Bourbriac Canton

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canton of Bourbriac
region Brittany
Department Cotes-d'Armor
Arrondissement Guingamp
main place Bourbriac
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 4,616 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 27 inhabitants / km²
surface 172.73 km²
Communities 7th
INSEE code 2203

The Canton Bourbriac was 2015 a French canton in the arrondissement Guingamp , in Côtes-d'Armor and in the region of Brittany ; its main town was Bourbriac .


Location of the canton of Bourbriac


The canton of Bourbriac comprised seven municipalities. These goods:

 local community   Breton   Population 
 Code postal   Code Insee 
Bourbriac Boulvriag 2,271 71.86 22720 22013
Kerias Kerien-Boulvriag 254 21.88 22480 22088
Magoar Magor 86 7.79 22480 22139
Plésidy Plijidi 613 25.79 22720 22189
Pont-Melvez Pont-Melvez 603 22.98 22390 22249
Saint-Adrien Sant-Rien 353 9.93 22390 22271
Senven-Léhart Senven-Lehard 234 12.50 22720 22335
Canton Boulvriag 4,616 172.73 - 2203

Population development of the canton

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2012
6,495 5,901 5,202 4,778 4,564 4,430 4,602 4,616