List of places owned by the Bautzen Cathedral Monastery

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The list includes places and parts of localities that were owned by the Bautzen Cathedral Monastery . The collegiate monastery St. Petri was probably founded around 1217/18 in Bautzen . In contrast to the communities in the area, some of the villages in his possession remained Catholic even after the Reformation . The type of monastery came to the Electorate of Saxony in the Peace of Prague in 1635 together with Upper Lusatia . Some places did not belong to the then Bohemian Upper Lusatia, but were hereditary lands. Due to a separate appendix to the Prague Peace Treaty, the traditional recession , in which the transfer of Upper and Lower Lusatia on the Saxons was regulated in 1636, the remaining religious foundations were not allowed to be secularized and the associated parishes could remain Catholic.

From 1815 through the resolutions of the Congress of Vienna, part of Upper Lusatia became Prussian and from 1821 it belonged to the Archdiocese of Wroclaw through the papal bull De salute animarum . The remainder of the former diocese of Meißen in the Saxon Upper Lusatia, to which all the places of the cathedral monastery belonged, was often referred to as the Apostolic Prefecture of (Upper) Lusatia and became the re-established diocese in 1921 with its seat in Bautzen. Today the former monastery is located in the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz in the state of Saxony.

place Upper Sorbian
(in brackets,
if not
in the recognized
settlement area )
comment map Today's municipality
(S - city or locality
belonging to the city
Bocka (Bukowc) partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Burkau
Brehmen Brěmjo World icon Grand Dubrau
Callenberg (Chemberk) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Canitz-Christina Konjecy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Kubschütz
Cannewitz Skanecy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Malschwitz
Cölln Chelno partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Radibor
Cosul Kózły partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Großpostwitz
Cunewalde (Kumwałd) World icon Cunewalde
Dahlowitz Dalicy World icon Grand Dubrau
Ebendörfel Bělšecy World icon Großpostwitz
Goeda Hodzij partly owned by
the monastery
(in hereditary lands)
World icon Goeda
Major dehsa (Dažin) Mostly owned by
the monastery
World icon Löbau (S)
Grubitz Hruboćicy World icon Kubschütz
Grubschütz Hrubjelčicy World icon Doberschau-Gaussig
Hochkirch Bukecy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Hochkirch
Irgersdorf (Wostašecy) partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Wilthen (S)
Kirschau (Korzym) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Kleinpostwitz (Bójswecy) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Luga Łuh partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Neschwitz
Miltitz Miłoćicy World icon Nebelschütz
Mönchswalde Mnišonc Upper Lusatian
and Erbländic
World icon Upper mountain
Neuschirgiswalde (Šěrachow) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Niedercunnersdorf World icon Kottmar
Nimschütz Hněwsecy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon - (Ruins in the
Bautzen dam )
Obercunnersdorf World icon Kottmar
Ostro Wotrow partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Panschwitz-Kuckau
Passditz Pozdecy World icon Goeda
Petersbach (Pětrownja) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Pommritz Pomorcy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Hochkirch
Salt forest Słona Boršć World icon Bautzen (S)
Säuritz Žuricy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Panschwitz-Kuckau
Schirgiswalde (Šěrachow) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Schmeckwitz Smječkecy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Räckelwitz
Schwarznaußlitz Čorne Noslicy World icon Upper mountain
Sdier Zdźěr World icon Grand Dubrau
Seidau Židow World icon Bautzen (S)
Siebitz Zejicy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Panschwitz-Kuckau
Singwitz Dźěžnikecy in hereditary lands World icon Upper mountain
Soculahora Sokolca World icon Kubschütz
Stacha (Stachow) partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Demitz-Thumitz
Stone village Trjebjeńca World icon Hochkirch
Straw contactor Stróžišćo World icon Radibor
Suppo (Supow) World icon Schirgiswalde-Kirschau (S)
Temritz Ćemjercy World icon Bautzen (S)
Joke Wawicy partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Hochkirch
Wehrsdorf (Wernarjecy) World icon Sohland on the Spree
Wilthen (Wjelećin) partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Wilthen (S)
Zscharnitz Čornecy World icon Goeda
Zschornau (Čornow) partly owned by
the monastery
World icon Kamenz (S)
