Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia constituency 2

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Constituency 57: Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2
Country Germany
state Saxony
region Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis , district of Görlitz
Constituency number 57
Eligible voters 40,212
voter turnout 57.1%
Election date August 30, 2009
Constituency representative
Political party CDU
Voting share 38.8%

The constituency of Lower Silesian Oberlausitz 2 was a state electoral district for the Saxon state elections from 1994 to 2009 . He had constituency number 57 for these elections.

Constituency area

The constituency of Lower Silesian Oberlausitz 2 was formed in 1994 from parts of the two earlier constituencies of Görlitz, Land II - Zittau II - Löbau III and Niesky - Görlitz, Land I - Bautzen III .

The following table shows the changes in the constituency area between 1994 and 2009.

Election year cities and communes Access Exit Eligible voters
2009 Bernstadt ad Eigen , Hohendubrau , Horka , Kodersdorf , Königshain , Markersdorf , Mücka , Neißeaue , Niesky , Ostritz , Quitzdorf am See , Reichenbach / OL , Schönau-Berzdorf ad Eigen , Schöpstal , Sohland a. Rotstein , Vierkirchen , Waldhufen Bernstadt ad Eigen, Schönau-Berzdorf ad Eigen constituency Löbau-Zittau 1 , Ostritz constituency Löbau-Zittau 2 40,412
2004 Hähnichen, Hohendubrau, Horka, Kodersdorf, Königshain, Markersdorf, Mücka, Neißeaue, Niesky, Quitzdorf am See, Reichenbach / OL, Rothenburg / OL, Schöpstal, Sohland a. Rotstein, Vierkirchen, Waldhufen Klitten, Kreba-Neudorf ( constituency of Lower Silesian Oberlausitz 1 ) , Kunnersdorf, Ludwigsdorf ( constituency of Görlitz ) , Rosenbach ( constituency of Löbau-Zittau 1 ) Schönau-Berzdorf ( constituency of Löbau-Zittau 1 ) 40,927
1999 Hohendubrau (amalgamation of Gebelzig, Groß Radisch and Weigersdorf) , Hähnichen (incorporation of the Spree) , Horka , Klitten , Kodersdorf , Königshain , Kreba-Neudorf , Kunnerwitz , Ludwigsdorf , Markersdorf , Mücka , Neißeaue (amalgamation of Deschka, Groß Kauscha, Kaltwasser and Zodel) Niesky , Quitzdorf am See (incorporation of Petershain) , Reichenbach / OL , Rosenbach , Rothenburg / OL (incorporation of Lodenau, Nieder-Neundorf and Uhsmannsdorf) , Schönau-Berzdorf , Schöpstal , Sohland a. Rotstein , Vierkirchen , Waldhufen , Schönau-Berzdorf ( constituency Westlausitz 2 ) Uhyst ( constituency Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 1 ) 46,979
1994 Deschka , Gebelzig , Groß Krauscha, Groß-Radisch, Hähnichen , Horka , Kaltwasser , Klitten , Kodersdorf , Königshain , Kreba-Neudorf , Kunnerwitz , Lodenau , Ludwigsdorf , Markersdorf , Mücka , Nieder-Neundorf , Niesky , Petershain , Quitzdorf am See , Reichenbach / OL , Rothenburg / OL , Schöpstal , Sohland a. Rotstein , Spree , Uhsmannsdorf , Uhyst , Vierkirchen , Waldhufen , Weigersdorf , Zodel . 42,541

The constituency structure in Saxony was changed again for the 2014 state elections . The area of ​​the constituency of Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia has been redistributed into the constituencies of Görlitz 1 , Görlitz 2 and Görlitz 3 .

Election 2009

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony
in constituency 057 Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2 (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Peter Schowtka CDU 38.8 42.2
Kathrin Kagelmann The left 23.2 19.3
Ralf Brehmer SPD 7.4 8.2
Stephan Latzel NPD 8.1 8.2
Bernd Kalkbrenner FDP 17.5 11.4
Astrid Günther-Schmidt GREEN 4.9 3.6
- Animal welfare - 2.2
- PBC - 0.2
- BüSo - 0.3
- DSU - 0.2
- REP - 0.2
- Free Saxons - 1.9
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Human economy - 0.2
- Pirates - 1.3
- SVP - 0.5

Election 2004

The 2004 state elections took place on September 19, 2004 and had the following result for the constituency of Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Peter Schowtka CDU 41.0 39.5
Kathrin Kagelmann PDS 32.3 25.5
Steven Klein SPD 7.1 6.7
Horst Schiermeyer GREEN 4.1 3.3
- NPD - 11.4
Danilo Fritzsche-Scholz FDP 10.1 6.9
- DSU - 0.4
- PBC - 0.6
- GRAY - 0.9
- BüSo - 0.6
- START - 1.6
- DGG - 0.8
- Animal welfare - 1.7
Gerd Pohl Individual applicants 5.4 -

Election 1999

The 1999 state election took place on September 19, 1999 and had the following result for the constituency of Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Peter Schowtka CDU 59.1 59.5
Norbert Mueller SPD 12.0 08.0
Ingrid Mattern PDS 26.3 21.7
GREEN 01.6
Kristin Schütz FDP 02.6 01.1
BüSo 00.2
DSU 00.5
GRAY 00.2
REP 01.5
- FP of Germany - 00.0
- per DM - 02.9
- KPD - 00.1
- NPD - 02.1
- Forum - 00.2
- PBC - 00.3

46,797 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 63.4%. 1.4% of the votes cast were invalid. Peter Schowtka (CDU) was elected as a direct candidate. It received 59.1% of all valid votes.

Election 1994

The 1994 state election took place on September 11, 1994 and had the following result for the constituency of Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Hartmut Ulbricht CDU 63.0 63.8
SPD 17.8 14.6
FDP 01.5
GREEN 02.9
DSU 00.8
REP 02.8 01.7
Forum - 00.7
PDS 16.4 13.8
PLC - 00.3

42,541 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 60.1%. 1.5% of the votes cast were invalid. Hartmut Ulbricht (CDU) was chosen as a direct candidate . It received 63.0% of all valid votes.

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: Constituency: 057 Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia 2. In: Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony. Retrieved August 16, 2014 .
  2. Result of the 2004 state elections
  3. Detailed election results for the 1999 state elections
  4. Detailed election results for the 1994 state elections