List of streets in Essen-Huttrop

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The list of streets in Essen-Huttrop describes the street system in the Essen district of Huttrop with the corresponding historical references.

Introduction and overview

The municipality of Huttrop, which belonged to the mayor's office in Stoppenberg , was entrusted with the selection and definition of street names by a municipal council resolution of the building commission. Twenty names were decided at the meeting of November 29, 1897, and more followed in the next few years. Taking into account the upcoming incorporation into the city of Essen, which was completed on April 1, 1908, the municipal council decided on February 10 of that year to change the names that already existed in the former Essen city area. However, this decision was no longer implemented. Instead, the city council of Essen decided on June 5, 1908 to change all names on the occasion of the incorporation of Huttrop, which, however, essentially adhered to the previous resolution of the local council. In Essen-Huttrop, 15,374 inhabitants (March 31, 2020) live in an area of ​​6.3 square kilometers. The district belongs to the postcode districts 45136, 45138 and 45139.

In the north of Huttrop, the Dortmund-Duisburg railway forms the border with Frillendorf . In the east, the Mählerweg and Spillenburgstraße run on the border with Steele . The southern border is formed by the street Lönsberg, the Hovescheidtstraße, the Lanterstraße, the Elsa-Brändström-Straße, the Töpferstraße and the Rellinghauser Straße. In the west, the border runs over the Essen-Werden – Essen railway line , Moltkestrasse, Schinkelstrasse, Herwarthstrasse, Spichernstrasse, Wörthstrasse, Kaiserhofstrasse and Bolckendyck street.

There are 86 designated traffic areas in Huttrop, including four squares . The following streets are only partially located in the district:
Bergerhauser Strasse, Blumenthalstrasse, Dinnendahlstrasse, Elsa-Brändström-Strasse, Fünfkirchenblick, Gerhard-Stötzel-Strasse, Henricistrasse, Hovescheidstrasse, Kaiserhofstrasse, Laurentiusweg, Lönsberg, Mählerweg, Moltkestrasse, Obernitzstrasse, Rellinghauser Strasse, Ruhrallee, Saarbrücker Strasse, Schinkelstrasse, Semperstrasse, Spichernstrasse, Spillenburgstrasse, Steeler Strasse, Wörthstrasse.

Run through the Huttrop district

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the streets and paths in the district with corresponding information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length is that of the street section within Huttrop, as the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Allbauweg 520 Allbau , housing company in Essen Oct. 1, 1920 The street, named after Allbau, which was founded in 1919, connects Schwanenbuschstraße with Feldhauskamp street.
Alsenplatz 70 × 45 Arrival on the island of Alsen in the German-Danish War 1864 Oct 21, 1938 The name is reminiscent of the transition of Prussian troops to the Danish island of Alsen in the German-Danish War on June 29, 1864. The Alsenplatz touch the Düppelstraße, Königgrätzstraße and Langensalzastraße.
At the park cemetery 330 Street at the park cemetery Jan 15, 1936 The street leads directly past the listed main portal of the largest cemetery in Essen. Main portal of the park cemetery
On the Holleter 590 Holleter, field name July 6, 1929 Hollerter Morgen is mentioned in the land register of 1668. The corridor belonged in part to Hof Huttrop and Hof Kaiser near today's Seminarstrasse. The name Holleter or Höllerter indicates an area overgrown with elderberry.
The street Auf dem Holleter runs between Dinnendahlstrasse and Seminarstrasse south parallel to Steeler Strasse.
Bandelstrasse 210 Ernst von Bandel , architect, painter, sculptor Nov 9, 1914 The street named after Ernst von Bandel connects Wallotstrasse with Friedrich-Küch-Strasse.
Becksiepenstrasse 380 Becksiepen, a Siepental May 8, 1903 Becksiepen was one of the Siepen valleys in the Hovescheider Siepen. In 1827 Wilhelm Hovescheidt was named as the landowner on Becksiepen. Becksiepenstraße connects Auf dem Holleter with Lanterstraße.
Bergerhauser Strasse 380
(in the district)
former Bergerhausen farmers Dec 7, 1899 In 1899 today's Huttropstrasse was named Bergerhauser Strasse, whereby in 1908 the southern part between Ruhrallee and Moltkestrasse became part of Herwarthstrasse . This part became part of Huttropstrasse on May 20, 1964 and Herwarthstrasse was shortened accordingly. In addition, the present course was called the Berger Straße from the Huttropstrasse further Bergerhausen: from February 4th, 1904 Morse Road , from September 15, 1910 Herwarthstraße (became its southern extension), from October 9, 1914 Hellweg and from November 14, 1935 Berger Straße .
Today's Bergerhauser Strasse leads from Huttropstrasse in a south-easterly direction to Elsa-Brändström-Strasse and on to Bergerhausen.
Beyweg 110 Friedrich von der Bey, farmer Oct. 1, 1920 The farmer Friedrich von der Bey acquired the Plantenberg farm in 1856. The Beyweg connects the Allbauweg with the Am Parkfriedhof street.
Bleckerkamp 210 Bleckerkamp, ​​field name March 27, 1946 In the land register of 1668 it is written that two acres belong to the court of Georgh Huttropff of Bieckerskamp in Huttropschen Feldt . In 1826 the name Bläckerskamp appears.
Bleckerkamp street, which was once called Kaiserhofstraße , connects Oberschlesienstraße with Herwarthstraße.
Blumenthalstrasse 150
(in the district)
Leonhard von Blumenthal , Field Marshal General May 4th 1900 Blumenthalstrasse, named after the Prussian officer Leonard von Blumenthal, leads from Herwarthstrasse to the southeast quarter .
Bolckendyck 130 Bolckendyck, field name March 8, 1922 The street named after the Bolckendyck corridor leads from Gerhard-Stötzel-Straße to Kaiserhofstraße. In the northern part it forms the border to the southeast quarter .
Breddestrasse 190 Bredde, Kotten - and Flurname March 11, 1962 Breddestrasse, named after the corridor, is a dead end road that branches off Sunderlandstrasse.
Camillo-Sitte-Platz 90 × 60 Camillo Sitte , Austrian architect 16 Sep 1910 The Camillo-Sitte-Platz, previously named Moltkeplatz , is located south of the intersection of Ruhrallee and Moltkestrasse. Villa Körner on Camillo-Sitte-Platz
Dinnendahlstrasse 530
(in the district)
Franz Dinnendahl , engineer Oct. 1, 1920 Franz Dinnendahl built the first steam engine for mining in the Ruhr area . Dinnendahlstrasse, previously known as Löbbertstrasse , leads from Steeler Strasse to the neighboring district of Bergerhausen .
Dornemannplatz 60 × 40 Dornemann, court treated Aug 9, 1927 There is an official justification for 1927, based on Carl Meyer, Geschichte Stoppenberg , second edition 1900, page 173: a Dornemann is said to have been treated with the Huttrop court in the 15th century; which is, however, a confusion with the Gut to Huntrope ( Höntrop ).
Dornemannplatz borders north on Kaiserhofstrasse, which runs parallel to Bundesautobahn 40 , and is touched on north by Obernitzstrasse, so that it is partly part of the southeast quarter .
Düppelstrasse 230 Düppel , village in North Schleswig Apr 21, 1911 Named in memory of the storming of the Düppeler Schanzen by Prussian troops on April 18, 1864 in the German-Danish War . The Düppelstraße connects the Huttropstraße with the Königgrätzstraße.
Ellingradeweg 110 Ellingrade, field name Nov 20, 1937 The field name Ellingrade appears in the land register of 1668: uff Huttropskamp towards Ellingrade. The Ellingradeweg is a street that branches off from Markgrafenstraße.
Elsa-Brändström-Strasse 280 Elsa Brändström , Swedish philanthropist May 22, 1946 Elsa-Brändström-Strasse, which previously belonged partially to Engelsbecke street , connects Ruhrallee with Moltkestrasse and forms the border to Bergerhausen along its entire length . There is no direct access to the Ruhrallee.
Engelsbecke 320 Engelsbecke, a small tributary of the Siepenbach Feb. 27, 1927 The street named after the corridor of Engelsbecke today connects Steeler Strasse with Wieksiepen. Initially, only today's Elsa-Brändström-Strasse bore the name Engelsbecke. In 1937 it was extended from there to Steeler Strasse. In 1946 the part south of Moltkestrasse became Elsa-Brändström-Strasse, before the construction of the federal motorway 52 finally severed the connection in the late 1970s . The northern part of the street kept the name Engelsbecke.
Thanksgiving Path 200 Remembering the harvest festival introduced in 1934 May 26, 1939 The Erntedankweg connects the street Auf dem Holleter with the Hofringstraße.
Feldhauskamp 690 Based on the Feldhaushof Oct. 1, 1920 The name Feldhauskamp, ​​which has been passed down orally, is based on the former Feldhaushof. Feldhauskamp street runs from Schwanenbuschstraße in an eastern arc to Beyweg.
Franziusstrasse 120 Ludwig Franzius , hydraulic engineer Nov 26, 1909 The street named after the hydraulic engineer Ludwig Franzius connects Schnutenhausstraße with Henricistraße.
Friedrich-Küch-Strasse 210 Friedrich Küch, former owner of the area of ​​the street Nov 14, 1935 Friedrich Küch, who was born in Essen on May 10, 1867, owned the area where the street is located today. He died on June 15, 1927 in Bad Tölz . Friedrich-Küch-Strasse connects Rellinghauser Strasse with Töpferstrasse.
Five church view 180
(in the district)
Location overlooking five churches Aug 5, 1936 At the time it was named, five church towers could be seen from the height above the Spillenburg in an easterly direction. The street Fünfkirchenblick, which was not officially called Ruhrhöhenweg before, branches off from Laurentiusweg to the south and continues to Bergerhausen .
Gehrberg 850 Gehr, field name Aug 14, 1933 The street Gehrbeg is named after a corridor, which is mentioned in the land register of 1668: Heinrich Hoverscheidt owns three acres of field land on the Gehr . The street leads in a southern arc from the street Auf dem Holleter and back again.
Gerhard-Stötzel-Strasse 250
(in the district)
Gerhard Stötzel , Center Party politician May 23, 1980 Gerhard-Stötzel-Straße, which was previously called Eickenscheidter Fuhr , leads west from Twingenbergplatz to the southeast quarter .
Henricistraße 730
(in the district)
Karl Henrici , university professor, architect, urban planner 16 Sep 1910 Henricistraße, which previously had the name Roßbachstraße , leads from Rellinghauser Straße in a northeastern Borgen to Huttropstraße and on to Bergerhausen .
Herwarthstrasse 1000 Eberhard Herwarth von Bittenfeld , Field Marshal General May 5, 1908 Herwarthstrasse, which was previously called Grenzstrasse and Oststrasse , leads from Huttropstrasse past the Ostfriedhof , crosses Steeler Strasse and there in a northerly arc onto Vollmerstrasse. It forms the border to the southeast quarter between Klara-Kopp-Weg and Spichernstrasse . Between September 15, 1910 and October 9, 1914, today's Bergerhauser Strasse was also called Herwarthstrasse as its southeastern extension.
Hilgenbornstrasse 160 Hilgen Born, field name June 5, 1908 In the land register of 1668 Johan Lüegh alias Lütke Plantenberg is named, who leased two acres of land from the Stoppenberg monastery to achterm hilgen Born or Brunnen. Hilgenbornstrasse, previously called Schmiedestrasse , leads north from Steeler Strasse to Klingemannstrasse.
Hoeffkengarten 60 Hoeffken, family name Nov 20, 1937 In 1453 Evert Hoeffken was named, who received the Wolferdes estate, which was called Vollmer about a century later, as a fief. A document from 1482 mentions Hermann Hoeffken, who agreed with Johann van Schuren, Canon of Essen, that he could own his parents' garden for three years before Werden . The name Hoeffken is mentioned several times in Werden.
The street Hoeffkengarten connects the Vollmerstraße and the Stevens Kamp.
Hofringstrasse 640 Hovescheidt Hereditary Farm May 22, 1946 Following the family farm Hovescheidt the street got its name. Hofringstrasse, which was previously called Erbhofring , leads in a western ring from Gehrbeg Street to Hovescheidtstrasse. It is located in the Im Siepen garden area , which was built in 1938 by the architect Emil Jung .
Hovescheidtstrasse 440
(in the district)
Hof Hovescheidt, sub-builders Nov 29, 1897 With Hovescheidt a farm and a sub-builder were called. The Aldenhof, Hof Nellen, Hof Löbbert and Hof Hovescheidt, first mentioned at the beginning of the 14th century, belonged to this subordinate group. It belonged to a treatment item in the Oberhof Viehof. When the Jesuit order, which was originally dealt with by the Hovescheidt court, was dissolved, the Essen princess received the dominium utile (usable property) at the court. In 1775 she transferred it to St. John's Church to improve income and with the obligation to keep a parish chaplain. In 1776 Pastor Joseph Andermar and in 1803 Pastor Andreas Gotfang were treated with the court. When the farm's fiscal burdens were relieved in 1837, the farm was 125  acres . In 1668 Henrich Hovescheidt is mentioned as the sitter, in 1795 the whole farmer Hovescheidt is mentioned and in 1826 the married couple Wilhelm Hovescheidt and Elisabeth called Kaiser. In 1841 the tenant family who was sitting there received the farm in lease from the Catholic Church in exchange for an inheritance fee (2500 Reichsthaler) and an annual canon (22 Rthlr.).
Hovescheidtstraße leads from Dinnendahlstraße in a south-westerly direction to Bergerhausen .
Huttropstrasse 680 Huttrop, court name and farmers Nov 14, 1935 The first mentioned in 1319 Hof Huttrop belonged as Unterhof to the propteilichen Oberhof Nünning in Frillendorf . In 1319 the knight Adolph de Saffenberg sold the farm to the Essen monastery . Between 1336 and 1355 it became the property of the provost and with it the Unterhof of the Oberhof Nünning, which it remained until the monastery was dissolved during the secularization of 1803. In the land register of 1668 Georg Huttropff is named as the sitter of the 62  acre farm. In 1690 Heinrich and Anna Hausmann from Borbeck were treated with the Huttrop farm. With the farm name Huttrop now being used, the farm remained in private ownership until 1929, when the Allbau housing association bought it.
Huttropstrasse connects Ruhrallee with Steeler Strasse as part of the L20 state road. Between 1897 and 1899 it was called in parts Rellinghauser Strasse and Grenzstrasse . In 1899 it was named Bergerhauser Straße , whereby in 1908 the southern part between Ruhrallee and Moltkestraße became part of Herwarthstraße . This part was also shortened to Huttropstrasse on May 20, 1964 and Herwarthstrasse was shortened accordingly.
Jürgengang 220 Jürgen, rider of the Hovescheidthof June 5, 1934 In 1568 he declared in a property right process that he had owned the farm for 26 years. In 1577 he renounced the property, so that the farm passed to his son Johann. The street Jürgengang connects the street Auf dem Holleter with the Hofringstraße in the garden settlement Im Siepen .
Kaiserhofstrasse 370
(in the district)
Kaisershof, court name around 1898 Between 1376 and 1380 the Kaisershof was separated from the Huttrop farm and came into the possession of the Essen monastery . The name of the farm comes from what is believed to be the first sitter named Kaiser. The Essen historian Konrad Ribbeck said that the name was added after a certain role in the annual carnival parades, similar to the courts of Paus (= Pope), Kardenal etc. The name Kaiser appears for the first time in 1380 in Huttrop and takes 1505 in another Paper relates to the court for the first time. In the land registry of 1668 Johan Keysser is the owner of the 31-  acre farm. In 1795, the middle peasant Keizer and, as manorial rule, the high counts chapter are mentioned. The court was a personal profit of the Count's Ladies Chapter. The last victims in 1766 were Johan Didrich Kaiser and his wife. The last court farmer was Otto Kaiser. The farm was managed until 1924 and was completely sold until 1928. The Allbau built today's housing estate.
The Kaisershofstraße connects the Twingenbergplatz with the Storpplatz parallel to the Bundesautobahn 40 , whereby it formed the border to the southeast quarter in the western part . It was renamed Felgendreherstrasse on May 8, 1933 at the time of National Socialism . On May 15, 1945 it got its old name back.
Klara-Kopp-Weg 260 Clara Kopp , founder of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Elisabeth Apr 5, 2005 The Klara-Kopp-Weg runs over the grounds of the Elisabeth Hospital, which is based on the Order of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Elisabeth goes back.
Klingemannstrasse 240 Karl Klingemann , General Superintendent of the Rhine Province 8 Sep 1959 The theologian Karl Klingemann was pastor of the Protestant old town community in Essen from 1891 to 1913 and the first superintendent of the new Essen District Synod from 1900 to 1913. Then he was general superintendent of the Rhine Province. Klingemannstrasse connects Schulzstrasse with Plantenbergstrasse in an arch.
Knaudtstrasse 170 Adolf Knaudt , industrialist, city councilor Nov 29, 1897 The company named after the co-founder of Puddling and Blechwalzwerk Schulz, Knaudt & Cie. named Knaudtstraße connects Steeler Straße with Am Parkfriedhof street.
Königgrätzstrasse 230 Königgrätz , city in Bohemia Apr 21, 1911 Königgrätzstraße leads from Herwarthstraße to Huttropstraße, but without access to it.
Langensalzastraße 75 Battle of Langensalza Apr 21, 1911 The battle of Langensalza near Erfurt took place on June 27, 1866 during the German War . Langensalzastraße connects Königgrätzstraße with Saarbrücker Straße.
Lanterstrasse 980 Lanter, field name Nov 29, 1897 The mutilated term Lanter comes from Landwehr . In the land register of 1668 Georgh Huttropff is named as the owner of four acres of land, eighth Landwehr, between the one on Kaysers Landt. Lanterstraße leads from Moltkestraße to Hovescheidtstraße, where it forms the border to Bergerhausen along its entire length .
Laurentiusweg 230
(in the district)
Laurentius Church, Monastery and Hospital in Steele Nov 18, 1890 Coming from Steele, the Laurentiusweg runs along Spillenburgstrasse to Dinnendahlstrasse. In contrast to the main course in Steele, this Huttrop road was only laid out after 1907.
Loensberg 120
(in the district)
Hermann Löns , writer Nov 12, 1934 The street Lönsberg leads from the Dinnendahlstraße in an arc to the southwest and on to Bergerhausen , whereby it forms the district boundary in the first part.
Luegstrasse 200 Lueg, court name Nov 29, 1897 Hof Lueg (or Lutke Plantenberg) was part of the Essen women's chapter. It was created by separating from the Plantenberg farm. The name Luegh is already mentioned in the regalia tax list 1534/51. In the land register of 1668, Johan Luegh, alias Lütke Plantenberg, who was sitting on the 24-  acre farm is named. In 1795 the manor was with the Counts Chapter Essen and the middle farmer Lueg is mentioned. In 1785 the last winners were the married couple Johann Philipp Viefhaus and Maria nee Lueg for life. Later the farm passed by marriage to Heinrich Romberg called Lueg. In 1834 the farm was leased from the domain clerk to the Rombergs called Lueg and the three underage children Viefhaus called Lueg from the first marriage of his wife Romberg. In 1856 Wilhelm Altenberg called Lueg replaced the leasehold canon, making him the unrestricted owner. In 1876 ownership passed to Hermann Feldhaus. Wilhelmine Feldhaus, the last farmer on the farm, died in 1960.
Luegstrasse connects Schwanenbuschstrasse with Am Parkfriedhof.
Mählerweg 600
(in the district)
Peter Mähler, Steeler citizen and tenant of arable land Nov 20, 1937 Peter Mähler, called Peter von Haltern, was tenant of arable land at Doppelhanss Lenderey around 1666. There were protracted lawsuits about a justice of the way, because together with the owner of the Deimelsberg farm, Evert Demelsberg, Mähler disputed the way to Dopelhans Kempe with the owners of the Kotten Döppelhahn, the Steeler mayor Trappmans and his wife Anna Langmans.
The Mählerweg, which has been called Mühlenweg since 1897 and Am Döppelhahn from 1908 , leads from Holbecks Hof to Langmannskamp, ​​where it partially forms the border with Huttrop .
Mathilde-Kaiser-Strasse 630 Mathilde Kaiser, politician, councilor Feb 22, 1961 Mathilde van de Loo (married Kaiser), born on March 18, 1881 in Asperden , worked for around 40 years in political and social affairs in Essen. From 1920 to 1933 she was a city councilor. After the end of the Second World War , she was again a councilor until 1956, due to illness, resigned from her office. She died on February 21, 1959 in Rüttenscheid and was buried in the Huttrop cemetery. Your tomb is a listed building.
Mathilde-Kaiser-Strasse leads from Plantenbergstrasse to Stattropstrasse, where it ends as a dead end.
Messelstrasse 250 Alfred Messel , architect Nov 26, 1909 Messelstrasse leads south from Schnutenhausstrasse to Franziustrasse. At the time of National Socialism it was renamed Ludwig-Troost-Straße on June 10, 1940 . On May 15, 1945 it got its original name back.
Moltkestrasse 1580
(in the district)
Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke , Field Marshal General Feb. 4, 1900 Moltkestrasse leads from the Südviertel to Steeler Strasse. Between the bridge over the A52 and Lanterstraße, it forms the border to Bergerhausen . Elisabeth Hospital on Moltkestrasse
Obernitzstrasse 60
(in the district)
Hugo von Obernitz , Prussian officer, adjutant general of Kaiser Wilhelm I. July 20, 1906 Obernitzstraße connects Bolckendyck with Eintrachtstraße in the southeast quarter .
Oberschlesienstraße 630 10th anniversary of the referendum in Upper Silesia June 13, 1932 On March 1, 1931, Oberschlesier loyal to their homeland took place in the Essen hall of the United Associations. Here Lord Mayor Franz Bracht announced that Oberschlesienstraße would be named in memory of the referendum of 1921.
Oberschlesienstraße leads north from Steeler Straße to Kaisershofstraße, where it turns into Krampestraße.
Olbrichstrasse 400 Joseph Maria Olbrich , Austrian architect Nov 26, 1909 Olbrichstraße connects Henricistraße with Ruhrallee in an arch.
Plantenbergstrasse 230 Plantenberg, farm name Feb 10, 1908 The Plantenberg farm was a Unterhof of Eickenscheidt. First Occurrence of the name is in the book chain 1332. In the Landmatrikel 1668 the Ride Henrich Plant Berg and his 55 is  morning large courtyard called. In 1795 it is designated as a princely treatment item. Wilhelm Plantenberg removed all fiscal burdens on the in 1823 and therefore became the unrestricted owner. In 1856 the farm went to the von der Bey family and later to the Schulz-Knaudt company , who built the Hüttenheim workers' settlement in 1878 on what is now Schulzstrasse and Knaudtstrasse. The Storpskotten belonged to the Plantenberg farm.
Plantenbergstraße, which was previously called Herkulesstraße , connects Schulzstraße with Steeler Straße.
Rellinghauser Strasse 480
(in the district)
Rellinghausen , former mayor's office June 5, 1908 The street is reminiscent of the former mayor's office in Rellinghausen. From 1815 to 1875 Rellinghausen belonged to the mayor's office of Steele . In 1876 the Rellinghausen mayor's office was formed from Rellinghausen, Bergerhausen and Heide. In 1884 Rüttenscheid came to the Rellinghausen mayor's office as a former part of Stoppenberg , but left it again in 1900. In 1910, Rellinghausen was incorporated into a district of Essen.
The Rellinghauser Straße leads from Bergerhausen on the Töpferstraße to Huttrop. It continues in the southern district and forms the southwestern huttropic border to Rüttenscheid.
Robert-Schmidt-Strasse 260 Robert Schmidt , civil engineer, city planner, municipal official March 20, 1930 Robert Schmidt was the first association director of the Ruhr coal district settlement association and thus played a key role in its formation. Robert-Schmidt-Strasse leads in an arch from Moltkestrasse to Wallotstrasse, part of which it formed from November 26, 1909 to March 20, 1930. Building trade school on Robert-Schmidt-Strasse
Rombergweg 210 Bromberg, field name Oct. 1, 1920 The name actually goes back to the corridor called Bromberg in which the Huttrop farm was located. However, it has probably been incorrectly transmitted by telephone and has never been corrected. The Rombergweg connects the Allbauweg with the Feldhauskamp street.
Ruhrallee 650
(in the district)
Avenue to the Ruhr Feb. 4, 1904 The Ruhrallee comes from the southeast quarter and leads from Schinkelstrasse to Elsa-Brändström-Strasse through Huttrop. From there it continues to the Ruhr in Bergerhausen . Ruhrallee with today's Ruhr Tower
Saarbrücker Strasse 140
(in the district)
Battle on August 2, 1870 near Saarbrücken March 11, 1898 The name is intended to commemorate the battle on August 2, 1870 at the time of the Franco-German War . The original Saarbrücker Straße led from today's Huttropstraße to today's Morsehofstraße and was previously called Hohe Straße . In 1928 it was extended to Ruhrallee in the southeast quarter , where parts of it were previously also called Morsehofstrasse and Forbacher Strasse.
Schinkelstrasse 500
(in the district)
Karl Friedrich Schinkel , architect, town planner, painter, graphic artist and set designer Nov 26, 1909 The Schinkelstrasse leads from the Saarbrücker Strasse in the southeast quarter over the Ruhrallee, from where it forms the border between Huttrop and the southeast quarter. From Moltkestraße it continues in Huttrop to Wallotstraße. Schinkelstrasse
Schlueterstrasse 110 Andreas Schlueter , sculptor and architect 16 Sep 1910 Schlüterstraße connects Henricistraße with Schinkelstraße.
Schnutenhausstrasse 360 Schnutenhaus, farm name Nov 26, 1909 The Klostermannhof, first mentioned in a document in 1327, became the property of the farmer Gottfried Schnutenhaus zu Huttrop in 1866. In 1889 it passed to his widow, née Schulte-Mönting. Lisette Leißling, born Schnutenhaus, was the owner in 1898, although there were several co-owners. The city of Essen acquired the farm from Ernst Schnutenhaus, born in 1842, in 1903/1904. She had the farm demolished in 1904 and built the Eigenheim estate here, as in the area of ​​the Bernewäldchen.
Schnutenhausstraße leads from Rellinghauser Straße in a northerly direction to Messelstraße.
Listed house on Schnutenhausstrasse
Schulte-Pelkum-Strasse 180 (Theodor) Hermann Schulte-Pelkum, city dean, director of the Franz Sales House Jan. 23, 1957 Hermann Schulte-Pelkum, born in Essen on July 1, 1874, was city dean and papal treasurer of honor . Between 1910 and 1945 he was director of the Franz Sales House, and during the Nazi era he was committed to preserving the lives of the old residents. He died in Steele on April 4, 1945 .
Schulzstrasse 440 Carl Julius Schulz , industrialist Nov 29, 1897 The company named after the co-founder of Puddling and Blechwalzwerk Schulz, Knaudt & Cie. named Schulzstraße connects Knaudtstraße with Plantenbergstraße and ends afterwards in a dead end. Jewish mourning hall on Schulzstrasse
Schwanenbuschstrasse 850 Schwanenbusch, restaurant July 5, 1908 The Schwanenbusch restaurant was built in 1794 on common land. The third innkeeper was Philipp Schwanenbüscher from the Schonnebeck farming community at the beginning of the 19th century . Since then the restaurant has borne her name. The old building was destroyed in the Second World War . Bruno Hirsch rebuilt the restaurant on the corner of Huttropstrasse and Steeler Strasse. After a Chinese restaurant was located there around 2008, it is now (as of 2016) a provider of large kitchens.
Schwanenbuschstrasse, which was once called Frillendorfer Strasse , leads from Feldhauskamp to Steeler Strasse.
Seidlstrasse 130 Gabriel von Seidl , architect Oct 9, 1914 The Seidlstraße connects the Henricistraße with the Bandelstraße.
Seminar Street 370 Protestant teacher training college Feb. 18, 1916 The evangelical teachers' college was built on this street in 1914. In 1909, state teachers' seminars for Catholic and Protestant prospective teachers were established in Essen. The new house in Huttrop completed a previous provisional housing. In 1921 the teacher training college was closed again, as the Abitur was now a prerequisite for taking up the teaching profession. As a result, the building was first used as a police school, then as part of the commercial schools of the city of Essen and today as the seat of the Ruhr College .
The Seminarstraße, which was previously called Friedhofstraße , leads in an arch from Moltkestraße to Lanterstraße.
Former  Teachers' seminar on Seminarstraße
Semperstrasse 300
(in the district)
Gottfried Semper , architect and art theorist Nov 26, 1909 Coming from the southeast quarter , Semperstraße leads from Schinkelstraße to Moltkestraße.
Siepenblick 240 Location on the slope of the Hovescheider Siepen Apr 9, 1956 The Siepenblick street, named after its location, goes back to the Siepental, a once wooded and water-rich meadow valley between Steeler Straße and the Ruhr . Originally it was the unrestricted property of the farms belonging to the Huttrop farmers. In 1824 it was divided by the Hoverscheider community and consisted of forest land with high timber, cleared forest land and meadow and pasture land. The meanness had its greatest extent along the Ruhr and extended to further narrow strips in all directions. The sieving at that time had an area of ​​215  acres .
The street Siepenblick connects the Semperstraße with the Moltkestraße.
Siepenstrasse 180 Hovescheider Siepen Apr 9, 1956 The Hovescheider Siepen was a once wooded and water-rich meadow valley between Steeler Straße and the Ruhr . Originally it was the unrestricted property of the farms belonging to the Huttrop farmers. In 1824 it was divided by the Hoverscheider community and consisted of forest land with high timber, cleared forest land and meadow and pasture land. The meanness had its greatest extent along the Ruhr and extended to further narrow strips in all directions. The sieving at that time had an area of ​​215  acres .
Today, Siepenstrasse connects Lanterstrasse with Moltkestrasse. Until after the Second World War , it continued west of Moltkestrasse to over Engelsbecke.
Spichernstrasse 150
(in the district)
Battle of Spichern March 3, 1897 The Spichernstrasse commemorates the Battle of Spichern in the Franco-German War . In Huttrop, Spichernstrasse connects Herwarthstrasse with Wörthstrasse, forming the border with the southeast quarter and continuing there after Wörthstrasse. Between 1904 and 1915 it was called Diedenhofer Straße .
Spillenburgstrasse 420
(in the district)
Spillenburgmühle 19 Sep 1910 The Spillenburgmühle was built in 1418 by the Essen prince abbess Margarete von der Mark-Arensberg († 1429). A mill had stood here before. In 1423 the abbess transferred her property to the minster church factory. In 1685 the abbess Anna Salome von Salm-Reifferscheidt sold the mill of the Essen monastery for 6000  thalers to Arnold Johan Vietinghoff called Schele zu Schellenberg and Ripshorst. In 1807 the rifle manufacturers Pieul and Pelletier leased the drill mill for rifle barrels on the Spillenburg. But shortly afterwards the gun industry went under. There were two other mills here that were operated by the miller Humann. In 1911, the Spillenburg, the Ruhrwehr and all those in law were sold to the city of Essen by Baron von Schell. It secured the water supply for the waterworks built in 1863. The mill systems had to give way to a turbine system for generating electricity. Spillenburgstrasse was named Koppstrasse in 1897 and Spillenburger Weg in 1904 . It forms the border to Steele and connects Steeler Strasse with the Westfalenstrasse there.
Stattropstrasse 240 Stattrop, court name Dec 17, 1963 The Stattrop farm was a princely food to be treated and belonged to the Oberhof Eickenscheidt. In the chain book of 1332 mansus is mentioned Stororpe. In 1601 Hermann Frone an der Heyden and his wife Catharina Stattrops were treated with the court. In the land register of 1668 the overseer Johan Statttopff and the 37 acre farm including leased land  are mentioned. In 1794, the last treated persons of the court and the associated Hegemannkotten in Bergerhausen were the married couple Johann Heinrich Stattrop and Maria Gertrud née Hoverscheidt. In 1795 the Mittelbauer Stattrop is mentioned. In 1835 all fiscal burdens were replaced by the married couple Adolf Kleberg called Stattrop and their son / stepson Johann Diedrich Stattrop. In 1927, the last owner, Josef Stattrop, sold the 60-  acre farm to the city of Essen, which laid the park cemetery here.
On November 29, 1897, a street leading to the Stattrop farm was named after it, but had to give way to the Huttrop park complex. The new Stattropstrasse, laid out in 1963, now leads from Steeler Strasse to Sunderlandstrasse at the Parkfriedhof.
Steeler Street 1770
(in the district)
former town of Steele June 5, 1908 Steeler Strasse, once called Steeler Chaussee , is named after the former town of Steele, which was incorporated into the city of Essen in 1929. It runs from the city ​​center and the southeast quarter through Huttrop to Steele and is part of the L448 state road. Franz Sales House on Steeler Strasse
Stevens Kamp 180 Stevens, family name Nov 20, 1937 On June 13, 1443, Johann Steven was given ownership of a camp near Huttrops Hof. The Stevens Kamp road leads back to Vollmer Straße in a northerly curve.
Sunderland Strait 450 Sunderland , sister city of Essen Feb 22, 1961 Sunderland has been a twin town of Essen in north-east England since 1949. Sunderlandstrasse leads south of the park cemetery from Breddestrasse to Mählerweg.
Thingstrasse 230 Thing, Germanic name for a people's or judicial assembly Feb 23, 1937 A place of execution (not a court) of the Essen monastery was located near the former Schwanenbusch restaurant . Thingstraße connects Moltkestraße with Engelsbecke street.
Pottery Street 650 former pottery Nov 29, 1897 The Töpferstraße is named after a former pottery on the corner of Henricistraße and Töpferstraße. Today it is part of the state road L20 and leads from Ruhrallee to Rellinghauser Straße, where it forms the border to Bergerhausen in the entire course .
Twingenbergplatz 80 × 70 Johann von Twingenberg, owner of the Wolfferdes estate Sep 24 1923 Johann von Twingenberg called von Styrum was the son of the Essen councilor and mayor Dietherich von Twingenberg. After his death in 1482 he received the Wolfferdes estate in Huttrop, which was later named Vollmer.
Twingenbergplatz is located between Gerhard-Stötzel-Straße and the A40.
Veddershang 110 Vedders, Kotten Jan. 21, 1965 The Kotten Vedders, which was sometimes also called Morsekotten, was separated from the Huttrop farm in 1687. In 1795 the manor of the Count's Ladies Chapter Essen and the Kötter Vedder are named. In 1774 Georg Vedder and his wife made the last extraction. In 1808 the Kotten was leased to Diederich Vedder for twelve years. Domain management is the owner. Georg Theodor Vedder was the owner in 1906.
The Veddershang connects Lanterstraße with Seminarstraße in an arch.
Vollmerskamp 330 Vollmerskamp, ​​field name Sep 7 1960 The Vollmerskamp corridor is in the area of ​​the Engelsbecke street. The street Vollmerskamp, ​​which forms a northern cul-de-sac of Vollmerstraße, is located in the cadastre in the old hallway on Donneracker.
Vollmerstrasse 370 Vollmer, court name June 5, 1908 The Vollmer farm emerged from the Wulferdesgut mentioned in the 15th century. The farm was named Vollmer about a century later. In 1544 it was taken from the couple Arndt Vollmer because the rent was not paid. In the land register of 1668, Dietherich Volmar and the 30-  acre yard belonging to the Office of Large Donations in Essen are named. In 1795 the manor was with the city of Essen, the middle farmer Vollmer is mentioned. In 1851 the farm became the joint property of the citizens of Essen, Theodor Bährens and Christian Flashoff. Theodor Huttrop acquired the farm and buildings in 1865 and combined it with his Huttrop farm.
Vollmerstrasse connects Schwanenbuschstrasse with Herwarthstrasse.
Wallotstrasse 340 Paul Wallot , architect and university professor Nov 26, 1909 Wallotstraße leads from Töpferstraße in a north-westerly direction to Robert-Schmidt-Straße.
Weissbachstrasse 120 Karl Weißbach , architect and university professor Nov 26, 1909 Weißbachstraße leads from Schnutenhausstraße over Messelstraße and ends in a dead end.
Wiebeanlage 300 Friedrich Wiebe, Essen alderman, head of construction Aug 9, 1927 Friedrich Wiebe was born on August 27, 1843 in Rothenburg / Hanover. From 1880 he was in charge of all of the city's construction. After the building administration was split up in 1892, Wiebe was given the civil engineering office. In 1899 he became an alderman for the city of Essen. He died on May 25, 1922 in Essen. The street Wiebeanlage connects Henricistraße with Töpferstraße. A listed building on Weißbachstrasse
Wieksiepen 160 Wieksiepen, field name Oct 21, 1938 The street named after the Wieksiepen corridor, which is mentioned in the land register of 1668, connects the Engelsbecke street with the Schulte-Pelkum-Straße.
Woerthstrasse 290
(in the district)
Battle of Wörth May 29, 1896 In memory of the Battle of Wörth on August 6, 1870 in the Franco-German War . The Wörthstrasse comes from the Steeler Strasse in the southeast quarter and leads from the Spichernstrasse in Huttrop in a northerly direction to the Ellingradeweg.
Zur-Linde-Weg 120 Otto zur Linde, writer March 31, 1955 The writer, philosopher and poet Otto zur Linde was born in Essen in 1873. The Zur-Linde-Weg connects the Seminarstrasse with the Siepenblick street.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
At the Döppelhahn June 5, 1908 Nov 20, 1937 →  Mählerweg Döppelhahn, name of a kott The Kotten Döppelhahn belonged to the Kotten split from the Hovescheidtshof and lay on the edge of the field on the way to the Eickenscheidter mill. The Kotten Dopelhane is first mentioned in 1520. In 1770 the Essen prince abbess Franziska Christine von Pfalz-Sulzbach acquired the Kotten in order to transfer it to her orphanage . At the end of the 19th century the Kotten was closed down to build a brick factory. The ambiguous spelling Döppelhahn only rarely occurs in the sources, with Hahn probably standing for Hain or Hagen .
Diedenhofer Strasse Nov 28, 1904 July 9, 1915 →  Spichernstrasse
Eickenscheidter Fuhr around 1860 May 23, 1980 →  Bleckerkamp
Erbhofring June 5, 1934 May 22, 1946 →  Hofringstrasse Erbhof Hovescheidt
Rim lathe road May 8, 1933 May 15, 1945 →  Kaisershofstrasse Fritz Felgendreher, so-called blood witness Renaming of Kaisershofstrasse during the National Socialist era to promote the symbolic form of the seizure of power . Fritz Felgendreher was born on March 18, 1913 in the former settlement of Szapten ( East Prussia ) and trained as a painter. On March 13, 1931, he was accepted into the SA by Ernst Röhm . The next day, on a march back to Kray , he was ambushed during the night on the railway bridge (later called the Felgendreherbrücke) and seriously injured by a shot in the head. On the same day he succumbed to his injuries in Elisabeth Hospital .
Friedhofstrasse Nov 29, 1897 Feb. 18, 1916 →  Seminar Street Led to the old cemetery in Huttrop
Frillendorfer Strasse Nov 29, 1897 June 5, 1908 →  Schwanenbuschstrasse Road to Frillendorf
Border road Nov 29, 1897 May 4th 1900 →  Herwarthstrasse
→  Huttropstrasse
Hellweg Oct 9, 1914 Nov 14, 1935 →  Bergerhauser Strasse Westfälischer Hellweg , medieval trade route Hellweg was previously part of Herwarthstrasse and was previously called Morsestrasse .
Herkulesstrasse Nov 29, 1897 Feb. 8, 1908 →  Plantenbergstrasse
high Street Oct 10, 1901 June 5, 1908 →  Saarbrücker Strasse
Kaisershofstrasse Nov 20, 1937 March 27, 1949 →  Bleckerkamp Kaisershof, court name The Bleckerskamp was called Kaiserhofstrasse in the period mentioned. Today there is another Kaisershofstrasse in Huttrop .
Koppstrasse Nov 29, 1897 Feb. 4, 1904 →  Spillenbuger Straße
Löbbertstrasse Nov 29, 1897 Oct. 1, 1920 →  Dinnendahlstrasse Löbbert, court name In the chain book of 1332 mansus Lubberti to Hoveschede is mentioned. In the land register 1668, Peter Lobbert, who was seated at the new morning large court, is named. The farm with Kotten was a Unterhof of Eickenscheidt. In 1773 Johann Phillip Brockhoff and Franziska Josepha Rose were treated with the court on behalf of the Rosesche Foundation. The horse whore Löbbert and the landlord Hofrat Rose are mentioned in 1795. In 1867 Hermann Kammann, known as Löbbert, was the tenant.
Ludwig-Troost-Strasse June 10, 1940 May 15, 1945 →  Messelstrasse Paul Ludwig Troost , architect under National Socialism Renamed during the Nazi era in order to promote the symbolic form of the seizure of power .
Moltkeplatz Nov 26, 1909 16 Sep 1910 →  Camillo-Sitte-Platz Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke , Field Marshal General In 1910 the former Huttroper Platz in the neighboring southeast quarter was given the name Moltkeplatz, which it still bears today.
Morsestrasse Feb. 4, 1904 Sep 15 1910 →  Bergerhauser Strasse
Mühlenweg Nov 29, 1897 June 5, 1908 →  Mählerweg
East Street May 4th 1900 June 5, 1908 →  Herwarthstrasse
Rossbachstrasse May 8, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Henricistraße
Schmiedestrasse Nov 29, 1897 June 5, 1908 →  Hilgenbornstrasse
Spillenburger Weg Feb. 4, 1904 June 5, 1908 →  Spillenbuger Straße Spillenburgmühle
Steeler Chaussee June 5, 1908 →  Steeler Strasse former town of Steele

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical association for the city and monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .
  3. Tombs under monument protection - excerpt from the list of monuments of the city of Essen, No. 929 (PDF); accessed on October 7, 2016
  4. Erwin Dickhoff: The denazification and demilitarization of street names. Contribution to the history of street naming in Essen, in: Contributions to the history of the city and monastery of Essen 101, 1986/87, p. 98