Roman Reusch

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Roman Reusch, 2019

Roman Johannes Reusch (born February 3, 1954 in Düsseldorf ) is a German lawyer and politician of the Alternative for Germany party . Until his election to the German Bundestag, he was the senior public prosecutor in Berlin and was described as a " hardliner ". Reusch has been a member of the Bundestag's parliamentary control committee since February 1, 2018 .


After graduating from high school in Berlin in 1973, Reusch was a temporary soldier from 1975 . He ended his career in 1978 as a lieutenant . From late 1978 to mid-1983, he studied in Berlin jurisprudence . After his second state examination in 1986, he became a public prosecutor at the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office . From June 2003 Reusch headed there as chief prosecutor a then newly founded by him, especially for juvenile offenders responsible department. As the head of this special department for juvenile intensive offenders, he expressed himself in an interview with a choice of words that prompted the then Justice Senator Gisela von der Aue to open disciplinary proceedings against him on the grounds that "his words had overstretched the law" . She suggested the transfer to him. According to the authorities , he was transferred to the General Prosecutor's Office in January 2008 “at his own request” . In March 2016, at the instigation of the Berlin Public Prosecutor Ralf Rother, he was appointed Chief Public Prosecutor, and he was also appointed Head of the Extradition of Foreign Criminal Offenders and International Legal Assistance Department . This department also implements EU framework decisions on criminal prosecution and enforcement and coordinates the European Judicial Network for Berlin. The Association Berlin defense lawyers and the Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg criticized the decision in press statements while Christian Bommarius the moderation bid emphasized and stated: As long as an official "do its job properly," he might well "in his spare time an unsavory party as a functionary to Available ”, ergo a“ protest against his promotion should not be successful ”.

Controversies about juvenile offenders

In a Spiegel interview with Bernd-Rüdeger Sonnen in May 2007, Reusch said that almost 80% of the young intensive offenders in Berlin had a migration background and that, in his opinion, “every single one of these foreign offenders” had “not lost a thing in this country” . In his opinion, pre- trial detention could be a useful experience for those particularly violent among the intensive offenders. However, the sole aim of pre-trial detention is not to ensure the conduct of a main hearing : "to take someone out of circulation"; which is why such a practice would be unlawful, according to Sonnen and other critics such as Udo Vetter . Justice Senator Gisela von der Aue called Reusch's statements, which were also viewed as critical by the Attorney General, "unacceptable" and initiated disciplinary proceedings .

In December 2007, Reusch's lecture on Migration and Crime at the invitation of the CSU- affiliated Hanns Seidel Foundation led to a broad reception in the media . In it, he once again addressed the migration background that a large number of juvenile intensive offenders had, and, as in Spiegel, called for consequences under the law of foreigners , including expulsions explicitly for those born in Germany such as those born in Germany. B. implemented in the Mehmet case . Reusch showed that of the 495 people classified as young intensive offenders in Berlin, 49% were German citizens. Without taking Russian Germans into account, 79.8% of all young intensive offenders had at least one parent from abroad. According to the Göttingen cultural anthropologist and medical historian Susanne Ude-Koeller, the "general reliability of the data and instruments used by Reusch was doubted by those in the know".


Even though Reusch himself had admitted that his “proposals were all unconstitutional”, controversy arose. The criminal procedure law expert Günter Tondorf described Reusch as an "intellectual arsonist". The daily Hürriyet called Reusch a "racist prosecutor". In the tabloid press of Springer Verlag , however, he was referred to as “Berlin's” or even “Germany's bravest public prosecutor”; the Bild newspaper dealt with his statements several times on its front page. However, criminal lawyer Günter Tondorf reminded presentation and this language picture -Article to the strikers , the image "in the vicinity of a -Journalist had sedition of made issued or such [...] at least suspicious." Reusch, on the other hand, “skillfully and unscrupulously” stirs up “one-sidedly the already high-boiling emotions in the population”, which Roland Koch picked up in the election campaign for the Hesse election in 2008 . On the other hand, he ignored the unanimous consensus currently formulated by Wolfgang Heinz in criminology.

At the beginning of January 2008, Reusch received almost simultaneously invitations to the talk shows hart but fair and Anne Will , for which he received no approval from his authority. According to the tough but fair producer in relation to the Bild newspaper, Reusch spoke of "a muzzle that he was missed". The Chief Public Prosecutor Andreas Behm denied a speech ban. The permission to give a lecture "at the Hanns Seidel Foundation, despite the ongoing and not yet completed disciplinary proceedings against Reusch since May 2017, shows that they do not want to silence him". The topic of the programs was general juvenile delinquency. Since Reusch only covers a special area on this precarious topic, the head of the authority therefore reserves the right to provide information himself. Regina Mönch and Michael Hanfeld saw behind the ban, which was legitimate under civil servant law, in the FAZ that Reusch did not, in their view, represent the line of Behm and Justice Senator von der Aue. The ban on appearing caused outrage among Berlin public prosecutors. Two weeks later, a spokesman for the authority informed about Reusch's transfer “at his own request” to the Berlin public prosecutor's office .


In the summer of 2013 Reusch joined the AfD , in 2014 he became the presiding judge of the AfD Brandenburg's court of arbitration . Reusch has been a member of the board of the AfD Brandenburg since November 2015. He was also the spokesman for the state committee on population and social cohesion of the AfD state association. From the beginning of 2016, the AfD Brandenburg's program work was comprehensively revised under the direction of Reusch. In the AfD, too, he was noticed by xenophobic statements. In January 2017 he was elected to second place on the Brandenburg state list for the 2017 federal election. Following an announcement by Justice Senator Dirk Behrendt , Reusch in the federal election campaign with regard to conformity of his statements with the moderation commandment to observe that ranged AFD Berlin a constitutional challenge in Berlin Constitutional Court one because Behrendt hazardous by his remarks, according to the AFD equal opportunities. The AfD state chairman of Berlin, Georg Pazderski , justified the lawsuit with the fact that, in his opinion, Behrendt had tried in the media and in parliament to correlate Reusch and the Berlin-candidate judge Birgit Malsack-Winkelmann with agitation and false news . In the 2017 federal election, Reusch entered the Bundestag via the state list of the AfD Brandenburg .

In November 2017, Reusch, together with Waldemar Herdt and Norbert Kleinwächter, submitted an application to the Bundestag to promote the return of Syrian refugees . In the motion, the MPs claimed: “The security situation in large parts of Syria has improved substantially in the past few months.” They cited the International Organization for Migration (IOM), according to which “in the first seven months of 2017 alone, more than 600,000 Syrians "returned to their homeland, and demanded that the German government should conclude an agreement with the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad so that refugees could move back to the civil war country " safely and free of charge from now on . The IOM had published a report under such a heading, but instead of a better security situation it described the opposite: According to the IOM, 93% of these 600,000 people had not even left Syria; they had fled within the country. In the same period, more than 800,000 Syrians were also displaced. 10% of the returnees had to flee a second time. The completed report, a return is "not necessarily voluntary, safe or sustainable" ( English : "not Necessarily voluntary, safe or sustainable"). According to the latest IOM figures, almost 1.5 million people had to flee within Syria between January and October. The members of the other parliamentary groups reacted by shaking their heads , accusing the AfD of “ cynicism ” and “ sleight of hand ”. The Süddeutsche received the presentation of the proposal under the title “ Alternative Facts for Germany”, the BR perceived a changed culture of debate , and the MDR also reported a new culture of debate , which included “loud and shrill tones and provocations ”.

In January 2018, the AfD parliamentary group nominated Reusch as their candidate for the Parliamentary Control Committee (PKGr). Reusch received 210 votes in the election to the committee, but 355 votes would have been required for his election. Zeit Online wrote that in general, many parliamentarians had concerns about the AfD's participation in the body and some feared that the AfD could pass on details of intelligence activities against right-wing extremists to them. Bundestag Vice President Oppermann held out the prospect of a further ballot to fill the body. On February 1, 2018, Reusch was finally elected to the nine-member body with 378 votes (necessary majority: 355 votes). The deputy AfD parliamentary group leader Beatrix von Storch tweeted immediately: "Better late than never".

Reusch is a full member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection as well as the Judges' Election Committee and a deputy member of the Committee on Home Affairs and Home Affairs .

Web links

Commons : Roman Reusch  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Kai Biermann , Astrid Geisler , Christina Holzinger, Paul Middelhoff, Karsten Polke-Majewski, Tilman Steffen: AfD parliamentary group: Right to extreme in the Bundestag . In: Zeit Online . September 21, 2017.
  2. ^ Kordula Doerfler: Bundestag: AfD wants to chair the budget committee . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . January 16, 2018.
  3. ^ Matthias Reiche: AfD man Reusch elected to the secret service control body. In: . Retrieved February 1, 2018 .
  4. ^ "Getting criminals out of the country" . In: Der Tagesspiegel Online . January 18, 2008, ISSN  1865-2263 ( [accessed September 30, 2018]).
  5. a b Sandra Dassler: Too hard in tone? TV ban for public prosecutor . In: Der Tagesspiegel . January 6, 2008.
  6. ^ "Getting criminals out of the country" . In: Der Tagesspiegel Online . January 18, 2008, ISSN  1865-2263 ( [accessed September 30, 2018]).
  7. a b hen / ddp : Berlin hard-line public prosecutor is transferred . In: Spiegel Online . January 22, 2008.
  8. a b Fatina Keilani: AfD politician becomes senior public prosecutor - Roman Reusch does not take anything back. In: , April 21, 2016, accessed on December 13, 2017
  9. ^ Press release on the promotion of the public prosecutor Reusch, who is on the board of the AfD . In: Association of Berlin Defense Lawyers . April 20, 2016.
  10. That doesn't bring AfD votes, Mr. Heilmann . In: Turkish Federation in Berlin-Brandenburg April 18, 2016.
  11. Christian Bommarius : A completely normal civil servant career . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . April 24, 2016.
  12. Ulrike Demmer , Markus Verbeet : "The problem explodes" In: Der Spiegel . 19/2007, pp. 42-46.
  13. custody as a means of education . In: law blog . May 8, 2007.
  14. Isabell Jürgens, Karsten Hintzmann: The public prosecutor must expect punishment. In: The world . May 18, 2007.
  15. Migration without integration? Opportunities for a turn in integration policy. ( Memento of November 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) In: Hanns Seidel Foundation . December 2007.
  16. ^ A b Roman Reusch: Migration and criminality . Original text of the lecture. In: Hanns Seidel Foundation . December 2007 (PDF; 171 kB).
  17. Susanne Ude-Koeller: “Lock away. Exclusion Mechanisms as a Social Conflict Resolution ”. Historical, sociological and psychiatric aspects . In: H-Soz-Kult May 27, 2008.
  18. Jens Anker: Senator keeps her distance from the public prosecutor . In: The world . January 16, 2008.
  19. ^ A b Hans H. Nibbrig, Gilbert Schomaker: Ban on speaking for a senior public prosecutor . In: The world . January 7, 2008.
  20. Don't tell the truth if you want a career. In: BZ January 23, 2008.
  21. TV ban for Germany's bravest public prosecutor . In: image . January 4, 2008.
  22. J. Meyer, P. Rossberg, M. Sauerbier: Germany's bravest public prosecutor is transferred . In: image . January 18, 2008.
  23. ^ Günter Tondorf : Hands off juvenile criminal law . In: Irmgard Rode, Matthias Leipert (ed.): Modern criminal law in the media society: Influence of the media on legislation, case law and forensics . Lit Verlag 2008. ISBN 978-3-825-81880-7 , pp. 5–8 ( limited preview )
  24. ^ A b Regina Mönch , Michael Hanfeld : Hard, but unfair . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 8, 2008.
  25. Michael Hanfeld : Muzzle for investigators . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 6, 2008.
  26. Sabine Beikler, Jörn Hasselmann: Senior Public Prosecutor Reusch is transferred . In: Der Tagesspiegel . January 18, 2008.
  27. ^ Arbitration court ( Memento from June 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: AfD Brandenburg .
  28. ^ State board of the Brandenburg AfD now complete . In: AfD Brandenburg . November 21, 2015.
  29. ^ Frank Bachner, Alexander Fröhlich: AfD board member becomes Berlin's chief public prosecutor. In: . Retrieved April 18, 2016 .
  30. Erik Peter: State employees in the AfD: first mess in the Bundestag . In: taz . 4th April 2017.
  31. ^ Thorsten Metzner: AfD Brandenburg elects Gauland as the top candidate . In: Der Tagesspiegel . 29th January 2017.
  32. O. Sundermeyer, A. Taegener: Senator wants to watch the public prosecutor in the AfD election campaign . ( Memento of the original from September 4, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: . 4th April 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  33. ^ Election campaign statements AfD feels discriminated against by Green politicians and complains . In: . 19th May 2017.
  34. Rochus Görgen: Bundestag election 2017: These representatives from Brandenburg are moving into the Bundestag . In: Potsdam's latest news . 25th September 2017.
  35. ^ Six Point Plan - Agreement to Promote the Return of Syrian Refugees . Printed matter 19/48. In: German Bundestag . November 13, 2017.
  36. Over 600,000 Displaced Syrians Returned Home in First 7 Months of 2017 . In: IOM . 11th August 2017.
  37. Birgit Schmeitzner: AfD changes the culture of debate . In: Bayerischer Rundfunk . 22nd November 2017.
  38. ^ Jörg Köpke, RND : Union plans repatriations for Syrian refugees . In: Göttinger Tageblatt . November 28, 2017.
  39. Michael Bauchmüller, Kristiana Ludwig: Alternative facts for Germany . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 26, 2017.
  40. Cecilia Reible: Staged demarcation right outside . ( Memento of the original from December 1, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: MDR . November 24, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  41. Parliamentary control body: AfD candidate fails in the election for the secret service committee. In: Zeit Online . January 18, 2018, accessed January 18, 2018 .
  42. ^ Matthias Reiche: AfD man Reusch elected to the secret service control body. In: . February 1, 2018, accessed February 1, 2018 .