List of works by Nikolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky

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Nikolai Myaskovsky (1912)

The composer Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Mjaskowski published his compositions under the opus numbers 1 to 87, about 40 works without an opus number and 10 arrangements of works by other composers are known. The list here is based on the list by S. Gulinskaja, Onno van Rijen and the official Mjaskowski website.

The sources are sorted as follows: Onno van Rijen assigns the works without an opus number and the arrangements of works by other composers to contemporary works as an addition (e.g. 6A), the early works are summarized under Opus 0. The list below is based on this sorting. Gulinskaja uses numbering from 1 to 40 for the works without an opus number, the arrangements of works by other composers are listed under numbers 1 to 10. These designations are given in brackets after the opus number in the list below. The official Mjaskowski website does not use numbering for works without an opus number, the arrangements of works by other composers are listed under T1 to T10. These designations are given in brackets after the opus number in the list below. Works that are only included in this list are included in the list below without an opus number.


Mjaskowski's opus includes the following works:

The works can be chronologically structured as follows:

Early phase:

The works of the early phase are strongly based on the music of Russian Romanticism . They were written between 1896 and 1906 before Mjaskowski entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory . The composer later incorporated many of the largely unpublished works into other pieces.

Time at the Conservatory and before the First World War :

The works, which were created between 1906 and 1914, bear, according to Mjaskowski's own statement, the “stamp of deep pessimism”. Most of them are study works and first published compositions.

After the First World War:

In the compositions that were written immediately after the First World War, Mjaskowski processed his experiences from the front and the civil war . The composer had his first successes with the performance of a number of symphonic works. His most important composition, the Sixth Symphony in E flat minor, Op. 23 , also dates from this period . During this phase the music becomes more and more experimental and sometimes atonal .

Before World War II :

From around 1932 onwards, Myaskovsky responded to the demands of socialist realism . His music becomes more romantic again and is characterized by simple melodies. During this time, Myaskovsky had already consolidated his reputation as a composer and teacher in Moscow.

Escape and World War II:

When Russia entered the Second World War, Myaskovsky fled to the interior of Russia and learned about many folk songs of the Russian peoples. He processed these in his works.

Last years:

In recent years, Mjaskowski's musical language has become very melancholy. As the only one of those who were exposed to the formalism charge in 1948, he did not apologize publicly. Nevertheless, he quickly rehabilitated himself and his 27th Symphony in C minor, Op. 85 , his last symphonic work, was performed posthumously and in memory of him in 1950.

Catalog raisonné

opus title occupation Composed Remarks
0A (1) Ten (or Twelve) Preludes piano 1896 to 1898 unpublished
0B (2) Four preludes piano 1899 unpublished
0C (3) Two preludes piano 1900 unpublished
0D (4) Prelude in C sharp minor piano 1901 unpublished
without “Flofion”, Book 1: Six Preludes
  • 1. Allegretto pastorale in D major (1899)
  • 2. Andante in A flat major (1899)
  • 3. Lento espressivo in E minor (1899)
  • 4. Andante in F sharp minor (1900)
  • 5. Allegro molto in B minor (1900)
  • 6. Lento irato in G sharp minor (1901)
piano 1899 to 1901 unpublished; this work is only listed on the official Myaskovsky website and is the first “Flofion” issue
0E (5) Fantasy in F minor piano 1903 unpublished
0F (6) Two romances based on words by Pomjalowski and A. Tolstoy
  • No. 1: "Уж широкие тени" (Pomjalowski)
  • No. 2: "Не пенится море ..." (Tolstoy)
Singing voice and piano 1903 unpublished
0G (7) Idyll in F major piano 1904 unpublished
0H (8) Two fantasies
  • No. 1 in C sharp minor
  • No. 2 in D major
piano 1904 unpublished
0I (9) "Тишина" ("The Silence"), romance based on words by L. Melschin Singing voice and piano 1904 unpublished
0J (10) Piano sonata in E minor piano 1905 unpublished
0K (11) Scherzando piano 1905 unpublished
0L (12) Two romances based on words by A. Maikow and W. Shakespeare Singing voice and piano 1905 unpublished
0M (13) "Flofion", Book 2 (1): Eight (six) sketches
  • 1. Prelude. Largo pesante in C major
  • 2. Quasi menuetto. Andantino grazioso in F major
  • 3. Canzonina. Andante in F sharp minor
  • 4. Scherzoso rondoletto. Vivace e tenebroso in C major
  • 5. Legend. Largo in G sharp minor
  • 6. Bagatelle. Allegretto in D major
  • 7.?
  • 8th. ?
piano 1906 unpublished; S. Gulinskaja gives eight movements, of which nos. 6 and 7 were processed in op. 11, 28, 31, 58, 69, 73 and 74; only six sentences are listed on the official Myaskovsky website.
0N (14) "Flofion", Book 3 (2): Four (six) sketches
  • 1. Fete profane. Allegro non troppo, fastoso in B minor
  • 2. Chant apocriphe. Andante in B flat minor
  • 3. Petite gavotte. Allegretto grazioso in F sharp major
  • 4. Plein-air. Lento quieto in D flat minor
  • 5. Quasi Rigaudon. Allegro in E flat major
  • 6. Fughette. Poco grave, freddo in G minor
piano 1906 to 1907 unpublished; S. Gulinskaja gives four movements, of which No. 3 was used in op. 10 and 68; Six sentences are listed on the official Myaskovsky website.
0O (15) Piano sonata in C minor in one movement piano 1907 unpublished
0P (16) Piano sonata in G major in one movement piano 1907 unpublished; 1909 processed into op.9A
0Q String quartet in F major String quartet 1907 unpublished; this work can only be found in the list by Onno van Rijen
1 "Размышления" ("Reflections"), seven poems by J. Baratynski
  • 1. Мой дар убог
  • 2. Чудный град
  • 3. Musa
  • 4. Болящий дух врачует песнопенье
  • 5. Бывало отрок звонким криком
  • 6. Наяда
  • 7. Очарованье красоты в тебе
Singing voice and piano 1907 from the second edition in 1929, no.4 is missing.
2 "Из юношеских лет" ("From the teenage years"), twelve romances based on words by K. Balmont Singing voice and piano 1903 to 1906 1945 put together in a cycle
3 1st Symphony in C minor
  • 1. Lento ma non troppo. Allegro
  • 2. Larghetto
  • 3. Allegro assai e molto risoluto
Symphony orchestra 1908 Revised in 1921
4th "На грани" ("On the border"), eighteen romances based on words by Sinaida Gippius
  • 1. Пьявки
  • 2. Ничего
  • 3. В гостиной
  • 4. Серенада
  • 5. Пауки
  • 6. Надпись на книге
  • 7. Мгновение
  • 8. Страны уныния
  • 9. Стук
  • 10. "Тетрадь любви"
  • 11. ристианин
  • 12. Другой христианин
  • 13. Луна и туман
  • 14. Пыль
  • 15. Цветы ночи
  • 16. Нескорбному учителю
  • 17. Кровь
  • 18. Предел
Medium and low voice with piano 1904 to 1908
5 "Из З.Гиппиус", three chants based on verses by Sinaida Gippius
  • 1. Противоречия
  • 2. Однообразие
  • 3. Круги
Singing voice and piano 1905 to 1908 Dedication: "For Modest Lyudwigowitsch Hofman"
6th 1st piano sonata in D minor
  • 1. Moderato assai ed espressivo
  • 2. Allegro affanato
  • 3. Largo espressivo
  • 4. Non allegro. Allegro
piano 1907 to 1909 Dedication: "For Mrs. NL Hofman"
6A (17) "Flofion", Book 4 (3): Twelve Jokes (Sketches)
  • 1. Preludiette. Andante semplice in F minor
  • 2. Danse buriesque. Festevole in B flat major
  • 3. Valsette. Poco andantino in F sharp minor
  • 4. Berceuse. Lentaments in A minor
  • 5. Bouderie. Allegro mormorando in B flat minor
  • 6. Aux champs. Lento in G sharp minor
  • 7. Pensee. Sostenuto in E minor
  • 8. Desespoir. Molto largo, con afflitto in E flat minor
  • 9. Marche lent. Andantino in D major
  • 10. L'oiseau. Poso andantino in E minor
  • 11. Barcarolle. Moderato in E major
  • 12. Scherzo. Vivace e fantastico in A minor
piano 1907
6B (18) "Flofion", volume 5 (4): Twelve (ten) jokes (sketches)
  • 1. Duettino. Andante semplice in A minor
  • 2. Melancolia. Sostenuto assai in E minor
  • 3rd chant. Andante deloroso in E minor
  • 4. Grotesque. Irato, con impeto in C major
  • 5. Nocturne. Lento assai e lugubre in B minor
  • 6. Reve d'hiver. Poco allegro in G minor
  • 7th phrase. Quieto in G major
  • 8. Madrigals. Andantino amoroso in E flat major
  • 9. Interlude. Lento a piacere in E minor
  • 10. Idyll. Tranquille in A major
  • 11. Conte mistique. Largo narrante in F minor
  • 12. Variations intimate. Semplice in D major
piano 1907 to 1908 S. Gulinskaja gives ten sentences. Twelve sentences are listed on the official Myaskovsky website.
6C (19) 26 joints piano 1907 to 1908 unpublished; the first three were used in op
6D (20) Three pieces piano 1908 two pieces were used in op
7th Madrigal ”, suite based on five poems by Balmont
  • 1. Prelude
  • 2. Romance
  • 3. Interlude
  • 4. Romance
  • 5. Postlude
Singing voice and piano 1908 to 1909 Revised in 1925
8th Three sketches on words by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov
  • 1.Groза (The Storm)
  • 2. Долина-храм (Temple Valley)
  • 3. Пан и Психея (Pan and Psyche)
Singing voice and piano 1908 Dedication: “For JW and WW Dershanowski”.
8A (21) Two romances on words from Ivanov and Fet
  • 1. Цветы (Ivanov)
  • 2. Как майский… (Fet)
Singing voice and piano 1908 unpublished
8B Michelangelo's sonnet in the Russian translation by Tjuchev Singing voice and piano 1909 Revised in 1950
8C (22) "Flofion", booklet 6 (5): Three "school exercises"
  • 1. Toccatina. Allegro giocosso in C major
  • 2. Reproche. Adagio in E minor
  • 3. Cortege. Moderato ed energico in D major
piano 1907 to 1908
8D (23) "Ковыль" (" feather grass ") in words of Balmont A cappella choir 1909 unpublished
9 “Молчание” (“Silence”), symphonic poem based on the poem of the same name by EA Poe Symphony orchestra 1909 to 1910 The template is actually the short story of the same name (probably a translation error); Dedication: “For Konstantin Saradschew”; Arrangement for piano four hands by the composer (unpublished); Arrangement for two pianos for four hands each by P. Lamm (unpublished)
9A (24) Overture in G major Symphony orchestra 1909 Orchestration of the piano sonata op. 0P; Revised in 1949
9B (25, 26, 27) "Flofion", booklet 7 (6): Three exercises
  • 1. Esquisse. Andante ma non troppo in C major (1909)
  • 2. Mazurka. Lento e grazioso in E major (1910)
  • 3. Epilogue. Andante elevato in F sharp major (1912)
piano 1909 to 1912 unpublished; Onno van Rijen swaps the first two movements; S. Gulinskaja lists the pieces as separate works: Mazurka (25), Sketch (26) and Epilogue (27).
10 Sinfonietta in A major Symphony orchestra 1910 to 1911 The second movement is an arrangement of the movement “Plein-Air” from op. 0N; Arrangement for two pianos for four hands each by P. Lamm
11 2nd Symphony in C sharp minor
  • 1. Allegro
  • 2. Molto sostenuto. Adagio serioso, ma espressivo
  • 3. Presto
Symphony orchestra 1910 to 1911
12 1st violoncello sonata in D major
  • 1. Adagio
  • 2. Andante
  • 3. Allegro passionato
Violoncello and piano 1911 Second version 1930
13 2. Piano sonata in F sharp minor in one movement
  • Lento ma deciso - Allegro con moto e tenebroso
piano 1912 Dedication: “For BS Sakharov”; Revised in 1948
13A (27) Epilogue in F sharp major piano 1912 unpublished; presumably identical to the third movement of Op. 9B
14th "Аластор" (" Alastor "), poem for orchestra after Shelley in C minor Symphony orchestra 1912 to 1913 Dedication: “For Sergei Prokofjew ”; Arranged for piano four hands by the composer, published in 1927 in the music section of the Soviet State Publishing House; Arrangement for two pianos for four hands each by P. Lamm, unpublished.
15th 3rd Symphony in A minor
  • 1. Non troppo vivo, vigoroso
  • 2. Deciso e sdegnoso
Symphony orchestra 1914 Dedication: "For BW Assafjew "
16 "Предчувствия" ("Premonitions"), six sketches based on words by Sinaida Gippius
  • 1. Дар
  • 2. Большое спасибо
  • 3. Так ли?
  • 4. Заклинанье
  • 5. Внезапно
  • 6. Петухи
Singing voice and piano 1913 to 1914
16A (28) "Flofion", booklet 8 (7): sketches and fragments
  • 1. Andante con troppo in C minor
  • 2. Allegro in G major
  • 3. Andantino cantabile in G major
  • 4. Largo in D major
  • 5. Vivo in D major
  • 6. Allegro fenebroso e fantastico in D major
  • 7. Andantino cantabile
  • 8. Poco larghetto
  • 9. Tempestuoso in B flat minor
  • 10. Quieto in A minor
  • 11. Allegro giocoso e trionfante in E major
  • 12. Lento in A major
  • 13. Largo e pesante
  • 14. Andante in A minor
  • 15. Allegretto Vivace in G minor
  • 16. Largo, ma non troppo in E minor
  • 17. Lento in G major
  • 18. Sarabande. Andante molto, quasi larghetto in E flat minor
  • 19. Molto sostenuto ed espressivo in C major
piano 1917 to 1919
17th 4th Symphony in E minor
  • 1. Andante, mesto e con sentimento
  • 2. Allegro appassionato ma non troppo vivo
  • 3. Largo, Freddo e senza espressione
  • 4. Allegro energico e marcato
Symphony orchestra 1917 to 1918 Dedication: "For WW Jakowlew"
18th 5th Symphony in D major
  • 1. Allegro amabile
  • 2. Lento
  • 3. Allegro burlando
  • 4. Allegro risoluto e con brio
Symphony orchestra 1918 to 1919 Dedication: "For Viktor Michailowitsch Beljajew"
19th 3. Piano Sonata in C minor in one movement
  • Con desiderio, improvisato - Molto meno mosso, con languidezzo
piano 1920 Reconstructed in 1939
20th Six poems by Alexander Blok
  • 1. Полный мксяц встал над лугом
  • 2. Ужасен холод вечеров
  • 3. Милый друг
  • 4. Медлительной чредой нисходит день осенний
  • 5. Встану я в утро туманное
  • 6. В ночь молчаливую
Singing voice and piano 1921 Dedication: "For MG Hube"
21st "На склоне дня" ("At day divisions"), three sketches based on words by Tjutschew
  • 1. Нам не дано предугадать
  • 2. Нет боле искр живых
  • 3. Как ни тяжел последний час
Singing voice and piano 1922 Dedication: "For Mrs. JW Koponossowa-Dershanowskaja"
21A (T1) Andante Flute and piano 1922 Arrangement of the second movement from the Concerto for Four Violins in D major by C. Ph. E. Bach ; Published in 1932
22nd "Венок поблекший" ("The wilted wreath"), music for eight poems by A. Delwig
  • 1. К чему на памятном листке
  • 2. Что ты, пастушка, приуныла
  • 3. Любовь («Что есть любовь ...»)
  • 4. Близость любимой ("Блеснет заря…" из Гете)
  • 5. Жаворонок («Люблю я задуматься…»)
  • 6. Нет, я не ваш…
  • 7. Песня («Как не больно сердца муки…»)
  • 8. Осенняя картина («Когда земля отдаст плоды…»)
Singing voice and piano 1925
23 6th Symphony in E flat minor with choir ad libitum
  • 1. Poco Largamente. Allegro feroce
  • 2. Presto tenebroso
  • 3. Andante appassionato
  • 4. Molto vivace
Symphony orchestra and mixed choir 1921 to 1923 Revised in 1947
24 7th Symphony in B minor
  • 1. Andante sostenuto calmo. Allegro minaccioso, poco stravagante
  • 2. Andante. Allegro scherzando e tenebroso
Symphony orchestra 1922 Dedication: "For Pawel Alexandrowitsch Lamm"
25th "Причуды" ("Bizzarreries", "Eccentricities", " Grilling "), six sketches
  • 1. Andante semplice in A minor
  • 2. Allegro tenebroso e fantastico in B minor
  • 3. Largo e pesante in B flat minor
  • 4. Quieto in A minor
  • 5. Allegro vivace in G minor
  • 6. Molto sostenuto ed espressivo in F sharp minor
piano 1917 to 1922
26th 8th Symphony in A major
  • 1. Andante. Allegro
  • 2. Allegro risoluto e con spirito
  • 3. Adagio
  • 4. Allegro deciso
Symphony orchestra 1924 to 1925 Dedication: "For Sergej Sergejewitsch Popow"
27 4th piano sonata in C minor
  • 1. Allegro moderato, irato
  • 2. Andante non troppo
  • 3. Allegro con brio
piano 1924 to 1925 Dedication: “For SJ Feinberg ”; Revised in 1946
27A (T2) "Aladina and Palomid" Two pianos with four hands each 1925 Adaptation of the symphonic poem of the same name by D. Melkich ; unpublished
27B (T3) "Princess Marlene" Two pianos with four hands each 1926 Adaptation of the work of the same name by M. Steinberg ; unpublished
28 9th Symphony in E minor
  • 1. Andante sostenuto
  • 2. Presto
  • 3. Lento molto
  • 4. Allegro con grazia
Symphony orchestra 1926 to 1927 Dedication: "For Nikolai Andrejewitsch Malko "
29 "Воспоминания" ("Memories"), six pieces
  • 1. Напев (Andante semplice)
  • 2. Шутка (Vivace e fantastico)
  • 3. Безнадежность (Largo con afflitto)
  • 4. Воспоминание (Allegro malinconico)
  • 5. В бессоницу (Lentamente)
  • 6. Снежная жуть (Poco allegro)
piano 1927
30th 10th Symphony in F minor in one movement
  • Un poco sostenuto. Allegro tumultuoso
Symphony orchestra 1926 to 1927 Based on the poem " The Bronze Horseman " by AS Pushkin and the illustrations by A. Benois ; Dedication: "For KS Saradschew "
31, 31A "Пожелтевшие страницы" ("Yellowed Pages"), seven small simple things ( bagatelles )
  • 1. Andante in E minor
  • 2. Un poco sostenuto, melancolico e abbandonamente in C minor
  • 3. Andante cantabile e narrante in E minor
  • 4. Molto vivace e fantastico in C major
  • 5. Molto calmo, ma non troppo lento in A flat major
  • 6. Vivo in D minor
  • 7. Moderato in B flat minor
piano 1928 Dedication: “For Mrs. AA Alawdina”; 1930 arranged for trumpet and piano (op.31A)
31B (29) "Песня у станка" ("Song at the workbench") based on words by A. Besymenski Singing voice and piano 1930 unpublished
31C (30) Two military marches
  • 1. Торжественный марш (Festive March) in B flat major
  • 2. Драматический марш (Dramatic March) in F major
Wind band 1930
31D (31) Three marching songs for mass singing based on words by N. Assejew , I. Frenkel and I. Stronganow
  • 1. «Крылья советов»
  • 2. «Дело доблести»
  • 3. "Летят самолеты"
Choir and piano 1931
31E (32) Song about Lenin based on words by A. Surkov Choir and piano 1932
31F (33) Song about Karl Marx based on words by S. Kirssanow Choir and piano 1932
31G (34) Three soldiers and Komsomol songs based on words by W. Vishnyakov, S. Ostrovoj and A. Surkow
  • 1. "Пограничник"
  • 2. «Партизанская»
  • 3. "Походная"
Choir and piano 1934
31G (35) "Слава советским пилотам" ("Glory to the Soviet pilots") in the words of A. Surkov Four-part a cappella choir 1934 probably an error in the list by Onno van Rijen
31H, 31J (36) Prelude and Fughetta on the Name Saradschew Symphony orchestra 1934 unpublished; Use of a piano piece from 1907; also as an arrangement for piano four hands (Op. 31J); unpublished
32 No. 1 Serenade in E flat major
  • 1. Allegro marcato
  • 2. Andante
  • 3. Allegro vivo
Small symphony orchestra 1929 Dedication: "For Abram Isaakowitsch Dsimitrowski"
32 No. 2 Sinfonietta in B minor
  • 1. Allegro pesante e serioso
  • 2. Theme with variations
  • 3. Presto
String orchestra 1929 Dedication: "For Alexander Fjodorowitsch Goedicke "
32 No. 3 Lyrical concertino in G major
  • 1. Allegretto
  • 2. Andante monotono
  • 3. Allegro giocoso
Flute, clarinet , horn , bassoon , harp and string orchestra 1929 Dedication: "For Boris Wladimirowitsch Assafjew"
32A (T4) 3rd Symphony by S. Prokofiev Piano for four hands 1929 Arrangement of S. Prokofiev's 3rd Symphony; unpublished
32B (T5) 3rd symphony by M. Steinberg Piano for four hands 1930 Arrangement of M. Steinberg's 3rd symphony; Published in 1930
32C (T6) A Night on the Bald Mountain ” by M. Mussorgsky Piano for four hands 1931 Adaptation of M. Mussorgski's work; unpublished
33 No. 1 1st string quartet in A minor
  • 1. Poco rubato ed agitato
  • 2. Allegro tenebroso
  • 3. Andante sostenuto
  • 4. Assai allegro
String quartet 1930
33 No. 2 2nd string quartet in C minor
  • 1. Allegro pesante
  • 2. Andante
  • 3. Vivace
String quartet 1930 Dedication: "For GS Gamburg"
33 No. 3 3rd string quartet in D minor
  • 1. Allegro non troppo, malinconico
  • 2. Theme et Variations
String quartet 1930 Revision of a version from 1910
33 No. 4 4th string quartet in F minor
  • 1. Andante
  • 2. Allegretto risoluto
  • 3. Andante
  • 4. Allegro molto
String quartet 1937 Revision of a version from 1909 to 1910
34 11th Symphony in B flat minor
  • 1. Lento. Allegro agitato
  • 2. Andante. Adagio, ma non troppo
  • 3. Precipitato. Allegro
Symphony orchestra 1931 to 1932 Dedication: "For Maximilian Ossejewitsch Steinberg"
35 12th Symphony in G minor "October Symphony "
  • 1. Andante. Allegro giocoso. Andante
  • 2. Presto agitato
  • 3. Allegro festivo maestoso
Symphony orchestra 1931 to 1932 Dedication: "On the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution "
36 13th Symphony in B flat minor
  • 1. Andante moderato
  • 2. Agitato molto e tenebroso
  • 3. Andante nostalgico
Symphony orchestra 1933
37 14th Symphony in C major
  • 1. Allegro giocoso
  • 2. Andantino quasi allegretto
  • 3. Quasi presto
  • 4. Andante sostenuto
  • 5. Allegro con fuoco
Symphony orchestra 1933 Dedication: "For WL Kubatzky"
38 15th Symphony in D minor
  • 1. Andante. Allegro appassionato
  • 2. Moderato assai
  • 3. Allegro molto ma con garbo
  • 4. Poco pesante. Allegro ma non troppo
Symphony orchestra 1933 to 1934
39 16th Symphony in F major, "Der Luftfahrt"
  • 1. Allegro vivace
  • 2. Andantino e simplice
  • 3. Sostenuto. Andante marciale, ma sostenuto
  • 4. Tempo precedente. Allegro ma non troppo
Symphony orchestra 1933 to 1934 Dedication: "For the Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic"
40 Twelve romances based on Lermontov's words
  • 1. Казачья колыбельная песня
  • 2. Выхожу один я на дорогу…
  • 3. Нет, не тебя так пылко я люблю…
  • 4. К портрету
  • 5. Солнце
  • 6. Они любили друг друга…
  • 7. В альбом
  • 8. Romans
  • 9. Она поет…
  • 10. Не плчь, не плачь, мое дитя…
  • 11. Из альбома
  • 12. Прости! Мы не встретимся боле…
Singing voice and piano 1935 to 1936
40A (T7) “Autumn” by S. Prokofiev Two pianos with four hands each 1935 Adaptation of S. Prokofiev's symphonic poem; unpublished
40B (T8) “Egyptian Nights” by S. Prokofiev Piano for four hands 1935 Arrangement of S. Prokofiev's symphonic suite from the incidental music of the same name; unpublished
40C (37) "Жить стало лучше" ("Life has become easier ..."), a song based on the words of W. Lebedew-Kumach Singing voice and piano 1936 unpublished
40D "To Romain Rolland", a song based on words by K. Lakuti Singing voice and piano 1936 This work can only be found in Onno van Rijen's list
41 17th Symphony in G sharp minor
  • 1. Lento. Allegro molto agitato
  • 2. Lento assai. Andantino, ma non troppo
  • 3. Allegro, poco vivace
  • 4. Andante. Allegro molto animato
Symphony orchestra 1936 to 1937 Dedication: "For Alexander Wassiljewitsch Gauk"
42 18th Symphony in C major
  • 1. Allegro risoluto
  • 2. Lento ma non troppo. Andante narrante
  • 3. Allegro giocoso
Symphony orchestra 1937 Dedication: “To the XX. Anniversary of the October Revolution "
43 No. 1 Ten very easy pieces
  • 1. Весеннее настроение
  • 2. Наперегонки
  • 3. Тревожная колыбельная
  • 4. Грустный напев
  • 5. Танец
  • 6. Беззаботная песенка
  • 7. Вроде вальса
  • 8. Полевая песня
  • 9. Древняя повесть
  • 10. Марш
piano 1938 Contains revised works from 1908 and 1917
43 No. 2 Four easy pieces in polyphonic setting
  • 1. Элегическое настроение (Фуга)
  • 2. Охотничья перекличка (Фуга)
  • 3. Маленький дуэт (Канон)
  • 4. В старинном стиле (Фуга)
piano 1938 Revised version of a work from 1907
43 No. 3 Simple variations, lyrical suite in D major
  • 1. Piu mosso
  • 2. Andante espressivo
  • 3. Largo
  • 4. Allegretto grazioso
  • 5. Moderato maestoso ed energico
  • 6. Lento
piano 1937 Revision of a work from 1908
44 Concerto for violin and orchestra in D minor
  • 1. Allegro
  • 2. Adagio
  • 3. Allegro giocoso
Violin and symphony orchestra 1938 Dedication: "For DF Oistrach "
45 Three sketches based on words by S. Stschipachev and L. Kwitko
  • 1. О цветке
  • 2. «Березка»
  • 3. Разговор
Singing voice and piano 1939 Dedication: "For AI Okayemow"
46 19th Symphony in E flat major
  • 1. Maestoso. Allegro giocoso
  • 2. Moderato
  • 3. Andante serioso
  • 4. Poco Maestoso - Vivo
Wind band 1939 Dedication: “To the XXI. Anniversary of the founding of the Red Army "
46A Two pieces
  • 1. Andante serioso e pietoso
  • 2. Moderato
Violin, violoncello and string orchestra 1939
47 5th String Quartet in E minor
  • 1. Allegro tranquillo
  • 2. Molto vivo, sussurando
  • 3. Andantino simplice
  • 4. Allegro molte e con brio
String quartet 1938 to 1939 Dedication: "For WJ Schebalin"
47A Scherzo of the 5th string quartet piano 1938 to 1939 Arrangement of the scherzo of the 5th string quartet
48 Welcome overture in C major Symphony orchestra 1939
48A Four (three, two) songs for aviators and sailors in the polar region based on words from M. Swetlow and J. Selwenski
  • 1. «Песня гордости» (слова неизвестного автора)
  • 2. «Над полярным морем» (слова М.Светлова) - 2 варианта
  • 3. «Песня моряков-полярников» (слова Ю. Зельвенского)
  • 4.?
singing 1939
49 6th string quartet in G minor
  • 1. Moderato
  • 2. Allegro vivo
  • 3. Adagio
  • 4. Allegro con fuoco
String quartet 1939 to 1940 Dedication: "For the State Beethoven Quartet"
50 20th Symphony in E major
  • 1. Allegro con spirito
  • 2. Adagio
  • 3. Allegro inquieto
Symphony orchestra 1940 Dedication: "For JA Schaporin "
51 21st Symphony in F sharp minor in one movement
  • Andante sostenuto - Allegro non troppo ma con impeto - Andante
Symphony orchestra 1940
52 Songs on verses by Stepan Stschipachev, ten romances
  • 1. Русый ветер
  • 2. У родника
  • 3. Мне кажется порой…
  • 4. Подсолнух
  • 5. Приметы
  • 6. Тебе
  • 7. Легко, любимая, с тобой
  • 8. Эльбрус и самолет
  • 9. Взглянув на карточку
  • 10. У моря
Medium voice and piano 1940
53 Two marches
  • No. 1 in F minor
  • No. 2 in F major
Wind band 1941
53A and 53D (39) Two mass songs based on words by M. Swetlow and W. Winnikow
  • 1. «Боец молодой» (Swetlow)
  • 2. «Боевой приказ» (Vinnikow)
Singing voice and piano 1941 S. Gulinskaja and the official Mjaskowski website summarize the two works, Onno van Rijen lists them individually as op. 53A and op. 53D
53B (T9) “The Year 1941” by S. Prokofiev Piano for four hands 1941 unpublished; Arrangement of S. Prokofiev's symphonic suite
53C "Походная песня" based on a text by M. Issakowski Male choir a cappella 1941 This work is missing from S. Gulinskaja's list
54 22nd Symphony in B minor "Ballade"
  • 1. Lento. Allegro non troppo
  • 2. Andante con duolo
  • 3. Allegro energico, ma non troppo vivo
Symphony orchestra 1941
55 7th string quartet in F major
  • 1. Andantino
  • 2. Vivace e Fantastico
  • 3. Andante con moto
  • 4. Vivacissimo
String quartet 1941 Dedication: "For JM Gudkow"
56 23rd Symphony in A minor "Symphonic Suite"
  • 1. Lento. Allegro alla marcia. Lento
  • 2. Andante molto sostenuto
  • 3. Allegro vivace
Symphony orchestra 1941
57 Piano sonatina in E minor
  • 1. Moderato piu cantabile
  • 2. Narrante lugubre
  • 3. Molto vivo ed agitato
piano 1942
58 “Song and Rhapsody”, Prelude and Rondo Sonata in B flat minor piano 1942
59 8th string quartet in F sharp minor
  • 1. Allegro moderato
  • 2. Adagio
  • 3. Allegro dramatico
String quartet 1942 Dedication: "In memory of SP Feldman"
60 Dramatic overture in G minor Wind band 1942
61 Poem “ Kirow lives!”, Cantata based on the text of the poem of the same name by N. Tichonow in D minor
  • 1. Larghetto marciale
  • 2. Andantino tenebroso
  • 3. Larghetto marciale. Moderato
  • 4. Allegro agitato. Maestoso
Mezzo-soprano , baritone , mixed choir and symphony orchestra 1942 to 1943 Dedication: “The Beethoven Quartet on the occasion of its 20th anniversary”; Dedication is believed to be a mistake in the listing by S. Gulinskaya and the official Myaskovsky website
62 9th String Quartet in D minor
  • 1. Allegro inquieto
  • 2. Andante espressionato
  • 3. Allegro con brio
String quartet 1943 Dedication: “The Beethoven Quartet on the occasion of its 20th anniversary”; Dedication was probably wrongly assigned to op. 61, but op. 62 is more likely, as the work was also premiered by the Beethoven Quartet and is probably missing from S. Gulinskaja's list due to an error
63 24th Symphony in F minor
  • 1. Allegro deciso
  • 2. Molto sostenuto
  • 3. Allegro appassionato
Symphony orchestra 1943 Dedication: "Dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Vladimirovich Dershanowski"
64 No. 1 5th Piano Sonata in B major "According to old sketches"
  • 1. Allegretto capricioso
  • 2. Largo e pesante
  • 3. Vivo
  • 4. Allegro energico
piano 1944 First sketches 1907 to 1908; First revision 1917; Second revision 1944
64 No. 2 6th piano sonata in A flat major "According to old sketches"
  • 1. Allegro ma non troppo
  • 2. Andante con sentimente
  • 3. Molto vivo
piano 1944 First sketches 1908
65 "Звенья", ("chain links") six sketches
  • 1. Введение
  • 2. Воспоминание о танце
  • 3. Difiramb
  • 4. Раздумье
  • 5. Успокоение
  • 6. Шествие
Symphony orchestra 1944 to 1945
65A (T10) Three romances and Kavatina from the opera “ Prince Igor ” by A. Borodin String quartet 1944 unpublished; Arrangement of Borodin's piano or orchestral accompaniment to the opera
66 Concerto for violoncello and orchestra in C minor
  • 1. Lento, ma non troppo
  • 2. Allegro vivace
Violoncello and symphony orchestra 1944 Dedication: "For SN Knuschewitzki"
67 No. 1 10th string quartet in F major "According to old sketches"
  • 1. Allegro non troppo
  • 2. Vivo scherzando
  • 3. Andante con moto lagrimabile
  • 4. Allegro molto e con brio
String quartet 1945 First sketches 1907
67 No. 2 11th string quartet in E flat major "Memories"
  • 1. Allegro tranquillo
  • 2. Andante con moto
  • 3. Allegretto pensieroso
  • 4. Allegro non troppo giocoso
String quartet 1945
68 2. Sinfonietta in A minor
  • 1. Prelude and Fuguette: Allegro molto. Largo pesante
  • 2. Gavotte: Andantino graciozo
  • 3. Andante elevato
  • 4. Allegro con fuoco
String orchestra 1945 to 1946
69 25th Symphony in D flat major
  • 1. Adagio. Andante
  • 2. Moderato
  • 3. Allegro impetuoso
Symphony orchestra 1946 Dedication: "For LT Atowmjan"
70 Violin Sonata in F major
  • 1. Allegro amabile
  • 2. Theme with variations: Andante con moto a molto cantabile
Violin and piano 1946 to 1947
71 “Slavic Rhapsody”, overture fantasy on Old Slavic themes from the 16th century in D minor Symphony orchestra 1946 Dedication: "For Igor Fjodorowitsch Belsa"
72 “Lyric Book”, six romances based on words by M. Mendelson and Robert Burns
  • 1. Забуду ли тебя
  • 2. Как парус что мелькнет порою…
  • 3. День безоблачный апреля
  • 4. Как часто ночью
  • 5. Мое сердце в горах… (из Бернса)
  • 6. Мэри (из Бернса)
Soprano and piano 1946 Dedication: "For Mira Mendelson"
72A, 72B (40) Draft for an anthem for the RSFSR Choir and orchestra 1946 also as a version for choir and piano accompaniment (op.72B), both unpublished
73 "Стилизации" ("stylizations"), nine pieces in the form of old dances
  • 1. Причудливое шествие (Great Procession)
  • 2. Mazurka (Mazurka)
  • 3. Гавот (Gavotte)
  • 4. Вальс (waltz)
  • 5. Полька (polka)
  • 6. Менуэт (minuet)
  • 7. Сицилиана (Siciliana)
  • 8. Галоп (или экосез) (gallop)
  • 9. Полонез (Polonaise)
piano 1946
74 "Из прошлого" ("From the Past"), six improvisations
  • 1. Вступление
  • 2. Порыв
  • 3. В драме
  • 4. Звоны
  • 5. Сумрак
  • 6. Конец сказки
piano 1947 First sketches 1906 to 1907
75 Nocturno "Кремль ночью" ("The Kremlin by Night"), cantata based on words by S. Vasiliev Tenor or soprano, choir and symphony orchestra 1947 Dedication: “To XXX. Anniversary of the Great October Revolution "
76 “Pathetic Overture” in C minor Symphony orchestra 1947 Dedication: "On the 30th anniversary of the Soviet Army"
77 12th string quartet in G major
  • 1. Andante. Allegro
  • 2. Allegro fantastico
  • 3. Andante con espressivo
  • 4. Allegro non troppo
String quartet 1947 Dedication: "For DB Kabalewski"
78 Polyphonic sketches, two notebooks
  • Issue 1: 3 легкие фуги
    • 1.ре минор (двухголосная)
    • 2.ре мажор (двухголосная)
    • 3. соль минор (двухголосная)
  • Issue 2: 3 более трудные фуги
    • 1. си минор (трехголосная, простая)
    • 2. си бемоль минор (трехголосная, простая)
    • 3. фа диез минор (четырехголосная, двойная)
piano 1948
79 26th Symphony in C major "On Russian Themes"
  • 1. Andante sostenuto. Allegro
  • 2. Andante quasi lento
  • 3. Adagio. Allegro maestoso
Symphony orchestra 1948
80 Divertimento in E flat major
  • 1. Allegro ma non troppo (Valse)
  • 2. Adagio (Nocturne)
  • 3. Presto (Tarentella)
Symphony orchestra 1948
81 2. Violoncello Sonata in A minor
  • 1. Allegro moderato
  • 2. Andante cantabile
  • 3. Allegro con spirito
Violoncello and piano 1948 to 1949 Dedication: "For ML Rostropovich "
82 7th piano sonata in C major
  • 1. Соната. Allegro moderato
  • 2. Элегия. Andante pensieroso
  • 3. Пляска-рондо. Allegro giocoso
piano 1949
83 8th piano sonata in D minor
  • 1. Баркаролла-сонатина. Allegretto
  • 2. Песня-идиллия. Andante cantabile
  • 3. Хоровод рондо. Vivo
piano 1949
84 9th piano sonata in F major
  • 1. Светлые образы - сонатина
  • 2. Повествование. Andante sostenuto
  • 3. Неудержтимое стремление. rondo
piano 1949
85 27th Symphony in C minor
  • 1. Adagio. Allegro animato
  • 2. Adagio
  • 3. Presto ma non troppo - Marciale - Tempo I
Symphony orchestra 1949
86 13th String Quartet in A minor
  • 1. Moderato
  • 2. Presto fantastico
  • 3. Andante con moto e molto cantabile
  • 4. Molto vivo, energico
String quartet 1949 Dedication: "For the Beethoven Quartet"
87 “За многие годы” (“From many years”), collection of 15 romances and songs based on the words of various authors
  • 1. Так и рвется душа… (А. Кольцов), 1901
  • 2. Барельеф (А.Голенищев-Кутузов), 1903
  • 3. Из вод подымая головку… (А. Толстой). 1903
  • 4. Я, потушив огонь… (Л. Ярманкина), 1903
  • 5. Сумерки (С. Феррари). 1904
  • 6. Песня сборщиков (В. Брюсов), 1906
  • 7. В борьбе с тяжелою судьбой… (Е. Баратынский), 1908
  • 8. Все мысль да мысль… (У. Баратынский). 1908
  • 9. Я не скорблю (Э.По, перевод К. Бальмонта), 1908
  • 10. Сонет "Молчи, прошу, не смей меня будить…" (Микеланджело - Ф. Тютчев). 1909
  • 11. Запевка ("На крышах теплых…", В. Наседкин), 1933
  • 12. Колхозная осень (А. Ерикеев), 1935
  • 13. Колыбельная. Песня испанской матери, уходящей на фронт (Т. Сикорская), 1936
  • 14. Песня от всей души (Джамбул), 1936
  • 15. Ромену Роллану (А. Лахути), 1936
singing 1950 Collection of works from 1901 to 1936

References and comments

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Soja Gulinskaja: Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Mjaskowski . Moscow 1981, German Berlin 1985, p. 268 ff
  2. a b c d e f g h i j COMPOSITIONS by NIKOLAI MIASKOVSKY ( Memento from May 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - Internet Edition compiled by Onno van Rijen
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Nikolay Myaskovsky - The official site
  4. a b c d e f g Since Onno van Rijen's list does not include the first “Flofion” booklet, the numbering is offset by one
  5. This work is the only work in S. Gulinskaja's list to have a letter added to the opus number
  6. a b c According to summarized under Kinderstücke op.43, 3 pieces (1907-38)