Ried Canal (Upper Rhine)
Ried Canal Mühlbach (upper course) Gold Canal (lower course) |
Renatured section of the Ried Canal near the Rastatter Ried nature reserve |
Data | ||
Water code | DE : 23712 | |
location |
Northern Upper Rhine Valley
River system | Rhine | |
Drain over | Rhine → North Sea | |
Branch | from Sandbach south of Iffezheim 48 ° 48 ′ 29 ″ N , 8 ° 8 ′ 10 ″ E |
Source height | approx. 117 m above sea level NHN | |
muzzle | in the Rhine at Rhine km 347.3 west of Illingen Coordinates: 48 ° 56 '29 " N , 8 ° 11' 5" E 48 ° 56 '29 " N , 8 ° 11' 5" E |
Mouth height | approx. 110 m above sea level NHN | |
Height difference | approx. 7 m | |
Bottom slope | approx. 0.39 ‰ | |
length | 18 km | |
Catchment area | 54.909 km² | |
Pumping station for Riedkanal and Altmurg near stone walls |
The Ried Canal is an 18-kilometer-long drainage canal in the Upper Rhine Plain that flows into the Rhine via the Gold Canal quarry pond near Elchesheim-Illingen . It is the receiving water for areas in the Rastatt district and in the Baden-Baden district in Baden-Württemberg .
The Riedkanal branches off to the right under the local name Mühlbach south of Iffezheim from the Sandbach . The junction is immediately below a 5 meter high step that marks the border between the natural spatial sub- units of the Stollhofener Platte and the Rastatt Rhine Lowlands; Nearby is the intersection of federal road 500 ( Iffezheim - Baden-Baden - Schwarzwaldhochstrasse ) with state road 75 (former federal road 36 , Rastatt - Kehl ).
For around 1.2 kilometers, the Mühlbach follows the step to the north and runs in an old Rhine channel. which is partly occupied by a moor . On the outskirts of Iffezheim, the Mühlbach enters an approximately 1.2-kilometer-long Verdolung . From the end of the Verdolung, known as the Ried Canal , the water flows through a three-kilometer-long straight north-east facing an area with buildings around the Iffezheim horse racing track and then the field corridor north of Iffezheim. The canal crosses state road 78b and a railway line , both of which lead to the Wintersdorf Rhine bridge . The northern part of the straight belongs to the district of Sandweier , a district of Baden-Baden . To the north of the railway line, the Ried Canal forms the border between the Rastatter Ried nature reserve and the Geggenau forest , from which it flows into the Mühlwerlgraben using an old course of the Rhine.
Approximately at the bridge of the connecting railway to the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt plant , the Ried Canal swings into an old loop of the Rhine that runs roughly to the north. The approximately 5-meter-wide canal flows through the Rastatter Bruch nature reserve . At the Benz plant, the canal leaves the old course of the Rhine and follows the east and north borders of the plant; To the north of the plant, the Rheinau district of Rastatt extends to the canal.
To the west of Rheinau, the Ried Canal swings back into an old course of the Rhine and crosses under Landesstrasse 77 (Rastatt– Plittersdorf ). On both sides of the state road 78a (Plittersdorf - stone walls ) the canal runs in an artificially created water bed. To the left and west of the canal is an old watercourse attributed to the Murg, which is now traversed by the Hofwaldschlut branch . Running from the state road 78a in a north-westerly direction, the Ried Canal roughly follows the canalised Murg for around two kilometers . Just before the main Rhine dam, the canal bends to the right and in a culvert crosses the Murg, which is surrounded by backwater dams. Between Rastatt-Rheinau and the culvert, the watercourse lies within another sub-area of the Rastatter Ried nature reserve .
Below the culvert, the five-kilometer-long Altmurg flows from the right , which arises on the outskirts of Rastatt and - in part using old Murgl courses - drains the area to the right and northeast of the Murg. One of its tributaries is the Haftgraben, a branch of the Federbach , which is the receiving water of the part of the Rhine lowlands that adjoins to the north. At the tributary of the Altmurg there is a pumping station that ensures the receiving water from the Riedkanal and Altmurg when the Rhine water levels are high. Below the pumping station, the Ried Canal uses an old debris flow that lies on the edge of the Silberweidenwald stone walls nature reserve .
At the level of Elchesheim-Illingen, the Ried Canal flows through the Gold Canal , an almost three-kilometer-long and up to one-kilometer wide quarry pond, which was created in the 1930s and is now mainly used for local recreation. The quarry pond is followed by a body of water around 750 meters long and between 50 and 100 meters wide, which flows into the Rhine from the right and south at Rhine km 347.3 . The quarry pond and its connection to the Rhine are designated as a state waterway in the Water Act for Baden-Württemberg .
Tributaries and lakes
List of tributaries and lakes in the catchment area of the Ried Canal from the source to the mouth. Water length, lake area and height according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.
Branch of the Ried Canal under the local name Mühlbach vom Sandbach at about 117 m above sea level. NHN south of Iffezheim not far from the intersection of federal road 500 with state road 75 (former federal road 36 ).
- → (exit of the sand mat ditch ) to the left to about 117 m above sea level. NHN directly after the Mühlbach branches off from the Sandbach, see below.
Right on the lower terrace at about 124 m above sea level. NHN the quarry pond Kern / Peter southeast of Iffezheim, about 87.5 ha.
- → According to the topographic map, the exit of a cross connection to the left at about 116 m above sea level. NHN to Örtergraben on the southern outskirts of Iffezheim, see below.
- ↓ (flows through Iffezheim in an approximately 1.2 km long Verdolung , from the end of the Verdolung called Riedkanal )
Bannscheidgraben , from the left to about 114 m above sea level. NHN at the Iffezheim racecourse , 1.9 km. Arises at about 115 m above sea level. NHN as a branch of the Rhine low canal at the lake Sämannsee (Sauweide natural lake) south of Rastatt-Wintersdorf .
- Örtergraben , from the right to about 114 m above sea level. NHN north of Iffezheim bei Gewann
- (Cross connection from Mühlbach) from the right to about 116 m above sea level. NHN on the outskirts of Iffezheim, see above.
- Sandmattengraben , from the left to about 116 m above sea level. NHN at a sports field in the south of Iffezheim, 1.3 km. Arises at about 117 m above sea level. NHN as a branch from the Mühlbach, see above.
- → (exit of the Mühlwerlgraben ) to the left to about 114 m above sea level. NHN at Gewann Vogelwört north of Iffezheim, flows into the Ried Canal , see below.

In the rear extension on the lower terrace to about 116 m above sea level. NHN an alluvial sand pond in a former sand pit, part of the nature reserve Sandheiden and dunes near Sandweier and Iffezheim , about 0.7 ha.
In the rear extension on the lower terrace to about 115 m above sea level. NHN the Münchfeldsee near sports facilities on the southern outskirts of Rastatt, about 3.8 ha.

- Hofwaldschlut , from the left to about 112 m above sea level. NHN north of the Gewann Bollmannshausen , 2.0 km. Arises as a branch from the Ried Canal, see above.
Right to about 111 m above sea level. NHN a still water in a valley of the Murg west of stone walls near Gewann Breitholz , about 0.12 ha.
Right to about 112 m above sea level. NHN a pond in a Murgschlute near Gewann Krummfeld west of stone walls, about 0.13 ha.
Giesegraben , from the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN bein Gewann Silberau west of stone walls, 2.3 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN from an outlet of the rainwater sewer system on the northeastern outskirts of Rastatt-Plittersdorf .
Weidenstockgraben , from the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN south of the Schröckmatter forest near Plittersdorf, 0.9 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN at the main Rhine dam on the northern outskirts of Plittersdorf.
- → (Departure of the Sauweitgraben ) to the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN at the cattle drive on the northern outskirts of Plittersdorf, see below.
Left at about 112 m above sea level. NHN a still water on the northern edge of the Schröckmattenwald north-east of Plittersdorf, about 0.09 ha.
Weidenstockgraben , from the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN south of the Schröckmatter forest near Plittersdorf, 0.9 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN at the main Rhine dam on the northern outskirts of Plittersdorf.
- Sauweitgraben , from the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN near Ortwald forest district , 2.5 km. Arises as a branch from the Weidenstockgraben , see above.
- ☓ (Crosses under the Murg in a culvert at about 110 m above sea level west of the stone walls .)
- (Immediately after the culvert, the Ried Canal pumping station)
- Altmurg , from the right to about 110 m above sea level. NHN at the pumping station of the Ried Canal west of stone walls, 5.0 km. Arises in an about 0.75 hectare backwater of the Murg at about 112 m above sea level. NHN on the edge of the Groß Brufert forest area near the district road 3740 (Rastatt – Steinmauern).
- Detention ditch, from the right to about 112 m above sea level. NHN at the confluence of the district road 3718 from Ötigheim into the district road 3740 (Rastatt – Steinmauern), 1.7 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN as a branch from the Federbach in the nature reserve alluvial forests and wet meadows west of Ötigheim west of the open-air theater Ötigheim .
- → (exit of the old Federbach ) to the right to about 111 m above sea level. NHN in the forest district Heuscheuer and Niederwald . After 8.9 km it flows into the Federbach near Durmersheim .
Stinkgraben , from the left to about 111 m above sea level. NHN in the forest district Heuscheuer and Niederwald , 2.3 km. Arises at about 113 m above sea level. NHN on the outskirts of Rastatt at the Baldenau glider airfield.
- (Inflow from the right), at about 112 m above sea level. NHN in the forest district of Heuscheuer and Niederwald , 0.8 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN on state road 77a west of the north portal of the Rastatt tunnel .
- (Inflow from the right), at about 112 m above sea level. NHN in the forest district Heuscheuer and Niederwald , 1.0 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN east of the north portal of the Rastatt tunnel. One of several silting ravines with temporary water flow in the forest area.
Left at about 111 m above sea level. NHN the Schlut in the Strietwald , about 0.12 ha. Former tributary of the old Federbach , constantly carries water in a depression.
Left at about 112 m above sea level. NHN a pond in the Gewann Breithölzer Waldäcker southeast of the center of Steinmauern, about 0.24 ha.
Right to about 110 m above sea level. NHN an artificially created amphibious pond in a former loop of the Murg in the Gewann Spich north of stone walls, about 0.03 ha.
- Detention ditch, from the right to about 112 m above sea level. NHN at the confluence of the district road 3718 from Ötigheim into the district road 3740 (Rastatt – Steinmauern), 1.7 km. Arises at about 112 m above sea level. NHN as a branch from the Federbach in the nature reserve alluvial forests and wet meadows west of Ötigheim west of the open-air theater Ötigheim .
Flows through to about 109 m above sea level. NHN an oxbow lake of the Murg on the edge of the nature reserve Silberweidenwald Steinmauern , together with backwaters about 2.8 ha.
Left at about 110 m above sea level. NHN a pond in the nature reserve Silberweidenwald stone walls , about 0.45 ha.
Left at about 110 m above sea level. NHN an oxbow lake along the south bank of the Gold Canal, about 3.3 ha.
- ↓ From the mouth of the Gold Canal, local name Gold Canal .
Flows through to about 110 m above sea level. NHN the gold canal quarry pond west of Illingen , about 142 ha.
Right to about 111 m above sea level. NHN a pond in an elongated Murgschlute in the Gewann Rheinfeld northeast of stone walls, about 0.04 ha.
Left at about 110 m above sea level. NHN an almost circular scour on the headland between the Rhine and the Gold Canal, about 0.07 ha.
Left at about 111 m above sea level. NHN an oxbow lake in a gravelly chasm on the headland between the Rhine and the Gold Canal, about 0.15 ha.
Left at about 110 m above sea level. NHN Schlute with backwaters on the headland between the Rhine and the Gold Canal, about 0.09 ha.
Left at about 110 m above sea level. NHN canal system with backwaters on the headland between the Rhine and the Gold Canal, about 0.03 ha.
Mouth of the Ried Canal from the left and south at 110 m above sea level. NHN in the Rhine at Rhine-km 347.3 west of Illingen . The canal is 18 km long and has a catchment area of 54.9 km².
Iffezheimer Mühlbach
A mill in Iffezheim was first mentioned in 1466. The associated Mühlbach is an artificially created body of water; this is also assumed for the course of the Sandbach through the Stollhofener Platte. It is said to have been derived from the Kinzig-Murg-Rinne in the 14th or 15th century ; Before that, the Sandbach near Sinzheim -Tiefenau is said to have flowed further north, where, together with the Oos, it fed the later drained Landsee , which stretched between Oos , Sandweier , Niederbühl and Haueneberstein .
The Iffezheimer mill repeatedly suffered from a lack of water, which is why a mill pond was created in 1592 . In the 1620s the miller complained of a lack of water, as water was taken to irrigate the meadows in Sinzheim and Halberstung . The community of Iffezheim also pushed for a well-filled Mühlbach to be prepared for conflagrations. In the 1700s, there was a lack of water because the Sandbach was diverted to artificially flood the foreland of the Bühl-Stollhofener line . In 1607 the miller from Iffezheim was accused of damming the water too high, which is why the Sinzheim district was flooded.
In 1802 the lower reaches of the Mühlbach between the mill and its mouth was relocated to the Old Rhine through which the Mühlwerlgraben flowed. A comparison of topographic maps shows that the upper reaches of the Mühlbach was straightened in the second half of the 19th century and relocated to the east closer to the stepped terrain. The work may have been related to the creation of a system of ditches to water meadows in the sand mats to the west. In 1875 new washbasins were built on the Mühlbach, which were an important meeting place for the women of Iffezheim. In 1878 a steam engine was installed in the mill. In the course of channeling the Iffezheimer sub-village of Mühlbach 1959/1960 was verdolt what was justified by the outgoing stream from odor nuisance and hygiene hazards of rats, mosquitoes and gnats.
Ried Canal
The name Riedkanal is derived from the name Ried for the area around what is now the Rastatt districts of Ottersdorf , Plittersdorf and Wintersdorf . The initiative to build the Ried Canal came from the board of directors of the Murg district in 1812 . The plan was to build a canal between Iffezheim and the mouth of the Murg, which would drain 32 km² of land and make it usable for agriculture. The sewer should be able to accommodate a discharge of 2 to 3 m³ / s at Iffezheim and 20 m³ / s at the mouth. In April 1817 the communities of Iffezheim, Sandweier, Wintersdorf, Ottersdorf, Plittersdorf and Rastatt founded a competition that built the Ried Canal from 1827 onwards. The canal, which was completed after several years, flowed into the Murg from the left across from the stone walls .
In 1906 the competition was dissolved because the distribution of the costs of maintaining the canal was considered unjust. In the following years, the communities maintained their respective banks, which led to a severe neglect of the canal until 1933.
In 1933 the Riedkanal association, which still exists today, was founded. The current confluence with the Rhine was built by 1938, which reduced the water level when the Rhine flooded. The culvert under the Murg was financed by the Baden state. It is 112 meters long, consists of two tubes with a cross-sectional area of 4.3 m² each and can discharge up to 25 m³ / s of water. In addition, the canal was deepened and drainage ditches were added, for which the name "Schnaken ditches" became popular. The pumping station near stone walls was built in the 1960s. It is equipped with four pumps; When the Rhine floods, two pumps each lift 3 m³ / s of water from the Ried Canal, the other two pumps with 1.5 and 0.5 m³ / s are responsible for the Altmurg .
In mid-1986 Daimler-Benz announced that it wanted to build a new production plant in Rastatt. The planned factory site was traversed by the Ried Canal. Parts of the site were designated in the regional plan as an area of "highest ecological importance"; In addition, the plans collided with a concept for the protected area that had been drawn up shortly beforehand. Since a nature conservation association was entitled to take legal action because of its property and the company was under time pressure, the so-called Rastatt agreement was reached , in which the nature conservation associations waived a lawsuit and the state government promised compensatory measures worth 30 to 40 million DM . Among other things, the relocation of the Ried Canal, the renaturation of the Federbach , the designation of nature and landscape protection areas and restrictions on gravel mining were planned. Since some of the compensatory measures later turned out to be impossible, the state and the city of Rastatt founded the Rastatt Environmental Foundation , from whose foundation capital of DM 5.5 million further projects were financed. Between 2011 and 2015, funds from the European Union were also available through the LIFE + project Rheinauen near Rastatt .
After the Benz factory was established, sections of the Ried Canal near the Geggenau forest and the Hofwaldschlut were redesigned to be more natural. The bank reinforcement was removed and dead wood and stones were introduced into the river bed in order to increase the variety of currents and structures. In addition, oxbow lakes, flood channels, steep walls and flat banks were created. In March 2014, the previously largely been silted Hofwaldschlut reconnected to the Riedkanal. Since then, most of the water has usually flowed off via the Hofwaldschlut; the parallel section of the Ried Canal serves to relieve the flood. Trenches in the vicinity of the Ried Canal were also redesigned by widening and, in sections, deepening. The ditches once dug to drain the Rhine lowlands are now the only remaining habitat for some animal and plant species.
At the Iffezheimer Mühlbach, the fields in the sand mats were converted into extensively used meadows in 1985. At times the meadow irrigation that was abandoned in the 1950s was resumed. The occasion was a project to reintroduce the white stork , which needs moist meadows to forage. In autumn 2009, the near-natural redesign of the Mühlbach, which previously ran like a canal between dams, was completed. The dams were partially removed in order to connect the water with the adjacent forest and the sand mats. The stream bed was dredged, side arms were created and obstacles were introduced. At the beginning of 2010, the sheep weir in the Sandbach, which previously controlled the inflow to the Mühlbach, was demolished and replaced by a rough ramp .
Individual evidence
Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of the Ried Canal
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )
- ↑ a b c d e Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map or the digital terrain model of the online waterway map.
- ↑ a b c Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
- ↑ a b Catchment area after the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
- ↑ Moor map Baden-Wuerttemberg, 82. Brunn Lach sw. Iffezheim. (Accessed February 9, 2020)
- ↑ a b Protected areas according to the relevant layers, nature partly according to the biotope layer .
- ↑ Open land biotope mapping, Riedkanal survey form south of the Daimler-Benz plant (No. 171152162877). (Accessed February 9, 2020)
- ↑ Open land biotope mapping, Murgschluten survey form northwest of Rheinau (No. 171152162857). (Accessed February 17, 2020)
- ↑ Lake area after the layer standing waters .
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, survey form Alder populations in a Schlut W Niederbühl (No. 271152116022). (Accessed January 27, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, survey form alluvial sand pond in the coppice forest (No. 271152165532). (Accessed January 27, 2020)
- ↑ open land habitat mapping, questionnaire Backwater in Krumm field northeast Rheinau (no. 171 152 162 851). (Accessed January 28, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, survey form Alte Murg W Ötigheim (No. 271152165446). (Accessed January 28, 2020)
- ↑ Mapping of forest biotopes, questionnaire Verlandende Schluten in Niederwald (1) (No. 271152165472). (Accessed February 1, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, Schlut im Strietwald survey form (No. 271152165442). (Accessed February 1, 2020)
- ↑ Open- land biotope mapping, survey form field hedges in the Spich north of stone walls (No. 170152162512). (Accessed February 1, 2020)
- ↑ a b Forest biotope mapping, survey form Altwasser NW Steinmauern (1) (No. 270152165235). (Accessed February 1, 2020)
- ↑ Open land biotope mapping, survey form Murgschluten in the Rheinfeld north-west of Steinmauern (no. 170152162503). (Accessed February 5, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, Altwasser W Goldkanal survey form (1) (No. 270152165195). (Accessed February 5, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, survey form Altwasser W Goldkanal (2) (No. 270152165191). (Accessed February 5, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, Altwasser W Goldkanal (4) survey form (No. 270152165179). (Accessed February 5, 2020)
- ↑ Forest biotope mapping, Altwasser W Goldkanal (5) survey form (No. 270152165178). (Accessed February 5, 2020)
Other evidence
- ↑ a b Heinz Fischer: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 169 Rastatt. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1967. → Online map (PDF; 4.4 MB)
- ↑ Water Act for Baden-Württemberg of December 3, 2013, Annex 4, List of waters intended for shipping
- ↑ Information board Bollmannshausen of the Pamina -Rheinpark at the bridge of Landesstraße 78a (Plittersdorf – Steinmauern) over the Ried Canal (as of February 20, 2020, text: Iris Baumgärtner, Riedmuseum Rastatt-Ottersdorf)
- ↑ Rastatt Environmental Foundation: Giesegraben (Rastatt-Plittersdorf) (accessed on February 22, 2020)
- ^ Kurt Hochstuhl: Iffezheim. The story of a village on the Rhine. Regional culture, Ubstadt-Weiher 2006, ISBN 978-3-89735-465-4 , pp. 30, 327 f.
- ↑ Hochstuhl, Iffezheim , pp. 329-332.
- ^ A b c d Franz Ruf: History of the Rastatt district of Ottersdorf. Published by the city of Rastatt, local administration Ottersdorf, Rastatt 1994, p. 24.
- ↑ Nature trail on the Iffezheimer Mühlbach, information board 1: The Iffezheimer Mühlbach (as of February 15, 2020).
- ^ Hochstuhl, Iffezheim , p. 336.
- ↑ W. Schweinfurth: surface shape and water network. In: Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg (ed.): The district of Rastatt. Thorbecke, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-7995-1364-7 , pp. 28-44, here p. 44.
- ↑ Guido Müller, Karl Bruckner: Sandweier. A Hardtdorf and its people in the past and present. Heimatverein Sandweier eV (Ed.), Sandweier 1988, ISBN 3-87989-179-6 , p. 268.
- ↑ 50 years of the pumping station on the Ried Canal. The topping-out ceremony was celebrated in stone walls on September 18, 1963. In: Community stone walls (ed.): Stone walls current. Bulletin of the Steinmauern community. No. 40/2019
- ↑ Patricia Klatt: The Rastatter break and the Daimler AG. History of a protected area. In: Landkreis Rastatt (Hrsg.): Heimatbuch 2019. Current and interesting facts from the Landkreis Rastatt. Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher 2019, ISBN 978-3-95505-148-8 , pp. 215–226, here pp. 215 f, 218–220.
- ↑ Rheinau bei Rastatt: Natural redesign of the Ried Canal. (Accessed February 23, 2020).
↑ Umweltstiftung Rastatt: Low Riedkanal and Hofwaldschlut (Rastatt-Plittersdorf and stone walls);
Rheinauen near Rastatt: Connection of the Hofwaldschlut to the Ried Canal. (Accessed February 23, 2020). -
^ Klatt, Das Rastatter Bruch and Daimler AG, p. 222;
Rastatt Environmental Foundation: Bruchwiesengraben (Rastatt). (Accessed February 23, 2020). - ↑ Nature trail on the Iffezheimer Mühlbach, information board 3: Die Sandmatten (as of February 15, 2020).
^ Rastatt Environmental Foundation: Mühlbach (Iffezheim). (Accessed February 23, 2020);
Nature trail on the Iffezheimer Mühlbach, information board 5: New structures for diverse habitats (as of February 15, 2020).
Web links
- Map of the course and catchment area of the Ried Canal on: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( information )
- Riedkanal at Naturfreunde Rastatt