NGC 1600

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data from NGC 1600
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Cutout HST 7886 22 NIC NIC2 total sci NGC 1600.jpg
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Constellation Eridanus
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 04 h 31 m 39.9 s
declination -05 ° 05 ′ 10 ″
Morphological type E3  
Brightness  (visual) 11.0 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 12.0 mag
Angular expansion 2.5 ′ × 1.7 ′
Position angle 15 °
Surface brightness 12.6 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Redshift 0.015614 +/- 0.000027  
Radial velocity 4681 +/- 8 km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(205 ± 14)  ·  10 6  ly
(63.0 ± 4.4)  Mpc 
discovery William Herschel
Discovery date November 26, 1786
Catalog names
NGC  1600 • PGC  15406 • MCG  -01-12-17 • 2MASX  J04313985-0505099 • GC  866 • H  I 158 • h  319 • LDCE 0312 NED011

NGC 1600 is an elliptical galaxy of Hubble type E3 in the constellation Eridanus at the southern sky, the 205 million estimated light years from the Milky Way 's center. The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 11.0 and is known to be a powerful source of X-rays .

The object was discovered by Wilhelm Herschel on November 26, 1786 .

Although NGC 1600 is often classified as a member of a loose group of galaxies , scientists believe it could be satellite galaxies from NGC 1600 because all neighboring galaxies are much fainter and the number decreases with distance to NGC 1600. The approximately 30 known galaxies that are at a distance of up to 1 MPc and have a similar redshift include NGC 1601 , NGC 1603 , NGC 1604 , NGC 1606 , NGC 1580 , NGC 1594 , NGC 1599 , NGC 1607 , NGC 1611 and IC 373 .

The center of the relatively isolated galaxy contains a black hole with a mass 17 billion times larger than that of our sun . This is one of the largest black holes found to date. For comparison: the central black hole of the Milky Way has around 4 million solar masses. In addition, the center of the galaxy is very poor in stars, which could indicate that two galaxies - and their black holes - once merged here and many stars were ejected from the center.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e SEDS : NGC 1600
  3. Seligman
  4. Rodney M. Smith, Vicent J. Martínez, Alberto Fernández ‐ Soto, Fernando J. Ballesteros, Amelia Ortiz ‐ Gil: NGC 1600: Cluster or Field Elliptical ?. In: The Astrophysical Journal. 679, 2008, p. 420, doi : 10.1086 / 587454 .
  5. Astronomers find a supermassive black hole in an unexpected location , accessed on April 7, 2016
  6. ^ M. Matthias, O. Gerhard: Dynamics of the boxy elliptical galaxy NGC 1600. In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 310, 1999, p. 879, doi : 10.1046 / j.1365-8711.1999.03022.x .