Orchid meadow near Diepenau

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Orchid meadow near Diepenau
View of the orchid meadow

View of the orchid meadow

location South-east of Diepenau , Nienburg / Weser district , Lower Saxony
surface 0.6 ha
Identifier NSG HA 230
WDPA ID 555518878
Geographical location 52 ° 24 '  N , 8 ° 46'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 23 '55 "  N , 8 ° 46' 12"  E
Orchid meadow near Diepenau (Lower Saxony)
Orchid meadow near Diepenau
Sea level 50 m
Setup date November 12, 2015
administration NLWKN

The orchid meadow in Diepenau is a nature reserve in Lower Saxony spots Diepenau in the joint community lamp in Nienburg / Weser .

The nature reserve with the sign NSG HA 230 is 0.6  hectares in size. The 0.53 hectare FFH area "Feuchtwiese bei Diepenau" is part of the nature reserve. The area has been a nature reserve since November 12, 2015. The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the district of Nienburg / Weser.

The nature reserve lies between Rahden and Petershagen . It places a natural wet meadow surrounded by forest areas with an exceptional population of orchids under protection. The north-eastern part of the meadow is moderately humid and is occupied by a grass lawn . Here u. a. Bristle grass , devil bite as well as millet and pill sedge . The southwestern part of the meadow is more humid and is surrounded by a meadow of pipe grass and the like. a. Taken with common pipe grass , devil bite and sedge . Both parts are populated in large numbers by spotted orchid .

In the west of the nature reserve there is an anthropogenic small body of water with spawning or frog-bite communities . Here are u. a. Find small duckweed and multi-rooted pond lens . The riparian vegetation of the alder and ash fringed water is u. a. formed from groundwort. The water is a habitat for amphibians and dragonflies .

The meadow is mowed for maintenance purposes . The nature reserve borders on state road 343 in the east .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Feuchtwiese near Diepenau , profiles of the Natura 2000 areas, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation . Retrieved September 26, 2019.