Loderbach (mountain near Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate)

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Coordinates: 49 ° 18 ′ 41 ″  N , 11 ° 27 ′ 44 ″  E
Height : 412 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 337  (December 31, 2015)
Incorporation : May 1, 1978
Postal code : 92348
Area code : 09181

Loderbach is a part of the municipality Berg bei Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate in the Upper Palatinate district of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate in Bavaria .


The village is located in the Upper Palatinate Jura at approx. 412 m above sea ​​level southeast of the municipality and to the right of the Schwarzach .


Loderbach is said to have originated in 1130 and was named after Emperor Lothar , who often stayed in Neumarkt while passing through . In any case, the place was created before 1180, because the Loter / Lotter or Loterbeck / Loterpek family named themselves after him, who sat here from 1180 to 1407 and from then on can be found as a bourgeois family in Neumarkt. In 1180 the first documented Loter Heinrich ceded an estate to Duke Friedrich the Bearded . Around 1280, goods belonging to “Loterbach” belonging to the “Paern” office (presumably today's Berg) are mentioned in an arable land belonging to the Palatinate ; the latter was united in 1338 by the Count Palatine with the newly established Haimburg Office . In 1322 a "Her Chunrat von Loternpach" is mentioned as a documentary witness, and in 1324 a "Marquard der Loterbeck" is mentioned. In 1349 a "Chuonrat von Loterpach" appears again. The Loterbecken - they also sat on Rothenfels , Heinrichsbürg and in Eschertshofen - were several times benefactors of the Kastl monastery and can also be found as carers and judges . Their property complex has been divided into pieces. In 1407 Marquard Lydwacher zu Sandsee sold half a Gütl zu Loderbach to Ulrich Kruzenhofer zu Heinrichsbürg; the other half was owned by the Neumarkt citizen K. Lemlein / Lemel. In 1439 the Neumarkt citizen Konrad Roll sold two goods to Loderbach to the Neumarkt citizen Hermann Zorn. In 1546, Prince Ottheinrich's landscape councilors sold the Zehent zu Loderbach to reduce debt. In the 16th century, the imperial city of Nuremberg was also wealthy in Loderbach. During the Counter Reformation, the Jesuits of the Neumarkt mission station provided the Loderbach branch of the Berg parish.

Towards the end of the Old Kingdom , around 1800, Loderbach consisted of 15 courtyards belonging to the Lower Hofmark Berngau , with the largest courtyard, a three-quarter courtyard with Knipfer in the rear, being administered for the Neumarkt hospital. Widtmann and Graf sat in two half yards. The other courtyards were smaller; so there were also five eighth yards and two sixteenth yards. The community had a shepherd's house. The high jurisdiction exercised the electoral mayor's office in Neumarkt .

In the new Kingdom of Bavaria (1806) Loderbach became a tax district , around 1810/20 a rural community to which the surrounding towns of Richtheim , Beckenhof and Riebling belonged, later also Kadenzhofen and at times Bruckmühle; The majority of the 19 districts of the later municipality of Mühlen, which existed in Bavaria until the regional reform, still belonged to the Loderbach tax district . The municipality of Loderbach was incorporated into Berg on May 1, 1978 as part of the regional reform in Bavaria . The last mayor was Georg Ehrnsberger from 1970 to 1978.

In 1836 the repertory for the topographical atlas sheet Neumarkt reads: "Loderbach, D [orf], 21 houses, 1 branch church, 1 inn". Today there are over 70 residential buildings in Loderbach. The school was rebuilt in 1910 under Mayor Ludwig Kaspar Frauenknecht; it replaced the school building of the community from 1806. The teacher was also sacristan. In 1990 a district teaching garden was built on the area of ​​the former school garden below the church . In the 19th century and well into the 20th century, the population of the village was around 100, doubled after the Second World War and tripled around 2000.

Population development in Loderbach

  • 1836: 103 (19 houses)
  • 1867: 91 (40 buildings, 1 church, 1 school)
  • 1900: 88 (15 residential buildings)
  • 1937: 98
  • 1950: 202 (25 residential buildings)
  • 1961: 224 (41 residential buildings)
  • 1987: 278 (75 residential buildings, 91 apartments)
  • 2005: 325
  • 2015: 337

Population development in the community of Loderbach

  • 1867: 366 (142 buildings; 6 locations)
  • 1900: 350 (60 residential buildings)
  • 1950: 568 (82 residential buildings; 5 locations: Loderbach, Beckenhof, Kadenzhofen, Richtheim, Riebling)
  • 1961: 626 (118 residential buildings; 5 locations)
Branch church St. Georg
Look into the church
Monument to the fallen of both world wars
Spire of the former fire station


  • Catholic branch church St. Georg (branch to Berg; for Loderbach and Kadenzhofen), mentioned for the first time in 1444 on the occasion of the foundation of an early mass, while maintaining the early Gothic choir in the massive square east tower with eight-sided spire, allegedly rebuilt in 1585, rebuilt and expanded in 1855–1857 neo-Gothic furnishings (high altar from 1905).
  • Former fire station with roof turret (hose turret), 1913

See also the list of architectural monuments in Berg near Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate # Loderbach


  • Fiat Club Loderbach
  • Loderbach volunteer fire department
  • Horticultural Association Loderbach
  • Shooting club "St. Georg" Loderbach
  • Soldier and warrior comradeship Loderbach


Transport links

Loderbach can be reached via exit 92 a “Neumarkt / Opf.” Of the A3 federal motorway and via the 2240 state road. Local roads lead to Richtheim and Kadenzhofen. Loderbacher Hauptstrasse has seven side streets in town.


  • Bernhard Heinloth: Historical Atlas of Bavaria. Part Altbayern, Issue 16: Neumarkt , Munich: Commission for Bavarian State History, 1967.
  • Franz Xaver Buchner : The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume I, Eichstätt: Brönner & Däntler, 1937, Volume II, 1938.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Th. Giehl: Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz , Amberg & Neumarkt 1873, p. 20 f .; Negotiations of the historical association Upper Palatinate and Regensburg , 19 (1860), p. 14
  2. Buchner I, p. 84; Heinloth, pp. 66, 269
  3. ↑ Information board in the village on Ludwig-Kaspar-Frauenknecht-Platz
  4. Heinloth, pp. 173, 214
  5. Heinloth, pp. 67-69
  6. Heinloth, p. 269
  7. Heinloth, pp. 249, 269; Buchner I, p. 85, II, p. 238
  8. Heinloth, p. 269
  9. Heinloth, pp. 321, 325 f.
  10. Heinloth, p. 325; Information board in the village on Ludwig-Kaspar-Frauenknecht-Platz
  11. ^ Repertory of the topographical atlas sheet. Neumarkt , 1836, p. 29
  12. Buchner I, p. 88 f.
  13. Popp, Th. D. (ed.): Matrikel des Bissthumes Eichstätt , Eichstätt: Ph. Brönner, 1836, p. 39
  14. Joseph Heyberger: Topographical-statistical manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria with an alphabetical local dictionary , Munich 1867, Col. 708
  15. Kgl. Statistical Bureau in Munich (edit.): List of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria ... [based on the results of the census of Dec. 1, 1900] , Munich 1904, column 866
  16. Buchner I, p. 89
  17. ^ Official register of places for Bavaria, edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 , Munich 1952, Col. 745
  18. ^ Official register of places for Bavaria. Territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census, Munich 1964, column 550
  19. ^ Official register of places for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 , Munich 1991, p. 257
  20. ↑ Information board in the village on Ludwig-Kaspar-Frauenknecht-Platz
  21. ^ Bulletin of the Berg community , February 2016, p. 8
  22. Heyberger, Col. 708
  23. ^ Locations directory 1900/1904; Sp. 866
  24. Official Local directory 1950, col. 745
  25. Last count before the regional reform and incorporation into Berg; Official Local directory 1961/1964, col. 550
  26. Catholic churches of the parishes Berg and Hausheim , Regensburg 1995, pp. 13-16
  27. ↑ Information board in the village on Ludwig-Kaspar-Frauenknecht-Platz

Web links

Commons : Loderbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files