William Holmes Howland

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William Holmes Howland

William Holmes Howland (born June 11, 1844 in Lambton Mills , † December 12, 1893 in Toronto ) was a Canadian businessman, social reformer and politician.


Howland was Toronto's 25th mayor from 1886 to 1887 . William Holmes Howland is the eldest son of Sir William Pearce Howland , one of the fathers of the Confederation . His younger brother Oliver Aiken Howland was later elected mayor of Toronto.

Howland prevailed in 1886 against the conservative candidate Alexander Henderson Manning. When he was re-elected a year later, he was even able to improve his election result. Howland broke old traditions of plutocracy while serving as Toronto mayor . With his social reforms he was considered an advocate of the idea of ​​creating quality of life for all parts of society.

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