Polish hip hop

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Polish hip-hop is a genre of music that incorporates the styles of Polish rap music.

The culture began to develop in the mid-1980s, then became popular in the early 1990s , especially when musicians like MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice gained international fame, and peaked in the mid-2000s when hip-hop music was most commercially successful was.

In contrast to the USA, Polish hip-hop never had its roots in soul , funk or rhythm and blues , but in American hip-hop culture.


Origin (1984–1995)

Hip-hop culture began in Poland in the mid-1980s when the film Beat Street was released. The first breakdance groups emerged, such as Be-Bob (later Broken Step), Scrap Beat and Golden Streat Boyz.

The character Franek Kimono , created by actor Piotr Fronczewski , is considered the first rapper in Poland . Piotr Fronczewski released the album Arston under this pseudonym in 1984 , on which Polish spoken song was published for the first time. However, this album did not have the beats typical of hip-hop, but was rather intended as a parody of disco music.

In the early 1990s, the first Polish musicians started speaking singing. Kazik Staszewski brought out his first solo album in 1991, which partly contained spoken word.

The commercialization of Polish hip hop started rather late. In 1992, East on the Mic by PM Cool Lee from Kielce , now known as Liroy, was released. In addition to some songs in English, the album also contained two songs in Polish . This tape brought him hardly any success or recognition, as it was very difficult to get hold of the material at the time. The first commercially successful hip-hop album in Poland was Albóóm by Liroy. It was released in 1995. This record was a huge success and sold over half a million copies. The album's promo single was Scyzoryk , and the band Wzgórze Ya-Pa-3 appeared on the single.

Although it remains the best-selling and best-known Polish rap album to this day, it was quickly rejected by the scene and not accepted as it is based on numerous plagiarism and hip-hop samples from American bands (some fragments were even copied one-to-one).

In the same year, Nagły Atak Spawacza released a demo under the name Anty , also known as the Anti-Liroy Song. The rappers from Poznan recorded the track together with Peja .

After the success with Liroy, Wzgórze Ya-Pa-3 went their own way and recorded their own record. As you can see, Polish commercial hip-hop grew out of a beef . Little by little, some record labels began to take an interest in the scene.

Underground (1995-2000)

Although Liroy and Wzgórze Ya-Pa-3 from Kielce come: Warsaw to the Polish center of the hip-hop music, especially by sending Kolorszok the radio station Radio Kolor , which was conducted in 1993 by Bogna Świątkowska and DJ volts. DJ Volt founded the hip-hop band 1 Killa Hertz in 1994 . Members of the band were DJ-Volt , Tas De Fleia (now known as Tede) and Jan Marian (JMI). They were successful for the first time in 1995. DJ Volt founded the first Polish hip-hop label "Beat Records", which featured bands like Trzyha and Mistic Molesta. Bands like Warszafski Deszcz (formerly 1 kHz, Trzyha), ZIP Skład, OMP, Mor WA, Płomień 81 & RHX developed in Warsaw , which compared the American ghettos with the large Polish housing estates and with which the so-called “street hip-hop “Identified. Their texts are often just as marked by breaking taboos and abusive vocabulary as the American ones .

Aside from the street rap styles prevalent in the country, there were other types as well. The first album by Kaliber 44 is a genre called "Hardcore Psycho Rap" because of the powerful sounds and lyrics with psychedelic undertones .

The group T-raperzy znad Wisły, consisting of satirists and cabaret artists , coined the term comedy hip-hop with the satirical treatment of all Polish kings ( Poczet królów polskich ) and the classics of Polish literature ( Lektury literatury ).

In addition to the musicians who have gained widespread popularity and financial success, there is also a huge underground scene .

Among the relatively few women in the Polish hip-hop scene , Aśka (member of the Szczecin group SNUZ), Paresłów (consisting of Dora & Fala), Lilu and WdoWa should be mentioned.

Mainstream (2000-2005)

Grave of Piotr "Magik" Łuszcz in Katowice

The first collaboration with German artists began in the summer of 2000. The group Paktofonika was a guest in Witten , where they recorded the track 2 Kilo together with the German hip-hop artists Lakman , Dike D, Onanon, LO & Kams , which is the first track to be rapped in German and Polish . The track appeared on the first album by Paktofonika Kinematografia , which is considered crucial for the development of the Polish scene. The co-founder Magik committed eight days after the release of the album Suicide , which also led to the dissolution of the group in Paktofonika of 2002. This brought out an album of archive recordings ( Archiwum Kinematografii ) and organized a farewell concert in memory of the late rapper. The rapper Dike D published in 2002, even a completely German track on the album Experyment Psycho by Rahim who the suicide of Magik and the former co discussed.

The first documentary about Polish hip-hop was made in 2001 . Sylwester Latkowski's film Blokersi sparked interest in the hip-hop scene outside of the hip-hop environment. Also Men In Black - a film and book about graffiti by Andrzej Buda about the development of hip-hop culture in Poland from 1977 to 2002. Various hip-hop magazines have been published, including Ślizg (closed in January 2007), Clan and Magazyn Hip-Hop.

At the end of 2001, the fifth album by rapper Liroy , Bestseller , was released. For the first time, it contains American guest contributions by Lionel Richie , Ice-T and Prodigal Sunn (from the Wu-Tang clan environment). A beat was produced by DJ Tomekk and Da GERM was featured on the remix of the Ice-T track.

In the period 2001–2005 there was a lot of rivalry fueled by the press, which, as in other countries, is mostly only for promotional purposes. There was even a conflict between East and West, like the East Coast vs. West Coast conflict in the USA. Mention should be made of the battles between Tede & Eldo, Peja & Gural , Mes & Mezo, Pih & Duże Pe and Tede & Płomień 81.

The progressive commercialization of hip-hop began in Poland - its presence in the media and radio stations led to the term "HipHoPolo", which was mainly used by groups like Jeden Osiem L , Verba & Ascetoholix . The term is based on that of disco polo . Since 2005, the media has been slowly turning away from hip-hop. Even before that, journalists dubbed “Intelligent Hip-Hop” ( Conscious Rap ) throughout Poland . The most popular interpreters include Paktofonika , Abradab , Grammar (consisting of Eldo & Jotuze), OSTR , Łona and Fisz . Some of these artists, as well as Kanał Audytywny, represent the evolution of hip-hop towards more abstract forms .

Meanwhile , the rappers Fisz and OSTR turned to jazz rap , with which they have already won several awards with great success. The music project Kanał Audytywny very successfully combined the music genres rap , trip-hop and nu-jazz and was signed by EMI Music Poland for its third album .

Globalization (since 2005)

There is a trend towards free or paid online albums or so-called illegal albums ; this is the name given to albums in Poland that are not released under any label , but are released under self-distribution.

The German rapper Sido will be featured by DonGURALesko on his Drewnianej Małpy Rock album in early 2005 . The track Te Typy was also released in 2007 on Sido's feature album One hand washes the other in Germany. The album reached number 21 in the German album charts and is therefore the first German album with a Polish guest rapper in the hit parade .

In 2006 LUC , the vocalist of the Kanał Audytywny music project , released his first solo album. Haelucenogenoklektyzm is the first concept album in Polish hip-hop and deals with the term loneliness . All subsequent LUC albums are also concept albums , with album 39/89 from 2009 (exactly 70 years after the attack on Poland by the German Empire ) deals with Polish history between 1939 and 1989.

The brothers Fisz ( rapper ) and Emade ( producer ), who have already released several avant-garde albums together, developed the album Męska Muzyka with their father Wojciech Waglewski ( composer and guitarist ) in 2008 , which has a very strong blues & country character. A distancing from pure hip-hop is becoming apparent, especially when the Waglewski brothers founded the rock band Kim Nowak in 2008.

The producer duo WhiteHouse released the album Poeci in 2009 on which well-known poems by Polish poets are rapped by various artists. Participants included Peja, LUC, Fisz, Łona, Fokus, DonGURALesko, OSTR with poems by Adam Mickiewicz , Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński , Julian Tuwim , Ignacy Krasicki , Jacek Kaczmarski and Stanisław Wyspiański .

In 2009 the rapper Rahim recorded the track Forward with Dike D and Terence Chill for the first label sampler of his label MaxFloRec . Also, Kool Savas on the album Sobotaż of Sobota on the track Stoprocent 2 gefeaturet.

There are now some German musicians with a Polish migration background who rap in Polish in Germany. Above all, the rapper Toony should be mentioned here , who is under contract with the largest independent hip-hop label Prosto in Poland and who released the album Ehrenkodex with DJ Tomekk . There are also two Orsons rappers , KAAS and Plan B , some of whom rap in Polish. The Berlin rapper Sentino recorded the track Szczecin, Berlin, Poznań in 2010 with Peja (from Posen ) and Sobota (from Stettin ) for the mixtape 4 of the producer DJ Feel-X. The most famous producer is DJ Tomekk, who was born in Poland, but lives in Germany and is internationally successful.

In 2010 there was a collaboration with an Italian rapper for the first time. The brothers Pezet and Małolat released a track with rapper Fabri Fibra on their album Dziś w moim mieście .

On his 2013 album Monster , Popek combines classic hip-hop with dubstep. The album earned him gold records in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.




The lists below feature some of the more well-known artists of Polish hip hop.

Solo artist

  • Chada
  • DonGURALesko (member of the KASTA group)
  • DKA
  • Duże Pe (member of the Masala , Cinq G and Banda Tre groups )
  • Eldo
  • Fisz (member of the groups RHX , Tworzywo Sztuczne , Bassisters Orchestra and Kim Nowak )
  • Focus (member of the groups Paktofonika and Pokahontaz )
  • Karramba
  • Liroy (formerly PM Cool Lee )
  • Lilu
  • LUC
  • Łona (member of the Wiele CT group )
  • Małolat
  • Massey
  • Mezo (formerly Lajner )
  • Owal / Emcedwa
  • OSTR
  • Peja
  • Popek
  • Pih (member of the JedenSiedem and Skazani na Sukcezz groups )
  • Rahim (member of the Paktofonika and Pokahontaz groups )
  • Sokół
  • Mes (member of the Flexxip and 2cztery7 groups )
  • Toony
  • WdoWa


The respective members are listed in the brackets, even if they later left the group. The rappers in bold have also released solo albums.

  • 3X Klan ( Rahim , Matho RaDamez, BAK, DJ Bambus)
  • 52 Dębiec (Hans, Deep)
  • Ascetoholix ( Doniu , Kris, Liber )
  • Ego (Śliwka Tuitam, Sivy, DJ Haem)
  • Fenomen (economist, Żółf, Mazsa)
  • Grammar ( Eldo , Jotuze, Ash, Noon)
  • Ideo
  • Every Osiem L (Łukasz, Tfk, Gmura, Siwy, Paczkoś)
  • Caliber 44 ( AbraDab , Joka, DJ Feel X, Magik)
  • Kanał Audytywny ( LUC , Spaso)
  • MCF
  • Molesta ( Vienio , Wŀodi, Pelson , Wilku)
  • Mor WA (Pepper, Łyskacz, Wigor)
  • Nagły Atak Spawacza (Fazi, Kaczmi, Kamień, ...)
  • Paktofonika (Magik, Rahim , Focus )
  • Pokahontaz ( Rahim , focus )
  • Pijani Powietrzem ( focus , Śliwka Tuitam)
  • Paresłów (Dora, Fala)
  • Płomień 81 ( Onar , Pezet )
  • Slums Attack ( Peja , DJ Decks, Iceman)
  • Ski Skład ( Peja , Wiśnia)
  • SNUZ ( Sobota , Aśka)
  • Trzeci Wymiar (Nullo, Szad, DJ Sph, Pork)
  • Verba (Bartas, Ignac)
  • VETO (Radoskór, Pęku )
  • Warszafski Deszcz ( Tede , Numer Raz )
  • Wzgórze Ya-Pa 3 ( Borixon , Wojtas, Zajka, Radoskór)
  • ZIP Skład ( Pono , Koras, Fu , Sokół , Jędker , Felipe, Mieron, Jaźwa, Ward)
  • Zipera (Pono, Koras, Fu)
  • WWO (Jędker, Sokół)
  • Fundacja 1 (Felipe, Mieron, Jaźwa, Ward)


  • Deszczu Strugi
  • DJ 600V
  • DJ decks
  • DJ Feel X
  • Emade
  • IGS
  • Noon
  • O $ ka
  • Tab
  • Webber
  • WhiteHouse (LA, Magiera)


Logo of the PROSTO label

In addition to the well-known major labels ( EMI / Universal / Sony / Warner ), there are also many small and large independent labels in Poland that are worth mentioning:

In brackets: year of establishment - founder - seat

  • RRX (1996 - KNT - Warsaw)
  • SP (1996 - Sławomir Pietrzak - Warsaw)
  • Asfalt (1998 - Tytus - Warsaw)
  • Blend (1999–2007 - Marek Gluziński / Marcin Cichy - Breslau)
  • T1-Teraz (2000 - Arek Deliś - Warsaw)
  • PROSTO (2001 - Sokół - Warsaw)
  • UMC (2001 - Remik / Urban - Poznan)
  • Wielkie Joł (2002 - Tede - Warsaw)
  • MaxFloRec (2004 - Rahim - Warsaw)


The Fryderyk statue

In Poland, the Fryderyk is awarded annually by the Phonographic Academy. It is the most important Polish music award.

The best alternative album of the year:

  • 1995: Liroy - Albóóm

Best Hip-Hop / R&B Album of the Year:

  • 1997: Liroy - L
  • 1998: Reni Jusis - Zakręcona
  • 1999: Liroy - Dzień Szaka-L'a - Bafangoo cz. 2
  • 2000: caliber 44 - 3:44
  • 2001: Paktofonika - Kinematografia
  • 2002: Peja / Slums Attack - Alright?
  • 2003: Sistars - Siła sióstr
  • 2004: Abradab - Czerwony Album
  • 2005: Sistars - AIEOU
  • 2006: Fisz Emade - Piątek 13
  • 2008: OSTR - HollyŁódź
  • 2009: Fisz Emade - Heavi Metal
  • 2010: OSTR - OCB
  • 2011: Abradab - Abradabing
  • 2012: Fisz Emade - Zwierzę bez nogi
  • 2015: OSTR & Marco Polo - Kartagina



  • Andrzej Buda: Historia kultury hip-hop w Polsce 1977–2002. 2001, ISBN 83-915272-7-1 .
  • Maciej Pisuk: Paktofonika - Przewodniki Krytyki Politycznej. Part 6. CSW Kronika, Warszawa 2008, ISBN 978-83-61006-49-7 .
  • Philipp Goll: The beat of the others. The origins of Polish hip-hop from the record. In: Tomasz Dabrowski, Stefanie Peter (Ed.): Contemporary artists from Poland. Steidl, Göttingen 2011, ISBN 978-3-86930-374-1 , pp. 232-246.
  • Matthias Schwartz: A swamp called reality. Patriotism and counterculture in Polish hip-hop, in: Eastern Europe , No. 5/2019, pp. 141–155.

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Toony signed by PROSTO ( memento of the original from December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / realtoony.net
  2. HipHopedia - Monster
  3. W lustrze widzę Monstera - Paweł "Popek" Rak
  4. Solowy album Popka "Monster" zdobył Złotą Płytę. February 20, 2013, archived from the original on November 29, 2014 ; Retrieved December 22, 2015 (Polish).
  5. Popek - "Monster" - Złota płyta w Czechach
  6. Fryderyk