Mass Effect 3

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Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3 Logo.png
Studio CanadaCanada BioWare
Publisher United StatesUnited States Electronic Arts
Windows, PS3, Xbox 360: March 6, 2012 March 8, 2012 March 9, 2012 Wii U: November 18, 2012 November 30, 2012
North AmericaNorth America

North AmericaNorth America
platform PC ( Windows ), Xbox 360 , PS3 , Wii U
Game engine Unreal Engine 3
genre Action RPG
Subject Science fiction
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Gamepad , keyboard , mouse
system advantages
medium DVD-ROM , Blu-ray , download
language German
copy protection Origin (PC)
Age rating
USK approved from 16
PEGI from 18

Mass Effect 3 is an action role-playing game in the science fiction game world Mass Effect by the Canadian game developer BioWare and the final title of the Reaper trilogy. The threat to galactic life forms culminates in the invasion of the Milky Way by the alien machine people of the Reaper. After the attack of the Reaper on Earth, Commander Shepard has to gather the peoples of the galactic alliance to counterattack and lead them into the final defensive battle.

The game was released in Germany on March 8, 2012 for Windows , Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 . A “Special Edition” port for the Wii U appeared when the console was launched on November 30, 2012 and also included the DLC From the Ashes .


Course of action

The plot of the third part deals with the final confrontation between the Citadel peoples and the Reapers. It connects directly to the download extension The Arrival for Mass Effect 2 . Commander Shepard is appointed to the Military Council as the Reaper attack on Earth begins. Since the attackers cannot be repulsed on their own, Commander Shepard has to flee from Earth and gather the armed forces of all peoples for the final battle. In addition to the Reapers, Shepard also has to fight the criminal organization Cerberus.

Shepard's first mission after the introductory mission on Earth takes him to Mars, where he has to protect Liara T'Soni from attacks by a Cerberus special unit in a research facility. Liara shares research with Shepard with information on a prosthetic weapon against the Reaper. Based on these construction plans, Admiral Hackett begins building the weapon, while Shepard tries to convince the Citadel Council to stand by humanity in their defense efforts. The council is reluctant, however, since all council peoples are bound by their own defense efforts. To convince him, Shepard has to gather allies ( Galactic Readiness ) and therefore take on several missions:

  • The possible reversal of the krogan genophage
  • Uncovering and pushing back Cerberus' influence on the Citadel Council
  • Resolving the conflict between quarians and the geth
  • The defense of the home planet of the Asari, combined with the search for an important component for the defense weapon
  • The destruction of the Cerberus headquarters

Many of these missions can be solved in different ways for the player, with corresponding effects on the plot and the galactic readiness level, which in turn has a significant influence on the possible outcome of the final battle. After the successful destruction of the Cerberus headquarters, it turns out that the Citadel is needed as a catalyst for the defensive weapon. In the meantime, however, this has been relocated by the Reapers to the solar system near Earth. The finale therefore takes place on earth and in direct earth orbit.

In a commando operation, Shepard and Admiral Anderson enter the Citadel and complete preparations to activate the weapon. There they also meet the stranger, the leader of Cerberus, who eventually dies like Admiral Anderson. With the last of his strength, Shepard penetrates the innermost control room of the Citadel. There an artificial intelligence reveals itself to him as the actual catalyst and at the same time also as the “driver” of the Reaper. This AI explains that the regular extermination of all life forms by the reapers is an attempt to save the organic life forms from self-extinction. Organic creatures would always try to create synthetic creatures to simplify their own lives. As development progressed, synthetic living beings would become more and more superior to their creators and one day would destroy all organic life.

The fact that with Shepard, however, the first organic creature has now advanced to AI, shows that the previous solution no longer works. The AI ​​gives Shepard up to four options for action, depending on his success in building the intergalactic fleet for the final battle with the reapers:

  1. Shepard takes direct control of the Reaper and stops the annihilation.
  2. Shepard chooses synthesis, i.e. transformation of all forms of life into an organic-synthetic hybrid form.
  3. Shepard chooses to destroy the Reaper and all synthetic life.
  4. Shepard decides that the cycle of destruction will continue and that all higher civilizations, including Earth, will be destroyed. This option was only added with the free DLC "Extended Cut".

The first two options result in the certain death of Shepard. If option 3 is selected - but only if the Galactic Readiness Rating is high - a short scene at the end of the credits suggests Shepard's survival. The fate of Shepard after selecting the fourth option is not discussed in more detail, but in this case, in the distant future, a new civilization has obviously succeeded in defeating the Reaper through the notes of Liara T'Soni.

In the version of the game originally delivered in 2012, all three versions of the end sequence also destroyed all of the mass portals in the galaxy. With the "Extended Cut" DLC, new variants have been added, in which the portals can be repaired after a while at a high galactic readiness level. In addition, the DLC lowered the minimum readiness level for reaching various end variants.


Surname gender race class Speaker (english) Speaker (german) role
Commander Shepard male human selectable Mark sea Erik Schäffler Player character
Commander Shepard Female human selectable Jennifer Hale Nicole Boguth Player character
Garrus Vakarian male Turians Turian Infiltrator Brandon Keener Ronald Spiess companion
Liara T'Soni Asari Asari scientist Ali Hillis Tanja Dohse companion
James Vega male human gunsmith Freddie Prinze junior Jan-David Rönfeldt companion
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (vas Normandy) Female Quarians Quarian machinist Liz Sroka Mia Diekow Companion
Urdnot Wrex male Krogan Krogan combat master Steve Barr Thomas Karallus former companion
Kaidan Alenko male human Guardian Raphael Sbarge Christian Rudolf companion
Ashley Madeline Williams Female human Alliance officer Kimberly Brooks Isabella Bartdorff Companion
EDI (Extended Defensive Intelligence) Female Artificial intelligence technician Tricia Helfer Christine Pappert Companion, ship AI
Jeff "Joker" Moreau male human - Seth Green Hubertus von Lerchenfeld Normandy crew (pilot)
The Unknown (Illusive Man) male human - Martin Sheen Bernd Stephan Cerberus leader
David Anderson male human - Keith David Rainer Schmitt Alliance admiral
Steven Hackett male human - Lance Henriksen Eberhard Haar Alliance admiral
Aria T'Loak Asari - Carrie-Anne Moss Marion Elskis Syndicate leader
Miranda Lawson Female human Cerberus officer Yvonne Strahovski Jennifer Bottcher former companion
Diana Allers Female human - Jessica Chobot Kristina von Weltzien reporter
Thane Krios male Drill Drell assassin Keythe Farley Konstantin Graudus former companion
  1. a b Selectable by the player
  2. a b c d e f g If character survived in the previous parts
  3. a b Asari have female bodies, but are both male and female


Mass Effect 3 has both a single and a multiplayer mode, as well as a game mechanic that combines both modes with the self-name "Galaxy at War".

Single player

Like its predecessors, Mass Effect 3 is a level-based action role-playing game. As with Mass Effect 2, it is possible to import an existing character from a saved version of the direct predecessor; alternatively, a new character can be created. The game offers three distinctly different game modes, which have a major impact on the feel of the game. While the so-called role-play mode corresponds to the game principle of its predecessors, the action mode removes the possibility of choosing between different answer options during the dialogues and brings the fights to the fore. The story mode, on the other hand, offers all options for action, but reduces the difficulty of the fights to a very low level.

The Xbox version of the game optionally supports Microsoft's Kinect voice and gesture control . Owners of the corresponding hardware can use voice commands to give instructions to the AI-controlled companion and their own character and thus, for example, give movement commands, change weapons or order the use of a special ability. Gesture control, on the other hand, was not implemented because, according to the company's own statements, it could not be integrated into the game authentically enough.


Mass Effect 3 is the first title in the series with a multiplayer mode. It has a co-op mode limited to four players with specially designed multiplayer levels. In it, the player creates a new character for a game who, as an elite soldier of the Special Forces, is supposed to protect resources and so-called assets together with other players. There are originally six classes and seven races for character creation. The selection is expanded by installing several download extensions. The player can create multiple multiplayer characters. However, the combinations of class and race are given by the game and must also be unlocked by the player. As in the main game, the characters collect experience points and in-game currency credits during missions. This allows their skills to be improved and new items, weapons and multiplayer characters can be unlocked in a shop by purchasing so-called equipment kits. However, the player has no control over which items are purchased, they are randomly assigned to him by the program.

Galaxy at War

Galaxy at War is a game mechanic that is used in parallel to the single player campaign. Among other things, it interlinks the multiplayer mode and the single-player campaign. Successfully completed missions of the single player campaign as well as the multiplayer mode have an impact on the so-called galactic readiness . This simulates the success of the mobilization and defense measures of the galactic peoples in the fight against the Reaper. It in turn affects the final battle of the single player campaign. It is possible to end the single player campaign without using the multiplayer functions of Galaxy at War . However, this increases the degree of difficulty for the optimal solution of the game significantly. Another possibility of increasing readiness arises through the purchase of the accompanying product Mass Effect Infiltrator . The character finds so-called data disks in it, which can be linked to Mass Effect 3 via the link with an Origin account .


According to rumors in advance, Mass Effect 3 was officially presented for the first time on December 11, 2010 as part of the Spike Video Game Awards 2010 with the release of a first trailer. On November 5, 2011, a bug in the Dashboard Preview program for Xbox 360 gave participants access to a beta version of the game. This was the first time that information about the three different levels of difficulty was made public. On January 14, 2012, the developer announced that the PC version of the game requires an installation of the Electronic Arts online distribution platform Origin . On February 13, 2012, producer Casey Hudson announced that work on Mass Effect 3 had been successfully completed. Then work began on the first download extension from the Ashes . A demo of the game was released on February 14, 2012 for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. The game itself was released in America on March 5, 2012, in Germany on March 8, 2012 and in the rest of Europe on March 9.

The multiplayer mode of the game was developed by BioWare's Montreal office. The studio was originally entrusted with the development of a competitive first-person shooter with the working title Mass Effect: Team Assault . This should combine the game principles of Unreal Tournament and Battlefield 1943 with each other. Development work began at the end of 2009, and in March 2010 the development team presented a first version of the game to management. As a result, the project was postponed and, based on previous work, the focus was shifted to the development of a cooperative multiplayer mode for Mass Effect 3 . Since a cooperative play through of the campaign is not possible due to the engine, there was a restriction to a separate multiplayer mode.

As part of the industry trade fair E3 2012 , BioWare announced at the Nintendo press conference on June 5, 2012 that the game would be implemented for the Wii U game console, which had not been released before .


In contrast to its predecessors, the soundtrack for Mass Effect 3 comes from Clint Mansell . This replaces the previous main composer Jack Wall. In addition to Mansell, the composers Christopher Lennertz , Sam Hulick , Cris Velasco and Sascha Dikiciyan , who have already contributed to the soundtrack for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 , have also been engaged . Dikiciyan named Tangerine Dream and Vangelis as significant influences for his compositions .

Companion products

In terms of content, the novels Mass Effect: Retribution by Drew Karpyshyn and Mass Effect: Blendwerk by William C. Dietz fill the gap between the plot of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 . However, the first edition of Blendwerk was heavily criticized by customers because author Dietz did not adhere to the canon of the game world in all points. Developer BioWare and the American book publisher Del Ray responded to the complaints by announcing that they would publish a corrected version of the book in the future. In 2012, Dark Horse Comics published an art book entitled The Art of The Mass Effect Universe with accompanying texts by Casey Hudson and Derek Watts for the entire Mass Effect series, which was also published in a German edition in 2014 by Splitter Verlag .

To accompany Mass Effect 3 , Bioware announced on February 7, 2012 the release of the programs Mass Effect Infiltrator and Mass Effect Datapad for the mobile operating system Apple iOS . Infiltrator is a third-person shooter with a separate storyline and an additional link to the Galaxy at War mode for Mass Effect 3 . In Mass Effect Datapad is an application with a connection to the gaming service to Mass Effect 3 . It allows you to get online news and information about the game. By being linked to the user's EA account, progress in the main game also unlocks further information for the Datapad application. It also contains a small skill game called Fleet Commander , which also influences the Galactic Readiness of the main game.

Download extensions

From the ashes
After rumors ahead of the release of Mass Effect 3 and after first product entry on Microsoft's Xbox Live games marketplace was publicly confirmed BioWare on February 22, the first download expansion, entitled Out of the ashes (ger .: From Ashes ) to launch the Main game. The DLC includes a new companion character that comes from the Protheans, who were extinguished by the Reapers 50,000 years ago. Shepard also visits the planet Eden Prime in an additional mission, on which he first came across the traces of the Reaper in the first part of the series while pursuing Saren.
The package was developed after work on the main campaign was completed in January. It was part of the scope of delivery of the N7 Collector's Edition as bonus content.
Resurrection Multiplayer Expansion
A free expansion for the multiplayer mode (English: Resurgence Multiplayer Expansion ) was released on April 10, 2012. It includes two new maps, six new multiplayer characters and four new pieces of equipment.
Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion
Another free expansion for the multiplayer mode (English: Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion ), which was released on May 29, 2012. It includes two new maps, six new multiplayer characters and three new weapons.
Extended cut
A free expansion that was released on June 26, 2012. She expands the three different end sequences with additional film material and inserts a fourth end sequence, the continuation of the cycle of destruction of the Reaper.
Paid expansion for the solo campaign that was released on August 28, 2012. In a new series of quests, Shepard is looking for the Leviathan. This fabulous creature killed a reaper in the past and should therefore be won as an ally. In the course of the quest series you get information about the origins and goals of the Reaper.
Paid expansion for the solo campaign that was released on November 27, 2012. The expansion takes place on the Omega space station known from Mass Effect 2 , which has since been occupied by Cerberus. Omega's overthrown ruler Aria plans with Shepard to recapture the station.
A free expansion for the multiplayer mode (English: Mass Effect 3: Reckoning - Multiplayer DLC ), which was released on February 27, 2013. It adds six new multiplayer characters, seven weapons, five weapon mods, and two pieces of equipment. Billing is the final expansion for multiplayer.
Paid expansion for the solo campaign that was released on March 5, 2013. This expansion is about a conspiracy against Shepard on the Citadel, which the player must solve. In the course of the DLC you will meet former crew members of the previous parts, some of which, like Urdnot Wrex , are temporary squad members. Citadel is the last single player expansion for Mass Effect 3 and includes the main quest, two new weapons, seven weapon mods, three armor, two war assets and a new hub, the Silversun Strip on the Citadel .


The game received consistently high ratings from critics (Metacritic: 89% (PC) / 93% (PS3) / 93% (Xbox 360)). IGN particularly praised the game's claim to confront its players with important moral and ethical decisions that actually have an impact on the course of Mass Effect 3 and gave the game 9.5 out of 10 points. The customer opinions, however, were ambiguous. The presentation and gameplay were largely received positively. However, the sale of a DLC on release day and the end of the game (instead of the previously announced, fundamentally different endings, there was ultimately only a single ending with minor variations) triggered negative reactions, which were expressed, among other things, in organized protests.

BioWare responded to the massive protests about the game's ending credits with the release of a free, so-called Extended Cut, which, however, retained the tenor of the original versions, but provided additional explanations. Only a new fourth variant offered the possibility to negate all original variants, which leads to the total annihilation of the Galactic Alliance. In a presentation of its download content strategy at the Game Developers Conference Europe 2012, BioWare also described the provision of download extensions on the release date as the most profitable option from an economic point of view. Based on their own experience with Dragon Age: Origins , its first day of sale packages ( Caught in the Stone and Guardian Fortress ) together generated 53% of total DLC sales. Download content available on the day of sale gives players the opportunity to access the offer at the desired time.

In the US, the game sold about 890,000 copies in the first 24 hours. At the same time, according to the computer game retail chain GameStop, 40% of all first-time buyers also acquired the download content From the Ashes , which was the highest percentage in the company's sales history to date. According to EA's on March 9, 2012, 3.5 million copies of the game were delivered to retailers.


Mass Effect 3 - Take Earth Back was awarded the Animated Com Award , the competition for applied animation, in the technology category at the 2013 Stuttgart Film Festival.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mass Effect 3: Wii U Version will contain the Day One DLC "From Ashes". . In: . September 16, 2012. Retrieved September 27, 2016.
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  6. Phil Kollar: Casey Hudson On Finishing Mass Effect 3, DLC Plans ( English ) In: Game Informer . GameStop . January 10, 2012. Retrieved January 17, 2012.
  7. Mike Schramm: Testing Kinect in Mass Effect 3 (plus, demo coming February 14) [update: more demo details ] ( English ) In: Joystiq . AOL . January 18, 2012. Archived from the original on January 28, 2015. Retrieved on February 23, 2012.
  8. Ben Reeves: Mass Effect 3 Kinect Commands Cheat Sheet ( English ) In: Game Informer . GameStop . February 17, 2012. Retrieved February 23, 2012.
  9. Dean Takahashi: How BioWare saw a chance to differentiate Mass Effect 3 with Kinect (interview) ( English ) In: GamesBeat . VentureBeat. January 18, 2012. Retrieved February 23, 2012.
  10. a b Electronic Arts : EA and BioWare introduce the first multiplayer mode in the Mass Effect series . In: Official company website . October 12, 2011. Retrieved October 24, 2011.
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  12. Tom Francis: ( English ) In: PC Gamer . Future Publishing. March 6, 2012. Archived from the original on March 8, 2012. Retrieved on March 8, 2012.
  13. Markus Schwerdtel: Mass Effect: Infiltrator in the test - No role-playing game, a lot of Mass Effect . In: GamePro . IDG . March 9, 2012. Retrieved March 12, 2012.
  14. Ben Gilbert: Mass Effect 3 officially revealed (no, seriously this time) ( English ) In: Joystiq . AOL . December 11, 2010. Archived from the original on January 28, 2015. Retrieved on October 24, 2011.
  15. Peter Smits : Beta of ME3 accidentally published . In: GamePro . IDG . November 5, 2011. Retrieved November 6, 2011.
  16. Chris Priestley: Origin and Mass Effect 3 ( English ) In: BioWare Social Network . BioWare . January 14, 2012. Retrieved January 17, 2012: “ Yes, Origin is required for all PC editions of Mass Effect 3, physical or digital. "
  17. Casey Hudson: Twitter message from February 13, 2012 ( English ) In: Twitter account of the ME producer . Twitter. February 13, 2012. Retrieved on February 13, 2012: “ After an awesome effort by our team, I'm proud to announce # MassEffect3 is officially GOLD! "
  18. John Gaudiosi: Exclusive: Mass Effect 3's Director addresses the game's controversies ( English ) In: Digital Trend . March 13, 2012. Retrieved March 21, 2012.
  19. Electronic Arts : Just save the world for a moment: Download the Mass Effect 3 demo from today . In: Official company website . February 14, 2012. Retrieved February 17, 2012.
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