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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the community of Mittelherwigsdorf
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Mittelherwigsdorf highlighted

Coordinates: 50 ° 55 '  N , 14 ° 46'  E

Basic data
State : Saxony
County : Goerlitz
Height : 304 m above sea level NHN
Area : 36.45 km 2
Residents: 3634 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 100 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 02763
Area code : 03583
License plate : GR, LÖB, NOL, NY, WSW, ZI
Community key : 14 6 26 310
Community structure: 4 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
At the municipal office 7
02763 Mittelherwigsdorf
Website :
Mayor : Markus Hallmann (Free Voters' Association)
Location of the community Mittelherwigsdorf in the district of Görlitz
Bärwalder See Berzdorfer See Talsperre Quitzdorf Talsperre Quitzdorf Polen Tschechien Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge Bad Muskau Beiersdorf Bernstadt a. d. Eigen Herrnhut Bertsdorf-Hörnitz Boxberg/O.L. Boxberg/O.L. Dürrhennersdorf Ebersbach-Neugersdorf Kottmar (Gemeinde) Gablenz (Oberlausitz) Görlitz Görlitz Groß Düben Groß Düben Großschönau (Sachsen) Großschweidnitz Hähnichen Hainewalde Herrnhut Hohendubrau Horka Jonsdorf Kodersdorf Königshain Krauschwitz (Sachsen) Kreba-Neudorf Lawalde Leutersdorf (Oberlausitz) Löbau Markersdorf (Sachsen) Markersdorf (Sachsen) Mittelherwigsdorf Mücka Mücka Neißeaue Neusalza-Spremberg Kottmar (Gemeinde) Niesky Kottmar (Gemeinde) Oderwitz Olbersdorf Oppach Ostritz Oybin Quitzdorf am See Reichenbach/O.L. Rietschen Rosenbach Rothenburg/Oberlausitz Schleife (Ort) Schönau-Berzdorf auf dem Eigen Schönbach (Sachsen) Schöpstal Seifhennersdorf Reichenbach/O.L. Trebendorf Trebendorf Vierkirchen (Oberlausitz) Waldhufen Weißkeißel Weißwasser/Oberlausitz Zittau Zittau Landkreis Bautzen Brandenburgmap
About this picture

Mittelherwigsdorf is a Saxon municipality in the district of Görlitz .


Map of Oberreit with Mittelherwigsdorf around 1845

The 7.5 kilometer long forest hoof village is located about 3 kilometers northwest of Zittau am Rietschebach and the Mandau in the area of ​​the Zittau and Oderwitz basins . In the shape of an arch, it is composed of Oberherwigsdorf (Oberdorf), Mittelherwigsdorf (Mitteldorf) and the disk . The districts of Oberseifersdorf and Eckartsberg are (north) east of it, and the district of Radgendorf is located east of Eckartsberg.

Surrounding communities are Herrnhut (district Großhennersdorf ) in the north, Zittau from northeast to south, Bertsdorf-Hörnitz and Hainewalde in the southwest, and Oderwitz in the west.

The federal road 96 cuts on its way from Oderwitz to Zittau the middle village and south of it takes the state road 139 coming from Spitzkunnersdorf , which touches the settlement area of ​​Mittelherwigsdorf. After its completion, the federal highway 178 coming from the federal highway 4 and leading via Löbau will cut the upper village and flow into the already existing northeast bypass of the Zittau city center between Oberseifersdorf and Eckartsberg, which crosses the federal highway 99 and leads to the border crossing Zittau - Sieniawka .

Community structure

In 1994 the then independent municipalities of Mittelherwigsdorf, Oberseifersdorf and Eckartsberg (with Radgendorf) merged to form today's municipality of Mittelherwigsdorf. The seat of the municipal administration is the municipal office in Mittelherwigsdorf. Markus Hallmann (FWV) is the current mayor of the municipality.

Districts of the community Mittelherwigsdorf are:

  • Eckartsberg (881 inhabitants, 694.33 ha),
  • Mittelherwigsdorf (1702 inhabitants, 1892.24 ha),
  • Oberseifersdorf (1118 inhabitants, 898.57 ha),
  • Radgendorf (129 inhabitants, 162.88 ha).

The population figures refer to the number of main residences on December 31, 2010.


Historically mentioned for the first time in 1312, the place originally consisted of three parts, Oberherwigsdorf (called Bettelsdorf in 1410 and incorporated in 1974), the so-called disc, a knight's seat mentioned in 1359 and the actual parish of Herwigsdorf, each with its own local judge. As a result of the Reformation , the Celestine monks on the Oybin were forced to gradually sell the place, which they were able to take into their possession in the 15th century, to the city of Zittau . Until then, predominantly agricultural, the weaving trade developed more and more , which resulted in today's well-known townscape with many densely built half-timbered houses .

During the GDR era, the VEB Erdölververarbeitungwerk Schwedt set up a children's holiday camp for the children of its employees.


Turnout: 70.1% (2014: 64.5%)
n. k.
Gains and losses
compared to 2014
 % p
+ 10.8  % p
-7.9  % p
-3.8  % p
-3.6  % p
+ 4.5  % p

Municipal council

Since the municipal council election on May 26, 2019 , the 16 seats of the municipal council have been distributed among the individual groups as follows:

Partner communities

The community of Mittelherwigsdorf has two community partnerships in Baden-Württemberg, which were concluded in 1991 by the previous communities. The former municipality of Eckartsberg entered into a partnership with the municipality of Dischingen , and Mittelherwigsdorf entered into a partnership with Neunkirchen in Baden.

Public facilities

Leisure and sports facilities

The local recreation area Sandbüschel has been the venue for the Sandbüschel Festival since 1959. The community maintains an approx. 3 km long barefoot path . This was refurbished in 2013. The beginning and end are at the Mittelherwigsdorf sports center in Scheibe .


The Mittelherwigsdorf stop is on the Zittau – Löbau and Mittelherwigsdorf – Varnsdorf – Eibau lines .

Culture and sights

→ see also: List of cultural monuments in Mittelherwigsdorf

  • The Kulturfabrik Meda at Mittelherwigsdorf train station maintains a film theater and regularly organizes workshops. In cooperation with the International University Institute Zittau, it operates a research plant-based sewage treatment plant.
  • Dream Palace: Music and other events
  • Eckartsberg village museum in the Riedelschen Gut
  • Sand cluster festivals


Sons and daughters of the church

Other personalities

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the Free State of Saxony by municipalities on December 31, 2019  ( help on this ).
  2. ^ Mittelherwigsdorf community - facts & figures. Retrieved January 13, 2011 .
  3. Facebook entry
  4. Municipal council election 2019. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony , accessed on March 24, 2020 .
  5. ^ Mittelherwigsdorf community - partner communities. Retrieved January 13, 2011 .


  • The south-eastern Upper Lusatia with Zittau and the Zittau Mountains (= values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 16). 2nd Edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1971.
  • Friedrich Eckhart: Weyland Friedrich Eckarths, Chronica or historical description of the village Herwingsdorff. Herwingsdorff 1737 ( digitized version )
  • Cornelius Gurlitt : Herwigsdorf. In:  Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony. 29. Issue: Amtshauptmannschaft Zittau (Land) . CC Meinhold, Dresden 1906, p. 46.
  • Theodor Korselt and Hans-Dieter Meirich: Village book for Mittelherwigsdorf. A historical townscape from the beginning to the 19th century. Leipzig: AMF 1999 (= AMF 80 series)
  • Carl Gottlob Moráwek : History of Eckartsberg near Zittau . Zittau 1873 ( digitized version )

Web links

Commons : Mittelherwigsdorf  - album with pictures, videos and audio files