in old forms) D-6-61-000-31 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 51
( location )
Community center Three-storey, gable-independent gable roof building with protruding, plastered half-timbered upper storeys, in the core probably beginning of the 16th century D-6-61-000-32 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 53
( location )
Community center Three-storey, gable-independent gable roof building with protruding half-timbered upper storeys, partly slated, labeled "1777", in essence probably older D-6-61-000-33 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 54
( location )
Community center Three-storey, eaves-standing sandstone cuboid structure, facade in classicist forms, 1851 and 1874 D-6-61-000-34 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 55
( location )
Community center Two-storey hipped roof building in corner position with protruding half-timbered upper storey and dwelling, window frames with figural reliefs, console stone inscribed "1712" D-6-61-000-35 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 56
( location )
Community center Three-storey, gable-independent half-timbered building on a solid base with a steep gable roof, ground floor and first floor formerly high hall, second floor cantilevered, 1440 (dendrochronologically dated), stair tower 1590, half-timbered exposure around 1920 D-6-61-000-36 Community center
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Dalbergstrasse 58
( location )
Residential building Three-storey, eaves gable roof building with protruding half-timbered upper storeys, probably at the end of the 18th century, 1897 D-6-61-000-37 Residential building
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Dalbergstrasse 60
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves mansard roof building with a protruding, plastered half-timbered upper storey, labeled "1756", with an older core (vaulted cellar), ground floor conversion in 1922 and 1948 D-6-61-000-38 Residential and commercial building
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Dalbergstrasse 72
( location )
Community center Two-storey eaves mansard roof building with protruding half-timbered upper storey 1806-1808, over a previous building from 1539 (dendrochronologically dated) D-6-61-000-39 Community center
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Fürstengasse 1
( location )
Residential house, former tavern, then coffee house Two-storey eaves saddle roof construction, classicistic, 1812/14 D-6-61-000-73 Residential house, former tavern, then coffee house
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Fürstengasse 2
( location )
Residential building Three-storey corner building with a flat hipped roof, pilaster strips, late Classicist, 1841

Outbuilding, 1843

D-6-61-000-74 Residential building
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Fürstengasse 3, Pfaffengasse 19
( location )
Starkenburg Curia Two-storey, double-winged gable roof building on an L-shaped floor plan, with a pointed arch gate and protruding half-timbered upper floor, half-timbered bay window with Baroque hood, the core around 1450, changed in the 18th and 19th centuries. Property of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Community of Aschaffenburg since 1956 D-6-61-000-193 Starkenburg Curia
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Kleine Metzgergasse 1 a, Metzgergasse 5
( location )
Residential building Three-storey in a corner position with protruding half-timbered upper storeys and a half-hipped roof, rectangular bay window facing Metzgergasse, 17th century D-6-61-000-141 Residential building
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Kleine Metzgergasse 2
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with a far projecting half-timbered upper storey, gable facing Metzgergasse, inscribed "1544" D-6-61-000-142 Residential building
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Kleine Metzgergasse 4
( location )
Residential building Three-storey eaves gable roof construction with projecting half-timbered upper storeys, 16./17. century D-6-61-000-143 Residential building
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Kleine Metzgergasse 6, Kleine Metzgergasse 8
( location )
Town houses Two-storey eaves with a gable roof, No. 6 with a projecting half-timbered upper floor, No. 8 with an older cellar, 18th century / early 19th century, above previous buildings D-6-61-000-144 Town houses
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Metzgergasse 1
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with gable facing Dalbergstraße, plastered half-timbered upper floor, protruding on brackets on Metzgergasse, inscribed "1537" D-6-61-000-172 Residential building
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Metzgergasse 3
( location )
Residential building Two-storey eaves-sided gable roof building with half-timbered upper storey, probably 17th century D-6-61-000-174 Residential building
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Metzgergasse 9
( location )
Residential building Gable-independent four-storey half-timbered house with a crooked hip, upper floors protruding, ground floor massive with stone consoles, around 1600 D-6-61-000-176 Residential building
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Metzgergasse 11, Metzgergasse 13
( location )
Residential building Three-storey semi-detached house, quarry stone with house integration, courtyard gates attached to the side, by Michael and Wolfgang Streiter in 1803 for archivist Urban Müller D-6-61-000-177 Residential building
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Metzgergasse 15
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Former parish school, now a residential building Two-storey half-hipped roof building with projecting, plastered half-timbered upper storey, marked "1743" D-6-61-000-178 Former parish school, now a residential building
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Next to Große Metzgergasse 1
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Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent half-hipped roof building with half-timbered upper storey, end of the 18th century D-6-61-000-182 Residential building
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Pfaffengasse 13
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Bach Hall, former casino society ballroom Classicist building, 1824; Side facade to Karlsplatz D-6-61-000-191 Bach Hall, former casino society ballroom
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Pfaffengasse 15
( location )
Evangelical Lutheran Parish Church of Christ Church Oldest Protestant church in Aschaffenburg, with one-tower facade, neo-Romanesque, 1837–1839 according to plans by Kreisbaurat Riedel, 1883 extension of the nave, 1928 installation of galleries, 1944/45 war damaged, redesign of the interior 1972/73 according to plans by Richard Riemerschmid, Munich; with equipment D-6-61-000-192 Evangelical Lutheran Parish Church of Christ Church
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Pfaffengasse 22; Pfaffengasse 24
( location )
Former Jesuit college A complex of massive two and three-story saddle roof buildings grouped around a courtyard, 17th / 18th centuries. and 19th century; renovated in 1953 after war damage

In the courtyard a memorial for Lampert von Aschaffenburg (1040–1077), formerly erected by King Ludwig I on Karlsplatz

D-6-61-000-194 Former Jesuit college
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Pfaffengasse 24
( location )
Marian column Red sandstone, 1703 D-6-61-000-195 Marian column
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Pfaffengasse 26
( location )
Former Jesuit Church of the Holy Trinity Study church for the grammar school run by the order, 1619–1621, 1944 considerable damage, acquired in 1976 by the city of Aschaffenburg from the diocese of Würzburg and rebuilt, rededicated as a profaned art gallery with changing exhibitions, single-nave Renaissance building with side chapels and semicircular apse with domed vault, Lantern and covered gallery, in the upper storey small arched windows, octagonal roof turrets, inside elaborate stucco decorations D-6-61-000-196 Former Jesuit Church of the Holy Trinity
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Pfarrgasse 1
( location )
Residential building Three-storey eaves gable roof building with protruding plastered half-timbered upper storeys, early 18th century D-6-61-000-197 Residential building
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Pfarrgasse 4
( location )
Residential building Two-storey mansard roof building with eaves, cantilevered half-timbered upper storey on profiled brackets, 16. – 18. century D-6-61-000-198 Residential building
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Pfarrgasse 8
( location )
Residential building Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with a protruding half-timbered upper storey, marked "1538"

Portal with diamond rustics, inscribed "1591"

D-6-61-000-199 Residential building
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Rathausgasse 4
( location )
Community center Three-story, gable-independent half-timbered house with cantilevered upper floors and solid ground floor, in the core 1539 D-6-61-000-203 Community center
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Rathausgasse 10
( location )
Former monastery courtyard, now a residential building Two-storey, gable-independent saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storey, in the core 16th century, extension from 1878 D-6-61-000-205 Former monastery courtyard, now a residential building
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Dead end 3 a
( location )
retaining wall Made of sandstone with battlements and blind arcades, mid-19th century D-6-61-000-160 retaining wall
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( location )
Figure of St. John Nepomuk On a bulged inscription base, sandstone, donated by the fishing guild, baroque, 1751, originally on the Fischerbrückchen in Löhergraben D-6-61-000-496 Figure of St. John Nepomuk
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Schloßgasse 8
( location )
City Theatre Theater hall and facade facing Karlsplatz 1810/11 based on plans by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen

Part of the former Teutonic Order Commandery, a gable facade with curved bent gable, end of the 16th century; to Theatergasse

D-6-61-000-233 City Theatre
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Schloßgasse 10
( location )
Residential building Three-storey saddle roof building with cornice and toothed frieze, classicistic, 1810 by Wolfgang Streiter; increased and integrated into the theater complex D-6-61-000-234 Residential building
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Schloßgasse 13
( location )
Catholic parish church of Our Lady, Mother of God Parish Church Tower with pointed spire, 13th century, nave with Baroque facade, with red sandstone sections, hall with retracted semicircular choir, 1768–1775 by Franz Boccorny, with building fragments from the 12th century; with equipment D-6-61-000-235 Catholic parish church of Our Lady, Mother of God Parish Church
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Schloßgasse 14
( location )
Half-timbered house Eaves, plastered, with a protruding upper floor, drilled windows on the ground floor, basement exit, in the core 14th century (dendrochronologically dated) and 18th century D-6-61-000-236 Half-timbered house
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Schloßgasse 15, 17
( location )
Community center Eaves in 1901 combined three-storey saddle roof buildings, partly cantilevered half-timbered upper storey on console stones, in the core 15th century, inscribed "1735" D-6-61-000-239 Community center
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Schloßgasse 16
( location )
Residential building In a corner position, two-storey saddle roof building with a protruding half-timbered upper storey and a dwarf house, 17th century D-6-61-000-238 Residential building
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Schloßgasse 19
( location )
Former farm Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storey, late 18th century, rebuilt in 1901

In front of it sandstone pillars of a former chain delimitation

D-6-61-000-240 Former farm
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Schloßgasse 21
( location )
Former Ulm court Two-storey, gable-independent gable roof building with protruding half-timbered upper storey and dwarf house, and pointed arched gate entrance with neo-Gothic wooden door, in the core 15th / 16th. century D-6-61-000-241 Former Ulm court
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Schloßgasse 27
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Marstall, former electoral carriage house, today master school for stonemasons and sculptors Trapezoidal courtyard facing the castle, single-storey main building with a mansard roof, wings with gable roofs, pavilions and portal, 18th century, some reconstructions D-6-61-000-242 Marstall, former electoral carriage house, today master school for stonemasons and sculptors
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Schloßgasse 28
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Schlappeseppel Brewery Three-story simple hipped roof building from 1802 D-6-61-000-243 Schlappeseppel Brewery
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Schloßplatz 3, Schloßplatz 5
( location )
Duplex Two three-story buildings with a flat hipped roof and architectural structure in red sandstone, 1881 by Wilhelm Koehl (No. 5) D-6-61-000-245 Duplex
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Schloßplatz 4
( location )
Johannisburg Castle With castle chapel, three-storey four-wing complex with corner towers, located above the Main and dominating the city, made of red sandstone, for Elector Schweickhard von Kronberg, German Renaissance, 1605–1614 by Georg Ridinger,

Keep of the 14th / 15th centuries Century; reconstruction after war destruction 1945–1978; with terrace and retaining walls; Classicist interior by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen; with picture gallery and museum

D-6-61-000-246 Johannisburg Castle
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Schloßplatz 7
( location )
Former tax office Four-storey building in corner position with main facade facing Schlossplatz and gable facing Schlossgasse, sandstone cuboid, eaves side wing facing Schlossgasse with plastered upper floors, historicistic, 1904 based on plans by Gustav Freiherr von Schacky D-6-61-000-244 Former tax office
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Stiftsgasse 1
( location )
Stiftsglöcknerhaus Three-storey sandstone block building with mansard hipped roof, gable and Ionic corner pilasters, early classicistic, ground floor with ribbon rustica, next to the entrance two windows with standing oval, windows on the floors with arched arches and wedge stones, in the triangular gable cartouche with the coat of arms of the monastery, new building 1749/50 above the old basement, cellar D-6-61-000-291 Stiftsglöcknerhaus
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Stiftsgasse 1 a
( location )
Former abbey building, now the city's abbey museum Three-wing system with components from the 13th to 18th centuries; comprises three sides of the Romanesque cloister at the collegiate church (1220 to 1250), the wooden ceiling of which was renewed with the restoration in 1866–1867. West wing to Stiftsplatz from two originally separate buildings with different storey heights, gable originally to Stiftsplatz, today stepped gable in north-south direction, basement under the north wing (vaulted cellar up to the entrance) and under the west wing (Staufferkeller). In front of it there was a sales vault (Kaffaten), the southern part of which was added to the collegiate church by the baroque staircase (1723). The northern part is now the museum entrance. Above that terrace from 1480 with late Gothic parapet and stone pulpit (pilgrim pulpit). North building also divided into two parts with originally different storey heights. In the eastern part expanded into a cloister with three Gothic stone cross windows and a gable with a crested hip and access to the cloister via a spiral staircase (1481 and 1483). Contains the chapter house and canons' room on the upper floor with renaissance furnishings (1621). The east wing contains the “Glockensaal” or old chapter hall on the first floor, exit to the monastery courtyard with traces of the former Michael's chapel. Gothic hall upstairs D-6-61-000-292 Former abbey building, now the city's abbey museum
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Stiftsgasse 3
( location )
Catholic Collegiate Church of St. Peter and Alexander Three-aisled basilica with a cloister-like porch, 12th – 13th centuries Century, tower 15th century, Maria-Schnee-Kapelle 1516 mansard roof 1719–1722, gable neo-Gothic; with equipment

Outside staircase 1723

Crucifixion group on the staircase, 18th century

D-6-61-000-293 Catholic Collegiate Church of St. Peter and Alexander
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Stiftsgasse 5
( location )
[[Stiftshöfe in Aschaffenburg | Stiftspfarrhof, today the rectory of St. Peter and Alexander ]] The curia “Zur Rose”, already mentioned in 1317, has a two-storey eaves mansard hipped roof building with a flat central projection, drilled window and door frames, original from 1766, destroyed in 1945, reconstruction according to plans by the Aschaffenburg agricultural office, taking over the cellar and surrounding walls in 1951/52 D-6-61-000-294 Stiftspfarrhof, today the rectory of St. Peter and Alexander
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Stiftsgasse 6, 9
( location )
Former deanery of the monastery, today the seat of Stadtbau Aschaffenburg GmbH Three-wing complex, main building, two-story hipped roof building with corner blocks and profiled window frames, single-story wing with hipped roof, courtyard facing the street with wall and portal closed, 1751–1756 based on plans by the Capitular Johann Georg Wenzeslaus von Hoffmann, reconstructed using old components after being destroyed in the war in 1969–1972 D-6-61-000-297 Former deanery of the monastery, today the seat of Stadtbau Aschaffenburg GmbH
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Stiftsgasse 7
( location )
Former “Zum Einbeck” monastery, today the seat of the foundation administration, Aschaffenburg foundation office Two-storey mansard roof building, original first half of the 18th century, severe damage in 1944/45, reconstruction taking over the surrounding walls and the vaulted cellars 1947–1949 D-6-61-000-295 Former “Zum Einbeck” monastery, today the seat of the foundation administration, Aschaffenburg foundation office
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Stiftsgasse 8
( location )
Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building on a high basement, with a cantilevered upper floor, basement entrance built over with half-timbering, partly 1294, half-timbering 1406 (dendrochronologically dated), portal to Stiftsgasse inscribed "1773" D-6-61-000-296 Residential building
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Stiftsgasse 12
( location )
Former abbey house "Zum Trappen" Two-storey hipped roof building with plastered half-timbered upper floor, 1804 by Michael Streiter

Gothic courtyard gate

D-6-61-000-298 Former abbey house "Zum Trappen"
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Stiftsgasse 13
( location )
Former collegiate curia Two-storey, gable-independent gable roof building with a protruding upper storey, arched stone portal and arched gate to the vaulted cellar, inscribed "1601" D-6-61-000-299 Former collegiate curia
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Stiftsgasse 15
( location )
Former collegiate vicariate Two-storey eaves gable roof construction, arched portal with fittings ornamentation, profiled window frames on the ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, 1600/1601 (dendrochronologically dated) D-6-61-000-300 Former collegiate vicariate
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Webergasse 1
( location )
Former Adelshof, today Marienstift Historical core of the connected, parallel buildings with gable roofs, integrating a shell tower in the city wall, 17th century D-6-61-000-313 Former Adelshof, today Marienstift
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Webergasse 3
( location )
Former electoral tailoring Two-storey solid building with volute gable, German Renaissance, expanded in 1592 by Elector Wolfgang von Dalberg, 1903 D-6-61-000-314 Former electoral tailoring
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Webergasse 4
( location )
Residential building Two-and-a-half-storey saddle roof construction with classicist facade decor, pilaster structure and portal, 1804/05 by Wolfgang Streiter D-6-61-000-315 Residential building
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Webergasse 5
( location )
Columned hall, so-called Kornhäuschen, now a non-commercial exhibition space for modern art Single-storey, classicist sandstone block building with a Tuscan colonnade between corner projections, built in 1805 at the instigation of Carl Theodor von Dalberg as the architectural and visual completion of the palace square according to plans by Emanuel d'Herigoyen, partly renewed in 1988/89. The name arose because the farmers of the market on the castle square were allowed to store their grain there in bad weather D-6-61-000-248 Columned hall, so-called Kornhäuschen, now a non-commercial exhibition space for modern art
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Webergasse 6
( location )
Parish office to Our Lady Portal in Pfarrgasse from 1691, window grilles 18th century, rebuilt in 1956 D-6-61-000-316 Parish office to Our Lady
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Lower town

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Am hot stone 3
( location )
Former town courtyard of the Schmerlenbach Benedictine monastery Two-storey, massive saddle-roof building with two-storey gable facing the street, early 17th century, two-part stone mullion windows with shop window and cove, overbuilt round-arched driveway - at the top the year 1609, round-arched courtyard portal to the residential building in the form related to the portal of the Jesuit church, walled garden; Assembly with Am Hot Stone 4 D-6-61-000-3 Former town courtyard of the Schmerlenbach Benedictine monastery
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At the hot stone 4
( location )
Former inn Zum hot stone Three-storey, gable-independent half-timbered building with protruding upper storeys on a solid ground floor and vaulted cellar, 1573 (dendrochronologically dated), ground floor facade from the 19th century; Assembly with Am Hot Stone 3 D-6-61-000-4 Former inn Zum hot stone
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At the hot stone 4
( location )
Cultivation To the south, two-storey eaves-side extension with a round arched gate entrance with Renaissance shapes and diamond ashlar, archway, inscribed "1614" (in modern extensions from 1952) D-6-61-000-4 Cultivation
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Badergasse 1
( location )
Plaque For the prelate Dr. Franz Leonhard Hettinger (1819–1890) D-6-61-000-484 Plaque
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Badergasse 7
( location )
Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building on the hull of a former barn, plastered half-timbered upper floor, 1806; Residential house, two-storey mansard half-hipped roof building with dwelling houses and sandstone structure, chapel on the upper floor, 1912/13; with garden and enclosure D-6-61-000-7 Residential building
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Betgasse 1
( location )
Catholic sand church Tower in the lower part of the former gate tower of the city fortifications, inscribed "1380", hall church with retracted choir and tower top with onion helmet and lantern, probably by Anselm Franz von Ritter zu Groenesteyn in 1756/57 ; with equipment D-6-61-000-9 Catholic sand church
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Erbsengasse 2
( location )
Haus zum Storchennest, aristocratic residence of the Faust von Stromberg families and the Barons von Hettersdorf Two-storey stone building with volute gable facing Erbsengasse, lateral, round-arched Renaissance portal and eaves-facing side wing to the west, German Renaissance, 1607; on the side of the portal as decoration two Corinthian columns and keystone with a woman's head and the coats of arms of the founding families; Gable above the cornice adorned with the bodies of dolphins, at the end a male half-length figure; Corner formation with diamond-cut blocks; the arched entrance on the gable side leads to a deep vaulted cellar. Connected to the Schönborner Hof by an intermediate building (see Wermbachstraße 15) D-6-61-000-429 Haus zum Storchennest, aristocratic residence of the Faust von Stromberg families and the Barons von Hettersdorf
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Erthalstrasse 1a
( location )
Residential building To Karlstraße with a classical Palladi motif, 1804 by Wolfgang Streiter ; used to belong to Karlstrasse 2 (see there) D-6-61-000-48 Residential building
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Erthalstraße 3
( location )
Justice building Two-part cubic complex in reinforced concrete skeleton construction of six-storey office and administration building and two-storey meeting room building, with flat roofs, clad in natural stone, 1957–1960; with equipment D-6-61-000-421 Justice building
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Erthalstraße 4, Erthalstraße 6
( location )
Residential building Two-part assembly, three- and four-story solid construction with bay windows, reduced historicism, labeled "1909", by Friedrich Selbert D-6-61-000-50 Residential building
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Fischergasse 6
( location )
Community center Three-storey saddle roof construction with a crooked hip, massive ground floor and cantilevered half-timbered upper storeys, labeled "1601" D-6-61-000-57 Community center
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Herstallstraße 7
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof building, central projectile, windows with wrought iron parapets, late Classicist, 1875 D-6-61-000-116 Residential and commercial building
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Herstallstrasse 10
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey square sandstone building with a mansard roof and semicircular bay window, historicistic, by August Hock, 1903 D-6-61-000-117 Residential and commercial building
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Herstallstraße 12
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey square sandstone building on the eaves with bay windows on the upper floors and ornamental gable, historicistic, by Adam Schneider, 1903 D-6-61-000-118 Residential and commercial building
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Herstallstraße 14
( location )
Residential and commercial building, so-called Strauss pharmacy Four-storey square sandstone building with two oriels and balconies and decorative gables in between, historicist, by Johann Scheuermann, inscribed "1906" D-6-61-000-119 Residential and commercial building, so-called Strauss pharmacy
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Herstallstraße 26
( location )
Property Herstallstrasse 26 Pillar consoles on the upper floor with figural reliefs by stonemason and sculptor Vinzenz Schwind, 1908/09 D-6-61-000-120 Property Herstallstrasse 26
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Herstallstraße 28
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey sandstone cuboid structure with vertical façade structure, on the left with bay windows and segmented arched roof bay window, 1908 by Ludwig Becher and Adolf Scholl D-6-61-000-377 Residential and commercial building
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Herstallstraße 29
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey mansard roof building with colossal pilasters at the side, curved gable and bay window, inscribed "1905", by Hermann Reichard D-6-61-000-121 Residential and commercial building
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In the castle garden
( location )
Pavilion, so-called Capuchin Salon, also known as the breakfast pavilion On a circular floor plan with dome, portal aedicules and rectangular extension, classicistic, 1782 by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen D-6-61-000-230 Pavilion, so-called Capuchin Salon, also known as the breakfast pavilion
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Kapuzinerplatz 8
( location )
Capuchin monastery and church In the core parts from 1626/27, church with roof turret, hall building with wooden flat ceiling, laterally round-arched chapels, 1908/09 by Friedrich von Thiersch

Adjoining two-storey monastery buildings, first half of the 19th century; rebuilt after World War II; with equipment

Well socket in the garden, inscribed "1597"

D-6-61-000-131 Capuchin monastery and church
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Karlstrasse 1
( location )
Community center Three-storey sandstone block building with a mansard roof, bay window and ornamental gable, Gothic-style historicism, inscribed "1903", by Johann Scheuermann D-6-61-000-132 Community center
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Karlstrasse 2
( location )
Residential building Three-storey eaves hipped roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storeys and pillar portal, 1804/05 by Wolfgang Streiter D-6-61-000-133 Residential building
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Karlstrasse 5
( location )
Rental apartment and commercial building Three-storey brick building with a gable roof and central projectile, red sandstone integration, historicistic, 1889 by Hermann Reichard shop with decorative ceramic furnishings from the company Kurt & Böttger Frankfurt / M., 1903 D-6-61-000-413 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Karlstrasse 6
( location )
Community center Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with corner pilasters and flat central projections, classicistic, 1826 D-6-61-000-134 Community center
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Karlstrasse 16
( location )
The Golden Ox Inn Two-storey mansard hipped roof building with half-timbered upper storey and street-side wing, end of the 18th century D-6-61-000-136 The Golden Ox Inn
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Landingstrasse 3
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey gable roof building with eaves, late Classicist, 1876 D-6-61-000-151 Residential and commercial building
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Landingstrasse 16
( location )
Former brewery inn Three-storey gable roof building with eaves, late Classicist 1872, damaged in 1944/45 and reduced in repair D-6-61-000-152 Former brewery inn
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Löherstrasse 20
( location )
House of the Golden Carp Three-storey eaves gable roof building with half-timbered upper storeys, the core probably around 1500–1550, later renewed D-6-61-000-158 House of the Golden Carp
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Löherstrasse 47
( location )
Chapel of the former St. Katharinen Hospital Hipped roof building with a side choir, post-Gothic, 1608/09 D-6-61-000-159 Chapel of the former St. Katharinen Hospital
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Löherstrasse 51
( location )
Hotel Wilder Mann Two-storey mansard roof building in a corner position, essentially historical building fabric, heavily rebuilt, with built-in spoilers D-6-61-000-56 Hotel Wilder Mann
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Luitpoldstraße 4 a
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof building, brick building with rich sandstone structures and bay windows, in the style of the German Renaissance, by Adam Schneider, 1898 D-6-61-000-168 Residential and commercial building
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Luitpoldstrasse 4 b
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey building in a corner position, with sandstone structures, bay windows and a dwelling, in the style of the German Renaissance, inscribed "1898", by Adam Schneider D-6-61-000-169 Residential and commercial building
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Nebensteingasse 1
( location )
Community center Three-storey hipped roof building in corner position, ground floor and first floor solid, second floor plastered half-timbering, mid-18th century, heavily modified on the ground floor D-6-61-000-183 Community center
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Riesengasse 2
( location )
Residential building, today commercial building Two-storey, gable-independent half-hipped roof building in a corner position with a dwelling, plastered half-timbered upper storey, external appearance first half of the 18th century, older in the core D-6-61-000-206 Residential building, today commercial building
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Roßmarkt 1
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey sandstone block building in corner position, upper storey protruding on round arch frieze, neo-Gothic, inscribed "1891", by Franz and Roman Woerner D-6-61-000-207 Residential and commercial building
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Roßmarkt 33 a
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey corner house with a mansard roof and a round tower-like corner bay, inscribed "1906", by Heinrich Morhard D-6-61-000-208 Residential and commercial building
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Roßmarkt 36
( location )
Residential building Two-storey eaves gable roof building with plastered protruding half-timbered upper storey and dwelling, 19th century, in the core probably the second half of the 16th century D-6-61-000-209 Residential building
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Roßmarkt 42
( location )
Residential building Two-storey gable-independent gable roof building with a protruding half-timbered upper storey, probably second half of the 16th century D-6-61-000-210 Residential building
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Sandgasse 24
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey corner building with neo-Gothic facade design and mansard roof, on the ground floor facing Sandgasse three large shop windows with a straight lintel, above in the central axis a simple window with a round arch on the first floor as the basis for the three-pronged bay windows on consoles with a curved end in the gable; in the lateral axes on the first floor three-part large windows with a straight lintel in the middle and quarter arches on the sides, on the second floor windows slightly narrower with a straight lintel, same design in the first axis to Freihofgasse, other axes in Freihofgasse are more simply designed the sloping corner on the second floor cantilevered balcony with tracery parapet, entire facade strongly gothic made of light, greenish sandstone, 1905 according to plans by Hermann Reichard D-6-61-000-214 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 26
( location )
Former guesthouse at the golden barrel Three-storey eaves saddle roof construction, eight window axes with profile framing of the windows, accentuated by straight roofs on the first floor, lower second floor, horizontal structure by cornices, facade on the ground floor converted into a functional modern for a shop, post-classical, 1842 and 1853 by Baltasar Hospes D-6-61-000-216 Former guesthouse at the golden barrel
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Sandgasse 28
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves-standing sandstone block construction with a gable roof, unplastered layered masonry, cornice above the ground floor, windows on the first floor with parapet cornice and straight roofs, lower window height on the second floor, shop window and entrance as well as roof turrets subsequently, classicist, 1810 by Konrad Bürger D-6-61-000-217 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 29
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves mansard roof structure, yellow clinker facing bricks and accentuated structure through architectural elements such as window frames or parapet fields in red sandstone, ground floor with corner and intermediate pillars, cantilevered bay windows on the second and third floors with high-quality stone carvings, windows on the upper floor with gable roofing, 1898 D-6-61-000-218 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 31
( location )
Residential and commercial building In the Art Nouveau style, three-storey eaves mansard roof construction rounded off in the corner, with a large dwarf building facing Erbsengasse, which has a gable with an eye window over three windows, facade structure made of yellow sandstone, window openings on the ground floor, depending on the location, round or basket-arched, strongly pronounced cornice above the first floor, with three-dimensional decor (reliefs with handicrafts from left: gardener, stonemason, bricklayer, carpenter, housewife, gardener, blacksmith, then repeating to Ohmbachgasse: bricklayer, carpenter, housewife) by Vinzenz Schwind, 1909 by Hermann Reichard and Hans Wild D-6-61-000-219 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 32
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with a dwelling, cantilevered half-timbered upper storey, marked "1726" D-6-61-000-220 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 33
( location )
Community center Three-storey gable-independent saddle roof building, gable side with protruding half-timbered upper storeys over console stones, massive eaves to Ohmbachgasse; 1588 (i), window arrangement 1884, arcade installation 1981 D-6-61-000-221 Community center
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Sandgasse 34
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey gable-independent hipped roof building with a dwelling, probably 18th century D-6-61-000-222 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 36
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey corner house with a late classical facade, above the shop entrance at the corner with a cast-iron balcony bay window, 1868 D-6-61-000-223 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 42
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves gable roof building with a classical facade design, 1848. In 1874 Johann Desch founded the first Aschaffenburg clothing factory in this house D-6-61-000-224 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 53
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey house with neo-Baroque façade, on the ground floor Bänderrustika of red sandstone, storefront with compound curves, round-arched in the angled corner to Roßmarkt store entrance, also on sandstone consoles attached bay window with wrought-iron balconies and ragendem into the roof structure with round windows, walls on the upper floors with pilasters divided , partly elaborate window frames made of sandstone, Madonna figure on the upper floor facing Sandstrasse, 1898 D-6-61-000-225 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 58
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey brick building with sandstone sections, historicistic, 1899 by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-226 Residential and commercial building
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Sandgasse 60
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-story corner house with bay windows and sandstone structures in the style of the German Renaissance, 1904 based on plans by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-227 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 1
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey hipped roof building in corner position with side facade facing Herstallstraße, plastered half-timbering, with gabled central projection, classicistic, 1804 by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen D-6-61-000-278 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 2
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey brick building in a corner with sandstone facade structures, historicist with Gothic-style details, inscribed "1894", by Franz and Roman Woerner; integrated lintel of the previous building, marked "1543" D-6-61-000-279 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 4
( location )
Former house of the city of Mainz Three-storey hipped roof building in corner position, with half-timbered upper floor, classicist facade design, around 1800

Associated former hall building (Nebensteingasse 2)

D-6-61-000-280 Former house of the city of Mainz
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Steingasse 8
( location )
Community center Two-storey eaves gable roof building with a protruding half-timbered upper storey and two dwelling houses, around 1700 and 19th century D-6-61-000-281 Community center
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Steingasse 9
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey gable-independent saddle roof building with half-timbered upper storey, around 1500 and inscribed 1565 (dendrochronologically dated); Ground floor massively renewed D-6-61-000-282 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 11
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey gable roof building with eaves, sandstone cuboid, classicistic, 1862 D-6-61-000-283 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 14
( location )
Residential and commercial building Narrow two-storey eaves gable roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storey, end of the 18th century, renovation of the facade in 1875 D-6-61-000-284 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 15
( location )
Residential and commercial building, the so-called House of Hope Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with a dwelling, plastered half-timbered upper storey, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-61-000-285 Residential and commercial building, the so-called House of Hope
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Steingasse 19
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves gable roof building with a hipped dwarf house, around 1800 D-6-61-000-286 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 20
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves gable roof building with central projectile, corner pilasters and rusticated round arch portal, divisions made of red sandstone, by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen in 1804 D-6-61-000-287 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 21
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storey and dwelling, first half of the 19th century D-6-61-000-288 Residential and commercial building
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Steingasse 27
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves gable roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storeys, late baroque, windows of the upper storeys drilled, portal with early classicist door, inscribed "1782" D-6-61-000-289 Residential and commercial building
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St.-Martinsgasse 11
( location )
St. Katharina's Hospital Chapel Hall building with saddle roof, stepped gables and gable tower, 1848; with equipment D-6-61-000-149 St. Katharina's Hospital Chapel
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Strickergasse 11
( location )
Home of the painter and plasterer Johann Conrad Bechtold Two-storey mansard roof building with baroque stucco facade, around 1730 by JC Bechtold; After being destroyed in the war, reconstruction until 1953 D-6-61-000-301 Home of the painter and plasterer Johann Conrad Bechtold
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Treibgasse 7
( location )
Former Echterhaus, now kindergarten Renaissance complex with courtyard and garden, inscribed "1570", courtyard portal with Peter Echter III's coat of arms. and Gertraud von Adolzheim D-6-61-000-304 Former Echterhaus, now kindergarten
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Treibgasse 19
( location )
Community center Two-story corner building with hipped roof and wing, facade with pilaster strips, classicistic, 1807 D-6-61-000-305 Community center
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Treibgasse 20
( location )
Formerly the new rabbinate building, now the Jewish Documentation Center on Wolfsthalplatz Two-storey brick building with sandstone structures, historicist with Gothic shapes, 1898 by A. Fröhliger D-6-61-000-306 Formerly the new rabbinate building, now the Jewish Documentation Center on Wolfsthalplatz
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Treibgasse 24
( location )
Administration building Two-storey gable roof building with eaves, historicist with Gothic shapes, 1865 D-6-61-000-307 Administration building
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Treibgasse 32
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Agatha Hall church of the 12th century, in the 14th / 15th centuries In the 19th century, side aisles and a polygonal choir were added; after being destroyed in the war in 1948/49, reconstruction with the addition of modern elements 1960–1962; with equipment D-6-61-000-308 Catholic Parish Church of St. Agatha
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Wermbachstrasse 15
( location )
Schönborner Hof Three-wing complex of two-storey buildings with a hipped roof around an inner courtyard, with flanking towers and columned portal, 1673–1681 by Matthias von Saarburg D-6-61-000-325 Schönborner Hof
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Wermbachstrasse 28
( location )
Former post office Asymmetrical tailcoat roof with arcade to the side, southern end of the Freihofplatz, 1955/56 D-6-61-000-302 Former post office
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The old town cemetery ( Lage ) (address Güterberg 12 and 14) was created in 1809 and later expanded several times. Particularly noteworthy are:

  • The morgue with vestibule and tower, historicizing, 1913 ( location )
  • Numerous grave monuments and crypt chapels from classicism to late art nouveau and historicism
  • The war memorial with the figure of the risen one, inscribed "1923–1924", by Ludwig Sonnleitner ( Lage )

File number: D-6-61-000-105.

The Schöntal Landscape Park ( Lage ) (address Hofgartenstraße 1, 1a and 3) is an English-style park, laid out under Elector Archbishop Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal in 1780 by court gardener Friedrich Ludwig Sckell, in place of a zoo laid out between 1440 and 1450. Associated parts are:

  • The ruins of the Church of the Holy Tomb of the Beguine Monastery, which burned down in 1552 ( Lage ).
  • The former orangery, later used as a cinema and now as a cabaret stage (see file number D-6-61-000-126).
  • The statue of Hercules ( location ).
  • Remains of the city wall with the tavern tower as well as the lakes, streams and the valley, the former city moat (see file number D-6-61-000-2).
File number: D-6-61-000-268.
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Hofgartenstraße 1, 1 a, in the Schöntal
( location )
Former orangery One-storey elongated hipped roof building with arched window doors, at right-angled utility wing, by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen at the end of the 18th century D-6-61-000-126 Former orangery
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Bodelschwinghstraße 14
( location )
Rental house Three-storey exposed brick building with yellow clinker brick and red sandstone structures, central stepped gable and side bay window, Renaissance historicism, 1895 D-6-61-000-557 Rental house
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Brentanoplatz 10
( location )
Catholic chapel of Saints Clemens and Felix of the Maria Ward School Elevated steel frame construction with flat roof and external supports, 1967–1968 by Heinrich Kaupp; with equipment D-6-61-000-423 Catholic chapel of Saints Clemens and Felix of the Maria Ward School
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Brentanoplatz 12
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Rental house Three-storey mansard roof building in corner position with grooved ground floor, colossal structure on the upper floors, bay window to Brentanoplatz and mid-house gables, classicizing historicism, inscribed "1927" D-6-61-000-505 Rental house
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Brentanostraße 2, Schweinheimer Straße 11
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Stone figure of two school girls On the stairs of the Brentano School, 1955 by Wilhelm Kottenrodt D-6-61-000-604 Stone figure of two school girls
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Bustellistraße 4
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City villa Two-storey hipped roof building with decorative gable and polygonal corner tower from 1906, in the forms of the German Renaissance, 1903 D-6-61-000-18 City villa
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Cunibertstrasse 4
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Small villa Two-storey half-hipped roof building with half-timbered knee floor on a high basement, by Johann Scheuermann 1905 D-6-61-000-19 Small villa
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Cunibertstrasse 6, 8
( location )
Duplex Two-storey mansard roof building with two clearly protruding mid-level houses and oriels, reduced historical, by Johann Scheuermann, 1907/08

Enclosure wall

D-6-61-000-20 Duplex
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Deschstrasse 1
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey mansard roof building with wide gable and arched entrance, classicist Art Nouveau, by Ernst Haun, 1914; In the corner, it forms an assembly with the buildings Lindenallee 3 and 1, which are adjacent to the left D-6-61-000-41 Residential and commercial building
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Duccastraße 4
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Tenement house Three-storey mansard roof with a central bay window and red sandstone structures, Art Nouveau, by Friedrich Selbert, 1907 D-6-61-000-43 Tenement house
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Elisenstrasse 7, Elisenstrasse 9
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Duplex Three-storey with a hipped roof and central projections, late classicist style, 1869 D-6-61-000-46 Duplex
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Elisenstrasse 30
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Administration building of the former Bundesbahn, now Deutsche Bahn Three-storey sandstone block building with historical structure in red sandstone, 1900 D-6-61-000-376 Administration building of the former Bundesbahn, now Deutsche Bahn
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Erthalstraße 5
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Residential building Three-storey saddle roof structure, brick with sandstone structures, central projection with balcony, neo-renaissance, 1892 by Hermann Reichard D-6-61-000-51 Residential building
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Erthalstraße 7
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Residential building Three-storey mansard roof building with a central projectile and balconies, bricks with sandstone structures, neo-Renaissance, 1896 D-6-61-000-52 Residential building
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Erthalstraße 11, Erthalstraße 13
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Duplex Three-storey sandstone block construction with stone balconies, stepped gables and tower-like half-timbered structures, neo-Gothic, 1892 by Franz and Roman Woerner D-6-61-000-53 Duplex
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Erthalstraße 12
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Residential and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building, asymmetrically designed facade with bay window and gable, brick with sandstone structures, inscribed "1896" by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-54 Residential and commercial building
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Friedrichstrasse 15
( location )
Residential and commercial building In a corner, three-storey saddle roof building with risalits, mid-house, bay windows and balconies, sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1892 by August Hock D-6-61-000-59 Residential and commercial building
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Friedrichstrasse 19
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Former villa Two-storey building with gently sloping pitched roofs and a three-storey tower-like section, late Classicist, 1874 based on plans by Josef Zwisler; instead of the so-called torture tower D-6-61-000-60 Former villa
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Friedrichstrasse 33, 35, 37
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Tenement group Three four-story saddle roof buildings with Art Nouveau facades, 1906 based on plans by Heinrich Morhard D-6-61-000-61 Tenement group
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Frohsinnstrasse 1
( location )
Rental and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof construction with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1896 D-6-61-000-64 Rental and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 2
( location )
Rental apartment and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof building with bay window, historicizing facade, around 1890; see. Ensemble Friedrichstrasse / Weißenburger Strasse D-6-61-000-65 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 3
( location )
Rental apartment and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof construction with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1896 D-6-61-000-66 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 5
( location )
Rental apartment and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building, brick with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1893 by Hermann Reichard D-6-61-000-67 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 7
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Rental apartment and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building, brick with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1894 by Hermann Reichard D-6-61-000-68 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 8
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Rental apartment and commercial building Narrow four-storey saddle roof building with bay window, bricks with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, by Johann Scheuermann, 1904 D-6-61-000-69 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 9
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey mansard roof building with a slightly protruding central building with side risalits, balconies and bay windows, sandstone structures, historicizing Art Nouveau, 1904 by H. Morhard D-6-61-000-70 Residential and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 10
( location )
Rental apartment and commercial building Four-storey saddle roof building, facade with sandstone structure in the neo-renaissance style, 1896 D-6-61-000-71 Rental apartment and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 11
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hotel Seven-storey reinforced concrete skeleton building with a flat roof, with an inclined tower-like staircase and yellow clinker cladding, 1955/56 by Karl Rothaug D-6-61-000-417 hotel
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Frohsinnstrasse 17
( location )
Residential and commercial building Six-storey reinforced concrete construction with flat roof and roof terrace, 1954 by Werner Schlauersbach D-6-61-000-481 Residential and commercial building
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Frohsinnstrasse 25
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey mansard roof building with a symmetrical facade with bay windows and balconies, sandstone structures, baroque historicism, inscribed "1896" D-6-61-000-72 Residential and commercial building
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Goethestraße 21
( location )
Tenement house Three-storey corner building, with a tower-like corner bay window and ornamental gables, bricks with sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1898 by Hermann Reichard; together with Schwindstrasse 18 and Goethestrasse 23 D-6-61-000-77 Tenement house
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Goethestrasse 23
( location )
Tenement house Three-storey brick building with sandstone structures, risalit and ornamental gable, historicistic, 1898/99 by Hermann Reichard; in continuation of the corner building Goethestrasse 21 with Schwindstrasse 18 D-6-61-000-480 Tenement house
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Goldbacher Strasse, am Fuchsenberg
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crossroads Rebuilt in 1949 D-6-61-000-82 crossroads
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Near Goldbacher Strasse; am Fuchsenberg
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Picture house Made of granite stones, niche with a replica of the original Vesper picture, 1964 D-6-61-000-83 Picture house
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Goldbacher Straße 1, Weißenburger Straße 2, 4, 6, 8
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Group of four-storey residential and commercial buildings With saddle roof, facades with ornamental gables, bay windows and balconies, sandstone structures, historicist, inscribed "1898", by brothers Franz and Roman Woerner; also belonging to Goldbacher Straße 1 D-6-61-000-317 Group of four-storey residential and commercial buildings
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Goldbacher Straße 5
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Rental and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building with gable and wrought-iron balconies, neo-baroque, by Franz & Roman Woerner, 1897 D-6-61-000-79 Rental and commercial building
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Goldbacher Strasse 14
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with a dwelling, sandstone building with ashlar elements, late Classicist, 1852 D-6-61-000-80 Residential building
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Grandmother meadow
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Monument to King Ludwig I. Antique aedicula made of Kelheim limestone with a bust of Ludwig the First on a Hermen pillar made of Untersberg marble, substructure with fountain made of light gray granite, late Classicist, inscribed "1897", by architect Paul Pfann and sculptor Ernst Pfeifer D-6-61-000-84 Monument to King Ludwig I.
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Grünewaldstrasse 1
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Tenement house Three-storey hipped roof building in corner position, with grooved corner pilasters, richly structured oriel to the west and curved gable, neo-baroque, inscribed "1906" D-6-61-000-92 Tenement house
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Grünewaldstrasse 7
( location )
Villa Desch Two- and three-storey, multifariously structured conglomerate building in a corner position with towers, bay windows and Söllern, neo-Gothic, inscribed “1902”, by Caspar Schmelzer. For a while in the 1950s, it was the seat of the city archive D-6-61-000-93 Villa Desch
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Grünewaldstrasse 9
( location )
City villa Two-storey mansard roof building, variously structured with corner tower, decorative gables and bay windows, neo-baroque, around 1905 by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-94 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 11
( location )
City villa Two-storey hipped roof building with ornamental gable, yellow brick and red sandstone structures, historicistic, inscribed "1900", by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-95 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 12
( location )
gym Saddle roof building with transverse head building with entrance projections with half-hipped roofs, various additions and side gates, Art Nouveau, 1904 by Heinrich Morhard D-6-61-000-96 gym
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Grünewaldstrasse 13
( location )
City villa Two-storey hipped roof building with stair tower, gable, bay window and söller, red sandstone structures, 1904 by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-97 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 15
( location )
City villa Two-storey hipped mansard roof building with a stair tower, gable and balcony, yellow brick with red sandstone integration, neo-renaissance, 1899 by Adam Schneider D-6-61-000-98 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 17
( location )
City villa Two-storey brick building with corner tower and risalits with ornamental gables, sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, 1902 by Adam Schneider D-6-61-000-99 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 18
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Karl-Theodor-von-Dalberg-Gymnasium, originally a girls' high school Three-storey, grouped buildings in corner positions, richly structured and sculpturally adorned with female figures such as holy women, empresses etc., by Franz Rank, inscribed "1906" D-6-61-000-100 Karl-Theodor-von-Dalberg-Gymnasium, originally a girls' high school
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Grünewaldstrasse 19
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City villa Two-storey mansard roof building with tower and gables, sandstone structures and half-timbering, historicistic, 1897 by A. Becker D-6-61-000-101 City villa
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Grünewaldstrasse 20; in the garden of the Karl-Theodor-von-Dalberg-Gymnasium
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Picture house Brick and plastered, with a picture niche, 19th century D-6-61-000-104 Picture house
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Grünewaldstrasse 20
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So-called gentile house, villa, now a museum Half-timbered building with a steep pitched roof, corner tower, bay window and arbor, 1922 by Anton Gentil; with outbuildings and fencing D-6-61-000-102 So-called gentile house, villa, now a museum
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Grünewaldstrasse 27
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City villa Two-storey hipped mansard roof building with a semicircular tower-like bay window, neo-baroque, by Hans Wild, 1913 D-6-61-000-103 City villa
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Hanauer Straße 8
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Tenement house Three-storey building with one-sided hip, gable and bay window, Art Nouveau, early 20th century D-6-61-000-110 Tenement house
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Hanauer Straße 21
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Villa Karolina Two-storey brick building in a corner, with ornamental gables, staircase tower and Söller, sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, built in 1889 D-6-61-000-111 Villa Karolina
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Herrleinstraße 23
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey sandstone block building in a corner position with gabled risalits and flat bay windows, 1908 D-6-61-000-510 Residential and commercial building
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Herrleinstraße 43
( location )
Rental house Three-storey mansard roof building with a wide risalit, grooved ground floor and colossal pilasters, column portal, balcony and gable, baroque style, 1910, by Heinrich Morhard (Darmstadt) D-6-61-000-506 Rental house
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Hettingerstraße 25
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Tenement house Three-storey mansard roof building with a column-flanked central projection and volute gable, neo-baroque, 1909 D-6-61-000-125 Tenement house
Hofgartenstrasse 6
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Clinic at the Hofgarten Three-storey mansard roof building with rusticated ground floor and central projection, baroque historicism, 1913 by Heinrich Morhard D-6-61-000-127 Clinic at the Hofgarten
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Hofgartenstrasse 12
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Residential building Two-storey, eaves-standing sandstone cuboid building with a gable roof and rear gable, late Classicist, 1878/80 by Caspar Schmelzer D-6-61-000-1 Residential building
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Kirchhofweg 6
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Jewish Cemetery Established in 1890, tombstones from the 19th and early 20th centuries; see. Güterberg D-6-61-000-138 Jewish Cemetery
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Kirchhofweg 6
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Tahara house around 1900 D-6-61-000-138 Tahara house
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On the pilgrimage route to Walldürn, corner of Lamprechtstrasse
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Picture house Base with picture niche, in it a painted panel by Adalbert Hock, crowned by a Caravaca cross , second half of the 19th century D-6-61-000-185 Picture house
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Leinerstraße 2 a
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Tenement house Three-storey saddle roof building with a dwelling and bay window, Gothicizing historicism, inscribed "1902" D-6-61-000-153 Tenement house
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Lindenallee 1, 3
( location )
Tenement group Two three-story, multi-part Art Nouveau buildings, inscribed in 1909 and 1910 by Heinrich Morhard; Group with Deschstrasse 1 D-6-61-000-154 Tenement group
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Lindenallee 12
( location )
City villa Two-storey building with half hip and annexes, reduced historicizing Heimatstil, 1907 by Becker and Scholl D-6-61-000-155 City villa
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Lindenallee 14
( location )
City villa Three-storey, multi-part, half-hipped roof building in a corner position with risalits, basement and balcony, historicist with Art Nouveau motifs, 1910 by Heinrich Morhard D-6-61-000-156 City villa
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Lindenallee 26
( location )
City villa Richly grouped saddle roof building, 1909/10 by Anton Gentil with Reichard and Wild

With outbuildings and fencing

D-6-61-000-157 City villa
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Ludwigstrasse 5
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Multi-family residential and commercial building Five-storey mansard roof building made of red sandstone with a historicizing facade, around 1910 D-6-61-000-164 Multi-family residential and commercial building
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Ludwigstrasse 7
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Residential and commercial building Saddle roof construction, asymmetrical facade structure with balconies, bay windows and dwarf house, historicistic, around 1900 D-6-61-000-166 Residential and commercial building
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Ludwigstrasse 8
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Former goods handling of the change station of the royal Bavarian Ludwigs-Westbahn and Hessen, today the bus station Main building, three-storey cubic sandstone building with a pyramid roof, in the manner of a Renaissance palazzo, 1853–1854 by Gottfried Neureuther D-6-61-000-165 Former goods handling of the change station of the royal Bavarian Ludwigs-Westbahn and Hessen, today the bus station
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Ludwigstrasse 17
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Residential and commercial building Four-storey reinforced concrete skeleton construction with a gable roof, a suspended roof over the shop area and protruding cornice, with overbuilt gate passage, in front of it on the western gable wall a mosaic picture by Aloys Bergmann-Franken, around 1955, associated rear wing structures D-6-61-000-583 Residential and commercial building
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Ludwigstrasse 19
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Residence, birthplace of the painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880–1938) Two-storey saddle roof building with a dwelling and a cast-iron balcony, late classicist style, 1861 D-6-61-000-167 Residence, birthplace of the painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880–1938)
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( location )
So-called Määkuh Chain ship , arched iron hull of the former steam-powered tugboat, 1902; temporarily on the left bank of the Main below the waterworks under a portal crane D-6-61-000-397 So-called Määkuh
Müllerstrasse 2
( location )
Former Hessian railway operations buildings, administration buildings and engine sheds Two-tone sandstone blocks with a gable roof, 1853/54 (?) D-6-61-000-394 Former Hessian railway operations buildings, administration buildings and engine sheds
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Münchstrasse 12; Ziegelbergstrasse 14
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Tenement house In the corner, two-storey, multi-part mansard roof building, baroque historicism, by Johann Scheuermann, 1914 D-6-61-000-181 Tenement house
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Suicardusstraße, formerly part of the Royal Civil List, today part of the Kleine Metzgergasse 5 property
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Portal construction With staircase and terrace, 1808 by Wolfgang Streiter D-6-61-000-383 Portal construction
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Pompejanumstraße 1
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Residential building Three-storey villa-like corner building with a tower-like narrow side and hipped roof with belvedere, historicist, 1890 by Willi Weidmann D-6-61-000-415 Residential building
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Pompejanumstraße 2
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villa Two-storey, multi-part brick building with corner tower and ornamental gable, neo-Renaissance, by HJ Henfling, inscribed "1900"


D-6-61-000-200 villa
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Pompejanumstraße 4
( location )
villa Two-storey brick building with bay window, tower and ornamental gable, sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, by Adam Schneider, 1900


D-6-61-000-201 villa
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Saarstrasse 2
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Catholic Sacred Heart Church Three-aisled choir tower church made of red sandstone, 1929 by Albert Boßlet; with equipment D-6-61-000-213 Catholic Sacred Heart Church
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Schweinheimer Strasse 11
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pavilion Kiosk with bus stop and integrated transformer house as well as toilet facilities, one-story building on a polygonal floor plan with a wide cantilevered flat roof, around 1960 D-6-61-000-435 pavilion
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Schweinheimer Strasse 34
( location )
Production building of the Güldner-Motoren-Gesellschaft (later Linde AG), workshop I. Elongated 28-axis brick hall with a basilical cross-section, two-storey sides with pilaster structure, 1907, front side after being destroyed in the war in 1948 by Karl Jung D-6-61-000-551 Production building of the Güldner-Motoren-Gesellschaft (later Linde AG), workshop I.
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Werkstrasse 2
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Apparatus house of the former gas works Red sandstone block construction with arched windows, 1903/04 D-6-61-000-524 Apparatus house of the former gas works
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Schwindstrasse 18
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Tenement house Three-storey brick building with sandstone structures, risalit and ornamental gable, historicistic, 1898/99 by H. Reichard; in continuation of the corner building Goethestrasse 21 and 23 D-6-61-000-275 Tenement house
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Near Weißenburger Straße
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crossroads Crucifix on an altar-like base, 1661; moved here from Hanauer Strasse D-6-61-000-62 crossroads
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Weißenburger Strasse 12
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Commercial building In a corner position, four-storey with a gable roof, with a curved front at the fork in the street, reduced historicism, around 1910 D-6-61-000-318 Commercial building
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Weißenburger Strasse 26
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building with central projectile, loggia and balconies, Art Nouveau, 1904 by Eugen Drollinger D-6-61-000-319 Residential and commercial building
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Weißenburger Strasse 36
( location )
Residential and commercial building In the corner, four-storey saddle roof construction, brick and sandstone structures, facade in the style of the German neo-Renaissance, at the corner balconies with neo-baroque iron bars, around 1890/1900 D-6-61-000-320 Residential and commercial building
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Weißenburger Strasse 40
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Apartment building Four-storey mansard roof building, facade with colossal pilasters and bay windows, sandstone structures, baroque historicism, around 1910 D-6-61-000-321 Apartment building
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Weißenburger Strasse 50
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Apartment building Four-storey corner building with a mansard hipped roof and large dwarf house, bay window, sandstone sections, neo-baroque, inscribed "1906" D-6-61-000-322 Apartment building
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Weißenburger Strasse 58
( location )
Tenement house Four-storey saddle roof building with gabled central projectile and balcony, sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, around 1895 D-6-61-000-323 Tenement house
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Weißenburger Strasse 60
( location )
Tenement house Four-storey gable roof building, brick with sandstone structures, cantilevered bay windows and balconies, neo-renaissance, around 1900 D-6-61-000-324 Tenement house
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Würzburger Strasse 12
( location )
Tenement house Three-storey hipped roof building made of yellow brick with facade structures made of red sandstone, with balconies, neo-renaissance, around 1900 D-6-61-000-326 Tenement house
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Würzburger Strasse 24; Würzburger Strasse 26; Würzburger Strasse 28
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Tenement group Three- and four-story gable roof buildings with asymmetrically designed facades and gables, sandstone structures, historicistic, by Adam Schneider, 1903 D-6-61-000-327 Tenement group
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Würzburger Straße 27, 29
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Rental house Two-wing, three-storey brick building with a gable roof in corner position with oriel towers and gabled risalit, brick with sandstone integration, historicist, inscribed "1906" D-6-61-000-426 Rental house
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Würzburger Strasse 33
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Tenement house Four-storey mansard roof building on the eaves with a gabled central projection, house integrations, historicistic, by Johann Scheuermann, inscribed "1907" D-6-61-000-328 Tenement house
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Würzburger Strasse 34
( location )
Tenement house Three-storey in a corner position, with a hipped roof on one side, central projectile with ornamental gable and balcony, yellow brick with red sandstone structures, neo-renaissance, by Adam Schneider, 1897 D-6-61-000-329 Tenement house
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Würzburger Strasse 38
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Residential and commercial building with shop Three-storey mansard roof building, yellow brick with sandstone structures, 1894 D-6-61-000-405 Residential and commercial building with shop
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Würzburger Straße 40, 42
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Former Munich court, residential and commercial building Four-storey gable roof building with two curved gables and bay windows, sandstone structures, historicistic, 1904 D-6-61-000-330 Former Munich court, residential and commercial building
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Würzburger Strasse 45
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Former hunter barracks, today a university Group of different, partly multi-wing buildings (Buildings 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 24 and 26) around a four-sided barracks courtyard, brick with sandstone sections, historicistic, 1894/96; Buildings 20 and 21, Art Nouveau, around 1915

Historic fencing partially preserved

D-6-61-000-384 Former hunter barracks, today a university
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Würzburger Strasse 48
( location )
Residential and commercial building Three-storey mansard roof building with tower-like corner projections with balcony and pointed helmet, brick with sandstone structures, neo-Renaissance, Franz & Roman Woerner, 1897 D-6-61-000-331 Residential and commercial building
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Würzburger Strasse 54
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Rental house Three-storey mansard roof with a polygonal bay tower, brick and sandstone structures, by Franz and Roman Woerner, 1895, with enclosure D-6-61-000-499 Rental house
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Würzburger Strasse 58
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Suburban villa Two-storey hipped roof building with tower-like corner projections with balcony, in neo-baroque shapes, Franz & Roman Woerner, 1894 D-6-61-000-332 Suburban villa
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Ziegelbergstrasse 1
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Pompejanum, former royal villa On a large terrace with retaining walls, staggered assembly with terraces, stairs and atrium courtyard, commissioned by King Ludwig I, 1840–1848 by Friedrich von Gärtner based on the idealized antique house of Castor and Pollux in Pompeii D-6-61-000-232 Pompejanum, former royal villa
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Ziegelbergstraße 1, park between the palace and Pompejanum
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Castle garden 18.-20. Century; with pillar fence, ravine, figures of gods at Pompejanum D-6-61-000-229 Castle garden
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Ziegelbergstrasse 1
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Guard house Single-storey building with a gently sloping gable roof, built in 1869, extended in 1883; belonging to the Pompejanum D-6-61-000-333 Guard house
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Ziegelbergstrasse 2
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villa Two-storey multi-part brick building with sandstone structure, tower and corner bay window with hood, upper floor with ornamental framework, neo-renaissance and Swiss house style, inscribed "1900"; with front yard D-6-61-000-334 villa
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Ziegelbergstrasse 4
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villa Two-storey multi-part building with tower, sandstone structures, neo-Gothic, inscribed "1900" D-6-61-000-335 villa
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Between Friedrichstrasse and Weißenburger Strasse
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War memorial for 1870/71 Obelisk on base, granite, with inscription, around 1925 D-6-61-000-63 War memorial for 1870/71
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Pheasantry / Godelsberg

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Am Hasenkopf 2
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Concrete sculpture figure Five meter high cubic composition, 1974 by Hans Steinbrenner D-6-61-000-555 Concrete sculpture figure
Bismarckallee 1
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Hunters house in the former pheasantry Two-storey building with a hip roof with a dwelling, by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen, around 1780 D-6-61-000-11 Hunters house in the former pheasantry
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Bismarckallee 1, Bismarckallee 1 a, Bismarckallee 3, Bismarckallee 3 a, Bismarckallee 5, Fasaneriestraße 33
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Former pheasantry Landscape park in the east of the city with paths, a pond, hunting star and hunting buildings, laid out under Elector Friedrich Karl von Erthal in 1779 D-6-61-000-10 Former pheasantry
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Bismarckallee 5
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Former hunt manager's house, now an inn Two-storey eaves half-hipped roof, by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen, end of the 18th century

Behind the ruins of the arsenal, also by d'Herigoyen, end of the 18th century (today added to the hall)

D-6-61-000-12 Former hunt manager's house, now an inn
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Bismarckallee 52
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Residential building In a corner position, two-storey saddle roof building with crooked hip and side staircase extension, round bay windows and arbors, with enclosure wall, reduced historicizing Heimatstil, 1909 by Alois Scheuermann D-6-61-000-411 Residential building
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In the pheasantry, at the so-called Andriansplätze
( location )
Andrian monument Truncated column with inscriptions, in memory of the 20-year-old "forest candidate" Ferdinand Anton Freiherr von Andrian, who fell in a duel with the Würzburg student Johann Baptist Berg in 1824, around 1825 D-6-61-000-14 Andrian monument
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On the Godelsberg
( location )
Kippenburg Artificial ruins, by Adam Kipp 1839 D-6-61-000-163 Kippenburg
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( location )
Devil's pulpit Rock formation designed as a lookout point with carved stairs and iron railings, mid-19th century D-6-61-000-498 Devil's pulpit
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Near Godelsberg
( location )
Stone bench Curved back wall with laurel-wreathed inscription medallion, laterally spherical attachments, sandstone, inscribed "1912", by Kratz D-6-61-000-497 Stone bench
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At the Krämersgrund; Near Ludwigsallee
( location )
Stone cross Simply made of red sandstone without a body, inscribed "1681" and "1833" on the base D-6-61-000-338 Stone cross
Ludwigsallee 2
( location )
Grünewald School Five-part assembly with saddle roofs consisting of two three-storey schoolroom buildings, a gym and lower intermediate wings, with green outdoor areas, 1954/55; with equipment D-6-61-000-482 Grünewald School
Ludwigsallee, at the beginning of Bismarckallee, near the entrance to Kronberg-Gymnasium
( location )
Vacation picture stick Brick pillar, top with gable roof and painted panel, around 1800 D-6-61-000-13 Vacation picture stick
Goldbacher Straße 73
( location )
Picture house Bricked and plastered with a niche, 17th century D-6-61-000-81 Picture house
Near Ludwigsallee, near the Ludwigsäule
( location )
Picture house Brick and plastered pillar with picture niche and painted St. Urbanus, probably 19th century D-6-61-000-162 Picture house
Near Ludwigsallee
( location )
Ludwig Column Obelisk-like monument made of red sandstone, in honor of King Ludwig I, erected in 1843 by the city of Aschaffenburg D-6-61-000-161 Ludwig Column
Gentilstrasse 2
( location )
So-called gentile castle Picturesque villa, saddle roof building with tower and annexes, historicizing, built in 1933 for Anton Gentil; with equipment, garden, gardener's house, gate house, surrounding wall, garden sculptures D-6-61-000-75 So-called gentile castle
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Antoniusstraße 1
( location )
Agricultural Office and Agricultural School Two-storey mansard hipped roof building with corner blocks and three-storey central wing, baroque historicism, 1910/11; with garage from 1928 D-6-61-000-5 Agricultural Office and Agricultural School
Aschaff; Dorfstrasse
( location )
Bridge over the Aschaff Two-bay concrete bridge with lampposts, marked "1913" D-6-61-000-388 Bridge over the Aschaff
Dorfstrasse 1
( location )
Former administration building of the Dämmer Steingutfabrik (1827–1884), then the Gasthaus Zum green Baum Two-storey hipped roof building with a dwelling, plastered half-timbering and sandstone cuboids, classicistic, first half of the 19th century D-6-61-000-386 Former administration building of the Dämmer Steingutfabrik (1827–1884), then the Gasthaus Zum green Baum
Dorfstrasse 5
( location )
Former Michaels Chapel Hall building closed on three sides with a half-hipped roof, 1580, renovated in 1665 and 1714 D-6-61-000-387 Former Michaels Chapel
Haidstrasse 15
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent half-timbered building with a protruding upper storey, labeled "1730" D-6-61-000-108 Residential building
Haidstrasse 31
( location )
farm Two-storey gable roof construction, half-timbering, outbuildings and barn made of quarry stone masonry, second half of the 18th century D-6-61-000-398 farm
Mainaschaffer Straße 113
( location )
Clothing factory Three-storey reinforced concrete skeleton structure with columns tapering towards the bottom and tower-like staircase construction with flat roofs, designed in 1955 by Werner Schlauersbach

Production hall with shed roofs

D-6-61-000-432 Clothing factory
( location )
crossroads Crucifix on an altar-like base, red sandstone, 1953 instead of a previous cross D-6-61-000-273 crossroads
Strietwaldstraße, corner of Mühlstraße
( location )
crossroads On an altar-like base, red sandstone, probably from the middle of the 19th century, with a cast iron body D-6-61-000-274 crossroads
Mittelstrasse 42
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael Tower of the neo-Gothic building from 1874/77, hall building with receding pillars, 1951 by Michael Niedermeier ; with equipment D-6-61-000-179 Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael
Near Kahlgrundstraße, in front of the motorway underpass
( location )
crossroads Crucifix on an altar-like base with inscription, body as a three-nail type, inscribed "1760" D-6-61-000-128 crossroads
Corner of Mühlstrasse and Wilhelmstrasse
( location )
Wayside cross, so-called confessor Crucifix on an altar-like base, made of red sandstone, inscribed "1750" D-6-61-000-109 Wayside cross, so-called confessor
Paulusstraße 15
( location )
Evangelical-Lutheran rectory of the Pauluskirche Two-storey plastered gable roof building, 1926, modified in 1954 D-6-61-000-543 Evangelical-Lutheran rectory of the Pauluskirche
Paulusstraße 17
( location )
Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul Sandstone cuboid construction, hall building with apse and tower as well as atrium-like forecourt, 1932/33, rebuilt by 1954 after heavy destruction D-6-61-000-543 Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul
( location )
Schönberg memorial War memorial for the fallen of the First World War , round substructure with pentagonal canopy made of stone arcades with pyramid roof, therein figure of St. Michael by Ludwig Sonnleitner, 1925/26 D-6-61-000-596 Schönberg memorial
Schwalbenrainweg 46
( location )
Former paper mill Two-storey hipped mansard roof, marked "1797" D-6-61-000-382 Former paper mill


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Aschaffenburger Straße 3
( location )
Residential building Two-storey half-timbered building with a crooked hip, 18./19. century D-6-61-000-350 Residential building
Dörrmorsbacher Straße 53 a
( location )
Stone crucifix With body as high relief, red sandstone, around 1600, attachment in the form of a small cross, inscribed “1632” (possibly from a tomb); formerly at the old military cemetery, since 1971 in the funeral hall D-6-61-000-355 Stone crucifix
Glaserstraße 3, Glaserstraße 5
( location )
Catholic parish center Sankt Matthäus Kuratiekirche Sankt Matthäus, building on a slope in two levels, Kuratiekirche on a triangular floor plan over a rectangular substructure with community facilities, concrete and brick, campanile, concrete, 1967/68 by Erich Roth, with furnishings

associated rectory, single-storey flat roof building

D-6-61-000-546 Catholic parish center Sankt Matthäus
Mittelwald; in the forest department Binsenhäg
( location )
Wayside shrine Base with a round-arched top, relief of the Madonna in the protective mantle, sandstone, 1947 D-6-61-000-356 Wayside shrine
Near Dörrmorsbacher Straße
( location )
Cemetery cross Red sandstone base and cross, Corpus sandstone, 19th century D-6-61-000-430 Cemetery cross
( location )
Wayside shrine Square shaft with protruding, arched cover stone, latticed niche, industrial stone, mid-20th century D-6-61-000-354 Wayside shrine
Stengertsweg, next to the sports field
( location )
Picture house Squat brick and plastered pillar with picture niche, 18th century D-6-61-000-352 Picture house
Stengertsweg 5
( location )
Former school house Two-storey half-timbered building with a historic entrance arbor, 1803 D-6-61-000-389 Former school house
Kaiselberg, in Haberfeld, on Blumenstrasse
( location )
Wayside shrine Square shaft with a house-like top with little gable and three niches, sandstone, 19th century D-6-71-124-8 (municipality border to Haibach, therefore Haibach number) BW


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Brunnengasse 2
( location )
Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Luke Simple building with roof turret, 1350, extended around 1580 and 1866/67; with equipment D-6-61-000-17 Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Luke
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Egerer Strasse
( location )
Wayside shrine With curved gable and barred niche, Pietà made of fired clay, probably around 1650, shaft renewed D-6-61-000-490 Wayside shrine
Hafenbahnhofstrasse 15 to 27; Seegrundstrasse 1
( location )
Port administration with residential buildings Group of seven two-story hipped roof buildings in the Baroque style of the Heimat, 1918–1921 by the Würzburg Railway Directorate; associated outbuilding; with Seegrundstrasse 1 D-6-61-000-399 Port administration with residential buildings
Harbor basin II; Near harbor basin II
( location )
Slewing crane With a one-hip chassis on rails on the banked quay, with a fixed boom above the driver's cab, 1921 from MAN; with technical equipment D-6-61-000-437 Slewing crane
Close to Industriestrasse; Near Kohlenkaistraße; Between Augasse and Kohlenkaistraße
( location )
Depot of the port railway Single-storey administration and storage building with a hipped roof, workshop building with a basilical cross-section, and steel structure, transformer house, water tower and engine shed with turntable, built in 1921 in connection with the state port; with technical equipment and feeder tracks D-6-61-000-483 Depot of the port railway
Kirchstrasse 14
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Laurentius Hipped roof building with gabled vestibule and portico, bell tower attached to the south, reduced historicism with three naves, 1921–1923 by Hans and Christoph Rummel, Frankfurt / M; with equipment D-6-61-000-139 Catholic parish church of St. Laurentius
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Kirchstrasse 16
( location )
Rectory of the Catholic parish church Sankt Laurentius Single-storey hipped roof building with a raised base made of sandstone ashlars, entrance projectile, flat arched bay window and dwarf house, 1920 by Hans and Christoph Rummel (Frankfurt) D-6-61-000-491 Rectory of the Catholic parish church Sankt Laurentius
Corner of Leiderer Stadtweg
( location )
Former infirmary chapel Small hipped roof building, late Gothic, around 1500, modified in 1747

Thereby wayside shrine

D-6-61-000-129 Former infirmary chapel
Near Werftstrasse
( location )
Harbor crane On a mobile base with a wood-paneled driver's cab and fixed arm, around 1910; with technical equipment; originally on a half portal on the quay D-6-61-000-438 Harbor crane
Ruhlandstrasse 4
( location )
Former shepherd and parish house One-storey half-hipped roof construction, half-timbered, around 1800 D-6-61-000-379 Former shepherd and parish house
Ruhlandstraße 40
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent half-timbered house with gable roof, 1710 (dendrochronologically dated) D-6-61-000-380 Residential building
Ruhlandstrasse 44
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent half-hipped roof building with half-timbered upper storey, early 18th century D-6-61-000-381 Residential building
Ruhlandstraße 46
( location )
Former school from Leider Two-storey gable roof construction made of red sandstone, around 1900, with Art Nouveau roof turret around 1912 by Anton Vogt

Extension plastered

D-6-61-000-211 Former school from Leider
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Ruhlandstraße 72
( location )
Former Jesuit court Four-wing system with two-storey hipped roof buildings, with a large entrance gate, end of the 18th century D-6-61-000-212 Former Jesuit court


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Aschaffenburg Süd - Aschaffenburg-Nilkheim railway line; Near Nilkheimer Bahnhofstraße
( location )
bunker Former machine gun position No. 224 of the so-called Wetterau-Main-Tauber position, built into the loading ramp of the station, 1936 D-6-61-000-479 bunker
Erlenweg 1, south of the confluence of the Kastanienweg, north of the road
( location )
Wayside shrine Top richly framed aedicula with relief of Christ's second footfall, base with coats of arms of the Merkel and Hepp families, around 1710, renovated in 2000, sandstone D-6-61-000-86 Wayside shrine
Corner of Großostheimer Straße
( location )
Monument to Father Bernhard Stone stele with half-figure relief and inscription, inscribed "1931" by Otto Gentil D-6-61-000-267 Monument to Father Bernhard
Großostheimer Straße 170
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Kilian, formerly St. Dionys Small hall with a gable roof, roof turret and polygonal choir, lintel marked “1720”; inaugurated again in 1895 after restoration; with equipment D-6-61-000-89 Catholic Chapel of St. Kilian, formerly St. Dionys
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Großostheimer Straße 170, on the northeast side of the chapel
( location )
Wayside shrine Top with a relief of Christ before Pontius Pilate , the coat of arms of the Bertremoville family on the base, sandstone, around 1710 D-6-61-000-90 Wayside shrine
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Großostheimer Straße 170, at the apex of the chapel
( location )
Image of Mary Sandstone figure, on a baluster-like base with inscription cartouche, Rococo, donated by Mathes Morhard in 1754 D-6-61-000-91 Image of Mary
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Großostheimer Straße 199
( location )
Nilkheimer Park on the site of the former estate Remodeled between 1780 and 1830

Nilkheim Pavilion, around 1830–1835, amphiprostylos with Ionic columns

Billiard hall, rectangular building with hipped roof; Monopteros with six columns

Further equipment: Hermes statue, obelisk, two posts of a swing, stone fountain, sphinx, benches

D-6-61-000-87 Nilkheimer Park on the site of the former estate
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Großostheimer Straße 201
( location )
Nilkheimer Hof, today garden and cemetery office Four-sided courtyard complex of single-storey half-hipped roof buildings, two barns and courtyard gate, the left post with a lion and putto, expanded into an agricultural model estate by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen from 1782, redesigned 1969–1970

Dovecote, classicist central building with column portico and round tower, around 1800

D-6-61-000-88 Nilkheimer Hof, today garden and cemetery office
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( location )
Railway bridge over the Main Foreshore bridges with two arched yokes made of red sandstone, river bridge with two steel lattice girders with curved top chord on sandstone piers, 1909–1910 D-6-61-000-434 Railway bridge over the Main
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On Großostheimer Strasse
( location )
Wayside shrine Sandstone, top richly framed aedicule with relief of the first fall of Christ, base with coat of arms of the donor families Lieb and Berninger, around 1710 D-6-61-000-85 Wayside shrine
Niedernberger Straße 30, on the Alten Weg to Großostheim
( location )
Wayside shrine Pillar, top with cross roof and three crucifixion reliefs, sandstone, probably 16th century D-6-61-000-337 Wayside shrine
Pfarrer-Scherpf-Strasse 6
( location )
Catholic parish church Sankt Kilian Hall building with gable roof and retracted choir, campanile with open vestibule connected, red sandstone, 1952/53 by Alois Grimm, with furnishings D-6-61-000-541 Catholic parish church Sankt Kilian


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Kleine Schönbuschallee
( location )
Allee between Mainbrücke and Schönbusch Park First laid out in 1766 under the Elector of Mainz and Archbishop Emmerich Joseph von Breidbach zu Bürresheim, including the "Rennstraßen nach Dieburg" as a mulberry avenue D-6-61-000-145 Allee between Mainbrücke and Schönbusch Park
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Kleine Schönbuschallee
( location )
Wayside cross, tomb for the Johanniter knight Walter von Kerpen With crucifix, praying knight and discarded helmet, erected in 1628, moved to Kleine Schönbuschallee in 1778, copy from 1931 by Otto Gentil D-6-61-000-147 Wayside cross, tomb for the Johanniter knight Walter von Kerpen
Park Schönbusch

The park Schönbusch is a landscape park, in the English style with forests, meadow valleys and bodies of water as well as classical buildings and staffages, laid out under Carl Friedrich von Erthal. The main work was created by Emanuel Joseph d'Herigoyen, with the participation of Count Wilhelm von Sickingen and Friedrich Ludwig Sckell, from 1775 to around 1800. There are:

  • Siebold monument, erected by King Ludwig II, 1879/80 by Michael Wagmüller ( Lage )
  • Rest bench, 1777 by Centz ( Lage )
  • Kotzenbrünnchen, around 1790 ( Lage )
  • Lookout tower, brick building, 1867 in place of a half-timbered construction from 1788 ( location )
  • Devil's Bridge, iron construction, 1875 which replaces a wooden bridge from 1788 ( location )
  • Red Bridge, 1784/85 ( Lage )
  • Fisherman's house ( location )
  • Watch, three "shepherds' houses", 1785 ( location )
  • Salettchen, 1792 ( location )
  • Village, group of five houses around a draw well, 1788 ( Lage )
  • Farm building, 1783 ( location )
  • Philosopher's House, around 1800 ( Lage )
  • Friendship stamp, 1799–1802 ( location )
  • Dining room, 1788–1792 ( location )
  • Dance hall, around 1800 ( location )

File number: D-6-61-000-249.

There is also a lock with its own file number.

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Im Schönbusch
( location )
Schönbusch Palace, the so-called Electoral Pavilion Hipped roof building with two full and one mezzanine floor, vase-crowned parapet balustrade and three-axis central projection, 1778–1781 according to plans by Emanuel d'Herigoyen, interior work by 1788; with equipment D-6-61-000-250 Schönbusch Palace, the so-called Electoral Pavilion
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Town center Obernau
( location )
Ensemble town center Obernau The former walled street village, attested since the end of the 12th century, is located directly on the Main. It shows a regular row of courtyards on both sides of the main street. The residential buildings in the courtyards, usually each accompanied by an entrance gate, face the street at the gable end; the deep plots are closed at the back by the barns, which on the mains side form a largely undisturbed barn edge. The oldest houses and gates come from the 16./17. Century. The street scene is dominated by the late baroque tower front of the former parish church, the eastern parts of which were destroyed in a fire in 1942. E-6-61-000-4 Ensemble town center Obernau
Hauptstrasse 6
( location )
Residential building Two-storey corner building with half-hipped roof and half-timbered upper floor, around 1600, inscribed "1811" D-6-61-000-460 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 8; Hauptstrasse 10
( location )
Residential building Two-story quarry stone building with gable roof, around 1600; Upper floor with a painted room, around 1600 D-6-61-000-393 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 15
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul South-west facade with tower of the late baroque building, sandstone, 1792/93, church with gable roof, with window frieze running around the west gable and recessed choir with light from the side, 1960–1962 by Willi Goldhammer; with equipment D-6-61-000-357 Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul
Hauptstrasse 16 a, Hauptstrasse 16 b
( location )
Residential building Two-storey split half-timbered house with a gable roof, second half of the 17th century D-6-61-000-462 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 16 b
( location )
Site fortification Wall made of red sandstone, late medieval, preserved remains along the mains side gardens from Hauptstraße 16-88 (even numbers), northwest and northeast on the property boundary of Hauptstraße 77-61 (odd numbers), on Kirchhofgasse and Maintalstraße to Hauptstraße 10; Tower stumps at Hauptstrasse 16 and 88 D-6-61-000-390 Site fortification
Hauptstrasse 19; Hauptstrasse 21
( location )
Town hall and residential and commercial building Group of two two-storey gable buildings, connecting building with round arched gate entrance, former town hall with crooked hip, roof turret and figure of Saint Florian, 1910/11

Archway of the previous building, Renaissance, 16th century

Archbishop Dalberg's coat of arms stone inscribed in 1594

At number 19 16th century Keilstein

D-6-61-000-358 Town hall and residential and commercial building
Hauptstrasse 25; Hauptstrasse 27
( location )
farm Residential house, two-storey gable roof building with quarry stone facade and side half-timbered upper storey, around 1600

Rear building

Courtyard gate preserved in parts

D-6-61-000-359 farm
Hauptstrasse 36; Hauptstrasse 34
( location )
Double door system Large arched gate and pedestrian gate, sandstone, 16th century D-6-61-000-360 Double door system
Hauptstrasse 38
( location )
Catholic rectory Slightly recessed two-storey hipped mansard roof building in the neo-baroque style, labeled "1912", by Otto Leitolf

Enclosure walls curved towards the entrance

Tithe and parish barn and ancillary building as a three-wing complex, 1765

D-6-61-000-361 Catholic rectory
Hauptstrasse 40
( location )
Residential building Two-storey eaves gable roof construction with half-hipped hip and half-timbered upper storey, covered passage, 18th / 19th centuries century D-6-61-000-362 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 42
( location )
Residential building Two-storey eaves gable roof building with half-timbered upper storey and covered passage, 18th / 19th centuries century D-6-61-000-363 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 44
( location )
Residential building Narrow two-storey, gable-independent half-timbered building with a gable roof, 18th / 19th centuries Century, probably the main building at 46 Hauptstrasse D-6-61-000-364 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 46
( location )
Residential building Two-storey gable half-hipped mansard roof with half-timbered upper storey, first half of the 19th century D-6-61-000-365 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 58; Hauptstrasse 60
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent, plastered half-timbered building with a gable roof, 16./17. century D-6-61-000-367 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 61
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent saddle roof construction, partly with ornamented architectural elements, eaves side timber-frame, in the core 1483 (dendrochronologically dated), coat of arms stone inscribed "1588"; Basement access marked "1604" D-6-61-000-368 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 62
( location )
Residential building Two-storey gable roof building, plastered half-timbering, 17th / 18th centuries century

Double gate system, marked "1606"

D-6-61-000-369 Residential building
Hauptstrasse 66
( location )
Residential building Two-storey gable-independent gable roof building, plastered half-timbering, upper storey and gable protruding, probably 16th century D-6-61-000-370 Residential building
Kirchhofgasse 12
( location )
graveyard Walling with ball-crowned gate pillars, 18./19. century

Cemetery cross, 17./18. century

D-6-61-000-371 graveyard
Near Judenpfad, at the eastern end of Bahnhofstrasse
( location )
Wendelinus Chapel Small plastered gable roof building with an altar-like figure niche, around 1900 D-6-61-000-407 Wendelinus Chapel
Near Judenpfad, at the eastern end of Bahnhofstrasse
( location )
War memorial for 1914–1918 Monumental stone cross made of red sandstone with reliefs and corbels, 1920 by Otto Leitolf D-6-61-000-406 War memorial for 1914–1918
Near Kapellenweg, 1 km east of the village in the forest
( location )
Forest Chapel Maria Frieden Lintel marked “1712”, chapel from 1844 converted into a war memorial chapel, 1921; D-6-61-000-375 Forest Chapel Maria Frieden
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Near Kapellenweg
( location )
Forest chapel Maria Frieden, leading way of the cross With crossway reliefs, end of the 20th century D-6-61-000-375 Forest chapel Maria Frieden, leading way of the cross
( Location ) Forest Chapel Maria Frieden, Lourdes Grotto Erected in 1886 by the Obernau Warriors and Veterans Association out of gratitude for the happy return of the association members from the war of 1870/71. D-6-61-000-375 Forest Chapel Maria Frieden, Lourdes Grotto
Near Sulzbacher Straße
( location )
Wayside shrine Round pillar, top with segmental arched cross roof and reliefs of Mary, crucifix and passion symbols, sandstone, inscribed "1820" D-6-61-000-408 Wayside shrine
Above the white saint, on Maintalstrasse
( location )
Wayside shrine, so-called props Sandstone column on a diamond-coated base, top with figure niche, 18th century D-6-61-000-374 Wayside shrine, so-called props
Above the white saint; Staatsstraße 2309, on Maintalstraße opposite the railway underpass
( location )
Small picture house, so-called White Helgen Plastered pillar with picture niche, marked 1608 D-6-61-000-373 Small picture house, so-called White Helgen

Obernau colony

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Am Häsbach 1 a
( location )
Ruins of the former Eckertsmühle Parts of the foundation walls with masonry stones, console stone marked "1606" D-6-61-000-395 Ruins of the former Eckertsmühle
Legatplatz 9
( location )
Stone bench as a memorial for the construction of the garden colony 1919–1923 Sandstone, in the form of a canape on a round step, inscribed "1923" D-6-61-000-431 Stone bench as a memorial for the construction of the garden colony 1919–1923
Obernauer Straße 26
( location )
Garden shed Two-and-a-half-storey classicist building with tower, around 1845, northern extension with verandas, 1872 D-6-61-000-378 Garden shed
Obernauer Straße 34
( location )
Summer house Two-storey hipped roof building with pilasters, classicistic, mid-19th century D-6-61-000-433 Summer house
Obernauer Straße 44
( location )
villa Two-storey flat saddle roof building, late classicist style, by Joseph Zwisler, 1874 D-6-61-000-187 villa
Obernauer Straße 52
( location )
villa Two-storey hipped mansard roof building with tower, risalit and soeller, late classicistic, by Herman Reichard, 1875 D-6-61-000-188 villa
Obernauer Straße 5, corner of Fischerhohle
( location )
crossroads Crucifix on an altar-like base, inscribed "1724" D-6-61-000-189 crossroads
Obernauer Straße 5
( location )
Picture house Plastered pillar with two picture niches, above with Madonna, probably 17th / 18th century. Century; Rebuilt in 1986 D-6-61-000-186 Picture house
Wilhelminenstrasse 3
( location )
Settler house of the training colony for affordable living space (1919–1923) Picturesque assembly of two-story saddle roof construction and one-story half-hipped roof construction, Heimatstil, 1921, by the Aschaffenburg master school for building trade under the direction of Otto Leitolf D-6-61-000-602 Settler house of the training colony for affordable living space (1919–1923)

Austrian colony

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Österreicher Straße and Sachsenweg
( location )
Austrians memorial for the Austrians who fell in the battle of July 14, 1866 In the form of a pointed spire on pillars, red sandstone, neo-Gothic, ceremoniously unveiled on July 14, 1868 D-6-61-000-190 Austrians memorial for the Austrians who fell in the battle of July 14, 1866


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Am Häsbach / Unterhainstraße, at the junction to the Jewish cemetery
( location )
Column shrine Made of red sandstone, top with little donkey back gable and three crucifixion reliefs, inscribed "1606" D-6-61-000-311 Column shrine
At the white wayside shrine; between Ebersbacher Straße and Hang zum Erbig
( location )
Small picture house, so-called White Helgen Brick pillar with gable roof and arched niche, 17th century, depicting the blood miracle of Walldürn . D-6-61-000-339 Small picture house, so-called White Helgen
Bischbergweg; Haberflug; at the intersection of Unterer Bischberg and Alten Weg
( location )
Wayside shrine Red sandstone, pillar with a round-arched top, marked 1903, with a younger crucifixion relief D-6-61-000-343 Wayside shrine
Flower Road 48–54; Güldnerweg 2-14; Heckmannweg 2-20, 5-17; Neuhofstrasse 12
( location )
Workers settlement 14 semi-detached houses with half-hipped roofs, different colored bricks over quarry stone plinth, 1907 by Ernst Haun D-6-61-000-112 Workers settlement
Carl-von-Linde-Platz 1
( location )
Administrative building of the Güldner engine plant of the Linde company Three-part assembly of reinforced concrete skeleton buildings, elongated five-storey administration wing with a gently sloping hipped roof, with a factory gate, two-storey foyer and meeting building (with equipment) and three-storey warehouse building with flat roofs, 1956/57 by Karl Georg Jung D-6-61-000-420 Administrative building of the Güldner engine plant of the Linde company
Ebersbacher Straße, at Schweinheim parade ground
( location )
Column shrine Top with cross roof, sandstone, inscribed 1616, with a younger crucifix relief D-6-61-000-346 Column shrine
Ebersbacher Straße 3
( location )
Wayside shrine fragment Coronation of Mary, sandstone, baroque, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-61-000-44 Wayside shrine fragment
Ebersbacher Straße 8
( location )
Wayside shrine fragment Sandstone, arched with a relief of the crucifix with the inscription "BID GOT ​​/ DAS ER / DIG ER / HERED", probably 1740; walled into the base wall D-6-61-000-45 Wayside shrine fragment
Erbig, between the northern edge of the Erbigwald and the Obernau Chapel
( location )
Way of the Cross Brick sculptures with sloping sides, 1935, restored after destruction with scenic ceramic mosaics by Alois Bergmann-Franken in 1956 D-6-61-000-478 Way of the Cross
On the Erbig, between stations of the cross VI and VII
( location )
Picture house Solid base, top with gable roof and picture niche, inscribed "1841" D-6-61-000-345 Picture house
Spring road 29; Vogelsbergstrasse 32
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Gertrud Cubic hall building with flat gable roof, campanile and working day chapel, concrete buildings, 1959/60 by Rudolf Schwarz; with equipment

Associated parish buildings

D-6-61-000-422 Catholic parish church of St. Gertrud
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Haberflug, between Bischberg and Erbig, on Obernauer Weg
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Column shrine Octagonal pillar, top with cross roof, sandstone, inscribed "1648" D-6-61-000-342 Column shrine
Haidbergstrasse 24, in the Schweinheim cemetery
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So-called vineyard pietà On sandstone plinth, 18th century; formerly in the Bischberg vineyard

Crucifixion group, sandstone, baroque, 18th century

D-6-61-000-341 So-called vineyard pietà
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Jewish Cemetery Walled, occupied 1735–1942, with tombs from the 18th century to the first half of the 20th century D-6-61-000-310 Jewish Cemetery
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Corner of Lindestraße
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Sculpture house, so-called Hexenhelgen Brick and plastered pillar with a round arched picture niche with a gable roof and pietà, around 1966 D-6-61-000-312 Sculpture house, so-called Hexenhelgen
Marienstraße 13
( location )
Rectory Two-storey mansard roof building on the eaves with gable, upper storey with arched windows, classicistic, 1818/19 D-6-61-000-170 Rectory
Marienstraße 15
( location )
Residential building Two-storey plastered half-timbered building with a gable roof and protruding upper storey, 17th century D-6-61-000-552 Residential building
Marienstraße 16
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of the Birth of Mary Hall church with west tower, red sandstone building, neo-Gothic, 1894 based on plans by Franz & Roman Woerner D-6-61-000-171 Catholic Parish Church of the Birth of Mary
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Marienstraße 17
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent building with half-timbered upper storey and rear half-hipped, 17th / 18th century. century D-6-61-000-554 Residential building
Marienstraße 19
( location )
Residential building Two-storey, gable-independent saddle roof building with half-timbered upper storey, 18th century D-6-61-000-553 Residential building
Near Braugasse
( location )
Column shrine, so-called hiking shrine Top with a curved cross roof, round arched niche and two crucifixion reliefs, 17th century D-6-61-000-107 Column shrine, so-called hiking shrine
Rhönstrasse 23
( location )
American chapel Hall building with semicircular choir, saddle roof and little gable tower, around 1955; formerly part of the American housing estate of the barracks D-6-61-000-396 American chapel
Schweinheimer Straße 120, corner of Leidersbacher Gäßchen
( location )
Picture house Brick, plastered monopitch roof pillar with a replica of the Altötting miraculous image, 1961 D-6-61-000-277 Picture house
Seebornstrasse 2a
( location )
Picture house Red sandstone pillars integrated into the house wall, top with two niches one above the other, probably 1888 D-6-61-000-276 Picture house
( location )
Observation tower of the Spessart Association 22 m high sandstone block tower on a square floor plan, 1937 D-6-61-000-492 Observation tower of the Spessart Association
Drive; at the so-called Ruhstock, junction Obernauer Weg to Erbig
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Wayside shrine Red sandstone pillar with arched flat niche, neo-Gothic, inscribed "1892" D-6-61-000-340 Wayside shrine
Cloth bleaching 1
( location )
Wayside shrine Red sandstone pillars, top with bronze relief of the Pietà, around 1925 D-6-61-000-309 Wayside shrine
( location )
War memorial for the campaign of the Franco-German War 1870/71 Crucifix on a high inscription base, sandstone, inscribed. 1893 D-6-61-000-615 War memorial for the campaign of the Franco-German War 1870/71
( location )
War memorial for the fallen soldiers of the First World War Pietà on a high pedestal behind a low fence between pillars, backed by a curved wall with integrated inscription panels and reliefs, around 1925 D-6-61-000-616 War memorial for the fallen soldiers of the First World War

Elterhof settlement

location object description File no. image
Scouts; on the footpath to Haibach
( location )
Wayside shrine Compact pillar, top with arched niche and flat cross reliefs, sandstone, inscribed "1845" D-6-61-000-347 Wayside shrine
Near path fields, in Dörngraben, at the driveway to Elterhof
( location )
Wayside shrine Pillar with picture niche, sandstone, inscribed "1947" D-6-61-000-348 Wayside shrine
Dörnbach; Dörnbachsrain
( location )
Wayside shrine Sandstone pillar, top with curtain arch, around 1875 D-6-61-000-349 Wayside shrine
Aschaffenburger Strasse; at the town entrance
( location )
Wayside shrine Pillar with a bell-roof-like attachment, around 1925 D-6-61-000-353 Wayside shrine


location object description File no. image
Konradstrasse 2
( location )
Catholic parish church Sankt Konrad Hall church with saddle roof, southeast tower and southwest entrance porch, nave with flat barrel, 1953/54 by Erwin van Aaken according to preliminary planning by Rudolf Schwarz, with furnishings D-6-61-000-544 Catholic parish church Sankt Konrad
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Near Herrenwaldstraße, corner of Meisenweg
( location )
Picture house Pointed arched picture niche with steep roof and Madonna figure, altar-like base, neo-Gothic, inscribed "1887" D-6-61-000-113 Picture house
Hunter's lodge; in the Strietwald; approx. 120 m north of the path to Molkenbrunn
( location )
Memorial cross to a citizen of Aschaffenburg found dead Sandstone, inscribed "1681" D-6-61-000-344 Memorial cross to a citizen of Aschaffenburg found dead

Former architectural monuments

The following still-preserved architectural monuments were deleted from the list of monuments in 2012 as part of the re-qualification and revision project. The hotel "Wilder Mann" is included in the 2015 list of monuments again. The building at Hauptstrasse 26 was removed from the list of monuments in 2016.

location object description File no. image
Badergasse 1
( location )
Franz Hettinger's birthplace (born 1819) Classicist sandstone building, early 19th century (only the memorial plaque is under protection) Franz Hettinger's birthplace (born 1819)
Entengasse 6
( location )
Facade of a classicist house, 1864 Taken over in the new building from 1981–1983 (by Alexander von Branca , Munich) Facade of a classicist house, 1864
Hauptstrasse 26
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with half-timbered upper storey, second half of the 17th century formerly D-6-61-000-464 Residential building
Herstallstraße 3
( location )
Late classicist residential and commercial building 1851 Late classicist residential and commercial building
Herstallstrasse 5
( location )
Residential and commercial building Four-storey eaves gable roof building with a late Classicist facade design, 1869 Residential and commercial building
Herstallstraße 26
( location )
Commercial building With sculptural jewelry on the first floor, 1908 (only sculptures are protected) Commercial building
Herstallstraße 39
( location )
Commercial building Four-storey mansard roof building with pilasters, marked "1909/1947" Commercial building
Sandgasse 27
( location )
Hammerhof main building Commercial building with colossal corner pilasters and bay windows, late historical, around 1900 Hammerhof main building

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The property of a monument - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.
  2. List of monuments from August 1, 2018 as PDF
  3. ^ KI Aschaffenburg: Application for re-inclusion in the list of monuments and to add to the list of monuments of April 18, 2012.


Web links

Commons : Collection of pictures on monuments in Aschaffenburg  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files