Martin Kießig

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Kurt Martin Kießig (born March 27, 1907 in Gautzsch ; † February 11, 1994 in Tübingen ) was a German educator , Germanist , literary critic , author and journalist .


Kießig was the seventh child of the journalist Leopold Paul Kießig (* February 7, 1861 in Leipzig, † July 25, 1942 in Baiersbronn ) and his wife Minna Emma, ​​née Graul (* November 12, 1872 in Rudelsdorf ; † April 24, 1955 in Markkleeberg ), born. However, five of his siblings died in infancy before Martin Kießig was born. Therefore, he only saw his older brother, who later became the business editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Fritz Werner Kießig (born September 14, 1905 in Gautzsch; † April 22, 1991 in Gilching ).

School and study

The Augusteum of the University of Leipzig

As a pupil, Kießig first attended elementary schools in Gautzsch and Leipzig , then until he was 14 years old, the Leipzig Königin-Carola-Gymnasium . He then received a five-year newspaper training and worked in his father's Saxon news office . This traded as "Editor Paul Kießig, trade journalist, special reporter of the Berliner Börsenblatt [ Berliner Börsen-Zeitung , Berliner Börsen-Courier ], the Frankfurter Zeitung , the Hamburger Fremdblatt , the Kölnische Zeitung , the Münchner Neuesten Nachrichten ".

Martin Kießig decided at the age of 19 to catch up on his Abitur and to study. To this end, he prepared for the school leaving examination at the private Möhring'schen teaching institute in Leipzig . He then completed the lower and upper prima at the German High School in Grimma , where he passed the Abitur at Easter 1931.

Then Kießig studied from Easter 1931 to Easter 1935 at the University of Leipzig . Initially, he focused on teaching and took German studies , history and education with Hermann August Korff and Theodor Litt . Eventually, however, he switched to art history with Theodor Hetzer and philosophy , which meant that he waived the state examination and thus the qualification for the teaching post. During his entire studies, Kießig worked as a reviewer or literary critic.

Under Hermann August Korff he received his doctorate in 1936 on the reform pedagogue, bard, theater worker and writer Martin Luserke . Kießig therefore drove with him to his floating poet's workshop Krake around 1935 , took part in readings and narrative evenings and documented this.

Even after his proper de-registration on April 15, 1935, Kießig attended courses in philosophy and art history at Leipzig University for a further three semesters.

Professional activity

From his student days, Kießig dealt with Ludwig Klages , a research area that he then dealt with throughout his life.

During the Nazi period , through which he felt hindered in his professional aspirations and advancement for political reasons as well as in his Christian attitude, Kießig worked as a literary critic, reviewer and editor, e. B. for Heinrich Ellermann's series Das Gedicht - sheets for poetry until he was drafted as a soldier in the Wehrmacht during the Second World War .

Kießig visited the writer Else Ernst , the widow of the writer Paul Ernst , who died in 1933 , at St. Georgen Castle on the Stiefing in Styria . Numerous letters and letters from Kießig's field post to Else Ernst with enclosures have been preserved from the period between 1938 and 1945 . Most of this correspondence, Else Ernst's reply letters, fell victim to the aerial warfare when the Kießig house was destroyed by bombs.

In the context of Paul Ernst's work, Kießig also conducted a correspondence with the Bonn private scholar and publicist Karl August Kutzbach (1903–1992), who, in addition to his research on Paul Ernst, also administered his estate.

Residing in Markkleeberg , Kießig taught at the Gaudig Oberschule in Leipzig from 1945 after the Second World War and at the Leibniz Oberschule from 1951 after it was closed for political reasons . In parallel to this activity, he qualified with regard to his teaching qualifications.

In the 1950s, Kießig was forced to leave the GDR due to political hostility, a step that he did not take until 1958 after the death of his elderly mother Emma, ​​who needed care.

The GDR teaching qualification was not recognized in the Federal Republic for state schools, so that he could only teach there at private educational institutions. His friend Wilhelm Hausenstein got him started in 1956 , through whom he settled in Bavaria. As a result, Kießig worked as a pedagogue in Altötting and Stein an der Traun , and at the end of the 1960s in the Evangelisches Landschulheim at Schwarzenberg Castle near Scheinfeld in the Steigerwald .

Kießig resumed his pre-war work as a reviewer, including for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit . As a publicist he published selected works by Paul Alverdes , Hermann Hesse and Christian Morgenstern , and the anthology Poets Tell Their Dreams . Kießig also emerged as a lyric writer.

Among other things, he was the class teacher of the physicist and philosopher Dietrich Koch and his brother, the physicist Eckhard Koch . Both later counted among the GDR dissidents surrounding the Stasi case, which had developed out of the protest actions against the demolition of the Paulinerkirche in Leipzig in 1968. In this context, Dietrich Koch sought advice from his former teacher Kießig.

Kießig last lived in Filderstadt - Bonlanden and died at the age of 86 during a hospital stay in Tübingen as a result of an operation.

Works (excerpt)

  • Epilogue, in: Martin Luserke: From Indians, Persians and Geusen - Strange Stories . (= Schaffstein's blue ribbon, 222) Hermann Schaffstein Verlag, Cologne 1935 OCLC 72610182
  • Epilogue, in: Martin Luserke: The little Schühß and other stories - A book from the Wadden coast . With illustrations by Karl Stratil . Edited by Rolf Italiaander . Publishing house Gustav Weise, Leipzig 1935
  • Martin Luserke. Shape and work. Attempt to interpret the essence . Phil. Dissertation, University of Leipzig. J. Särchen Verlag, Baruth / Mark 1936 OCLC 23617944
  • Contribution The poet on the sea - Martin Luserke . In: The Cross Section, Volume 16, Issue 7, July 1936. Ed. Edmund Franz von Gordon . Heinrich Jenne Verlag, Berlin 1936
  • Rudolf G. Binding . Avenarius-Verlag, Leipzig 1937 OCLC 314393998
  • The books of the rose . In: The Bookworm . Karl Rauch Verlag, Leipzig-Markkleeberg 1937, pp. 183–247
  • Eugen Gottlob Winkler - Poetic Works . In: Kölnische Volkszeitung . No. 279 BC October 10, 1937, p. 12. Sunday supplement of the Kölnische Volkszeitung. No. 41, also in: Die Neue Literatur , 36th vol., 1937, pp. 563-564
  • Matthias Claudius : Poems . Verlag Heinrich Ellermann , Hamburg 1937 OCLC 72882051
  • Epilogue, in: Paul Friedrich (Ed.): Novalis , Reclam-Verlag , Leipzig, 1939
  • Georg Trakl - On the 25th anniversary of the poet's death . In: Völkischer Beobachter (Munich), November 2, 1939.Alsounder the title Georg Trakl in memory of : Kölnische Volkszeitung , November 13, 1939. Also in: Weltstimmen (Stuttgart), 13, 1939/40, p. 104. Under the title Crystal tears, weeping for the bitter world - Georg Trakl in memory . In: Der Bücherwurm (Dachau et al.), 25, 1939/40, H 4/5, pp. 70–73. Quoted from: Eberhard Sauermann: The reception of Georg Trakl in times of dictatorship - stigmatization, instrumentalization and recognition in the Nazi era and the GDR . StudienVerlag, Innsbruck / Vienna / Bozen 2016, ISBN 978-3706558105
  • The future. Poems by Stefan George et al. Verlag Heinrich Ellermann, Hamburg 1940 OCLC 72891417
  • Epilogue, in: August Winnig : Connected in a circle - stories . Reclam-Verlag, No. 7390, Stuttgart 1940 OCLC 879032226
  • Myth of the North - On Martin Luserke's 60th birthday . In: Niederdeutsche Welt , Vol. 15, Issue 5, May 1940, pp. 69–72
  • A life dedicated to boldness - on Martin Luserke's 60th birthday . In: Völkischer Beobachter (Munich), No. 122/123, 1./2. May 1940, p. 8
  • Poet and navigator - Martin Luserke was 60 years old . In: Der Führer (Karlsruhe). May 4, 1940, p. 5
  • About Martin Luserke . In: Neue Schau , monthly, 21st vol., No. 6, June 1960. Ed. Karl Kaltwasser / Bernhard Martin / Karl Vötterle. Bärenreiter, Kassel 1960, pp. 231–232
  • Poets tell their dreams - German poets testimonies from two centuries . Eugen Diederichs Verlag , Cologne / Düsseldorf 1964 OCLC 611082945
  • Epilogue, in: In the Presselschen Gartenhaus - A story from Old Tübingen . With 6 pen drawings by Albrecht Appelhans . Philipp-Reclam-Verlag , Stuttgart 1964 OCLC 64700939
  • Dreamed . With original drawings on stone by Heide Voitl . Neugebauer Press, Bad Goisern 1966 OCLC 72926757
  • The apprentices to Sais - poems and fragments . Philipp-Reclam-Verlag, Stuttgart 1966 OCLC 756311648
  • God's silence - about the woodcutter Ernst von Dombrowski . In: You yourself (united with Neue Schau ), Marita Roeser-Bley (ed.), Baden-Baden 1967, pp. 25-27
  • Friedrich Schnack - Commemorative words for the poet's 85th birthday . Working group for German poetry (ed.), Göttingen 1973 OCLC 877137293
  • Selected verses. Poetry . With a woodcut vignette by Ernst Pflaumer . Karl Pfeiffer Verlag, Hersbruck 1974
  • Wilhelm Diess - The narrative work in individual editions , in: Culture and Life , 10 (1977). OCLC 633035779
  • as editor: Paul Alverdes : Die Pfeiferstube and other stories . Langen Müller Verlag , Munich 1986, ISBN 3-7844-2040-0
  • Contribution, in: Martin Luserke - reform pedagogue, poet, theater man, founder of the school by the sea on the North Sea island of Juist , with contributions by Herbert Giffei , Hubert H. Kelter , Martin Kießig, Peter Lambrecht, Dieter Luserke and Jörg W. Ziegenspeck , ed. v. Jörg W. Ziegenspeck (= pioneer of modern experiential education, vol. 6). Neubauer Verlag, Lüneburg 1987. ISBN 978-3-88456-040-2
  • as editor: Christian Morgenstern. Works and letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 1. Poetry 1887–1905 . Urachhaus publishing house , Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-87838-501-3
  • as editor: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 2. Poetry 1906–1914 . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-87838-502-1
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 3. Humorous poetry . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 387838503X
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 4. Epic and Dramatic . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 1992. ISBN 3878385048
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 5. Aphorisms . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 1992. ISBN 978-3878385011
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 6. Critical writings . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 1987. ISBN 978-3878385011
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 7. Correspondence 1878–1903 . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 2008. ISBN 978-3878385073
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Works and Letters. Annotated edition. Vol. 8. Correspondence 1904–1908 . Urachhaus publishing house, Stuttgart 2011. ISBN 978-3878385080
  • ders .: Christian Morgenstern: Complete poems . Special edition for the 100th anniversary of death. 3 vols. Verlag Urachhaus, Stuttgart 2013. ISBN 978-3825178727
  • with Else Bramesfeld, Doris Braune, Karin Gerhard, Tove Gerson, Ellen Jungblut: Lived Utopia. Based on a documentation by Dore Jacobs . Klartext-Verlag, Essen 1990. ISBN 3884741438
  • Martin Kießig: Else Ernst, the poet and lady of the castle of St. Georgen (essay from: Kölnische Volkszeitung 1937 and lecture in St. Georgen from 1986). In: The will to form - magazine of the Paul-Ernst-Gesellschaft e. V., 3rd part, No. 1, 1992, pp. 46-65
  • ders .: Max Zweig . In: The will to form - magazine of the Paul-Ernst-Gesellschaft e. V., 3rd part, No. 1, 1992, pp. 66-77
  • ders .: The poet's castle in Styria . In: Bulletin of the Paul Ernst Society e. V., beginning of the year 1996, pp. 14-18

Memberships (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. In his printed dissertation from 1936, the date of his birthday is March 27, 1907; this agrees with the official information in the family register and the passport.
  2. According to the obituary in the Leipziger Volkszeitung from April 1994, the place of death is Filderstadt - Bonlanden , but other qualified sources mention Tübingen. Filderstadt-Bonlanden was Kießig's last place of residence.
  3. Kießig, Martin , in: Deutsches Literaturarchiv Kallias, on:, accessed on October 7, 2017.
  4. a b Registry office entries in the family register of Leopold Paul Kießig and Minna Emma Kießig.
  5. Werner Kießig: The big ones grow into giants . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 108 (1968), 4./5. May 1968, p. 25.
  6. Werner Kießig: Foreign funds in the shadow of Wall Street . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 254 (1969), special supplement Mehr Geld durch Geld , p. 25.
  7. Werner Kießig: Wolfsburg clears the table: Audi-NSU completely to VW . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 265 (1971), November 5, 1971, p. 25.
  8. Information according to contemporary business card Sächsisches Nachrichtenbüro , Paul Kießig.
  9. a b c Martin Luserke. Shape and work. Attempt to interpret the essence. Phil. Dissertation, University of Leipzig. J. Särchen Verlag, Baruth / Mark 1936.
  10. Martin Kießig: The old ZK 14. Visiting a floating poet's workshop . In: Martin Luserke. Shape and work. Attempt to interpret the essence . Phil. Diss., University of Leipzig, J. Särchen Verlag, Baruth / Mark 1936, from: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  11. a b c d e f Ralf Gnosa: Obituary for Dr. Martin Kießig , in: Bulletin of the Paul Ernst Society e. V., beginning of 1995, pp. 66-69.
  12. 38 letters with 6 cards and enclosures from Martin Kießig to Else Ernst , call number: 250 / AM 95802 B8-5,9 / 1, University Library Regensburg, Paul-Ernst-Archiv / Kutzbach Collection
  13. ↑ The estate of Paul Ernst's widow Else in around 110 boxes , Regensburg University Library, Paul Ernst Archive / Kutzbach Collection
  14. 25 boxes from the estate of Paul Ernst's widow Else , Regensburg University Library, Paul Ernst Archive / Kutzbach Collection
  15. ^ Letter from Emma Kießig to Else Ernst , signature: 250 / AM 95802 B8-5,9 / 2, Regensburg University Library, Paul Ernst Archive / Kutzbach Collection
  16. Paul Ernst Archive / Kutzbach Collection , on: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  17. Letters from Martin Kießig to Karl August Kutzbach , signature: 250 / AM 95805 B8-28,5 / 24, University Library Regensburg, Paul Ernst Archive / Kutzbach Collection
  18. Dr. Martin Kießig, residing at Ring 46, Markkleeberg , in: Adressbuch Leipzig 1949, at: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  19. a b EB / WG: Pedagogue and author Martin Kießig died , in: Leipziger Volkszeitung , April 1994
  20. ^ Letter from Wilhelm Hausenstein to Martin Kießig, Tutzing, November 6, 1945. In: Deutsches Literaturarchiv, signature: A: Hausenstein.
  21. ^ Letter from Wilhelm Hausenstein to Martin Kießig, Herrenchiemsee, October 4, 1956. In: Deutsches Literaturarchiv, signature: A: Hausenstein.
  22. Stefan George - Poems , in Die Zeit, Critique in Brief, November 4, 1983.
  23. Kill Santander look in: Time, October 14, 1983rd
  24. Poets tell their dreams , in: Die Zeit, Critique in Brief, March 25, 1977.
  25. Description of a Stasi case involving Dietrich Koch , on: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  26. ^ Günter Fritzsch: Face to the wall: arbitrariness and blackmail behind Mielke's walls . Benno-Verlag, Leipzig 1994, ISBN 978-3746210698 .
  27. ↑ Letters to the editor from Dr. Dietrich Koch and Dr. habil. Eckhard Koch , from: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  28. ^ Dietrich Koch / Eckhard Koch: Kulturkampf in Leipzig: Memorandum on the reconstruction debate at the St. Pauli University Church . Forum Verlag, Leipzig 2006, ISBN 978-3931801205 .
  29. Description of a Stasi case involving Dietrich Koch , on: , accessed on October 7, 2017.
  30. ^ Imre Török , Birgit Grübl: Authors in Baden-Württemberg . Silberburg-Verlag, Stuttgart 1991. ISBN 978-3925344947 , pp. 272, 579.
  31. Martin Kießig (editor): Poets tell their dreams . In: Der Spiegel, 11 (1965), March 10, 1965, on: