Sylvia Bruns

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Sylvia Bruns (2017)

Sylvia Bruns (born April 8, 1969 in Hanover ) is a German politician ( FDP ), member of the Lower Saxony state parliament and spokeswoman for social affairs, health, equality and consumer protection of the Lower Saxony FDP state parliamentary group.


After graduating from high school in 1988, she completed a master's degree in political science, economics and public law in Braunschweig .

From 2003 to 2005 she was the youth policy education officer at the Theodor Heuss Academy in Gummersbach, from 2005 until her election to the state parliament in 2013 she was managing director of the Rudolf von Bennigsen Foundation and regional office manager of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom for Hanover the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen.

She is married and has two children.


Bruns has been a member of the FDP since 1997 and is currently chairwoman of the FDP district association Hanover-Hildesheim, deputy state chairwoman and member of the federal executive committee of the FDP .

From 2011 to 2016 Bruns was a member of the council of the state capital Hanover and deputy chairwoman of the FDP city council group.

Web links

Commons : Sylvia Bruns  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabriele Andretta (Ed.), Department for Press, Public Relations, Protocol: Lower Saxony State Parliament . Handbook of the Lower Saxony Parliament of the 18th electoral period. 2017 to 2022, 1st edition, Hanover: Lower Saxony State Parliament, 2018, p. 27
  2. MPs | FDP parliamentary group Lower Saxony. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .
  3. Sylvia Bruns MdL - about me
  4. MPs | FDP parliamentary group Lower Saxony. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .