Mohammed VI (Morocco)

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Mohammed VI

Mohammed VI ( Arabic محمد السادس بن الحسن, DMG Muḥammad as-sādis b. al-Ḥasan ; Moroccan Tamazight ⵎⵓⵃⵎⵎⴷ ⵡⵉⵙⵙ ⵚⴹⵉⵚ Muḥammed wiss ṣḍiṣ ), also known as Mohammed Ben Al-Hassan (born August 21, 1963 in Rabat , Morocco ), has been King of Morocco since 1999. He is the eldest son of Hassan II and his main wife Lalla Latifa Hammou (للا لطيفة حمو; * 1945 or 1946), the Mère des enfants royaux , mother of the royal children ' , a Berber from the tribe of Zaianes , and the 18th monarch of the dynasty of Alawites .


Family tree starting with the Prophet Mohammed to Mohammed VI.

Mohammed VI completed his law studies in 1985 at the Mohammed V University in Rabat with a Bachelor of Arts . His doctorate took place on October 29, 1993 at the French University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis with the thesis La coopération entre la Communauté Économique Européenne et l'Union du Maghreb Arabe (German: The cooperation between the European Community and the Union of the Arab Maghreb ). The work received the rating très honorable , which corresponds to the German magna cum laude . He speaks Arabic , English , Spanish and French . It is not known whether he speaks his mother tongue Tamazight .

Mohammed VI has a brother, Moulay Rachid (* 1970), and three sisters, Lalla Meryem (* 1962), Lalla Asma (* 1965) and Lalla Hasna (* 1967). On March 21, 2002, he married the teacher and IT engineer Salma Bennani from Fès , whom he ennobled as Princess Lalla Salma during the wedding . For the first time in the country's history, the wife of a Moroccan monarch was raised to this status. On May 8, 2003, Crown Prince Moulay Hassan (in Arabic مولاي الحسن), born on February 28, 2007, was followed by the daughter Lalla Khadija ( Arabic للا خديجة Lalla Chadidscha , DMG Lallā Ḫadīǧa ). In honor of her birth, thousands of prison inmates were released by royal amnesty.

The cost of running the royal court is around $ 230 million annually , for which the Moroccan taxpayer has to pay. This money is mainly spent on personnel, clothing and cars. Mohammed VI is the owner of El Boughaz I , a 70 meter long yacht. Since July 2019, a 70-meter-long sailing yacht, the Badis 1 , costing around € 90 million . Many Moroccans were bitterly offended by the fact that the king bought a € 1,200,000 Patek Philippe . The New York Times reported on Muhammad's time before his accession to the throne: "the Crown Prince gained a reputation as a playboy during the years he spent waiting in the wings, showing a fondness for fast cars and nightclubs." ("The Crown Prince earned a reputation as a playboy in the years he waited in the wings, showing a penchant for fast cars and nightclubs.")

The king has palaces in Casablanca , Fez , Marrakech , Meknes , Agadir , Ifrane , Oujda , Rabat and Tétouan . He also owns the Château de Betz in Picardy and the Hôtel de Broglie , a Hôtel particulier in Paris. Reports on the king's health (eye surgery and an intervention for an acute cardiac arrhythmia) and marriage of the king are only allowed to a very limited extent in Morocco, so that more extensive information comes mostly from the Spanish or French media. At the end of January 2020, 25 Moroccans broke into his Dar al-Makhzen palace in Rabat, worth millions . According to the Moroccan newspaper "Al Massae", the robbers face five years' imprisonment for stolen goods. In addition, the accused must answer for organized crime, theft and “gross abuse of trust”.

In the 2017 press freedom list published by Reporters Without Borders , Morocco was ranked 133rd out of 180 countries. Criticism of the king is forbidden and is punished with imprisonment as an " attack on the holy values ​​of the nation ".

Political action

Mohammed VI climbed as Amīr al-muʾminīn  /أمير المؤمنين / 'Head of the Believers' took the throne on July 23, 1999, a few hours after the death of his father. He has followed a more moderate policy than this ever since. Shortly after his enthronement, he said in a televised address that he wanted to take action against the grievances in his country, such as poverty and corruption . He also wants to strengthen the economy and human rights in Morocco.

As an advocate of moderate modernization, he stands in contrast to the Islamic conservative forces in Morocco. In particular, the Islamic fundamentalists of the country z. B. the introduction of a more liberal family law , which guarantees women more rights ( Mudawana , in force since February 2004), as a nuisance. In the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of Transparency International , the country, along with Liberia , Indonesia , North Macedonia and Colombia, was ranked 90th out of 176 countries (as of 2016). In 2019 Morocco improved to 80th place.

Response to the Arab Spring

In March 2011, Mohammed VI resigned. proposed constitutional reforms in response to the events of the Arab Spring . Morocco is to be transformed from a constitutional to a parliamentary monarchy . In fact, the king has so far ruled rather absolutely .

On March 20, 2011, demonstrations took place in several cities. These were organized by Islamist and radical left groups. Between 1,500 and 4,000 people took to the streets in the Moroccan capital of Rabat .

On April 25, 2011, thousands demonstrated in Rabat , Casablanca and other cities for political reform. In addition to calling for democratization, the demonstrators also turned against corruption and torture as well as the lack of economic prospects, especially among young people. There were also rallies in rural areas. In the small town of Tiznit in the south of the country, supporters of the 20 février movement demonstrated against corruption in the healthcare sector. After these demonstrations in Morocco, the monarch announced again in mid-June 2011 plans to release some of his powers and to seek constitutional reform. He wanted to give up his status as the spiritual leader of the country, but would continue to be considered "inviolable" and remain the leader of the Moroccan Muslims. The king must also appoint a prime minister from the party that won the most parliamentary seats in the elections. On July 1, 2011, 98 percent of voters approved the constitutional amendment, which also provides for a division of the judiciary and executive branches. An early parliamentary election was announced and held for November 25, 2011 .

Daniel Galván scandal

The Daniel Galván Scandal (also known as Danielgate - Arabic فضيحة دانيال مغتصب الأطفال) was a political scandal in which Mohammed VI pardoned a Spanish serial rapist named Daniel Galvan who was sentenced to 30 years . The amnesty sparked unprecedented outrage among the people of Morocco. In a press release, the king denied being aware of the gravity of the crimes committed by Daniel Galvan, he revoked his pardon, but only after the Spanish citizen with an expired passport - with the knowledge of the Moroccan authorities - the Had already left the country. It was later revealed that Mohammed VI. had pardoned a convicted pedophile, French national Hervé Le Gloannec, who was convicted of rape and child pornography in 2006. Through the directed media, Mohammed VI was. apparently not aware of the mood and realities in his country with regard to amnesties. As a result, the procedure of the dahir or royal pardon was rebuilt

Economic commitment

With an estimated private fortune of 5.2 billion euros , the “  Roi des pauvres  ” is one of the richest kings in the world. As the majority shareholder, the royal family is among other investments in the ONA Group (Omnium Nord-Africain,مجموعة أونا), a holding company that operates in the mining, real estate, cosmetics, food, telecommunications, insurance and financial services industries, among others. Overall, the royal family's ONA shares alone accounted for six percent of Moroccan gross domestic product in 2009 . According to research by the conservative-bourgeois magazine Le Point , it was a total of eight percent of GDP in 2011 . According to the US embassy, ​​the king is “ Morocco's leading businessman and banker ”. Although "M6" is by far the largest landowner and food producer, he inherited his properties "Les domaines agricoles" (originally "Les domaines royaux", now mostly called "Les domaines") as well as the club "Royal Golf de Marrakech" , which originally belonged to Thami El Glaoui , from his father. So Mohammed VI. with Brasseries du Maroc the largest brewery in the country, as well as several wineries and he was the largest wine importer in Morocco. In 2010 the website Wikileaks published assessments by the US embassy there, which determined the corruption involvement of the king and his entourage . His secretary Mounir Majidi , who was accused of corruption, was named , منير الماجيدي(Born Jan 19, 1965 in Rabat) and his friend, advisor and former classmate Fouad Ali Himma . Majidi also appears in the Panama Papers .

Ownership structure of the Société National d'investissement , as of June 2013



Muhammad's birthday on August 21 is a public holiday, 2014 was a public holiday and all festivities were canceled due to the death of an aunt.

Web links

Commons : Mohammed VI. (Morocco)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Biography of HM. King Mohammed VI
  2. Morocco inmates get royal pardon . In: BBC Online . BBC . March 2, 2007. Retrieved March 3, 2007.
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  7. La Patek du roi qui fait jaser les réseaux sociaux
  8. yabiladi : Luxury: King Mohammed VI's $ 1 million watch
  9. ^ "In Morocco, Too, a Young King for a New Generation" New York Times, July 27, 1999
  10. Le Roi de Betz of August 21, 2013
  11. Les palaces des chefs d'Etat étrangers en France Le château du roi du Maroc, dans l'Oise, sur le site le 12/01/2011
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