Lutz Blochberger

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Lutz Blochberger (born May 12, 1959 in Leipzig ) is a German actor and director .


He was trained from 1981 to 1985 at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Art . He was engaged for six years at the Dresden State Theater and then for over eight years at the Vienna Burgtheater (1991–1999). Since 2000 he has been working mainly for film and television, occasionally also for the theater, e.g. B. Schlossparktheater, Maxim-Gorki-Theater, bat-Studiotheater as well as the Volksbühne in Berlin and the Festival Reichenau / Austria, also for the Georg Tabori award-winning group norton.commander productions. He is the father of the actor Ludwig Blochberger .

Filmography (selection)

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