Bettina Kenter

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Bettina Kenter-Götte (2019)
Bettina Kenter (2013)

Bettina Kenter-Götte (born March 10, 1951 in Wiesbaden ) is a German actress , author , voice actress , and director .

childhood and education

Bettina Kenter is the daughter of the actress Gertrud Jarand and the director and theater educator Heinz Dietrich Kenter ; their family tree can be traced back to Huguenot ancestors. After graduating from high school , she attended the acting school of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan (Teatro d'Europa since 1991). Her teachers were Giorgio Strehler and Paolo Grassi .

In the Italian premiere of Peter Hacks' “The Battle of Lobositz”, the then nineteen-year-old appeared on stage in the role of “Regina” for the first time; It was directed by Guy Retoré from the Théâtre de l'Est Parisien. Kenter also performed at the Teatro Romano, Verona. The Italian debut was followed by permanent and free engagements in Germany and Switzerland.

At the side of Oliver Tobias , Kenter played the role of Anna-Louise in the twenty-six part Australian television series "Luke's Kingdom". The series was directed by Peter Weir (“The Only Witness”, “Club of Dead Poets”, “Truman Show”). During the filming, the actress lived in Australia for a year. This television series represents the beginning of the era of color television in Australia; it was broadcast on ZDF (1976) under the title “Das neue Land” and in Switzerland under the title “Firbeck's new land”.

In 1979 Bettina Kenter visited the Ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later Osho ) in Puna , as a yoga teacher she traveled to the North Cape on the MS Europa.


After working with Peter Weir, the young character actress with her distinctive facial features was seen more and more frequently on television; she was cast for comic roles as well as for portraying profound or uncomfortable characters. In “The Master Boxer” she played the role of a spirited Italian dancer; as "Sonja" in "Snowstorm" she embodied a long-suffering Russian.

She had permanent and free stage engagements at the Theater in Brienner Straße / Munich (now: Münchner Volkstheater ), the Fritz Rémond Theater in Frankfurt, at the Komödie in Marquardt / Stuttgart, at the Dortmund City Theaters and at the Lucerne Theater (director Peter -H. Stöhr). Together with Marie Bardischewski, Margot Mahler and Ilse Neubauer she founded the “women's ensemble Kuckucksei” (tz-Rose 1978). She worked with directors such as Boleslaw Barlog , Karin Brandauer , Hugh David, Karl-Heinz Deickert, Gero Erhardt , Horst Flick, Wolfgang Glück , Günter Gräwert , Ken Hannam, Eberhard Itzenplitz , Ruprecht Essberger , Hartmut Griesmayr , Nathan Jariv , Wolfgang Liebeneiner , Heinz Liesendahl, Hartwig van der Neut, Aleksandar Petrović , Werner Schlechte, Robert Schotter , Wolfgang Storch , Vera Chekhova and Kurt Wilhelm together.

In order to be able to better face her responsibility as the single mother of a daughter born in 1981, Bettina Kenter gave up acting for a long time, also reduced her acting for television and was primarily active as a voice actor , translator / author and director. She also took on speaking roles in other contexts, for example in the widely-shown television documentary Happy Journey (2009) by Hans A. Guttner .

It was not until 2010 that she returned to the stage on the occasion of the 10th European Theater Meeting “Sett” in a German-African co-production on the subject of unconditional basic income ; In November 2011 she traveled to Africa with the tri-bühne theater for a guest performance at the Teatro Avenida in Maputo, the only professional theater in Mozambique. The Teatro Avenida has become known, among other things, through the collaboration with the Swedish writer Henning Mankell , who has been committed to the ensemble as an author, director and sponsor for years.

In her book “Bedded on Roses? Stories of Wellness and Wellbeing ”she takes a close look at the excesses of the wellness boom.

For some time now, Bettina Kenter has been campaigning against social cuts in the media sector and for the tabooing of increasing poverty among stage and television professionals. In the ZDF television program 37 Degrees on October 4, 2011, she spoke openly about her poverty at the time, due to a long break from illness and the limited number of roles available to older actresses.

In 2018 her book “Heart's Fear. Hartz IV. Stories of Poverty and Exclusion ”, a report from the interior of Hartz IV . In November 2019, she described the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court Karlsruhe 2019 as “socially weak” because it “exceptionally” still allows 60 percent and 100 percent cuts in the subsistence level, and that the proposal of the Ministry of Labor reveals the inhumanity of poverty and poverty Exclusion Act Hartz IV showed.

Kenter is married and lives in the greater Munich area.



  • 1970: Debut at the Piccolo Teatro in the Italian world premiere of Peter Hacks' “The Battle of Lobositz” in the role of Regina, directed by Guy Rétoré, TEP, Paris
  • 2010/2011: “Fighting dreams” at the tri-bühne Theater in Stuttgart, as part of the 10th European Theater Festival, directed by Edith Koerber
  • November 2011: Guest performance in Africa (Maputo / Mozambique) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Teatro Avenida (sponsor Henning Mankell)

Stage roles (selection)

  • Zerbinette in "Scapin's picaresque pranks"
  • Olivia in "What You Want"
  • Luise in "Cabal and Love"
  • Luka in "Heroes"
  • Estrella in "Life is a Dream"
  • Alarica in "The Course of Evil"
  • Polly in "Threepenny Opera"
  • Lil in “Dusa, Stasi, Lil and Fish” (women's ensemble “Kuckucksei” with Margot Mahler, Ilse Neubauer, Marie Bardischewski, AZ-Stern 1978)
  • Silent Kattrin in "Mother Courage"
  • Franziska in "Minna von Barnhelm"
  • Hilde in "Builder Solness"
  • Old in "The Chairs"
  • Rosalie in "Monsieur Klebs and Rosalie"

TV roles (selection)

Synchronous rollers (selection)



Author awards and nominations

  • 1984: Prize of the Lucerne Literature Fund
  • 2009: Awarded the Erika-Mitterer-Lyrikpreis and 2nd place of the jury at "Wort-Werk"
  • 2010: 3rd place of the jury at "Wort-Alfi"
  • 2010: Nomination for "Kunstrasen München" and award for "Art in Corn"
  • 2010: Winner of the 1st Stuttgart Authors' Prize, donated by Götz Werner; The award went to Kenter's debut on the stage "Von Chances and Schangsen, or: Germania, quo vadis?" Subtitle "Hartz-Grusical with a glimmer of hope."

Director for dubbing

  • Timm Thaler (animation, TV) (Goldener Spatz der ARD 2002)
  • Pumuckl and his circus adventure (cinema)
  • When women kill (TV)
  • Rwanda Votes Against Oblivion (TV)
  • America's Great National Parks (TV)
  • The Soul of the Outback (TV)

Author for dubbing

  • Rich and Beautiful (TV)
  • A twin seldom comes alone (TV)
  • Timm Thaler (TV)
  • When seconds count (TV)

Feature films

  • Journey into the Dark (TV)
  • The three lives of Thomasina (TV)
  • Flipped (TV)
  • Winter love - late romance in the snow (TV)

Freelance writer

Short stories

  • "Payday", Verlag Piper (in "Voices of Tomorrow" from: Bettina von Arnim Prize 1994)
  • "Lies and betrayal ..." (Association magazine Association of German writers 1996)
  • "Toad swallowing or: the rule of ARGEn" (in "Armut", Wittaverlag 2006 and in "Arbeitsmarkt", Wissenschaftsladen Bonn, 2008)
  • "Apple tree blossom pink" Elfen-Verlag (in "Gartenträume", Elfenverlag 2007)
  • "Albergo Ida" and "The Pronunciation" (in "Encounters", EditionLeselust 2007 and 2008)
  • "Completely different" (in "Christmas", edition turning point 2007)
  • "Fruits of the measure" (in "BissFest", 2008)
  • "The Pronunciation" (anthology "Encounters", Edition Leselust 2009)
  • "39 °, wolkenlos" (anthology "Einfach Tierisch", Edition Wendpunkt 2009)
  • "The priests of the warm God" (participation in the "Night of Bad Texts", Villach 2009, 2nd place of the jury)
  • "Between the Silence" (anthology "Encounters", Edition Leselust 2009)
  • "Far away" (anthology "Höhenflug und Abzüge", authors' association, 2010)
  • "Branded" ("The Literary Wren", Erika Mitterer Society 2010)
  • “About modeling clay, mice and stink or: Don't let the strange black cat into the house!”, 2007
  • "Zwielichdickicht" 2008
  • "Branded" 2009
  • “Weltenweber” 2009


  • Double CD "Adventure Bird World" (sounds for children, Hoergold 2000)

Poetry (selection)

  • "Family constellation. Find. "(" The literary wren ", Erika Mitterer Society, 2009)
  • "Nobody there today", "Minnelied on the Internet", "Hip-Hop-Hartz-Krimi" ( 2009–2011)
  • "A thriller in the corn field" (Art in corn, Nidderau, 2010)
  • "I dreamed of you", "An open heart" (EditionLeselust, 2010)


Stage plays

  • “Of opportunities and Schangsen, or: Germania, quo vadis? A Hartz grusical with a glimmer of hope "(Stuttgart Author Award, March 2011)
  • "Gravel, moss, modeling clay, stone" (children's musical about the making of money)
  • "Report from Germany" (a scenic Hartz IV criticism)

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Bedded on roses? Stories of Wellness and Wellnepp, Jakobus Verlag, 2nd edition. BOD Norderstedt ISBN 9783837094336
  2. Video 37 degrees: Prominent - but broke (October 4, 2011)  in the ZDFmediathek , accessed on October 5, 2011. (offline)
  3. "Heart's Fear. Hartz IV. Stories of Poverty and Exclusion “ - Conversation with author Bettina Kenter-Götte in the BR Abendschau - The South from 2.5.18 11:43 - 17:10 min
  4. Rudolf Stumberger, "Bread from the Rest table" , Neues Deutschland, December 4, 2019
  5. "I am a shared taxi for precarious situations" , Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 20, 2018
  6. "Nothing indicated a precarious life" , Friday, 15/2018
  7. ^ Edeltraud Rattenhuber Hartz IV: "You can also get slaves going" , Süddeutsche Zeitung, November 28, 2019
  8. Author's Prize for Bettina Kenter , Münchner Merkur 10.03.11

Web links

Commons : Bettina Kenter  - Collection of Images