Designation systems for Soviet and Russian motor vehicles

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Various systems for classifying and designating motor vehicles were used in the Soviet Union .

The system currently still in use is based on the ON 025270-66 (ОН 025270-66) standard and was introduced in 1966. According to him, light motor vehicles are classified mainly according to the engine capacity, trucks according to their total weight and buses according to their length. The system still has an official character in today's Russia and is used by the majority of vehicle manufacturers. It also serves as the assessment base for vehicle tax .

Classification system 1945 to 1966

A first classification system was introduced in 1945 and replaced by the new classification system in 1966. Vehicles such as the GAZ-24 produced at that time kept their number according to the old classification system.

According to this system, the designation of motor vehicles consists of a combination of letters for the manufacturer and a two- or three-digit number. Each manufacturer was assigned a number block, within this block the developments were numbered consecutively.

When manufacturers were founded between 1945 and 1966, the assigned number ranges had to be split up. Number ranges of manufacturers who discontinued vehicle production were assigned to other plants.

When serial production was transferred from one manufacturer to another, the group of numbers was usually retained, only the group of letters changed. So the MAZ-200 and the MAZ-205 carried a number from the group of Yaroslavsky Avtomobilny Sawod , because they had been developed there. The GAZ-69 was built with the transfer of production to the Uljanowski Avtomobilny Sawod to the UAZ-69 and the GZA-651 bus was also built as the RAF-651 in the Rishskaya Avtobuznaja Fabrika . The latter used non-standard terms for new developments until the late 1950s, e.g. B. for the minibus RAF-10 or the minibus RAF-251 .

Letter group Number group Manufacturer example
GAZ (ГАЗ) 1 - 99 Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod GAZ-14
100-199 Zavod imeni Stalina , renamed to Zavod imeni Lichatschowa in 1956
JaAZ (ЯАЗ) 200-249 Yaroslavl Motor Plant , production later
Krementschugski Awtomobilny Sawod and
Minsk Automobile Plant passed
250-299 Nowosibirski Awtomobilny Sawod to 1949, numbers later
Krementschugski Awtomobilny Sawod passed
Urals (Урал) 350-399 Uralsky Avtomobilny Zavod imeni Stalina , renamed Uralsky Avtomobilny Zavod in 1962
Isch (Иж)
400-449 Avtomobilny zavod imeni Leninskowo komsomola ,
Ischewski Maschinostroitelny Sawod
UAZ (УАЗ) 450-484 Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod UAZ-469
DAZ (ДАЗ) 485-499 Dnepropetrovsky Avtomobilny Zavod DAZ-485
BelAZ (БелАЗ)
500-549 Minsky Avtomobilny Zavod ,
Belorussky Avtomobilny Zavod
MMZ (ЗИЛ-ММЗ) 550-599 Mytishchinsky Maschinostroitelny Zavod ZIL-MMZ-555
KAZ (КАЗ) 600-649 Kutaisky Avtomobilny Zavod KAZ-608
650-674 Gorkowski Avtobusny Sawod
later taken over by Pavlovsky Avtobusny Sawod and
Kurganski Avtobusny Sawod
LiAZ (ЛиАЗ) 675-694 Likinsky Avtobusny Zavod LiAZ-677
LAZ (ЛАЗ) 695-699 Lvovsky Avtobuzny Zavod LAZ-695
JerAZ (ЕрАЗ) 700-899 Yerewanski Awtomobilny Sawod
and trailers from various automobile and repair plants
ART (АРТ) 940-949 Tartuski Avtoremontny Zavod TA-942
965-974 Zaporozhsky Avtomobilestroitelny Zavod ,
Luzki Avtomobilny Zavod
RAF (РАФ) 975-999 Rishskaya Avtobuznaya Fabrika RAF-977

The unoccupied area between 300 and 349 was used by the Uljanowski Avtomobilny Sawod between 1947 and 1952 for a number of prototypes of light trucks ( UAZ-300 , UAZ-302 , etc.), which however did not go into series production. It is unknown whether this was provided for by government planning and why the number range was not reassigned.

Classification system from 1966

The 1966 classification system is still used in today's Russian automotive industry, although not all manufacturers apply it to the full.

The system consists of a group of letters for the manufacturer and a group of four to six digits.

First digit

The meaning of the first digit is different for cars, trucks and buses.

For cars, the first digit means:

Digit class group Cubic capacity in cm³ Empty weight in kg Examples
1 Microcar 1 to 849 to 649 WAZ-1111
2 850 ... 1099 650… 799 SAS-1102
2 Small car 1 1100… 1299 800 ... 899 WAZ-2101
2 1300 ... 1499 900… 1049 WAZ-2103
3 1500… 1799 1050 ... 1149 WAZ-2106
3 Middle class 1 1800 ... 2499 1150 ... 1299
2 2500 ... 3499 1300 ... 1499 GAZ-3102
4th Upper class 1 3500 ... 4999 1500 ... 1899
2 5000 and larger 1900 and larger ZIL-4104
5 top class - no stipulations

For trucks, the first digit indicates the gross vehicle weight:

Digit Total weight, kg
1 less than 1200
2 1200-2000
3 2000-8000
4th 8000-14000
5 14,000-20,000
6th 20,000-40,000
7th greater than 40,000

For buses, the first digit indicates the vehicle length:

Digit Length, m
2 less than 5.5
3 6 - 7.5
4th 8 - 9.5
5 10.5 - 12
6th longer 16

Second digit

The second digit indicates the type of transport:

Digit Art
1 Passenger cars
2 Bus
3 Trucks
4th tractor
5 Dump truck
6th Tank truck
7th Box body
8th -
9 Special vehicle

Third and fourth and fifth digits

The third and fourth digits were assigned by the manufacturer to differentiate between the different variants of a vehicle. A fifth digit was given for modifications to the original model.

Sixth digit

The sixth digit is mainly used to identify export variants:

Digit meaning
1 Export version for cold climates
4th Export version for countries with left-hand traffic
6th Export version for moderate climates
7th Export version for tropical climates
8.9 other export versions


WAZ-21063 : Manufacturer Wolschskij Avtomobilny Zavod (WAZ), small car with a displacement of 1200 cm³ to 1800 cm³ (2), passenger car (1), sixth model of the series (06), third modification (3).

Ural-4320 : manufacturer Uralsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Ural), gross vehicle weight 8000 - 14000 kg (4), trucks (3), twentieth model of the series (20)

MAZ-5335 : Manufacturer Minski Avtomobilny Zavod (MAZ), gross vehicle weight 14,000 - 20,000 kg (5), trucks (3), thirty-fifth model in the range (35)

MAZ-53352 : manufacturer Minski Avtomobilny Zavod (MAZ), gross vehicle weight 14,000 - 20,000 kg (5), trucks (3), thirty-fifth model of the series (35), second modification (2)

MAZ-5428 : Manufacturer Minski Awtomobilny Sawod (MAZ), gross vehicle weight 14,000 - 20,000 kg (5), tractor unit (4), twenty-eighth model in the series (28)

MAZ-5549 Manufacturer Minski Awtomobilny Zavod (MAZ), gross vehicle weight 14,000 - 20,000 kg (5), dump truck (5), forty-ninth model in the series (49)

KamAZ-5320 : Manufacturer Kamski Awtomobilny Zavod (KamAZ), gross vehicle weight 14,000 - 20,000 kg (5), truck (3), twentieth model in the series (20)

The Volschsky Avtomobilny Zavod deviated from this classification scheme in part. The models of the Lada Kalina were designated as WAZ-1117, −1118 and −1119, although they are equipped with engines from 1400 to 1600 cm³. According to the above scheme, however, the first number "1" identifies a car with a maximum displacement of 799 cm³. With the introduction of the Lada Kalina 2, however, the designations were adapted to the standard again, the successor to the 1117 has the number group 2194, that of the 1119 has the number group 2192.


  • И.Н. Порватов, С.Р. Кристальный: Классификация и маркировка автомобилей. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине "основы конструкции автомобилей ' , Московский Автомобильно-Дорожный Государственный Технический Университет, автомобилей Кафедра, Москва 2010. УДК 629.33-048.445 ББК 39.33-7

Individual evidence

  1. Information about the UAZ-300 and historical images (Russian)

Web links