Winterthur district

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Winterthur district
Basic data
Country: SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton ZurichCanton Zurich Zurich (ZH)
Main town : Winterthur
FSO number : 0110
Area : 251.75  km²
Height range : 369–890 m above sea level M.
Residents: 169,513 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 673 inhabitants per km²
Map of Winterthur district

The Winterthur district is a district in the canton of Zurich in Switzerland . The core of the district, with the city of Winterthur, is more urban, the surrounding area is more rural. Some of the municipalities in the district are part of the agglomeration of the city of Winterthur.

Political communities

As of January 1, 2018

coat of arms Postcode Parish name Population
(December 31, 2018)
in km²
per km²
Altikon 8479 Altikon 706 7.70 92
Brütten 8311 Brütten 2010 6.60 305
Dägerlen 8471 Dägerlen 1017 7.95 128
Dättlikon 8421 Dättlikon 789 2.88 274
Dinhard 8474 Dinhard 1655 7.07 234
Elgg 8353 Elgg 4903 24.39 201
Ellikon on the Thur 8548 Ellikon on the Thur 901 5.02 179
Elsau 8352 Elsau 3659 8.07 453
Hagenbuch 8523 Hagenbuch 1082 8.13 133
Hettlingen 8442 Hettlingen 3148 5.90 534
Neftenbach 8413 Neftenbach 5679 15.07 377
Pfungen 8422 Pfungen 3845 4.99 771
Rickenbach ZH 8545 Rickenbach (ZH) 2704 6.02 449
Schlatt ZH 8418 Schlatt (ZH) 769 8.97 86
Seuzach 8472 Seuzach 7342 7.56 971
Turbenthal 8488 Turbenthal 4900 25.22 194
Wiesendangen 8542 Wiesendangen 6521 19.17 340
Winterthur 8400 Winterthur 111,851 68.07 1643
Zell ZH 8487 Zell (ZH) 6032 12.97 465
Total (19) 169,513 251.75 673

Changes in the community


Postcode Name of the place local community
Feldi Altikon
Herten Altikon
Calibration Brütten
Strubikon Brütten
8471 Bench Dägerlen
8471 mountain Dägerlen
8471 Oberwil Dägerlen
8471 Slip slide Dägerlen
Blumetshalde Dättlikon
Eschlikon Dinhard
Grüt Dinhard
Welsikon Dinhard
8354 Dickbuch Elgg
Geretswil Elgg
8354 Hofstetten Elgg
Heurüti Elgg
Huggenberg Elgg
Jakobstal Elgg
Neuelgg Elgg
Deep stone Elgg
Scheunberg Elgg
Sennhof Elgg
Wenzikon Elgg
Fulau Elsau
Oberschnasberg Elsau
Räterschen Elsau
Rümikon Elsau
Schottikon Elsau
Tollhausen Elsau
Unterschnasberg Elsau
Egghof Hagenbuch
Hagenstal Hagenbuch
Chapel Hagenbuch
Medium snow Hagenbuch
Snow covered Hagenbuch
Under snow Hagenbuch
8412 Aesch Neftenbach
8412 Hunikon Neftenbach
8412 Advised Neftenbach
Tössallmend Neftenbach
8545 Sulz Rickenbach
Nussberg Schlatt ZH
Oberschlatt Schlatt ZH
Undercut Schlatt ZH
Waltenstein Schlatt ZH
Upper ears Seuzach
Under-ears Seuzach
Girenbad near Turbenthal Turbenthal
Hutzikon Turbenthal
Neubrunn Turbenthal
Oberhofen Turbenthal
8495 Schmidrüti Turbenthal
Sea mats Turbenthal
Tablet Turbenthal
8544 Attikon Wiesendangen
8543 Bertschikon near Attikon Wiesendangen
Beware Wiesendangen
book Wiesendangen
8543 Gundetswil Wiesendangen
Gündlikon Wiesendangen
8543 Kefikon ZH Wiesendangen
Liebensberg Wiesendangen
8546 Menzengrüt Wiesendangen
Webs Wiesendangen
Steinegg Wiesendangen
Zünikon Wiesendangen
8404 Reutlingen Winterthur
8482 Sennhof Winterthur
8404 Barn Winterthur
Au Cell
Hinterrikon Cell
8483 Kollbrunn Cell
Langenhard Cell
8487 Rämismühle Cell
8486 Rikon Cell

Web links

Commons : Winterthur (Bezirk)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  2. Federal Statistical Office Generalized Limits 2020.