Alpinia | ||||||||||||
![]() Real galangal or galangal root ( Alpinia officinarum ), |
Systematics | ||||||||||||
Scientific name | ||||||||||||
Alpinia | ||||||||||||
Roxb. |
Alpinia is a genus in the subfamily Alpinioideae from the family of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) that the monocots plants belong. With around 250 species, the genus is the most species-rich in the ginger family.
Some species are used as aromatic and medicinal plants by humans. Many species and varieties are used as ornamental plants in tropical gardens and parks.

Appearance and leaves
Alpinia species are perennial herbaceous plants . They form creeping, thick rhizomes as persistence organs. Well-developed “pseudostems” are usually formed from mostly many, rarely only one to four leaves. The simple leaf blades are elongated or lanceolate.
Inflorescences and flowers
The terminal, racemose , ährigen , rispigen inflorescences contained in the dense stretched to distance many flowers. The budding inflorescences are usually covered by one to three bracts. Each flower is usually above a tubular to spreading wrapper.
The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and trifoliate double perianth (perianth). The three sepals are usually tubed together, sometimes the calyx tube is split on one side. Three carpels have grown together to form a three- chamber ovary. The placentation is central angled. The labellum is often noticeable with differently lobed or smooth edges and is usually longer than the corolla lobes. Sometimes stamens are missing. The scar is usually well developed.
Fruits and seeds
Usually spherical, dry or fleshy capsule fruits with many seeds are formed. The often angular seeds have an aril .
Alpinia species are mainly pollinated by bees.
Systematics and distribution
The valid publication of the genus Alpinia took place in 1810 by William Roxburgh in Asiatic Researches , 11, pp. 350-352 with the type species Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. The genus name Alpinia honors the Italian botanist Prospero Alpini (also written Prosper Alpinus, 1553-1617). Synonyms for Alpinia Roxb. nom. cons. are: Adelmeria Ridl. , Albina Giseke , Buekia Giseke , Catimbium Juss. , Cenolophon flower , Elmeria Ridl. , Eriolopha Ridl. , Guillainia Vieill. , Hellenia Willd. , Hellwigia Warb. , Heritiera Retz. , Kolowratia C.Presl , Languas J.Koenig ex Small , Martensia Giseke , Odontychium K.Schum. , Strobidia Miq. , Zerumbet J.C. Wendl . Alpinia Roxb. was established by Vienna ICBN Art. 14.10 & App. III preserved against the older homonym ( Vienna ICBN Art. 53 ) Alpinia L. published in 1753 by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum , 1, p. 2 with the type species Alpinia racemosa L. , whose valid name is Renealmia pyramidalis (Lam.) Maas is; also this name is Alpinia Roxb. preserved against the names Albina Giseke , Buekia Giseke and Zerumbet J.C. Wendl .
The genus Alpinia Roxb. contains about 230 species. This genus is not monophyletic and will therefore be divided into several genus in the near future. The genus Alpinia belongs to the tribe Alpinieae in the subfamily of the Alpinioideae within the family of the Zingiberaceae .
Alpinia species have a distribution center in the Indonesian archipelago and in tropical Australia. Species are also found in large parts of the tropical Asian continent.
The genre is divided into two sub-genres and eleven sections:
- Subgenus Alpinia :
- Section Alpinia
- Didymanthus section
- Section Kolowratia (C.Presl) Loes.
- Fax Section R.M.Sm.
- Section Guillania
- Section Arctiflorae R.M.Sm.
- Section Allughas K.Schum.
- Subgenus Dieramalpinia K.Schum. :
- Section Dieramalpinia
- Section Eubractea K. Schum.
- Section of the Myriocrater
- Section of Pycnanthus

The genus Alpinia Roxb. contains about 230 species:
- Alpinia abundiflora Burtt & RMSm. : It occurs in Sri Lanka and southern India .
- Alpinia acuminata R.M.Sm. : It occurs in Papua New Guinea .
- Alpinia adana C.K.Lim : It was in 2013 by the Malay Peninsula firstdescribed.
- Alpinia aenea B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi.
- Alpinia albipurpurea (P.Royen) RMSm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia alpina (Elmer) RMSm. ex MFNewman, Lhuillier & ADPoulsen : Philippines.
- Alpinia amentacea R.M.Sm. : Sarawak .
- Alpinia apoensis Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia aquatica (Retz.) Roscoe : Southern India, Western Malesia.
- Alpinia arctiflora (F.Muell.) Benth. : Northeast Queensland.
- Alpinia arfakensis K.Schum. : It occurs in two varieties in western New Guinea.
- Alpinia argentea (BLBurtt & RMSm.) RMSm. : Borneo.
- Alpinia arundelliana (FMBailey) K.Schum. : Queensland and New South Wales.
- Alpinia Asmy C.K.Lim : It was first described by the Malay Peninsula 2012th
- Alpinia assimilis Ridl. : Thailand and Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia athroantha Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia austrosinense (D.Fang) P.Zou & YSYe : Southeast China.
- Alpinia bambusifolia C.F.Liang & D.Fang : It thrives in forests in valleys at altitudes of 1,300 to 1,400 meters in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi as well as Guizhou and Sichuan.
- Alpinia beamanii R.M.Sm. : Sabah .
- Alpinia biakensis R.M.Sm. : Sulawesi and Bismarck Archipelago.
- Alpinia bodenii R.M.Sm. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia boia Seem. : Fiji.
- Alpinia boninsimensis Makino : Ogasawara Islands to Kazan-rettō .
- Alpinia borraginoides K Schum. : Myanmar.
- Alpinia brachyantha Merr. : Luzon .
- Alpinia brevilabris C. Presl : Philippines.
- Alpinia breviligulata (Gagnep.) Gagnep. : Vietnam.
- Alpinia brevis T.L.Wu & SJChen : It thrives in dense forests at altitudes of 700 to 2000 meters in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan.
- Alpinia caerulea (R.Br.) Benth. : Papua New Guinea, Queensland and New South Wales.
- Alpinia calcarata (Haw.) Roscoe : It is common in Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar and in the Chinese province of Guangdong.
- Alpinia calcicola Q.B. Nguyen & MFNewman : Vietnam.
- Alpinia calycodes K.Schum. : New Guinea.
- Alpinia capitellata Jack : Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra.
- Alpinia carinata Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia carolinensis Koidz. : Carolines .
- Alpinia celebica K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia chaunocolea K.Schum. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia chinensis (Retz.) Roscoe : Southeast China and Vietnam.
- Alpinia chrysorachis K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia coeruleoviridis K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia conchigera handle. : It is distributed from India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Sumatra , western Malaysia and the Chinese province of Yunnan. It is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia condensata Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia conferta B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Solomon Islands .
- Alpinia congesta Elmer : Luzon .
- Alpinia conghuaensis J.P. Liao & TLWu : It was first described in 2000 from the Chinese province of Guangdong.
- Alpinia conglomerata R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia copelandii Ridl. : Mindanao .
- Alpinia coriacea T.L.Wu & SJChen : This endemic thrives in forests only in Wanning Xian in eastern Hainan .
- Alpinia coriandriodora D.Fang : It occurs in the Chinese Autonomous Region of Guangxi. It is used as a medicinal and aromatic plant; it smells of coriander ( Coriandrum sativum ).
- Alpinia corneri (Holttum) RMSm. : Malaysia ( Terengganu ).
- Alpinia cumingii K. Schum. : Luzon.
- Alpinia cylindrocephala K Schum. : South Sulawesi.
- Alpinia dasystachys Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia dekockii Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia densibracteata T.L.Wu & SJChen : Southern China.
- Alpinia densiflora K.Schum. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia denticulata (Ridl.) Holttum : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia diffissa Roscoe : Southeast China.
- Alpinia divaricata Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia diversifolia (Elmer) Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia domatifera Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia dyeri K. Schum. : Samoa .
- Alpinia elegans (C.Presl) K.Schum. : Philippines.
- Alpinia elmeri R.M.Sm. : Luzon .
- Alpinia emaculata S.Q.Tong : It thrives in forests at altitudes of around meters only in southern Yunnan.
- Alpinia epiphytica Meekiong, Ipor & Tawan : It wasfirst describedin 2011 from Sarawak .
- Alpinia eremochlamys K.Schum. : Northern Sulawesi.
- Alpinia euastra K. Schum. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia eubractea K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia fax B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Sri Lanka.
- Alpinia flabellata Ridl. : It occurs in a small area in Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands and the Philippines.
- Alpinia flagellaris (Ridl.) Loes. : New Guinea.
- Alpinia formosana K. Schum. : It occurs in Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands and Japan. (It is also believed to be a natural hybrid).
- Alpinia foxworthyi Ridl. : Palawan .
- Alpinia fusiformis R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia gagnepainii K.Schum. : Northern Vietnam.
- Thai ginger ( Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. , Syn .: Alpinia alba (Retz.) Roscoe , Alpinia bifida Warb. , Alpinia carnea Griff. , Alpinia pyramidata flower , Alpinia rheedei Wight , Alpinia viridiflora Griff. ): There were several varieties described. The species is widespread from India, Myanmar, Thailand to Malaysia to Indonesia and from Vietnam, Taiwan to the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Yunnan. The variety Alpinia galanga var. Galanga is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia gigantea flower : Moluccas.
- Alpinia gigantifolia (Elmer) RMSm. : Luzon.
- Alpinia glabra Ridl. : Borneo. With two varieties.
- Alpinia glabrescens Ridl. : Philippines.
- Alpinia glacicaerulea R.M.Sm. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia globosa (Lour.) Horan. : It occurs from southern Yunnan to Vietnam.
- Alpinia gracillima Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia graminea Ridl. : Philippines.
- Alpinia graminifolia D.Fang & GYLo : It thrives in forests in valleys at altitudes of 800 to 900 meters only in the Chinese autonomous region of Guangxi.
- Alpinia guangdongensis S.J.Chen & ZYChen : This endemic thrives in forests at altitudes of around 100 meters only in Huidong Xian in the Chinese province of Guangdong.
- Alpinia guinanensis D.Fang & XXChen : It is only found in the Chinese Autonomous Region of Guangxi.
- Alpinia haenkei C. Presl : Philippines and Java.
- Alpinia hagena R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia hainanensis K.Schum. : It is common in Vietnam and the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan.
- Alpinia hansenii R.M.Sm. : Borneo.
- Alpinia havilandii K.Schum. : Sabah .
- Alpinia hibinoi Masam. : Hainan.
- Alpinia himantoglossa Ridl. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia hirsuta (Lour.) Horan. : Vietnam.
- Alpinia horneana K. Schum. : Southern Viti Levu .
- Alpinia hulstijnii Valeton : Moluccas (Sula).
- Alpinia hylandii R.M.Sm. : Northern Queensland.
- Alpinia × ilanensis S.C. Liu & JCWang = Alpinia japonica × Alpinia pricei : Northeastern Taiwan.
- Alpinia illustris Ridl. : Philippines.
- Alpinia inaequalis (Ridl.) Loes. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia intermedia Gagnep. : It is common in the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and the Chinese province of Guangdong.
- Alpinia janowskii Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia japonica (Thunb.) Miq. (Syn .: Alpinia agiokuensis Hayata , Alpinia kiushiana Kitam. , Alpinia japonica var. Kiushiana (Kitam.) Ohwi nom. Inval.): It is common in southern China, northern Taiwan and Japan.
- Alpinia javanica flower : Thailand to Malesia.
- Alpinia jianganfeng T.L.Wu (Syn .: Alpinia sichuanensis Z.Y.Zhu ): It thrives in damp, shady locations in forests in the southern Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi , Guizhou , Hunan , Jiangxi , Sichuan and Yunnan . It is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia jingxiensis D.Fang : This endemic thrives in forests at altitudes of 1400 to 1500 meters only in Jingxi County in western Guangxi.
- Alpinia juliformis (Ridl.) RMSm. : New Guinea.
- Alpinia kawakamii Hayata (Syn .: Alpinia elwesii Turrill , Alpinia shimadae var. Kawakamii (Hayata) J.JungYang & JCWang ): It grows at altitudes of 400 to 900 meters only in the mountainous regions of southern Taiwan.
- Alpinia kiungensis R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia klossii (Ridl.) RMSm. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia koidzumiana Kitam. : Nansei Islands .
- Alpinia koshunensis Hayata : Southern Taiwan.
- Alpinia kusshakuensis Hayata : It is probably a natural hybrid of Alpinia shimadae × Alpinia uraiensis , which is only found in Taibei Shi in northern Taiwan.
- Alpinia kwangsiensis T.L.Wu & SJChen : It thrives in shady, moist locations in forests in valleys at altitudes of 0 to 700 meters in the southern Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan.
- Alpinia latilabris Ridl. : Myanmar, Vietnam, Malaysia, Borneo.
- Alpinia Lauterbachii Valeton : Bismarck Archipelago.
- Alpinia laxisecunda B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Solomon Islands.
- Alpinia leptostachya Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia ligulata K Schum. : Borneo.
- Alpinia ludwigiana R.M.Sm. : Java.
- Alpinia luteocarpa Elmer : According to the nomenclature rules, it is published as invalid. It occurs only on the island of Luzon and in Thailand.
- Alpinia maclurei Merr. : It is common in Vietnam and the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Yunnan.
- Alpinia macrocephala K.Schum. : Fiji.
- Alpinia macrocrista Ardiyani & Ardi : The species first described in 2015 occurs on Sulawesi.
- Alpinia macroscaphis K.Schum. : Mindanao .
- Alpinia macrostaminodia Chaveer. & Sudmoon : Thailand.
- Alpinia macrostephana (Baker) Ridl. : Malaysia.
- Alpinia macroura K.Schum. : Thailand.
- Alpinia malaccensis (Burm. F.) Roscoe (Syn .: Alpinia nutans var. Sericea Baker ): It iswidespreadin India ( Assam ), Bangladesh , Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet as well as Yunnan, western Malaysia and Java . It is used as an ornamental plant.
- Alpinia manii Baker : Myanmar, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- Alpinia manostachys Valeton : Bali, western New Guinea.
- Alpinia martini R.M.Sm. : Sarawak.
- Alpinia maxii R.M.Sm. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia melichroa K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia menghaiensis S.Q.Tong & YMXia : This endemic thrives in forests at altitudes of around 900 meters only in Menghai Xian in southwestern Yunnan.
- Alpinia mesanthera Hayata : It is only found in Taiwan.
- Alpinia microlophon Ridl. : Sarawak.
- Alpinia modesta F. Muell. ex K.Schum. : Northeast Queensland.
- Alpinia mollis C. Presl : Luzon.
- Alpinia mollissima Ridl. : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia monopleura K. Schum. : Northern Sulawesi to the Moluccas.
- Alpinia multispica (Ridl.) Loes. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia murdochii Ridl. : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia musifolia Ridl. : Philippines.
- Alpinia mutica Roxb. : Southern India and Indochina to Malesia.
- Alpinia myriocratera K.Schum. : Ternate .
- Alpinia nanchuanensis Z.Y.Zhu : This endemic thrives in shrubs at altitudes of around 800 meters only in Nanchuan Xian in southeastern Sichuan.
- Alpinia nantoensis F.Y.Lu & YWKuo : It was first described from Taiwan in 2008.
- Alpinia napoensis H.Dong & GJXu : It thrives in forests only in the Chinese Autonomous Region of Guangxi.
- Alpinia newmanii N.S.Lý : Vietnam.
- Alpinia nidus-vespae A.Raynal & J.Raynal : Vanuatu .
- Alpinia nieuwenhuizii Valeton : Borneo.
- Alpinia nigra (Gaertn.) Burtt (Syn .: Alpinia bilamellata Makino ): It is widespread in Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Thailand and southern Yunnan. It is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia nobilis Ridl. : Thailand and Malaysia.
- Alpinia novae-hiberniae B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : New Ireland .
- Alpinia novae-pommeraniae K.Schum. : New Britain .
- Alpinia nutans (L.) Roscoe : Moluccas.
- Alpinia oblonga (Merr.) Loes. : Philippines.
- Alpinia oblongifolia Hayata (Syn .: Alpinia suishaensis Hayata ): It is distributed from Laos, Vietnam and Taiwan to the Chinese provinces of Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , Hainan , Hunan , Jiangxi , Sichuan , Yunnan and Zhejiang .
- Alpinia oceanica Burkill : Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands.
- Alpinia odontonema K.Schum. : New Guinea to the Bismarck Archipelago.
- Galangal root , real galangal ( Alpinia officinarum Hance ): It occurs in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. It is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia × okinawaensis Tawada = Alpinia formosana × Alpinia uraiensis : Nansei Islands.
- Alpinia oligantha Valeton : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia orthostachys K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia oui Y.H. Tseng & Chih C.Wang : It was first described in 2011. This endemic occurs in Taiwan only in Taitung and thrives at altitudes of 500 to 600 meters.
- Alpinia ovata Z.L.Zhao & LSXu : It was first described in 2001 from the Chinese province of Guangdong.
- Alpinia ovoidocarpa H.Dong & GJXu : It thrives in forests only in the Chinese Autonomous Region of Guangxi and Arunachal Pradesh .
- Alpinia oxymitra K. Schum. : Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam.
- Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. : It occurs in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Yunnan and in Vietnam. It is used wild and cultivated as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia padacanca Valeton ex K. Heyne : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia pahangensis Ridl. : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia papuana Scheff. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia paradoxa (Ridl.) Loes. : Philippines.
- Alpinia parksii (Gillespie) ACSm. : Fiji.
- Alpinia penduliflora Ridl. : Leyte .
- Alpinia petiolata Baker : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia pinetorum (Ridl.) Loes. : Luzon.
- Alpinia pinnanensis T.L.Wu & SJChen : It only thrives in forests in the Chinese autonomous region of Guangxi.
- Alpinia platychilus K Schum. : It thrives in humid locations in forests at altitudes of 800 to 1600 meters only in southern Yunnan .
- Alpinia platylopha (Ridl.) Loes. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia polyantha D.Fang : It thrives in forests in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Yunnan. It is used wild and cultivated as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia porphyrea R.M.Sm. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia porphyrocarpa Ridl. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia pricei Hayata (Syn .: Alpinia tarokoensis (Sasaki) Hayata nom. Illeg., Alpinia sasakii Hayata ): It occurs only in eastern Taiwan.
- Alpinia psilogyna D.Fang : It thrives in forests only in Debao Xian in western Guangxi. It is used as a medicinal plant.
- Alpinia ptychanthera K.Schum. : Sarawak.
- Alpinia pubiflora (Benth.) K.Schum. : Philippines, New Guinea, and Western Carolina.
- Alpinia pulchella (K.Schum.) K.Schum. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia pulcherrima Ridl. : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia pulchra (Warb.) K.Schum. : Papua New Guinea to the Solomon Islands.
- Alpinia pumila Hook. f. : It thrives in shady and damp locations in mountain valleys at altitudes of 500 to 1100 meters in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and Yunnan.
- Rosa Zapfen-Alpinie, Rote Alpinie or Roter Ginger ( Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K.Schum. , Syn .: Alpinia grandis K.Schum. , Alpinia purpurata var. Albobracteata K.Schum. , Alpinia purpurata var. Anomala Gagnep. , Alpinia purpurata var. Grandis (K.Schum.) K.Schum. ): It is distributed from Maluku to islands in the southwestern Pacific. Some varieties are used as ornamental plants in tropical parks and gardens.
- Alpinia rafflesiana Wall. ex Baker : Thailand and Malaysia. With two varieties.
- Alpinia regia K. Heyne ex RMSm. : Moluccas.
- Alpinia rigida Ridl. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia romblonensis Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia romburghiana Valeton : Borneo.
- Alpinia rosacea Valeton : New Guinea.
- Alpinia rosea Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia roxburghii Sweet (Syn .: Alpinia blepharocalyx K.Schum. ): Eastern Nepal to southern China and the Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia rubricaulis K.Schum. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia rubromaculata S.Q.Tong : This endemic thrives in forests at altitudes of around 800 meters only in the southern part of the Chinese province of Yunnan.
- Alpinia rufa (C.Presl) Náves : Philippines.
- Alpinia rugosa S.J.Chen & ZYChen : It was first described in 2012. This endemic thrives in shady, moist locations in forests in valleys at altitudes of 600 to 800 meters only in Baoting in Hainan.
- Alpinia rufescens (Thwaites) K.Schum. : Sri Lanka.
- Alpinia salomonensis B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Solomon Islands.
- Alpinia samoensis Reinecke : Samoa.
- Alpinia sandsii R.M.Sm. : Sulawesi.
- Alpinia scabra (flower) Náves : Thailand, Malaysia and Java.
- Alpinia schultzei Lauterb. ex Valeton : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia seimundii Ridl. : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia sericiflora K.Schum. : New Guinea.
- Alpinia sessiliflora Kitam. (Syn .: Alpinia macrocephala Hayata . Illeg nom. Alpinia pricei var. Sessiliflora (Kitam) JJYang & JCWang. ): It grows in mountainous areas at elevations from 1,300 to 2,000 meters only in central Taiwan.
- Alpinia shimadae Hayata : It thrives in mountain forests at altitudes of 400 to 800 meters only in Taiwan.
- Alpinia siamensis K.Schum. : Thailand and Vietnam.
- Alpinia sibuyanensis Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia singuliflora R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia smithiae M. Sabu & Mangaly : Southwest India.
- Alpinia stachyodes Hance : It thrives with two varieties in forests and on roadsides at altitudes of 600 to 700 meters in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Yunnan.
- Alpinia stenobracteolata R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia stenostachys K.Schum. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia strobilacea K.Schum. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia strobiliformis T.L.Wu & SJChen : It grows with two varieties in forests at altitudes of 1000 to 1700 meters in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Yunnan.
- Alpinia subfusicarpa Elmer : Mindanao.
- Alpinia submutica K. Schum. : Java.
- Alpinia subspicata Valeton : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia subverticillata Valeton : New Guinea.
- Alpinia superba (Ridl.) Loes. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia Suriana C.K.Lim : Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia tamacuensis R.M.Sm. : Sarawak.
- Alpinia tonkinensis Gagnep. : It is common in Vietnam and in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Hainan. It is used as a medicinal plant and a spice.
- Alpinia tonrokuensis Hayata : This endemic occurs only in Taibei Shi in Taiwan. It is said to be a natural hybrid of Alpinia uraiensis × Alpinia zerumbet .
- Alpinia trachyascus K.Schum. : Mindanao.
- Alpinia tristachya (Ridl.) Loes. : New Guinea.
- Alpinia unilateralis B.L.Burtt & RMSm. : Solomon Islands.
- Alpinia uraiensis Hayata : It is only found in Taiwan.
- Alpinia valetoniana Loes. : Western New Guinea.
- Alpinia vanoverberghii Merr. : Luzon.
- Alpinia velutina Ridl. : Vietnam.
- Alpinia velveta R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia versicolor K.Schum. : Northern Sulawesi.
- Alpinia vitellina (Lindl.) Ridl. : Found in two varieties on the Malay Peninsula.
- Alpinia vitiensis Seem. : Fiji.
- Alpinia vittata W.Bull (Syn .: Alpinia sanderae Sander , Alpinia tricolor Sander ): It occurs from the Bismarck Archipelago to the Solomon Islands .
- Alpinia vulcanica Elmer : Philippines.
- Alpinia warburgii K.Schum. : Northern Sulawesi.
- Alpinia wenzelii Merr. : Leyte .
- Alpinia Werneri Lauterb. ex Valeton : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia womersleyi R.M.Sm. : Papua New Guinea.
- Alpinia x-ilanensis S.C. Liu & JCWang : It was first described from Taiwan in 2009.
- Shell Ginger or mussel Alpinie ( Alpinia zerumbet (Pers) BLBurtt & RMSm.. , Syn .: Alpinia penicillata Roscoe ): It is from Sri Lanka on India and Bangladesh to Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China, Indonesia, Malaysia widespread as far as the Philippines. Some varieties, including variegated ones, are used as ornamental plants.
No longer counted in this genus:
- Alpinia chrysogynia (K.Schum.) K.Schum. => Etlingera alba (flower) ADPoulsen
- Alpinia plectophylla K.Schum. => Riedelia plectophylla (K.Schum.) Govaerts

Aromatic and medicinal plants
- Thai ginger ( Alpinia galanga )
- Galangal root , called real galangal, ( Alpinia officinarum Hance )
Ornamental plants
The varieties of some species, such as greater galangal ( Alpinia galanga ), Australian Blue Alpinie ( Alpinia caerulea ), Rosa Tang Alpinie, Red Alpinie or Red Ginger ( Alpinia purpurata ), Shell Ginger or mussel Alpinie ( Alpinia zerumbet ) are used as ornamental plants in subtropical to tropical parks and gardens and also used as durable cut flowers .
- Delin Wu, Kai Larsen: Zingiberaceae. : Alpinia , p. 333 - online with the same text as the printed work , In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Ed.): Flora of China. Volume 24: Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae , Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing and St. Louis, 2000, ISBN 0-915279-83-5 . (Sections Description and Distribution)
- W. John Kress, Ai-Zhong Liu, Mark Newman, Qing-Jun Li: The molecular phylogeny of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae): a complex and polyphyletic genus of gingers. In: American Journal of Botany , Volume 92, 2005, pp. 167-178. Full text online. (Section systematics)
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc Delin Wu, Kai Larsen: Zingiberaceae. : Alpinia , p. 333 - online with the same text as the printed work , In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Ed.): Flora of China. Volume 24: Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae , Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing and St. Louis, 2000, ISBN 0-915279-83-5 .
- ^ Helmut Genaust: Etymological dictionary of botanical plant names. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7 , pp. 52-53 (reprint from 1996).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Alpinia. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved January 28, 2019.
- ↑ Alpinia in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved January 28, 2019.
- ↑ Gordon Cheers (Ed.): Botanica. The ABC of plants. 10,000 species in text and images . Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003, ISBN 3-8331-1600-5 (therein page 84).
- ↑ Walter Erhardt , Erich Götz, Nils Bödeker, Siegmund Seybold: The great zander. Encyclopedia of Plant Names. Volume 2. Types and varieties. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7 .