Appeal FOR prostitution to strengthen the rights and to improve the living and working conditions of people in sex work

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The appeal FOR prostitution to strengthen the rights and improve the living and working conditions of people involved in sex work is a counter-petition launched by the professional association for erotic and sexual services on October 29, 2013 based on the initiative initiated by Alice Schwarzer and her magazine Emma Campaign appeal against prostitution . The appeal is against the further criminalization and stigmatization of sex work and advocates involving prostitutes in the debate instead of marginalizing them and labeling them as victims.


Among other things, the appeal criticizes the equation of prostitution with human trafficking as discriminatory for people who are active in the field of sex work : “Prostitution is not just human trafficking. Not only German women, but also migrants are mostly voluntary and self-determined in sex work. To declare prostitutes, regardless of their origin, to be victims across the board is an act of discrimination. "

The demands include: "No criminalization of customers, neither according to the Swedish nor according to any other model ."

Countercall signatory

Together with sex workers and other citizens, a number of well-known personalities signed the counter appeal.


Armin Rohde explained in the BILD : “If you forbid prostitution, the industry will be pushed even more into a shadowy realm. This would not do the whores or the suitors a favor. I am absolutely against stigmatizing these people. ” Bernd Begemann called Alice Schwarzer's worldview“ a hermetically closed system ”, her interpretation“ intellectually lazy ”and concluded with the words:“ I say ugh about Emma's anti-prostitution appeal because he wants to incapacitate those whom he claims to be helping. "

In an interview with a specialist magazine, lawyer Margarete von Galen called the subject “a good find for moral apostles” and stated that “Ms. Schwarzer's attitude on this issue can only be described as clearly misogynistic.” It is indisputable that many women like this and voluntarily and did not suffer from prostitution per se, “but from the social stigmatization to which Ms. Schwarzer makes a significant contribution.” Criminologist Sebastian Scheerer commented on his support for the call in the FAZ: “With whom I have sex, when and how, is a matter of private life. Even if a woman makes it her job. "

MPs from several parties also signed the countercall. Evrim Sommer (MdA Berlin, Linke) called Alice Schwarzer's appeal against prostitution a “huge step backwards into the Stone Age under women's rights, in which prostitutes were without rights and defenseless.” Eva Högl (MdB, SPD) made a similar statement and emphasized: “We need no prohibition and no criminalization of prostitution ", even if" the model of self-determined, self-confident prostitutes, which was formulated in the Prostitution Act, does not in reality apply to all prostitutes. "

The German AIDS Aid also signed the appeal for prostitution . In a press release, she criticized the anti-prostitution appeal for illegally mixing sex work with human trafficking and ignoring the consequences of criminalizing sex workers, including with regard to the prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Individual evidence

  1. Counter-initiative: What does Armin Rohde have against a prostitution ban? In: BILD . November 9, 2013, accessed November 15, 2013 .
  2. Bernd Begemann : Prostitution is a deal. In: Welt am Sonntag No. 45 , November 10, 2013, p. 14 , accessed on November 15, 2013 .
  3. ^ Reform of the Prostitution Act: "A food that has been found for moral apostles". Interview with Margarete von Galen . In: Legal Tribune Online . November 8, 2013, accessed November 15, 2013 .
  4. The freedom of the suitor, the freedom of women. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . November 14, 2013. Retrieved November 28, 2013 .
  5. ^ Evrim Sommer: Prostitution: Not a German Scandal. In: New Germany . November 6, 2013, accessed November 15, 2013 .
  6. ^ Eva Högl : Appeal FOR Prostitution - Strengthening rights and improving the living and working conditions of people in sex work. (No longer available online.) In: own blog on November 7, 2013, archived from the original on December 4, 2013 ; Retrieved November 15, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Strengthening the Rights of Sex Workers , German AIDS Help, November 19, 2013

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