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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Neisseaue
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Neißeaue highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 15 '  N , 14 ° 59'  E

Basic data
State : Saxony
County : Goerlitz
Administrative association: White Schöps / Neisse
Height : 170 m above sea level NHN
Area : 47.37 km 2
Residents: 1706 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 36 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 02829
Primaries : 035820, 035892 (cold water), 035825 (cold water)Template: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / area code contains text
License plate : GR, LÖB, NOL, NY, WSW, ZI
Community key : 14 6 26 330
Community structure: 8 parts of the community
Address of the
municipal administration:
Dorfallee 31
OT Groß Krauscha
02829 Neißeaue
Website :
Mayoress : Evelin Bergmann
Location of the municipality of Neißeaue in the district of Görlitz
Bärwalder See Berzdorfer See Talsperre Quitzdorf Talsperre Quitzdorf Polen Tschechien Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge Bad Muskau Beiersdorf Bernstadt a. d. Eigen Herrnhut Bertsdorf-Hörnitz Boxberg/O.L. Boxberg/O.L. Dürrhennersdorf Ebersbach-Neugersdorf Kottmar (Gemeinde) Gablenz (Oberlausitz) Görlitz Görlitz Groß Düben Groß Düben Großschönau (Sachsen) Großschweidnitz Hähnichen Hainewalde Herrnhut Hohendubrau Horka Jonsdorf Kodersdorf Königshain Krauschwitz (Sachsen) Kreba-Neudorf Lawalde Leutersdorf (Oberlausitz) Löbau Markersdorf (Sachsen) Markersdorf (Sachsen) Mittelherwigsdorf Mücka Mücka Neißeaue Neusalza-Spremberg Kottmar (Gemeinde) Niesky Kottmar (Gemeinde) Oderwitz Olbersdorf Oppach Ostritz Oybin Quitzdorf am See Reichenbach/O.L. Rietschen Rosenbach Rothenburg/Oberlausitz Schleife (Ort) Schönau-Berzdorf auf dem Eigen Schönbach (Sachsen) Schöpstal Seifhennersdorf Reichenbach/O.L. Trebendorf Trebendorf Vierkirchen (Oberlausitz) Waldhufen Weißkeißel Weißwasser/Oberlausitz Zittau Zittau Landkreis Bautzen Brandenburgmap
About this picture

Neißeaue ( Upper Sorbian Nysowa łučina ) is the easternmost municipality in Germany. It is located in the Saxon district of Görlitz between the small town of Rothenburg / Oberlausitz and the district town of Görlitz on the border with Poland . The municipality, based in the Groß Krauscha district, is part of the Weißer Schöps / Neisse administrative association .


Easternmost point of Germany between the districts of Deschka and Zentendorf

Geographical location

Neißeaue is located in the far east of the district in a wooded area in the Neißetal . It is located about 10 km north of Görlitz and 10 km southeast of Niesky . In today's borders of Germany, Zentendorf , Deschka and Zodel are the only places (about 2 km) east of the 15th degree of longitude . Since this is a time difference of exactly +1 hours for prime meridian in Greenwich highlighted here corresponds to the true time of the Central European Time .

Between the districts of Deschka and Zentendorf (easternmost town in Germany) is the easternmost point of Germany ( 51 ° 16 ′ 22.4 ″  N , 15 ° 2 ′ 30.9 ″  E ) in a bend of the Neisse river .

Surrounding communities are the city of Rothenburg / OL in the north, Horka in the north-west, Kodersdorf in the west, Schöpstal in the south-west and the city of Görlitz in the south. On the Polish side of the Neisse, only the urban and rural municipality Pieńsk (Penzig) borders.

Neißeaue, Zentendorf, aerial photo (2017)

Community structure

The community Neißeaue was newly formed on July 1, 1995 as a political-economic administrative unit. Their predecessor communities were Groß Krauscha (with Neu Krauscha), Kaltwasser (with Klein Krauscha) and Zodel. Emmerichswalde was detached from the Groß Krauscha district as a separate district. On January 1, 1999, the community Deschka (with Zentendorf) was incorporated.

In June 2018 the population figures were as follows:

District Residents
Deschka 273
Emmerichswalde 13
Great Krauscha 338
Cold water 223
Little Krauscha 87
New Krauscha 101
Zentendorf 150
Zodel 539
total 1,724


The largest district is Zodel, it was mentioned in a document around 1325 as Zcodel . Groß Krauscha was mentioned in a document about ten years earlier around 1315 as (de) Crushin . The district Kaltwasser was mentioned in a document in 1372 as Kaldenwasser and Klein Krauscha as minori Krusche in 1401. Deschka is first found in 1357 as the personal name Pecz Theskow .

From 1377 to 1396 the region belonged to the Duchy of Lausitz and from 1635 to 1815 to the Electorate of Saxony (from 1806 Kingdom of Saxony ). As a result of the Congress of Vienna , the places came to Prussia and were assigned to the province of Silesia in 1816. The border between the districts of Rothenburg and Görlitz ran through today's municipality; Kaltwasser and Klein Krauscha belonged to the Rothenburger, the remaining places to the Görlitzer Kreis.

After the Second World War , the places belonged again to the state of Saxony from 1945 to 1952. As a result of the administrative reform of 1952 , Kaltwasser and Klein Krauscha came to the Niesky district , the remaining places to the Görlitz district (both Dresden district ). Since 1990, the places have belonged to Saxon districts again, with the establishment of the Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia District on August 1, 1994, they were in a common district for the first time.


City council election 2019
Turnout: 70.1%

Since the municipal council election on May 26, 2019 , the seats of the municipal council have been distributed among the individual groups as follows:

  • Free list Neisseaue (FLN): 4 seats
  • Citizens' initiative “No toxic waste in the Neißeaue” (BI): 3 seats
  • Friends of FF Zodel (FFZ): 1 seat

In the state elections in Saxony in 2019 , almost half of the votes (48.4 percent) went to the AfD .

Parish partnership

Neißeaue maintains a partnership with the Polish municipality Pieńsk , which is located on the opposite bank of the Neisse. This partnership began when a joint sewage treatment plant was planned in 1992 and was finally built in Pieńsk in 1994. In August 2000 this partnership was strengthened by means of a partnership agreement, which is also intended to strengthen cultural and economic cooperation. At the annual bridge festival, a bridge connects both communities for a weekend.


  • Einsiedel cultural island near Zentendorf
  • Gothic Evangelical Church in Zodel
  • Traugott Gerber Museum
  • Deschka Bird Park
  • Root Park
  • Easternmost point of Germany between Deschka and Zentendorf


The federal motorway 4 runs a few kilometers south of the community, from which it can be reached via the Kodersdorf or Görlitz junction (approx. 6 km). The state road S 127 runs along the Neisse from Bad Muskau via Rothenburg / OL to Görlitz. The Berlin – Görlitz railway line runs near Groß Krauscha and Klein Krauscha, and the Węgliniec – Roßlau railway line runs through the municipality near Zentendorf . However, there is no station for Neißeaue at either of them.


Protest against fracking

Trial drilling is being carried out in the municipality to explore fracking copper extraction . The Lusatian initiative against piracy of raw materials speaks out against it.


The doctor and botanist Traugott Gerber was born in Zodel in January 1710. The gerbera was named after him.

The soccer player Torsten Gütschow (* 1962) also grew up in Zodel . He played for Dynamo Dresden in the GDR Oberliga and the Bundesliga and played three international matches for the GDR national team .

See also


  • From the Muskauer Heide to the Rotstein. Home book of the Lower Silesian Upper Lusatia District . Lusatia Verlag, Bautzen 2006, ISBN 978-3-929091-96-0 , p. 328-332 .

Web links

Commons : Neißeaue  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the Free State of Saxony by municipalities on December 31, 2019  ( help on this ).
  2. StBA: Changes in the municipalities of Germany, see 1995
  3. Municipalities 1994 and their changes since January 1, 1948 in the new federal states , Metzler-Poeschel publishing house, Stuttgart, 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 , publisher: Federal Statistical Office
  4. ↑ Interesting facts about the community. Municipality of Neißeaue, accessed on July 10, 2020 .
  5. Steffen Menzel: New findings on first mentions of Upper Lusatian localities. In: Neues Lausitzisches Magazin 137 (2015) . S. 148 f .
  6. Results of the 2019 municipal council elections
  7. ^ Municipality of Neißeaue - partnerships. Retrieved August 1, 2008 .
  8. ^ Website of the initiative