Raimund Peraudi

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Printed lettering with Peraudi's cardinal's coat of arms

Raimund (us) Peraudi OESA (French Raimond Pérault ; born May 28, 1435 in Saint-Germain-de-Marencennes , † September 5, 1505 in Viterbo ) was cardinal and bishop of Gurk and Saintes .


Raimund Peraudi was born in the south of France to poor parents. In his youth he was a school teacher in his hometown and in La Rochelle . He entered the Augustinian order and became prior , but then left the monastery again. In 1470 he began his higher studies at the University of Paris , in 1476 he became a master of theology. In the same year he became dean of the cathedral chapter of his home diocese of Saintes and began working as an indulgence commissioner and theological writer. The Curia had systematically expanded the indulgence system over the years and operated campaign-like events across Europe in the area of ​​the Roman Catholic faith, for jubilee indulgences, Turkish crusades, church buildings, etc. He had developed the concept for this, since 1493 with cardinal dignity. Until his death in 1504, he pursued the planned concept in a uniform manner, standardized and implemented it in everyday practice through mass production using printed indulgence letters. In 1479 he became archdeacon in the former French province of Aunis and in 1481 Apostolic Protonotary at the Roman Curia .

In 1486 he was appointed indulgence commissioner for France and later papal legate and indulgence preacher for the crusade against the Turks in Germany and Northern Europe. In addition, he was entrusted with the administration of his home diocese of Saintes. During this time he traveled to Hamburg , Braunschweig , Bremen , Erfurt and Frankfurt am Main and returned to Rome in 1488 .

The esteem that the widely traveled, urbane religious priest received from Emperor Friedrich III. and his son Maximilian I enjoyed, should have been decisive for his appointment as Bishop of Gurk and Austrian Chancellor in 1491. He was the first foreigner on the Gurk bishop's chair in Carinthia . On February 21, 1491 he took possession of the Gurk Cathedral .

In the following years he worked in diplomatic services for Pope and Emperor. In 1488 he brokered the armistice between Friedrich III. and Matthias Corvinus , in 1489 and 1492 the peace between Maximilian I and Charles VIII and in 1503 together with the Schleswig Duke Friedrich and the Hamburg Albert Krantz the contract between the Sten Sture the Elder. Ä. allied six Wendish cities under the leadership of Lübeck and John I of Denmark . As a result, he often stayed away from his diocese for a long time and was assigned an auxiliary bishop in the person of Nikolaus Kaps .

Two years after his appointment as bishop Peraudi was in 1493 by Pope Alexander VI. accepted into the College of Cardinals with the titular Church of S. Maria Nuova in Cosmedin . Emperor Friedrich III. had been trying for some time to raise Peraudi to be cardinal.

In 1495 Peraudi would have been ready to resign as Bishop of Gurk in order to have Maximilian I. fill the office again. In order to prevent Maximilian's preferred candidate, the Swabian Burkhard, Peraudi refrained from resignation. In 1501 Maximilian I succeeded in appointing Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg as coadjutor with succession rights.

In 1500 he announced the anniversary indulgence in Germany and Scandinavia and several sub-commissioners worked for him. In 1503 he visited Bremen, among others; he collected indulgences and gave sermons in Bremen Cathedral and in Bremen's Paulskloster . Steffen Arndes printed an invitation sheet for a large procession in Lübeck in 1503 .

In 1503 Peraudi was also bishop of the diocese of Saintes. In 1504 he returned to Rome.

On September 5, 1505, Cardinal Peraudi died on a legation trip in Viterbo and was buried there in the Church of the Holy Trinity belonging to the Augustinian order .


Gregorsmesse, attributed to Bernt Notke

In art history it is discussed whether the monumental panel painting (250 × 357 cm) of St. Gregory's Mass burned in 1942 in Lübeck's Marienkirche contained a portrait of Cardinal Raimund Peraudi. According to a strong opinion of art historical literature, the painting attributed to Bernt Notke shows portraits of real people, some of which can be more firmly assigned (according to Canon Adolf Greverade ). Then Peraudi might be the cardinal who appears in the top right corner.


Web links

Commons : Raymond Peraudi  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Heckel: Martin Luther's Reformation and the Law. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-16-154468-2 , p. 93
  2. ^ Herbert Black Forest : The Great Bremen Lexicon . 2nd, updated, revised and expanded edition. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X .
  3. ^ Wiechmann-Kadov: The Procession to Lübeck in 1503. In: Serapeum. Vol. 19, No. 6, 1858, pp. 93-96.
  4. Uwe Albrecht (Ed.): Corpus of medieval wood sculpture and panel painting in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2: Uwe Albrecht u. a .: Hanseatic City of Lübeck. The works in the urban area. 2012, pp. 540-549.
predecessor Office successor
Pierre IX. de Rochechouart Bishop of Saintes