Network of Balkan Universities

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The Balkan Universities Network (Engl. Balkan Universities Association, BAUNAS) was created as part of the reorganization of the Balkans , the creation of new public and private universities and the introduction of the Bologna rules in the Balkan universities. The network was founded in 2006 by eleven universities and had its founding seat at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. The seat is in Edirne (Turkey).

The aim of the alliance is the mutual exchange of experience in research and teaching, mutual recognition of degrees, promotion of the mobility of teachers and students as well as the use of international funding programs for student exchange. Significant progress was made at the 2010 meeting at Trakya University in Edirne . The then presidium Enver Duran , then rector of the Trakya University Edirne, president; Hilmi Ibar , Edirne Trakya University, Vice President; Faruk Caklovica , University of Sarajevo, member; Dhori Kule , University of Tirana, member; Ioannis P Gerothanassis, University of Ioannina, member; Anelia Klissarova, Varna Medical University, member.

In addition to the bilateral meetings, conferences of the Balkan universities take place at changing member locations. The 2018 meeting took place at Tetovo University.

In 2016, the rector of Trakya University Erhan Tabakoğlu in Edirne took over the general secretariat of the network

Enver Duran has been honorary president and Pericles A. Mitkas president of BAUNAS since 2018 , the aim is to work more closely with the network of Black Sea universities .

Members of the network


Bosnia Herzegovina




North Macedonia






Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Guest members at the 2010 conference

As part of the European Erasmus program, there are also bilateral agreements with universities in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, England, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and Hungary.


  • Enver Duran: Challenges of Higher Education Institutions in the Balkans , III Balkan Universities Network Meeting, Trakya University Edirne May 2010, ISBN 978-975-374-134-7
  • Manfred G. Raupp: Lörrach Symposium - Lörrach Sempozyumu , Trakya University Edirne May 2011, ISBN 978-3-942298-02-5

Individual evidence