The devil and his two daughters

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German title The devil and his two daughters
Original title Blancaflor, la hija del diablo
Country of production Spain , Czechoslovakia , Germany , France
original language Spanish and German
Publishing year 1989
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Jesús Garcia de Duenas
script Jesús Garcia de Duenas
music Antonín Dvořák
Mathias Spohr
camera José Luis Cabanas
cut Juan Tebar
Jose Luis Angles

The Devil and His Two Daughters (also: The Devil and His Daughters ) is a Spanish fairy tale film based on an Andalusian fairy tale Blancaflor or the Devil's Daughter by Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa .

The central fairy tale theme is the magical escape : In the Grimm fairy tales, No. 113 is closest to the fairy tale of Blankaflor in terms of motif: The two Künigeskinner in the Aarne-Thompson-Index No. 313 - Josef Haltrich also tells the Saxon fairy tale The King's Son and the Devil's Daughter , the Spanish blanket fairy tales is particularly similar. The film emerged from the cooperation between Spain , ČSSR , Germany and France . The devil and his two daughters was produced by Omnia , TVE , FR 3 , Rai Uno . In Germany the film was shown for the first time on ZDF on December 31, 1990. In Spain the film is known under the title Blancaflor, la hija del Diablo , in French Blanchefleur: La Fille du Diable , in Czech Blancaflor dcera ďábla and in English-speaking countries under the title: Blancheflower: The Devil's Daughter .


Daring bet

The young farmer's son Martin frolics in the market. We trade, laugh and play. Martin wins every game and is even allowed to kiss a beautiful girl. Blinded by his success, Martin brags that he could win any game, even against the devil. The red-bearded bad guy, hidden behind a rock, is already listening with interest. The farmers are appalled by Martin's words and warn that he should not daringly challenge his fate. When Martin rests, drunk and tired, on the long, nocturnal way home in a lonely place, a dark, barred car stops in front of him - the hooded coachman tells the boy to get in and it goes on a wild ride: only when Martin promises the devil to go to hell with the devil to drive, he finds himself alive at his parents' court.

The good fairy

Martin says goodbye to his worried parents and his sad kitten and seeks out his godmother, the miraculous fairy Teresa. Martin hopes from her to help with the dangers of the devil's pact . Teresa and her speaking eagle owl warn Martin. But Martin remains cheerful: he always wins - why not against the devil too? As a fairy, Teresa has no power over the bad guys - she's not a witch, but she can give helpful advice - the devil is a gambler, she explains, and Martin puzzles her advice:

1. Use your mind, Martin, against the vanity of the devil. 2. The straight path is not always the fastest: you have to overcome obstacles to achieve what you set out to do. 3. Martin should let the fairy suffer with his ignorance in case of need - Teresa warns: - "How could a simple farmer like you, with the lord of hell, take on the evil of a thousand cursed names": And the eagle owl repeats memorizing dark names: Amon , Asmodäus , Asteroth - Balaam, Belial , Beelzebub - Chraim (?), Chramos Cerberus .

Three games: cards, chess and guessing names

Martin's arduous hike begins: Nobody knows the way to hell; but the devil himself rises from a deep, stinking well. Martin scoffs at whether the devil has patience and moves him to a game of cards : Martin shows the face of the cards: the sun , the moon , the ruler - then the devil has to guess the next picture of the card and out of vanity he guesses he is it itself. Martin won the first game of wits against vanity . In the second encounter too, Martin can defeat the devil by following the advice of his godmother while playing chess and not going the straight way here. As the third game, the devil determines that Martin must give him three names of his sinister highness each according to the alphabet - and Martin can finally solve this too - remembering his aunt - after only the names devil , Satan and Lucifer occur to him .

Three earthly and three infernal samples

After these three rehearsals , Martin finds himself with his aunt. His victory over the devil is just the beginning - next, Martin must face three tasks of the devil in hell. Teresa proclaims:

“As soon as the day breaks you will see two pigeons. Follow their flight. They will certainly show you the right way. "She gives Martin a comb:" This will help you the most at the beginning and also at the end. You have to make the right decision. You have to choose. "

Two pigeons

Martin follows Tauben through the barren mountain landscape and olive groves , finally he loses sight of the birds and finds two beautiful girls bathing in a lake : the black curly Sombragris and the golden-haired blanket. The twin sisters transformed from the doves, like light and shadow , are the daughters of the devil who know the way to hell.

The way to hell is through sleep .

After sniffing Sombragris' poppy, Martin falls asleep on Blankaflor's lap. The battle for the affection of the beautiful Martin breaks out between the same-faced and yet so contrasting beauties.

Bread and wine and a ring

Martin feels himself plunging into an abyss and finds himself in hell again. He demands from the devil his right to three other tasks and he demands:

“Your first task will be to bring me [..] fresh, crusty bread . You're a farmer, aren't you. Then you will surely also know how to plow the earth , how to sow, mow, and thresh the wheat . "

Martin is supposed to make bread from a single grain of wheat in one day. Sombragris appears, Martin offers her help in the form of a ready-made bread. But blanket also appears, asks Martin to trust her and tells him to sow the grain of wheat with a magic knife. When Sombragris' bread dissolves into a swarm of flies , Martin Blankaflor follows: Martin sows the grain , the ear grows, the fields sway and the bread is baked at the right time. Surprised, the devil has to pay tribute to Martin. But Sombragris reveals the helpful hand of Blankaflor. But the devil asks to drink wine with bread:

“The second task I give you is this: Bring me wine , delicious, fresh wine - you're a farmer, aren't you? You know how to plant the seeds , how to grow vines , what to do to make them grow, how to harvest grapes , how to stomp and press them and then serve me an exquisite, young, fresh wine. "

With a single grape and Blankaflor's help, Martin succeeds in making the vine grow and preparing the wine at the right time.

The devil and Sombragris are angry that Martin is up to their games with a blanket pile: every time the devil loses, a strand of his red hair turns gray. The third, sinister, unsolvable task should decide everything: Blankaflor lost a red ring in the Hellensee of Flageton, the realm of the devil's feared grandmother Malfalgar. Martin is supposed to get this ring back, but the devil's grandmother demands a human life for the price. Blankaflor decides to save Martin for the sake of love and sacrifices himself by falling into the lake of flames: But love is stronger and Blankaflor can return. The tasks are solved. But the hostile powers continue to strive to separate the lovers and to make the return to earth impossible.

The magical escape

Blankaflor prepares the escape from hell. Three burning candles answer in place of the refugees. Martin should choose the fastest horse between wind and thought : But he made the wrong decision for the wind and the fleeing people were caught up: by throwing his aunt's magical comb behind him, the pursuer was stopped by a forest of thorns. A magical spear of Blankaflors can stop the devil in his chase as a bird of prey, after all the lovers have to throw the seed-bearing knife from hell behind them and the devil sinks into a landslide.

Confusion and redemption

The devil and Sombragris find the lovers asleep under a tree: They shoot insidious things: Sombragris will mime blanket and Martin as his wife will prepare hell on earth, the sleeping blanket will be transformed into a dove. Martin returns to his parents with the supposed blank pile. Here he realizes that he was not three days but three years in hell. While Sombragris is preparing for her wedding with Martin, the dove-shaped blanket seeks refuge with the enchanting godmother Teresa. On the wedding march, Teresa knows how to remind Martin of Blankaflor so vividly that he finally notices Sombragris' betrayal and Blankaflor can transform himself back into her human form: The devilish forces are conquered, the true lovers can be happy and Martin's kitten is finally happy again .


Similar to the Czechoslovak fairy tale film The Third Prince , the theme of the demonic twin sister is central in the fairy tale film about Blankaflor : Here, too, it is crucial whether the prince recognizes the right one of the identical-looking beauties. However, Emma Suárez, as a blonde, white-clad blanket, differs from herself as black- curly , black-clad Goya beauty Sombragri outwardly more clearly than Princess Milena from her sister in The Third Prince . In Blankaflor -Märchenfilm the twin sisters as "work light " and " shadow ", they are but after Sombragris misleading words, only two sides of the same coin. The figure of the Sombragris does not exist in the fairy tale for the film: However, the hero Blankaflor has to find out among her sisters and is only allowed to see the hands of the beautiful. In the Andalusian fairy tale, the hero is promised to the devil through a misfortune of the parents - in addition, the prince in the fairy tale plays three games with the evil one and loses his soul to the devil in the third : then in the fairy tale the devil has the right to the hero three tasks to face hell. In the fairy tale the hero finds his way to hell - similar to the film - with the help of a wise woman, the "mistress of the birds". Their oldest eagle can bring the young man to the desired, dark destination. The infernal tasks are similar to getting bread, wine and a lost ring in the film. The ring can be found here in the Strait of Gibraltar . Blankaflor successfully helps the hero and a devil, wife of the devil, intrigues here very much like Sombragris in the film with the lord of hell. It comes to the magical escape of the lovers and here the film follows the fairy tale Blancaflor or the Daughter of the Devil but also the fairy tale The Dearest Roland and De Zwei Künigeskinner by the Brothers Grimm or Jean-François Bladé's southern French fairy tale The beautiful Hanna , or Alexander Nikolajewitsch Afanassjews Russian fairy tale The all-wise Vasilisa and the Tsar of the Sea or Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy's fairy tale The Orange Tree and the Bee . The main event of the fairy tale film The Two Daughters of the Devil is based on the magical magical escape and thus draws on an internationally told fairy tale motif. Here there is a parallel to the Russian fairy tale film The Beautiful Varvara , in which the magical escape from The All-Wise Vasilissa and the Czar of the Sea forms the guide. The devil and his two daughters plays against the background of a Mediterranean landscape with olive trees and dry reddish stone - this makes the motif connection between fairy tales and ancient Greek myths particularly vivid in this fairy tale film.


  • "Martin, a young farmer, has only one passion: the game. His skill and luck with cards make him so cocky that he even dares to challenge the devil. He accepts. With the help of the wise Frau Teresa, Martin actually succeeds in becoming the devil He asks Martin to solve three tasks in Hell. Blancaflor and Sombragris, the twin daughters of the devil who have assumed the shape of doves, show him the way. The third test seems impossible. Blancaflor knows that this can only succeed if a mysterious lake receives a living being. Out of love for Martin, Blancaflor sacrifices himself. The loss of Blancaflor almost robs Martin of his mind. He wants to kill himself. But this token of love forces the devil's grandmother, to release the girl again. Both decide to flee. On their way back to earth they are pursued by the devil and Sombragris. But when they both are feel safer and fall asleep, the devil swaps the two girls and really turns Blancaflor into a dove. In Martin, all memories are erased with the flower of oblivion. The wedding is being prepared in Martin's parents' house. The wise woman Teresa succeeds in unmasking the false blanca flor. Martin can finally embrace the real lover. But Blancaflor loses all magical powers and becomes a mortal person forever. But the devil has lost his game for good. "
  • "Martin, the son of poor farmers, thinks he is very lucky. He emerges victorious in every bet, his self-confidence knows no bounds. In order to have an equal partner, he challenges the devil. As well as the daughters of the If the devil intervenes in the competition, Martin seems to be in bad shape "
  • "A simple farmer's son finds himself exposed to the advances of the two daughters of the devil. Because of the obvious love of the good blonde daughter - after all, she is ready to die for her lover - the dark-haired one is ultimately left behind. An outwardly opulent film based on a Spanish folk tale that is a little too dry in places to offer children all-round fun entertainment .. " - Lexicon of international film


  • Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa : Blancaflor or the Devil's Daughter from Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa: Cuentos populares espanoles , recocidos de la treditión oral de Espana, Stanford, 1923–1926 translated into German in The Enchanted Fig Tree - Spanish Fairy Tales. Edited by Frederik Hetmann (Unabridged special edition of the title The enchanted fig tree. Andalusian fairy tales by Frederik Hetmann, 2002) Verlag Königsfurt; Krummwisch near Kiel, 2007; ISBN 978-3-89875-193-3 therein Blancaflor or the Devil's Daughter on pp. 9–18.
  • Brothers Grimm : De two Künigeskinner and The Dearest Roland in Children's and Household Tales; Introduction of. Hermann Grimm and afterword by Heinz Rölleke; Artemis & Winkler; Munich, 1997; ISBN 978-3-538-05388-5
  • Alexander Nikolajewitsch Afanassjew : The Tsar of the Sea and the all-wise Wassilissa (219-226, V219) pp. 518-520 in Alexander N. Afanasjew: Russian folk tales in two volumes, translated by Svetlana Geier with an afterword by Lutz Rörich; The Russian title is Narodnye russkie skazki (Moscow 1855–1863); Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Munich, 1985; ISBN 3-423-05931-1
  • Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy : The orange tree and the bee - L'Oranger et l'Abeill P. 168–195 in Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy: The orange tree and the bee ed. by Klaus Hammer, German by Friedrich Justin Bertuch; Rütten & Lorning Verlag, Berlin 1984
  • Jean-François Bladé : The beautiful Hanna pp. 72–79 in the second volume of the southern French folk tales / Contes populaires de la Gascogne: The David Carriage - collected by Jean-François Bladé, translated by Konrad Sandkühler; Free Spiritual Life Publishing House Stuttgart, 1972 ISBN 3-7725-0495-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See The Enchanted Fig Tree - Spanish Fairy Tales. Edited by Frederik Hetmann (Unabridged special edition of the title The enchanted fig tree. Andalusian fairy tales by Frederik Hetmann, 2002) Verlag Königsfurt; Krummwisch near Kiel, 2007; ISBN 978-3-89875-193-3 therein Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa  : Blancaflor or the Devil's Daughter on pp. 9–18
  2. See the motif of the magical escape in Kurt Derung's fairy tale dictionary
  3. Josef Haltrich: The King's Son and the Devil's Daughter ( Memento of the original from May 22, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. The Russian fairy tale in the collection of Alexander Nikolajewitsch Afanassjew number 219 also belongs to the fairy tale type of the fairy tale of Blankaflor : The sea tsar and the all-wise Vasilisa - although here the adversary is not the devil, but the sea tsar - one of the hero's tasks is here too To find the helpful girl among her completely identical-looking sisters - afterwards there is a magical escape . This Vasilisa fairy tale Afanassiev, which is similar to the blanket fluff fairy tale, was filmed in the fairy tale film The beautiful Varvara . The French fairy tale by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy The Orange Tree and the Bee , i.e. L'Oranger et l'Abeille, also develops the classic course of the magical escape in a similar way to the Andalusian white-flowered fairy tale.
  5. This motif appears stunted in the film when Martin forgives his parents when he returns from hell
  6. The devil and his two daughters in the film lexicon
  7. See
  8. The devil and his two daughters. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used