Tichy's insight

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Tichy's insight
description Internet newspaper , magazine
language German
publishing company Tichys insight GmbH ( Germany )
Headquarters Frankfurt am Main
First edition 2014
founder Roland Tichy
Web link www.tichyseinblick.de

Tichy's insight is the title of an online magazine by the German journalist and publicist Roland Tichy , which has been published since 2014 and also contributes to the eponymous column. A printed magazine of the same title has also been published every month since 2016 .

The medium describes itself as a " liberal - conservative opinion magazine". It gathers regular contributions from columnists and irregular comments from a number of authors and guest authors on political, economic and cultural events in a variety of formats . The guest contributions range in the political spectrum from economic liberalism to right-wing populism .


Tichy's Insight sees itself as a platform for authors from the liberal and conservative spectrum. It describes itself explicitly as an opinion magazine as well as

“Monthly magazine for the liberal-conservative elite ; a target group that is fed up with patronizing mainstream journalism, that thinks for itself, that can tolerate the truth, that wants to learn more about the background and context. Who looks at things as they are and not as one would like them to be. "

Tichy himself sees his medium as the "voice of the thoughtful and active". Cora Stephan , herself a guest author at Tichys Insight , praised the online newspaper in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung together with the Axis des Guten as a platform for “ intellectuals ” who would express themselves today “elsewhere than in the traditional media” because the discourse in Germany excludes “unpleasant opinions” and rashly puts critics in “the right corner”.

The media magazine Meedia wrote: “Critics see the insight more on the edge of right-wing populism.” On the other hand, Franz Sommerfeld warned in the same medium against this simple ascription as a “smart label”. Michalis Pantelouris attested on the media platform Übermedien that Tichy's insight into his "self-perception was [thoughtfully conservative, however] [would] not be able to hear arguments, but instead [...] in sheer, insulted hostility, stamped anyone who argues otherwise as an idiot." That [is] also a sign that the 'active and thoughtful' are doing the repeal of the rules of peaceful coexistence, which they accuse others of, themselves. "

In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , the journalist Thiemo Heeg noted that Tichy's insight is particularly devoted to extremely controversial topics. The journalist Johannes Boie called Tichy's insight into the Süddeutsche Zeitung “the conservative alternative” and certified that the magazine had filled a gap in the market that essentially followed the opinion that “parts of society are not moving to the right , but politics and the media are constantly moving to the left ". It consists of "five percent Pegida , from a little understanding for the AfD, mixed with endless disappointment with the CDU and Angela Merkel , but above all from journalistic ambition and courage". The world editor-in-chief Ulf Poschardt commented on the claim of Tichy's insight as a "liberal-conservative opinion side" that "with some of his authors [...] it is sometimes not clear whether they are liberal conservatives, conservative liberals or neither" .

Daniel Bax describes Tichy's insight as “the tendency towards right-wing populist and nationally conservative” and counted the medium as the run-up to the Alternative for Germany (AfD). Tim Wolff noted in a newspaper review that "liberal" on Tichy's insight mainly means economically liberal . Otherwise, Kopp-Verlag , Die-Welt online forums and concerned bourgeois Facebook groups would “deliver the same thing less blurry and more amusing”.

The British Guardian noted in connection with the intended start of Breitbart News Network in German-speaking countries that the market for right-wing media there was already occupied by Junge Freiheit , Compact , Politically Incorrect and Tichy's insight . The journalist Cordt Schnibben named the online newspaper in a mirror - leading article in a series with "salon hunters" from " Pegida and the AfD to the CSU " to "' FAZ ', the ' Welt ' and ' Cicero '". Schnibben saw Tichy's insight as a “ national conservative blog”. Detlef Esslinger wrote in the Süddeutsche that with the self-declaration of liberal-conservative actual liberal-conservative persons could hardly feel comfortable, in fact it was not possible to “stay on this side of the border of right-wing populism”.

Content, authors and interviewees

The publication is divided into six departments of journalism, " columns ", "Guest Post", "Daili | dining | Sentials", "opinions", " feature " and "economy".

The authors include Rafael Seligmann , the former FAZ editor Hugo Müller-Vogg , Matthias Matussek , Wolfgang Herles , Bettina Röhl , Fritz Goergen , Peter Heller, Alexander Wendt , Ferdinand Knauß, Christian Rieck , the FDP politician Frank Schäffler , Hubertus Knabe , Ronald G. Asch , Alexander Wallasch , Boris Reitschuster , Klaus-Rüdiger Mai and Bernd Zeller . In 2020, the deputy CDU / CSU parliamentary group chairman Arnold Vaatz wrote a guest contribution.

The editor-in-chief is his internet columnist Stephan Paetow, formerly deputy editor-in-chief at Focus .

In Tichy's insight , interviews appeared with the FDP politician Nicola Beer , the CSU politician Peter Gauweiler , the constitutional lawyer and former defense minister, among others . D. Rupert Scholz , the economist Hans-Werner Sinn , the AfD party leader Jörg Meuthen and the minister of education and head of the State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt, Rainer Robra .

Range, issues and circulation

According to Tichy's insight, it counts over 7.5 million clicks from around 650,000 different users per month on its own website. Compared to other online editions of German newspapers, Tichy's Insight was 423rd in August 2016.

A monthly issue with around 100 pages has been published since October 2016. The magazine started with a circulation of 70,000 copies and is available by subscription and individual sales . According to IVW, the sold circulation of the magazine in the first quarter of 2020 was 18,227, 15 percent more than in the same quarter of the previous year. The magazine is published by Finanz Verlag , which also publishes the magazines Euro and Börse Online , among other things .


After guest author Jürgen Fritz described "green-left do-gooders " as " mentally psychologically ill " in an article in the online edition in January 2017 , there were considerable protests against this pathologization of the political opponent. Roland Tichy apologized for the wording of his guest and resigned from his position as editor of the news section of the business network under the impression of announcements in the social networks that he would be terminating XING memberships.

In July 2018, according to Stefan Niggemeier ( Übermedien ) , Tomas Spahn spread the false report in Tichy's insight that the Federal Public Prosecutor was investigating German sea ​​rescue organizations for the formation of a criminal association , after he had received no response to multiple inquiries from the Federal Prosecutor's Office.

In August 2018, Alexander Wallasch concluded in a contribution, citing alleged information from the UNHCR and the IOM , that after the forced cessation of sea rescue by private aid organizations in the Mediterranean, the number of drowned refugees had declined: “It's about guilt. A tremendous accusation that could now unfortunately come true: fewer NGO activities, fewer deaths in the Mediterranean. ”In fact, the UNHCR reported that the number of deaths in the Mediterranean had exceeded 1500 by July. The media magazine Meedia accused Tichy's insight of "creating mood with an absurd number about drowned refugees".

At the beginning of 2019, Tichy published an article in his magazine that dealt with the editorial network Germany , which belongs to the Madsack media group , in which the SPD's own media holding ddvg holds around 23.1%. According to Stefan Winterbauer ( Meedia ), the fact that this participation is “secret”, as Tichy wrote, is incorrect, since this media holding has repeatedly been the subject of critical reporting in the past. Madsack defended himself against Tichy's claim that the SPD determined the content of the RND reporting and that the company's media were “SPD media” by means of a letter of cease and desist . Tichy thereupon provided the text with the note that it would be deleted by a certain period of time, since one could not lead press law disputes due to insufficient own resources, but at the same time wrote that press freedom is "the freedom of very rich organizations and people" and that certain " Facts “should no longer be written. According to Meedia information, this reference to "facts", which Tichy had declared not to further disseminate in the submitted omission, resulted in a further cease and desist letter, which Tichy also granted. He then published an appeal for donations on the website because a “powerful organization, which we are not allowed to mention here at the risk of high cash benefits”, forced Tichy's insight to “delete articles, tweets and Facebook entries. Your media influence should not be visible ”. Media scientist Stefan Niggemeier commented on Tichy's censorship allegations that Tichys was "avoiding a legal dispute that could draw a line between permissible criticism and inadmissible slander - and can thus maintain the illusion that there is no such limit." but he gave up without a fight, so Niggemeier, in order to be able to present himself as a fighter.

Tichy was defeated in February 2020 at the Stuttgart district court in an injunction against the Green politician Claudia Roth . In an interview with Augsburger Allgemeine, the latter described his magazine as a “ new right platform”, “whose business model is based on agitation and false claims”. The civil chamber described this as "low-substance expression of opinion", but Tichy "as an actor in the formation of public opinion also has to put up with exaggerated statements such as those of Roth". In the appeal proceedings, the judges at the higher regional court confirmed the ruling of the regional court in June 2020. Roth's statement constitutes “an overall expression of opinion” which “is shaped by the elements of the opinion, the belief and opinion of the defendant”.

In May 2020, Tichy's insight won a lawsuit against the Correctiv research platform and Facebook . Correctiv had, on behalf of Facebook, marked a report by "Tichys Insight" on an open letter on climate change that was linked on Facebook as "partly wrong", which, however, was related to the wording of the letter. The Mannheim Regional Court initially declared this to be permissible. The Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court , however, ruled that the labeling was "misleading" and therefore inadmissible, as it suggested that the report by Tichys insight itself was incorrect. The court stressed that the appeal did not rule on "the legality of fact-checking on Facebook in general".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint - Tichy's insight. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  2. a b "Conservative fan article": Roland Tichy starts monthly magazine for the opinion portal. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  3. a b c Roland Tichy is planning a print edition for his online magazine “Tichys Insight”. In: Meedia. September 8, 2016, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  4. a b online portal "Tichys insight" gets a print offshoot. In: turi2. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  5. Tichy's Insight. In: www.finanzenverlag.de. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  6. a b c Barrage from the trench of thoughtfulness. In: Übermedien. February 4, 2016, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  7. And in the fan curve, the AfD applauds the NZZ. www.woz.ch, June 9, 2016
  8. Cora Stephan: Do not think about thinking instead of debate: Have the Germans forgotten how to argue? In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . ( nzz.ch [accessed on September 20, 2016]).
  9. Franz Sommerfeld : Debate about Tichy's insight: the quick-risky game with the label of right-wing populism. In: meedia.de . July 20, 2018, accessed April 6, 2019 .
  10. Thiemo Heeg: TV review: Hard but fair: train drivers, blackmailers, hostage gangsters . In: FAZ . October 14, 2014 ( faz.net [accessed October 6, 2016]).
  11. Johannes Boie: Roland Tichy: "Tichy's insight" - the conservative alternative . In: sueddeutsche.de . ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed on October 10, 2016]).
  12. ^ FDP party congress: Liberalism is gaining importance again. In: Welt Online . Retrieved October 1, 2016 .
  13. ^ Daniel Bax: The seducers of the people. Why right-wing populists are so successful. Frankfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-86489-178-6 (e-book without page numbers).
  14. ^ Journal review: Tim Wolff, editor-in-chief "Titanic", about "Tichys insight" . In: turi2 . November 1, 2015 ( turi2.de [accessed October 6, 2016]).
  15. Jon Henley, Philip Oltermann: German firms Including BMW pull advertising from Breitbart . In: The Guardian . December 8, 2016 ( theguardian.com [accessed January 5, 2017]).
  16. Serious, funny, serious and seriously funny - Tichy's insight - Welt am Sonntag No. 2. January 10, 2016, accessed on September 20, 2016 .
  17. Georg Altrogge: Welcome, AfD: the strange shift to the right in the mirror. In: Meedia. March 21, 2016, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  18. The assassination attempt . In: Der Spiegel . No. 2 , 2016 ( online ).
  19. Detlef Esslinger : To stand on stage with Tichy under no circumstances . In: sueddeutsche.de
  20. Cornelius Janzen: Tichys Welt - Xing News publisher gives up post after Shitstorm , 3sat culture time from January 9, 2017
  21. a b Bülend Ürük; From Monday at the kiosk: “Tichys Insight” starts with four-digit subscribers . kressnews , October 9, 2016
  22. Nicola Beer: “Control madness is spreading” on tichyseinblick.de
  23. Gauweiler: Bundestag and government must implement constitutional order , on tichyseinblick.de
  24. Constitutional lawyer Scholz: CDU is no longer a people's party - strengthen the conservative wing again , on tichyseinblick.de
  25. Hans-Werner Sinn: "Put an end to the expropriation" , on tichyseinblick.de
  26. How bad will the economic crisis and inflation get? , on tichyseinblick.de
  27. AfD boss Jörg Meuthen pleads for separation from the "wing" , on tichyseinblick.de
  28. Will Saxony-Anhalt stop the ARD / ZDF fee increase? , on tichyseinblick.de
  29. Tichy's Insight. In: businessAD. Retrieved December 22, 2018 .
  30. Digital Facts in May: News sites and weather portals are gaining users again. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  31. Title display , on ivw.de
  32. In the Eye of the Storm . FAZ.net, January 9, 2017
  33. Stefan Niggemeier : " Tichys insight" invents investigations against sea rescuers . übermedien, July 19, 2018
  34. Stefan Winterbauer: The facts and the dead: How Tichy's insight creates mood with an absurd number about drowned refugees . Meedia, August 9, 2018
  35. Stefan Winterbauer: Prime example of the Streisand effect: How Tichy's insight uses Madsack's injunctions for self-PR. meedia.de, February 8, 2019
  36. Karolin Schwarz: Hate Warriors. The new global right-wing extremism. Herder, Freiburg 2020, p. 81
  37. Thomas Hummel: Roland Tichy is subject to Claudia Roth in court. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . February 21, 2020, accessed February 22, 2020 .
  38. Publicist Roland Tichy fails with application for an injunction against Claudia Roth. In: deutschlandfunk.de. February 22, 2020, accessed February 24, 2020 .
  39. Roland Tichy fails with another lawsuit against Claudia Roth. Retrieved June 10, 2020 .
  40. Tichy wins against "Correctiv" in court , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 27, 2020.
  41. Fact check on Facebook must be deleted welt.de, May 27, 2020