Crime scene: friends to the death

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Friends to the death
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 882 ( List )
First broadcast October 6, 2013 on Das Erste
Director Nicolai Rohde
script Harald Göckeritz
production Nils Reinhardt and Sabine Tettenborn for Maran Film
music Johannes Kobilke
camera Jürgen Carle
cut Martina Butz-Kofer

Friends to the Dead is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The film of the Südwestrundfunk by director Nicolai Rohde with Ulrike Folkerts and Andreas Hoppe as investigators from Ludwigshafen am Rhein was broadcast on Sunday, October 6, 2013, on Erste . It is about the crime scene episode 882. Lena Odenthal is working on her 58th case; for Mario Kopper it is the 49th


19-year-old Ron lies shot dead on a dirt road near Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Odenthal and Kopper first investigate at school, where they learn that he had recently posted nude photos of his classmate Julia on the Internet. He was known among his classmates as an arrogant computer freak who enjoyed exposing his fellow human beings. He also showed his teacher Haller from time to time, as Ron was superior to him in many ways due to his giftedness.

Since the scene of the crime and the victim's location are identical, the investigators look around the area and come to a remote gravel pit where target practice took place. A check of the dead man's account transactions results in a debit of 2000 euros, which suggests that he could have bought a rifle from it. Since a youth cannot easily buy weapons in a shop, Odenthal and Kopper investigate a break-in in a hunting lodge in which a hunting rifle was stolen. The trail leads to Frank Ösner, a flea market dealer who, however, shows himself to be ignorant.

Kopper discovers that there is one of the games that Ron programmed himself in which he has incorporated the classrooms and hallways of his school down to the last detail. It can be assumed that he planned a rampage in his school. Forensics investigates Ron's home environment and finds a photo in the garage showing the young person with a pistol, as well as specialist magazines about weapons.

Ron's only friend Manu says he doesn't know anything about a weapon. Overall, he is very closed and mourns the loss of his best friend. He allegedly did not know that Ron could have planned a rampage at school. Odenthal and Kopper want to visit Frank Ösner again and catch him while he is about to steal an old sign. So you are sure that he committed the break-in into the hunting lodge himself and also sold the rifle stolen there to Ron. But they lack proof of this.

The investigators are not making any headway. It can be assumed that Manu may have wanted to prevent his friend from the rampage and therefore shot him. Meanwhile, Ron's classmate Julia makes herself suspicious because Ron planned to publish more of these recordings, and he also put his teacher Haller under pressure because Ron wanted to make his gambling addiction public.

Manu starts looking for Frank Ösner, because it is clear to him that only he could have shot Ron. When he finds him, he confronts him and Ösner states that Ron didn't want to pay and that he wanted to get the rifle back. Since Manu threatens Ösner with a pistol, he climbs in fear onto the balcony of his apartment and falls. When Odenthal and Kopper arrive at the scene of the accident, they find out that a boy was seen in a camouflage suit and it is clear to them that Manu wants to finish his friend's plan. So they go to school immediately and can stop the boy from doing what he did.


There was an open-air preview with the main actors at the SWR Summer Festival on June 4, 2013 in Mainz .

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Friends to Death on October 6, 2013 was seen by 9.08 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 26.0% for Das Erste .


The editorial team came to the conclusion that "a crime scene about a school child's rampage could have been a very exciting affair - with a good script, multi-layered characters and a steep curve of tension." But 'Friends to the Dead' " have none of it. "

“In this emotionally charged 'crime scene', there was no room for the investigators' private items or relationship boxes this time, they weren't even hinted at. That too should be praised on this crime thriller evening. "

- Annette Berger : Stern

“As interesting as the tension that could arise from such a showpiece, the demands that such a constellation place on the actors are just as great. And as sorry as one is for the young, brave actors, it has to be said: To constantly roll your eyes from right to left like a fleeing deer and bite your lip (Julia) or to walk around as indifferently as possible to stare (Ron) are gestures that seem above all helpless. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SWR Summer Festival 2013 | The “Long TV Evening” with a Tatort premiere ,, accessed on July 4, 2013.
  2. Manuel Weis: Primetime check: Sunday, October 6th, , October 7th, 2013, accessed on October 7th, 2013 : "You can't get past the« crime scene »on Sundays."
  3. Critique of the editorial team on, accessed on November 22, 2013.
  4. Annette Berger: rampage of feelings. In: Stern. October 6, 2013, accessed October 6, 2013 .
  5. Lena Bopp: Strange, these children. In: FAZ. October 6, 2013, accessed October 6, 2013 .