İsmayıllı (Rayon)

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Location İsmayıllıs in Azerbaijan
Landscape İsmayıllıs
Nature in İsmayıllı Rayon

İsmayıllı , also called Ismailli , is a rayon in Azerbaijan . The capital of the district is the city of İsmayıllı .


The district was created in November 1931 from parts of the Goychay, Sheki and Shamachi provinces.


The district covers 2074 km². The landscape belongs to the Greater Caucasus and is partially forested. There are deposits of clay and many mineral springs.


In 2009 there were 79,100 inhabitants in the district. They live in one city, two larger settlements and 125 villages. Over 80% of the population are Azerbaijanis , a large minority are Lesgians .

Economy and media

In the city of Lahich carpets are knotted and coppersmiths are based. Grain, wine and fruit are grown in the district and cattle are raised. There are also several wine presses.

A regional newspaper has been published in the region since 1934. Until 1966 this was Yeni Ismayilly , then Zehmetkesh and since 1991 Djavanshir yurdu . The district has had its own radio station since February 1993, which broadcasts for 30 minutes on weekdays.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Azerbaijan Development Gateway ( Memento of November 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) about the rayon
  2. Azerbaijani Statistical Authority ( Memento of November 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : İsmayıllı  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 40 ° 48 '  N , 48 ° 24'  E