List of changes brought about by the liturgical reform

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The list of changes due to the liturgical reform synoptically compares the liturgical innovations of the Mass order according to the Roman Missal , the Liturgy of the Hours / Breviary and the rites of the dispensation of the Sacrament / Roman rituals of the Roman rite through the liturgical reforms of the 20th century, especially those after the Second Vatican Council .

The sequence of the renewed rites (right side of the table) is consecutively numbered; for the Tridentine rite (left side of the table) the number indicates the respective correspondence. A * stands for a newly created or omitted element of the liturgy; a + for a change of the respective element.

Holy Mass

Easter night

Roman Missal of 1570/1962 and altar missal from 1965

Between 1962 ( liturgy from 1962 according to the Roman Missal ) and 1965 ( altar log ) the following changes were made to the ordinance of the Mass:

Roman Missal from 1962 Altar log from 1965
Preparatory prayers Preparatory prayers
Pre-fair Catechumen Mass
Step prayer Step prayer
Prayer service Prayer service
Teaching service Word worship
Offertory Gift preparation
  • Offertory - antiphon mother tongue
  • Presentation of the bread: "Suscipe, sancte Pater"
  • Mixing water with wine: "Deus qui humanae substantiae"
  • Offering the wine: "Offerimus tibi, Domine"
  • Self-sacrifice prayer: "In spiritu humilitatis"
  • Blessing prayer: "Veni, sanctificator"
  • ( Incense )
  • Hand washing : "Lavabo"
  • Sacrificial prayer: "Suscipe sancta Trinitas"
  • Prayer invitation: "Orate fratres"
  • Oratio super oblata mother tongue
Canon Missae Canon Missae
Sacrificial meal Communion rites
  • Oremus: Praeceptis salutaris moniti
  • Paternoster (amen still)
  • Libera nos
  • Breaking bread and mixing (with Pax Domini)
  • Agnus Dei
  • Prayer for peace: Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti
  • Preparatory prayers
  • Ecce Agnus Dei
  • Domine, non sum dignus (× 3)
  • Communion with communion antiphon
  • Purification
  • Closing prayer: Postcommunio
  • Oremus: Praeceptis salutaris moniti mother tongue
  • Paternoster (no amen) mother tongue
  • Libera nos mother tongue
  • Breaking bread and mixing (with Pax Domini) mother tongue
  • Agnus Dei mother tongue
  • Prayer for peace: Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti
  • Preparatory prayers
  • Ecce Agnus Dei mother tongue
  • Domine, non sum dignus (× 3) mother tongue
  • Communion with communion antiphon, new: Donation formula “The Body of Christ” mother tongue
  • Purification
  • Closing prayer: Postcommunio mother tongue
Discharge Discharge
  • Dismissal call: Ite missa est
  • Closing request: Placeat tibi Sancta Trinitas
  • Blessing: Benedicat vos
  • Closing Gospel
  • Recess
  • Prayers after the Mass
  • Discharge call: Ite missa est mother tongue
  • Closing request: Placeat tibi Sancta Trinitas
  • Blessing: Benedicat vos mother tongue
  • Not applicable: Final Gospel
  • Recess
  • Prayers after Mass (native language)
    Not applicable: Leonian prayers

Roman Missal from 1570/1962 and Missal from 1975


For the Holy Mass in the forma extraordinaria according to the Missale Romanum John XXIII. of 1962 and the forma ordinaria after the Missale Romanum Paul VI. From 1970 or the German translation in the missal there are the following changes:

Roman Missal from 1962 Missale Romanum from 1970 / Missal from 1975
Structure of the fair
Sacred language Latin Latin or vernacular
Direction of prayer de facto: ad orientem ( high altar ) de facto: versus populum (people's altar )
Location of the priest continuously at the altar Altar , sedile , ambo
Liturgical vestments de facto abolition of some items of clothing such as tunicella , manipulas, etc.
Forms of the fair

Ordo Missae (structure of the mass)

Roman Missal from 1962 Consecutive number (changed (+) / omitted (*) Missale Romanum from 1970 / Missal from 1975
Posture of the community genus place Executive element element Executive place genus Posture of the community
quiet Sacr P Preparatory Prayer 1 Gather the congregation G
- Sacr P M Indent 2 2 Indent P A
- Wed Ep P Prepare the altar 18th
3+ Opening verse , opening song K G singing Stand
dialog St. P M Gradual prayer , confiteor , request for forgiveness 6 *
quiet Wed P Altar kiss (possibly with incens) 4th 4th Altar kiss (possibly with incense of altar and priest) P D
  • Address: "In the name of the father ..."
  • Greetings
P Sediles D. Stand
6 * optional: act of penance G Sediles spoken text out loud Stand
Ep P Introit verse 3+
Ep P M Kyrie (three calls each) 7+ Kyrie (two calls each) P K G
Ep P Gloria 8th Gloria or glory link local community
P Oratio (church prayer) 9+ Daily prayer (possibly introductory words) P community
Word worship
Ep P or Sd Epistle (1 year reading ) 10 1st reading (3 or 2 years of reading ) L.
Ep P Graduals 11 * Answer psalm or intermediate chant K G
12 * 2nd reading (3 or 2 years of reading )
Ep P , Schola Tract , alleluia call, sequence 13 Call before the Gospel , tract , sequence , possibly with Gospel procession K G
Ev P or D Gospel (1 year reading ) 14th 14th Gospel D.
Kn or Am P Interruption of Holy Mass for the sermon and reading of the reading and the Gospel in the national language 15+ 15+ Homily as part of the liturgy P
Wed P Creed 16 16 Creed G
17 * Intercession P D G
Sacrificial mass Eucharistic celebration
Sacrifice preparation Gift preparation
Wed P Offertory verse 20+
18+ Prepare the altar D A
19th Bringing of the gifts, if necessary sacrifice A , possibly G
20+ Singing for the preparation of gifts K G
Wed P Presentation of the bread:
  • Raising bread and wine to chest height, clearly emphasizing the character of the victim through accompanying prayers ("graciously accept this flawless offering")
21st 21st Presentation of the bread P
Ep P ( D ) Prepare the chalice, if necessary incense of gifts, cross, priest, assistance and congregation 22nd 22nd Prepare the chalice D.
Wed P Offering the chalice 23 23 Presentation of the chalice (possibly incening gifts, priests and congregation) P ( P D A )
Ep P Hand washing, accompanying prayer, apology: "Suscipe, Sancta Trinitas" * 24 * 24+ Washing hands , accompanying prayer P
Wed P M Orate, fratres - sucipiat 25+ 25+ Prayer invitation P
Wed P Secreta (silent prayer) 26 * 26+ Offer prayer , amen P G
Act of sacrifice ( change ) Eucharistic prayer
Wed P Invitation, preface 27 27 Invitation prefation P
Wed P M Sanctus 28 28 Sanctus G
Wed P M Canon Romanus quietly prayed ("canon silence") 29+ 29+ Canon Romanus and numerous other prayers II – IV P
Sacrificial meal Communion
Wed P M Our Father 30th 30th Our Father G
Wed P Embolism 31+ 31+ Embolism P
31 * Doxology G
33+ Peace prayer P
34 * Wish for peace P G
35 * Peace greeting G
Wed P Breaking bread 36 36 Breaking bread P
Wed P Wish for peace 34
Wed P Mixture, accompanying prayer 37 37 Mixture, accompanying prayer P
Wed P , Schola Agnus Dei 38+ 38 Agnus Dei K G
Wed P Peace prayer 33+
Wed P D Pax 35
Wed P 2 communion prayers 39+ 39+ (Quiet) communion prayer P
40 See the Lamb of God P
  • Renewed confiteor of the acolytes with plea for forgiveness and absolution
  • Misereature, Indulgentiam
41+ 41+ One-time "Lord, I am not worthy" as the priest raises the broken celebration host G
Wed P Communion of the priest in both forms 42+ 42 Communion of the priest in both forms P D
Wed P Ecce Agnus Dei 40
Wed P Three dominees, non sum dignus , while the priest raises an ordinary host 41+
Kb G Communion community: 43+ 43+ Communion of the community: G
Ep Ablution , 2 accompanying prayers 45+
Ep P Communiovers 44+ 44+ Communion singing K G
45+ Ablation , accompanying prayer P
46+ Acknowledgments: silence / singing G
Discharge Discharge
Ep P Postcommunio 47+ 47+ Closing prayer P G
48 * communal pronouncements P D
Ep P Oratio super populum 49+ 49+ Prayer over the people P
Wed P " Ite, missa est ", apology: " Placeat tibi Sancta Trinitas " * 51
Wed P M Final blessing 50 50+ (solemn) final blessing , possibly closing words P
51 Dismissal: "Go in peace!" D.
P M Recess 52 52 Excerpt , possibly with a kiss on the altar P D A
( P ) (private thanks) 46 (private thanks) ( P G )
Note 1Abbreviations: A: Acolyte , D: Deacon , G: community , believers K: Kantor , M: acolyte , P: priests , SD: Subdeacon
Note2Abbreviations: Al: altar , on: Ambo , Ep: Epistle , Ev: Gospel side , Kb: communion rail , Kr: sideboard , Kn: Pulpit , Mi: Altar center , S: sedilia , St: altar steps
Note3Abbreviations: * Element of this number in the 1969 rite either no longer included or newly created. + Element of this number in the rite of 1969 significantly changed compared to the liturgy of 1962

Liturgy of the Hours


Laudes 1570 Consecutive number (changed (+) / omitted (*) Lauds 1970
Father noster
Ave Maria
opening 1 1 opening
2 Hymn
Psalms, Canticle 3 3 three psalms or cantica with antiphons
Capital reading 4th 4th Short reading
Hymn 2
Responsory ("alternating song" as an answer song)
Canticle Benedictus 5 5 Benedictus ( Lk 1.68-79  EU )
6th in lauds and vespers  : intercessions and our father
Oratio 7th 7th Oration
8th Blessing
Our father 6th
Closing antiphon Salve Regina


Baptism rite (infant baptism)

Between the Roman ritual of Pope Paul V in 1615 and the ritual of Paul VI. From 1971 there were the following changes to the baptismal rite:

Rituals of Paul V (1615) Consecutive number (changed (+) / omitted (*) Rituals Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
Church gate At the church entrance Opening of the celebration Entrance or church
Welcome and blessing 1 1 greeting
2 Conversation with the parents
3 Word to the godparents
Salt rite
Capture baptistery At the entrance to the baptistery Word worship church
Our Father 19th
4th invitation
5 Readings
6th Homily
7th Designation with the sign of the cross
8th Intercession
Second exorcism 9+ 9 Exorcism prayer
Effataritus 18th
Survey 1st part
Anointing with catechumen oil 10+ 10 Anointing with catechumen oil
In the baptistery In the baptistery Donation of baptism Baptismal font
11 Praise and call to God over the water
12 Consecration of baptismal water
Survey 2nd part 13+ 13 Contradiction and creed
baptism 14th 14th baptism
Chrism anointing 15th 15th Anointing with chrism
Handover of the white dress 16 16 Presentation of the white dress
Presentation of the burning candle 17th 17th Handing over the burning candle
18th Effataritus
Priest: "N., go in peace, and the Lord be with you." Answer: "Amen." Completion of the christening ceremony
19th Our Father
20th blessing

Firm rite

Between the Roman ritual of Pope Paul V in 1615 and the ritual of Paul VI. From 1971 there were the following changes to the firmament rite:

Rituals of Paul V (1615) Consecutive number (changed (+) / deleted (*)) Rituals Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
Confirmation donation Liturgy of the Holy Mass
[...] Readings, homily, baptismal confession
Blessing 1+ 1 Prayer invitation
Epiclesis 2+ 2 Spreading the hands (epiclesis)
Asking for the name 3 3 Attribution
Confirmation donation 4th 4th Confirmation donation
Peace greeting with a blow on the cheek 5+ 5 Peace greeting
Supplication 6+ 6th Intercession
no Eucharistic celebration Eucharistic celebration
Final oration Solemn final blessing


De sacramento Paenitentiae in the rituals of Paul V (1614) Consecutive number (changed (+) / omitted (*) Ordo paenitentiae in the ritual of Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
1 greeting
2 Possibly. short reading
confessional Confession 3 3 Confession
"Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, et tii, pater"
confessional Admonition 4th 4th Reminder to repent
confessional Penitential pad 5 5 satisfaction
confessional Forgiveness request
"Misereatur tui Omnipotens Deus"
confessional Forgiveness wish while stretching out the hand 6th Repentance prayer
"Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem peccatorum [...]"
confessional Absolute formula 7th 7th absolution
"Dominus noster Jesus Christ te graduated, et ego auctoritate ipsius te absolvo ab omni vinculo excommunicationis [...]"
confessional Request for intercession from the saints 8th Thanks and dismissal
"Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi, merita Beatae Mariae Virginis, et omnium Sanctorum"

Episcopal ordination

Pontificale Romanum 1595/96 Consecutive number (changed (+) / omitted (*) Pontificale Romanum 1989
place element element place
Establishment of the papal authority "Habetis mandatum apostolicum?"
Side altar Moving in and clothing Indent
Word worship
Episcopal ordination
Hymn to the Holy Spirit
Examination and oath of the candidate Promise of the Chosen One
Retreat to the side altar to the Hallelujah
Return to the consecrator; List of the tasks of the bishop: "Episcopum oportet judicare, interpretari, consecrare, ordinare, offerre, baptizare, et confirmare"
All Saints' Day litany , candidate lies down on earth All Saints Litany
Konsekrator puts gospel books on the neck and shoulder of the candidate on his knees
Lay on of hands: "Accipe Spiritum Sanctum." Laying on of hands
Consecration prayer Consecration prayer
Anointing of the head and hands Anointing of the head
Blessing and handing over of shepherd's staff and ring: “Accipe baculum Pastoralis officii” - “Accipe annulum fidei scilicet signaculum”; Consecrator takes Gospels from the shoulders of the candidate and says: "Accipe Evangelium" Presentation of the Gospel and the insignia
Peace kiss Peace greeting
Purification of the new initiate
Sacrificial mass Eucharistic celebration
Offertory: Candidate hands two loaves of bread, two barrels of wine and two wax candles to the consecrator Gift preparation
[...] [...]
Discharge Discharge
Closing prayer
Te Deum
blessing blessing
Handover of miter and gloves to the newly initiated
Consecrator guides the newly ordained to the throne
Te Deum
Procession of the newly consecrated through the church
Peace kiss
Moving out and taking off the robe
  • Joh 1,1ff. EU when moving out
  • when taking off the robe Antiphon Trium puerorum and Psalm Benedicite

Celebration of the wedding ceremony

Rituals of Paul V (1615) Consecutive number (changed (+) / deleted (*)) Rituals Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
wedding opening
1 Assembly of the community
2 Reception of the bride and groom at the church entrance
3 [Sprinkling with baptismal water (baptismal remembrance)]
Entry of the bride and groom to the altar, entry of the priest Indent
Possibly. short speech 4th 4th Welcome and Introduction
5 Kyrie
6th [Gloria]
7th Daily prayer
Word worship
8th reading
9 Answer chant
10 reading
11 Alleluia
12 Gospel
13 Homily
15th Interview with the bride and groom by the assistant
Blessing of the rings 16 16 Blessing of the rings
Questioning, handover of the rings 17th 17th Declaration of the will to marry, while putting on the rings
confirmation 18th 18th Confirmation by the assistant
Blessings (psalm 127)
19th Prayer over the bride and groom (wedding blessing) with spreading hands
Kyrie eleison
Father noster
Blessing with hands raised 19th
20th [Music / vocals]
21st General prayer
Holy Mass Eucharistic celebration
[...] 1-12
Sacrificial mass
22nd Gift preparation
23 Eucharistic prayer
Our Father 24 24 Our Father
Bride's blessings "Propitiáre, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris", "Deus, qui potestáte virtútis tuæ" - "Libera nos"
25th Rite of peace
26th Breaking bread
Communion of the bride and groom in both forms 27 27 Communion
"Ite, missa est"
Salutation to the bride and groom: "Deus Abraham, Deus Isaac et Deus Iacob sit vobíscum"
Final blessing 28 28 Solemn final blessing
Sprinkling holy water on the bridal couple
" Placeat tibi, Sancta Trinitas "
Final blessing, final gospel
29 Discharge

Last unction / anointing of the sick

Rituals of Paul V (1615) Consecutive number (changed (+) / deleted (*)) Rituals Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
Welcoming the residents with the peace greeting V .: "Pax huic dómui." - R. "Et ómnibus habitántibus in ea." 1 1 Greet the residents of the house with the peace greeting P .: "The Lord's peace be with this house and with all who live in it."
Handing a cross
Sprinkling the patient with holy water: "Asperges me, Domine" 2 2 Sprinkling of those present and of the sickroom with holy water: "This consecrated water remind us of the reception of baptism and of Christ, who redeemed us through his suffering and his resurrection."
[...] 3 3 Sacramental confession alone with the sick person or speaking the confession of guilt together : P .: "Brothers and sisters, so that we can celebrate the anointing of the sick in the right mind, we test ourselves and confess our guilt."
"Accipe, frater (soror), Viaticum Corporis Domini nostri Jesus Christ, qui te custodiat ab hoste maligno, et perducat in vitam aeternam. Amen." 9
Anointing of the sick Anointing of the sick
Speaking the seven penitential psalms , the All Saints litany or other intercession prayers 4th 4th Reading and intercessions
exorcism 5+ 5+ The laying on of hands, P .: “Be praised, God, almighty Father: For us and for our salvation you have sent your Son into this world. We praise you. "
Anointing of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hand, feet, P .: "Per istam sanctam unctio + nem" 6+ 6+ Anointing of the forehead and hands, P .: "With this holy anointing the Lord help you in his rich mercy, he stand by you with the power of the Holy Spirit." (Anointing of the forehead) - "The Lord who frees you from sins , save yourself, in his grace he will raise you up. "(anointing of the hands)
7th prayer
Our Father 8th 8th Our Father
9 [...]
Closing prayers Blessing, P .: "May God the Father bless you."


Rituals of Paul V (1615) Consecutive number (changed (+) / deleted (*)) Rituals Paul VI. (1971)
place element element place
Station 1: In the house of the deceased Station 1: At the mourning house
The corpse is sprinkled with holy water
Antiphon "Si inquitates"
Greeting (in the name of the father or biblical greeting or biblical vote or greeting with free words)
Psalm 130 Psalm 130
Kyrie calls
Procession to the church
Cross bearer at the top, celebrant in front of the coffin, songs, antiphons or silent prayer
Station 2: In the church Station 2: In the church
Eucharistic celebration or service of the word
Entry into church, antiphon "Exsultabunt Domino" Entry into church with singing or organ playing
Responsory " Subvenite, Sancti Dei "
Officium Defunctorum , Kyrie , Our Father , Prayer, Holy Mass Holy Mass, beginning immediately with readings
Responsory "Libera Me"
Our Father
Memorial words
Silent remembrance
prayer prayer
Vote ("We have no permanent place here")
Procession to the tomb
In paradisum Cross bearer at the top, celebrant in front of the coffin, songs, antiphons or silent prayer, singing In paradisum
Station 3: In the cemetery Station 3: At the grave
Blessing of the grave
Holy water on corpse and grave
Personal word (farewell and hope for the


Lowering the coffin Lowering the coffin
Our Father
Scripture, spoken or sung ( Joh 11.25  EU ; Isa 31.1  EU ; 1 Cor 15  EU )
Burial formula ("We surrender the body to the earth.")
Sprinkling the coffin with holy water (accompanying word reminiscent of baptism)
[Incense of the coffin with accompanying word]
Earth thrown ("You have been taken from the earth and you return to the earth.").
Designation with the sign of the cross
cross sign Celebrant puts cross in earth ("The sign of our hope, the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, be erected over your grave. Peace be upon you")
Resurrection or creed song, Magnificat, Benedictus, Nunc dimittis or spoken creed
Prayer for the dead and the living
intercession Intercession
Prayer of the lord
Closing prayer
Hail Mary or another Marian prayer or Marian song
Final blessing
Celebrant: "Lord, give him / her and all the dead eternal rest." - A .: "And the eternal light shine on them." - Z .: "Let them rest in peace." - A. "Amen". [Or solemn final blessing].
Those present come to the grave, an expression of sympathy in the customary manner


Liturgical books

Liturgical books before the reform

Liturgical books after the reform

Secondary literature

To the Ordo Missae

For the baptismal rite

  • Walter Lang: Changes due to the liturgical reform for the donation of baptism and confirmation . In: Writings of the initiative group of Catholic laypeople and priests in the diocese of Augsburg . No. 20 , 1999.

To the firmament rite

  • Walter Lang: Changes due to the liturgical reform for the donation of baptism and confirmation . In: Writings of the initiative group of Catholic laypeople and priests in the diocese of Augsburg . No. 20 , 1999.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Feulner : The Ordo Missae from 1965 and the Missale Romanum from 1962 . In: Helmut Hoping , Winfried Haunerland , Stephan Wahle (eds.): Roman mass and liturgy in the modern age . Herder Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-451-80588-2 , p. 103 (129 ff.) .
  2. ^ German Liturgical Institute (ed.): The Roman rite in the Missal from 1962 and in the Missal from 1970 / Missal 1975 . 2007.
  3. Georg Kieffer rubricistic or rite of Catholic worship according to the rules of the Holy Roman Church , Paderborn 1922, p. 233
  4. a b c d e f g h Hans Bernhard Meyer : Eucharist: history, theology, pastoral . In: Church service: Handbook of liturgical science . tape IV . Pustet, Regensburg 1989, ISBN 3-7917-1200-4 , pp. 324 ff .
  5. Schott Missal for Sundays and feast days of the year reading A . Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1983, ISBN 3-451-19231-4 . on p. 402
  6. Georg Kieffer Rubricistic or rite of Catholic worship according to the rules of the Holy Roman Church , Paderborn 1922, p. 173
  7. a b c Cf. Walter Lang: Changes due to the liturgical reform in the donation of baptism and confirmation . In: Writings of the initiative group of Catholic laypeople and priests in the diocese of Augsburg . No. 20 , 1999.
  8. Hans-Christoph Schmidt-Lauber : Handbook of the liturgy: liturgical science in theology and practice of the church . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2003, ISBN 978-3-525-57210-8 , pp. 299 .
  9. ^ Karl-Heinrich Bieritz: Liturgy . De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 2004, ISBN 978-3-11-091492-4 , 17th sleepers.
  10. ^ Karl-Heinrich Bieritz: Liturgy . De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 2004, ISBN 978-3-11-091492-4 , 17th sleepers.