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Susanne is a female given name .

Origin and meaning of the name

The name is of Elamite origin and means lily . The name of the ancient city of Susa has the same meaning. Dan 13.1–64  EU tells the story of Susanna in the bath . According to other sources, the name is of Hebrew origin and goes back to Shoshan (na) from šôšan / šûšan with the meaning "lily", Greek wrong translation of lotus (as "water lily"), borrowed from Egyptian sšn ( seschen : " lotus flower ") .


The popularity of the first name rose continuously in Germany from the 1940s to the end of the 1950s. In the 1960s, Susanne was one of the most common female first names, only surpassed by the name Sabine in popularity . Then its popularity sank slowly at first, but rapidly since the mid-1980s at the latest.

name day

The story of Susanna of Rome is legendary. She was executed because she refused to marry the son of Emperor Diocletian. Other traditions name her as the founder of the church at the Baths of Diocletian. Susanna was venerated in Rome as early as 400. In the place of their martyrdom one it was consecrated church built. Her relics are now in the Church of Santa Susanna at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.

St. Susanna is the patroness of the city of Rome and is called upon against bad weather, misfortune and slander. According to the martyrology of St. Jerome is her feast day on August 11th.


  • Short form : Susi , Susie, Suse, Sanne, Sanni, Sanna, Susa, Susu, Su, Susl, Sahne, Suska, Sumsl, Sannesu, Suserl, Susele
  • Arabic : Sousan, Souzan
  • Aramaic : Shushan
  • Armenian : Susik, Suso, Sus, Schuschan
  • Bosnian : Suzana (Сузана)
  • German : Susanne, Susanna, Susen
  • English : Susan , Susann, Suzanne [short form: Sue, Suzie ]
  • Finnish : Susanna
  • French : Suzanne [short form: Suzy]
  • Georgian : Shushanik
  • Hebrew : Schoschana שושנה [short form: Schoschi שושי]
  • Italian : Susanna [short form: Susa]
  • Croatian / Slovenian : Suzana
  • Persian : Soussan سوسن
  • Polish : Zuzanna [short form: Zuza, Zuzia, Zuzanka, Zuzinka]
  • Romanian: Susana
  • Swedish : Susanne, Susanna [short form: Sanna, Sussi]
  • Serbian : Suzana (Сузана)
  • Slavic : Susanka
  • Spanish / Portuguese : Susana, short form: Susa
  • Czech : Zuzana [diminutive: Zuzka]
  • Turkish : Suzan
  • Hungarian : Zsuzsa , Zsuzsi, Zsuzsanna, Zsuzsika, Zsuska, Zsizsi

First name carriers







Place names

See also

Individual evidence

  1. .