Crime scene: Great love

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Great love
Country of production Germany
original language German
classification Episode 558 ( List )
First broadcast February 22, 2004 on Das Erste
Director Manuel Siebenmann
script Daniel Martin Eckhart
production Martin Bach
music Andreas Hoge
camera Real Estate Rentz
cut Martina Butz-Kofer

Große Liebe is an episode of the German crime series Tatort from 2003. The film by Südwestrundfunk by director Manuel Siebenmann with Ulrike Folkerts and Andreas Hoppe as investigators Odenthal and Kopper from Ludwigshafen was broadcast for the first time on Sunday, February 22, 2004 on Erste .


While a surprise party is being celebrated for the chief of the police in Ludwigshafen on the occasion of his 60th birthday, a black money transporter drives through the port area, with the blood-smeared security guard Hannes Buck at the wheel. His dead colleague, security guard Günther Lehmann, is lying in the passenger seat. The police are called and Lena and Mario appear at the scene. In the value van from Bauer (WTB) were 1.2 million euros, which have now disappeared. Forensic technician Peter Becker discovers that the security guard Lehmann was shot three times in the back with a Desert Eagle , a brand of pistol used by the security company itself. The doors of the money truck were skillfully blown open with nitroglycerin .

The WTB has been headed by Sybille Bauer for several years and is currently financially very weak. The boss has Hannes Buck brought to the WTB office and asks him about the events, but he cannot remember. So he is on leave until the circumstances of the attack are clarified. Sybille Bauer hires a private detective agency to conduct its own investigations. Private detective Winfried Poller, a former colleague of Mario Kopper, takes on the case.

At the station, Hannes is questioned again and slowly he can remember. Accordingly, a truck blocked the road and two masked people stormed the money transporter. One of the perpetrators shot Lehmann and Hannes himself was able to pass out. He saw the two perpetrators arguing briefly and recognized the WTB logo on their clothing. In an unobserved moment, he was then able to flee with the transporter. Lena determines that Hannes' wife Greta suffers from cancer and probably won't have much longer to live, only with a very expensive operation would she have a chance to survive. Some of his colleagues are therefore convinced that Hannes must have something to do with the attack. His colleague Lacher lies in wait for him and threatens him to hand over the money, but private detective Winfried Poller intervenes, Hannes and Poller can escape. The next morning, Poller was found shot dead in his study with the same weapon that Lehmann was shot with. Harald Schmiedinger's pistol, the head of the security guards, is missing in the security company. He claims that colleague Lacher must have stolen them, which is why they are searched for. In his apartment there are actually components for nitroglycerin explosives.

Hannes confesses to his wife that the robbers no longer had time to take the money. He himself took the money and hid it. He wanted to give his wife expensive treatment. Harald Schmiedinger also has a similar assumption. He confesses to Hannes that he planned and carried out the attack together with Lacher, but that nobody should be harmed. Laughter went too far. But Hannes should give the money, otherwise something would happen to his family. So he drives with Schmiedinger to the hiding place for the money, the granary at the harbor. But Lena and Kopper are also looking for Hannes and make their way to the harbor, because they suspect him to be there. Schmiedinger and Hannes are already looking for the hiding place in the attic. Laughers join in and shoot Schmiedinger. The shots draw Lena and Kopper's attention and lead them to the victim. Lying dying, he confesses the crime and that Lacher shot Lehmann. After an exchange of fire, Lacher can be overwhelmed in the end.


Filming locations included Ludwigshafen, Mannheim and Baden-Baden . The Bauer Werttransporte company is fictitious. The actors of the three Buck children are really siblings.

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Große Liebe on February 22nd, 2004 was seen by a total of 8.09 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 22% for Das Erste .

Individual evidence

  1. Rüdinger Dingemann: crime scene - The encyclopedia , Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-426-78419-8

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