Peter Benedict

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Peter Benedict (real Christian Riss , born  July 13, 1963 in Switzerland ) is an Austrian actor .


Peter Benedict is the son of the two actors Walter Riss and Christa Rossenbach . Benedict was born in Switzerland and grew up in Berlin , Paris and Salzburg .

He studied acting and directing at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and later at the Konrad Wolf Academy for Film and Television in Potsdam - Babelsberg . Under his real name, he worked behind the camera in various areas of film and television in the 1990s, including as assistant director to Egon Günther . In 2000 he began his film and television career as an actor.

His first roles in the German films Der Felsen (2002, directed by Dominik Graf ) and Der alte Affe Angst (2003, directed by Oskar Roehler ) were followed by numerous film and television productions in Germany and Austria, in which he worked with directors Peter, among others Keglevic , Marc Rothemund , Markus Imboden and Dagmar Hirtz worked together.

International productions include the feature film Fay Grim (director: Hal Hartley ) and the BBC documentary Sinking the Lusitania - Murder on the Atlantic (director: Chris Spencer ).

In the film, Peter Benedict, with his smirkingly grinning facial expression, often embodies arrogant company bosses, ice-cold managers , snooty superiors, condescending lawyers, etc., but he is also able to perform all other roles convincingly.

Peter Benedict is married and lives in France and Berlin.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Benedict (as Christian Riss) is the director of the film Ende des Frühling : "I [...] made my directorial debut in 1999 with 'Ende des Frühling'" (Petra Koruhn, "Peter Benedict: 'I call myself the monster of the nation'" , Hamburger Abendblatt , January 17, 2018); see. Entry in the IMDb .