Capol (noble family)

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Coat of arms of those of Capol

Capol refers to an old Swiss family from the canton of Graubünden with the verifiable name variations Ca Pawli , Capowli , Capal , de Cappal , a Capaulis , de Capaulo . de Cappaul , Capalus . Capoll , Cappol , Capoal , Capaul and de Capol . The family name Ca Pawli is the oldest name.

origin of the name

The original name Ca Pawli means House of Paul. The Capol also used the Latinized form a Capaulis (see the tombstone of Benedikt von Capol in the cemetery in Flims). The Capol are also called Capalus in ancient Latin scripts .

Family origin

The family is mentioned for the first time in 1377 in Rueun as the owner of a farm and in 1410 in Flims with a farm property . She belonged to the free peasant class like the Free of Laax . These came from Saxon Germans who were settled in the course of Carolingian resettlements.


Under the Hungarian King Ludwig I around 1377 a Johann v. Kapol was honored by Halitsch as a knightly voivode and margrave. There was no family relationship between the Kapol and the Capol.

De Capaulo

In the Cartula Donationis of the Charterhouse of Calci (IT) a Capaulo is mentioned on September 18, 1111: "Giovanni del fu Opizo dona a Berta del fu Pietro la metà di tutti i suoi beni, e riceve da Capaulo, per conto della suddetta Berta, un anello d'argento. ". A Paulus de Capaulo from Venice is mentioned around 1315 among the brothers of the Capuchin convent of Santa Margherita Ligure (IT). A Sebastian von Capaulo is mentioned as a Capuchin or Provikar in the history of the Tyrolean Capuchin Order Provinx (1593-1893). The Capol are named with de Capaulo in various documents: Osvaldus de Capaulo, Volffgang de Capaulo, Susanna de Capaulo, Henriercus de Capaulo, Juliana de Capaulo.

Family chronicle

The family chronicle of the sex, the Capoliana , was compiled by Colonel Carl von Capoll (1847-1914). It is kept in the State Archives of the Canton of Graubünden.

Munster Valley Capol

Chasa Capol Sta. Maria

The family name Capol appears in Sta. Maria in the Münstertal. The junkers of Capol lived here and were the governors of the government. They resided in the «Chasa de Capol».

Flims Capol

The Capol were in office under the Barons von Sax-Misox from 1371 to 1485 in Flims . The Capol are the family that almost indisputably maintained leadership in the village from the 15th to the 17th century. The Capol family in Flims was first mentioned in the 15th century: in an episcopal loan from around 1400, the Capals were referred to as "gebure", free farmers. Free farmers had their own land, which was rare in the Middle Ages. The office of Ammann was introduced in Flims in 1427, even before the Bishop of Chur had regained the rulership rights of Count Johann Peter von Sax-Misox for 4,000 guilders in 1485 . The first Capol to become Ammann did not yet have a seal. It was not until 1457 that Otto Capol the Elder sealed with his arrow seal. In 1489, the Flims cousins ​​Hertli and Wilhelm received a nobility confirmation and coat of arms improvement letter for themselves and their family from Emperor Friedrich III . The original of this letter is now in the Ulm City Archives. Individual representatives of the sex carried the title Junker .

Flims legend

The Capol family is associated with an ancient Flims legend . In the Middle Ages, people from Glarus came over the mountains to Flims to steal cattle. When they appeared again on the alp, the herdsman went to the edge of a rock wall and blew his alphorn so hard that his heart burst. The blood ran over the rocks. It should still be visible today. The melody he played is still called “Gion Paul da Flem stai si” today ( Hans Paul von Flims arise or be steadfast ).

coat of arms

The coat of arms of the Capol shows a golden arrow pointing upwards with a silver tip and silver flaps on a black (or red) background. In the Middle Ages, the arrow was also a symbol of power or speed. For a long time, the Capol coat of arms also served as the village coat of arms for Flims. The coat of arms can be found in various places in Graubünden, St.Gallen and abroad, including:

  • At the city gate of Ilanz (Obertor Porta Sura)
  • In the town hall of Chur as a coat of arms
  • Above the entrance to Flims Town Hall
  • In Flims at today's Hotel Bellevue
  • Formerly on the bay window of Reichsgasse 25 / Planaterra house in Chur
  • On a Gothic chest in the National Museum in Zurich
  • On the ceiling of the Swiss Room in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
  • Parish church of St. Maria Himmelfahrt in Degen
  • On a candlestick in the tavern of the Hofkellerei in Chur
  • Above the gate at Unter-Tagstein Castle in Thusis
  • At the Tscharner house in Rothenbrunnen
  • In the church of St. Remigius in Falera
  • On the facade of the Chasa Jaura in Valchava
  • On the facade of the Chasa Capol in Müstair
  • On a grave slab in the St. Johann Müstair monastery
  • On the wall in the judges' hall of the Cuort Ligia Grischa in Trun in the Surselva
  • On the ceiling in the garden hall of Salenegg Castle in Maienfeld
  • At the altar in the church of St Luzius and Florinus with the coat of arms of Capol, Huber and Flück in Walenstadt
  • At the altar in the St Wolfgang chapel in Walenstadt


Various representatives of the Capol family shaped events in Graubünden from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

Benedict of Capol
Johann Gaudenz from Capol
Julius of Capol
Jacob Capol grave slab from the Münstertal line
Oswald Capol grave slab from the Münstertal line
Johann Gaudenz from Capol
House Antistitium in Chur
House Planaterra in Chur

Flims line

  • Hans da Capol, around 1350
  • Hansen (Hansen = Germanic son of Hans) da Capal, mentioned around 1377 in Rueun as Bein = owner of a farm. Mentioned in 1423 in Sevgein as «da Capowli» in the Rhaetian name book.
    • Peter da Capal (Peter de Ca Pawli) is mentioned in the Sevgein municipal archive in 1428 as an alpine owner.
    • Claws (Saxon for Klaus = Nikolaus, Claws de Ca Pawli) da Capal is mentioned in the Sevgein municipal archive in 1428 as an alpine owner
      • Clau (Dakapaul), around 1513
        • Claus von Capol (Klau da Kpaulen), married around 1535 to Anna von Mont. Died in 1553.
          • Unknown
            • Unknown
              • Unknown
                • Claus (Nikolaus) von Capol, dispute with Stoffel Noser around 1700 in the high court of Ilanz Gruob
    • Hansen da Capal (Hans de Ca Pawli) mentioned in the Sevgein municipal archive in 1428 as the owner of the alp.
      • Hans (Johann) Paul von Capol (Hansen von Capal), around 1470. Mentioned around 1470 in Flims and around 1508 in Langwies. District judge around 1480 (trial between the Abbot of Disentis and the Walterspurg neighborhood because of Alprecht ). Vogt in the Gruob. Purchase of the customs rights from Count Johann Peter von Mosax etc. (von Sax) around 1483, his gracious lord. 1486 Sale of his tower with farmstead and stable at the back of the city wall in Ilanz to Bishop Ortlieb. In 1460 he owed his cousin Risch Capol von Truns 30 Florint and used his own property in Luven for it.
        • Gottfried (Gottlieb) von Capol, Flims, born around 1480, married to Barbara von Sax-Misox (born 1490)
          • Paul Janutt (Romansh for Johannes) von Capol, from Flims, citizen in Ilanz, 1554 foreman
        • Anastasia Oth (Anna Ott) von Capol (von Capal, von Cappall), from Flims in Kaiserstuhl, 1515–1577, married to Baron and Colonel Jost Tschudy (Tschudi) d. 1566, in Glarus around 1562.
      • Wilhelm Paul von Capol (Wilhelm Pal von Capal), Flims, Chancellor and Hofmeister in Chur in 1484, together with Hercules received his cousin confirmation of nobility around 1489.
    • Hertli von Capol, Truns, around 1420
      • Risch von Capol, Truns, cousin of Hans Paul, around 1460.
        • Hertli von Capol (Capal), Truns, around 1517
          • Jacob von Capol, Brigels, 1558. Married to Apollonia von Travers. Daughter of Jacobus, owner of Ortenstein.
            • Unknown
              • Unknown
                • Maria von Capol, Rueun, † May 20, 1661 Paspels, married to Rudolph Christoffel around 1647
                • Unknown
                  • Jacob von Capol, Truns, around 1694
                    • Matheus von Capol, Rueun
                      • Johann Matthias Capol, Brigels
                        • Johann Jacob Capol, 1809–1863, son of Johann Matthias, a student at the University of Zurich, reported on July 2, 1839 with three other students about abuse at the Zurich police station after being arrested on Whit Monday for a crowd.
          • Vincenz (Tschegn) from Capol, Truns around 1558
            • Unknown
              • Unknown
                • Vincenz von Capol, Truns, around 1680 Truns (Zignau)
                • Christine (Trina, Stina) von Capol, Truns, around 1687
    • Paul Benedikt (Pal, Pol, Paulen) von Capol (von Capal), Flims, the Younger, Ammann von Flims 1427
      • Paul Risch (Risch short form of Andries or Andreas) from Capol, Ilanz, pastor around 1462.
      • Otto (Ott) Paul (Pal) von Capol (von Capal, von Capoll, von Cappal), Flims, the elder. Landammann. 1458 district judge of the Gray League . Vogt von Hohentrins 1470 for Peter von Hewen. Allegedly lost his children in the fire of Hohentrins Castle in 1470. Document from 1481 confirms that Otto received from Peter von Hewen Wiesen in Lugnez to inherit, which he could demand back if he rebuilds Hohentrins (burned down 1470). Alt-Aspermont near Trimmis 1488 for the Lords of Brandis and Aspermont Castle near Sagogn 1485–1502. Around 1486 Paul von Capoll was mentioned in the Glurns Diet concerning the mines in Valdora and in the Münstertal. In 1471 he appears in the federal letter as a sealer. In 1498 he received a service obligation of 32  fl. To the Roman-German King Maximilian I. Captain of the Bündner in the Swabian War of 1499. On April 28, 1517, the "promised advocate", Amman von Flims, represented Abbot Andreas von Disentis before the federal court in Truns to defend the monastery's privileges, which were disputed after the monastery burned down.
        • Johanna von Capol (Johanna de Capaul), Flims, married to Heinrich Lumerinser, son of Johannes Lumerinser, von Lumerinsz. On April 18, 1498 he applies for a dispensation from the Vatican for marrying a blood relative in the 4th degree with the aim of recognizing future descendants ("petunt disp. De contrahendo in 4th consang. Grad. Cum legit. Prol. Suspiende") .
        • Benedikt von Capol (Benedictus de Capaul), Flims, around 1529 substitute for Hans von Lumerins as Landvogt von Maienfeld. Married to Euphemia from Flims, daughter of Johannes Puntinger. On April 18, 1498 he applies for a dispensation from the Vatican for marrying a blood relative in the 4th degree with the aim of recognizing future descendants ("petunt disp. De contrahendo in 4th consang. Grad. Cum legit. Prol. Suspiende") .
          • Benedict von Capol, Lugnez. Bannadicht von Kapaul represented Morissen against the neighbors of Surcuolm before the court in Vella on April 16, 1570.
      • Paul Herkules (Hertli, Hartwig, Härtli) von Capol, 1448–1526, Vogt des Lugnez 1477 and von Fürstenau (1510), Vogt von Fürstenburg Vinschgau and owner Schloss Wiesberg (Burgeis), mayor of Chur, commander-in-chief of the Graubünden troops after death of Benedikt Fontana in the battle of Calven , envoy of the three leagues to the peace negotiations of Basel 1499 ( Peace of Basel ), 1502 court master of the Bishop of Chur, commander in the conquest of Valtellina in 1512. Married in first marriage to Gilia de Mont and second marriage to Anna Iter, daughter of the mayor of Chur. In 1505 he fought with his brother-in-law Donath Iter (Churer Domdekan 1505-1526) and Hieronimus Iter for tithe rights in the rule of Vaduz and interest in Feldkirch. Father of Caspar. Hertli is referred to as Alcides Capalus by Simon Lemnius .
        • Casparus von Capol (also von Capal), around 1490–1545, pastor, cathedral dean of Chur, studied in Orléans, pastor in Obersaxen , saves the Catholic rights of the Chur cathedral chapter in his favor in the absence of the bishop of Chur. Was friends with Bonifacius Amerbach . Son of Paul Hercules. His uncles were Lucius Iter and Donath Iter. Caspar von Capäl ze der zyten kilcher on the Ubersaxen sold his aigen good in 1545 for 10 thick pfennigs ... ze predametz, which borders wyssgenigen hof below, and peter sülpen well in the morning.
        • Hans (Johann, Jann, Jan) Gaudenz von Capol (Hans von Capal), Flims, 1470–1560, brother of Wolf, Ammann, district judge and diplomat, ensign in the Battle of Calven, commander of a Venetian company, 1498 Ammann von Bivio , Captain before Musso (Valtellina), Reformer of Flims 1526-1528, 1529 purchase of half of the Antistitium in Chur. Father of Martin and Ortlieb. November 21, 1536 Participation in the negotiations for an amicable arbitration award in Glarus due to "religious dispute".
          • Emilie (Amalie) von Capol, married to Jacob von Planta (1536–1601)
          • Ortlieb von Capol, Chur, acquired the citizenship of Chur in 1547
            • Maria von Capol, b. 1585, married around 1605 to Melchior von Mont (approx. 1584–1658)
          • Martin (Marti, Marty) von Capol, Rothenbrunnen , † 1554, physically the largest Bündner of his time, sold his rights to the two courts (castles?) Juvalt in Rothenbrunnen to Chur around 1546, probably in order to naturalize in Chur. He was married to the daughter of Rudolf Sarganser, a banker of Count Georg von Werdenberg-Sargans, Sofia Sarganserin. He died as a captain in French service at Marciano and in the battle of Scannagallo. This on the train to Siena on August 1, 1554 in the battle between the Imperial troops (Charles V) with Cosimo I de Medici and the French with the Republic of Siena. "Item there is a battle happened between the Keyser and the Künig uss Frankreÿch zur Hochen you have lost the 3 Pundt all Ir Houptleut and you have lost yourself like Marty von Capoll so who the Keysrichen kheiner can get from it" (from the Chronicle of Wolf Capol).
            • Martin von Capol, died in the plague year 1585. Married to a de Cajani (family from Bologna) around 1561.
        • Wolf (Wolfgang) Georg von Capol (Wolff von Cappell), Flims, 1473–1563, Landammann, Landvogt von Maienfeld 1513–1515 (1512–1514?), Commissioner von Chiavenna (1522–1524) and Landrichter, chronicler (heroic death of Martin von Capol), married to Anna von Lumerins ( Lumbrein , Lumbrins, Lumarin, Lombris). Father of Johann (Hans), Risch Hertly and Lucius (Luzi).
          • Christ von Capol (Capal), around 1526, Lumbrein, cousin of Caspar von Capol (Capal)
            • Crist von Capol, the noble and permanent assessor of the Lumbrein parish, reorganized the annual interest and benefices of the church in 1596 with other members of the Capol family.
              • Andrea Cristen v. According to the criminal files in the Chur city archive, Capol "uss Lugnez" was killed in the same way by two soldiers at Chur Masans in 1639, a few days after the murder of the Bündner freedom hero Jörg Jenatsch , although the motives remained unclear.
                • Unknown
                  • Christian Leonard von Capol, 1741–1809. 1771–1773 Commissioner of Chiavenna. 1779 deputy at the Bundestag in Davos. 1782 Ammann of the high court Schleus (Schlowis). Negotiated with General de Mont when the French invaded in 1799. Married to Maria Cristina Blumenthal from Rumein.
                  • Crist Julius von Capol, around 1776
              • Johann von Capol, builder around 1650. Construction of the Magdalen Church, the Cerny Palace, the Prague Castle and other structures in Prague. Already in 1638 he was a citizen of Prague.
                • Johann von Capol, 1672-1721. Captain in the Gold Infantry Regiment in Capua. Place major in Pert Ercole (Naples). Later lieutenant colonel von Orsowa on the Turkish border. Married to Maria von Osten (Pomeranian noblewoman).
                  • Conradin Carl von Capol, 1711–1744. Captain in the Grenadier Company in the army of Empress Maria-Theresa. Fell during the conquest of Rottenburg in the Upper Palatinate.
                  • Maria Anna Catharina, 1709–1788. Married to Carl Ludwig Siegmund Praitenacher, captain in the Austro-Hungarian army.
          • Johann Ott (Hans, Jan) von Capol, 1494–1565. Amman of the Flims High Court. Ammann von Bivio around 1529. Commissioner at Cleven. 1547, 1550, 1556 and 1560 district judges of the Upper Confederation. 1556 mediator between the city of Bern and the state of Unterwalden. In 1547, together with the federal ambassadors, he helped King Henry II of France raise a son from his high baptism. Was in French service twice as ensign and three times as captain. Died of the plague in 1565.
            • Christoph, captain in Piedmont
              • Hans, Vicar 1561 in Valtellina
                • Risch (Rysch) Hertly Capol, Flims, Amman zu Flims. Married to Magdalena von Abys, daughter of Agnes von Fontana, sister of Benedikt von Fontana, and Johann von Abys (Janolus von Biss) from Plurs .
                  • Anastasia von Capol, von Risch's daughter, was married to Anton von Travers and her second marriage to Theodor von Jecklin.
                  • Agnes von Capol, Risch's second daughter, married Jakob von Beli. Around 1565 in Lugnez.
                  • Christoph (Christoffel, Stoffel) von Capol, 1516–1564, m. with Catarina de Mont (1540) and Agatha von Castelberg (1551), owner of the Löwenberg estate in Schluein, participant in the Roman procession of the Duke of Guise 1556–1557.
                    • Unknown
                      • Katharina von Capol, married to Daniel Abis (1635–1681)
                      • Wolfgang Georg (Jörg) von Capol, Schluein, Vogt von Plurs 1661–1663
                        • Magdalena von Capol, around 1684 to 1731.
                  • Oswald von Cappol, mentioned in Müstair around 1522
                    • Sebastian v. Capol, was related to Rudolf von Planta and served as a Catholic administrator in the Münstertal .
                      • Sebastian Capol (Sebastiano Capaulo), Dr Theol, Tomils 1636, Obervaz 1640-1642, from September 15, 1642 Catholic priest in the parish church of St. Mary Assumption in Mals (Bozen), Müstair 1658-1662, Dean, 1661 canon in Chur.
                      • Oswald von Capol, † 3.6.1667, Podesta in Bormio 1641–1642 and Teglio, monastery provost , grave slab Kloster St.Johann Müstair He was married to Caterina von Imeldi, daughter of the doctor Gioachimo Imeldi from Bormio . The alliance coat of arms is visible above the archway of Casa Capol with the year 1651 and on the tombstone in the monastery of St. Johann Müstair. The coat of arms of the Imeldi shows an Antonius cross similar to the coat of arms of Klosterlechfeld .
                        • Sebastian von Capol from Sta. Maria, Podestà in Morbegno 1671. † 1707, son of Oswald, mayor (Sindicator), captain. 1677 Extension of the Casa Capol in Müstair. Married to a Planta.
                          • Sebastian von Capol, 1753 Mayor of the Münsterthal High Court
                            • Petrus Sebastianus de Capol, Sta Maria , 1728–1832, composer
                          • Jakob von Capol, 1765 Mayor of the Münsterthal High Court
                            • Jacob de Capol (Iacomo von Cappol, Jachen de Capol), Valchava , 1714–1790, Catholic priest and author of Romanesque writings around 1770. Author of the book "Nomenclatura Romanscha et Todaischa, fatta in adoever et benefici della Christiana juventüna […] vengien ûn dobel, früt et profit à pudair tour cioe sper, lg exercizi nella Lingua Todaischia "
                          • Kaspar von Capol, 1766 Mayor of the Münsterthal High Court
                        • Oswald de Capol, † 1708. Had no male offspring.
                          • Cäcilie de Capol, daughter of Oswald.
                        • Nikolaus de Capol, brother of Oswald and Balthasar
                          • Joseph Benedikt de Capol around 1728, involved in the sale and repurchase of the Münster valley
                            • Gobert Magnus (vulgo Maini) von Capol, 1803 in Valchava
                              • Nikolaus Benedikt von Capol, † 1828, last Catholic citizen of Sta. Maria. After the death of Anna de Capol-Maurer, the Catholic parsonage (formerly part of the Chur cathedral chapter) passed from Sta.Maria to the Reformed in 1848.
                              • Unknown
                                • Maini Capol Bass, Valchava
                        • Balthasar de Capol. Converted to Protestantism.
                          • Nutal (Johann or Hans in Vallader) Capol, ref, Ftan, married to Ursula Schucan. Master carpenter.
                            • Andrea Capol (Andreas Cappohl), ref, b. August 29, 1781 in Ftan, † May 7, 1820 or June 2, 1820 in Marienwerder. Citizen and confectioner (see the Schucan confectioner family from Zuoz). His wife Caroline Grzan, b. 1785 from Garnsee , died on September 8, 1852 of old age at the age of 72 in Marienwerder .
          • Risch Hertly (Herkules, Hertli), Flims, 1557 Podesta in Telli, died 1575. 1548 verdict re. an alpine dispute with the Disentis monastery. Relationship with a woman from Pontaningen .
            • Ulrich Rigett (Regett, Ragett, Raget = Vulgo for Heinrichett) von Capol, d. 1583, twice district judge in the Upper Confederation, Amman and federal clerk, built the Bellevue house in Flims in 1577, leaving behind five descendants. The wife Barbara v. Mont belonged to an influential Lugnez aristocratic family who had particularly proven themselves in service with France.
                • Joseph von Capol, governor of Valtellina 1611-17, was accused, tortured, fined and banished by the criminal courts in Thusis and Davos as a friend of the Spaniards. On October 3, 1621, shot in bed on the orders of Georg Jenatsch in his house in Flims. Some time after the murder, the assassins wanted to flee via the Panixer Pass, but were stopped by a storm and prevented from doing so by farmers who were “loyal to the emperor”.
                  • Sebastian (Baschlij, Bastian) v. Capol, son of Governor Josef v. Capol from Flims, studied in 1616 with Kaspar Waser at the Zurich Theological University.
              • Johann (Hans) von Capol, Flims, builder of the house Capol in Andeer around 1599, Landammann 1602/03 and 1607/08 and 1610/1611, 1620 Podestat zu Tirano, 1620 victim of the Veltliner murder or murdered by the leader of the chain union Georg Jenatsch . Son of Rigett from Flims. In 1601 promoted the separation of the Reformed Church Andeer from the parish of Zillis. After Capoliana, he lived in Schams by marrying the wealthy Catharina Mattli and built the stately decorated Capol House in Andeer, which was decorated by the Graubünden teacher and painter Hans Ardüser in 1614. A coat of arms in the Rhaetian Museum Chur shows his portrait in Baroque style as a capable warrior and hunter (title: Hans von Cappal 1603).
                • Ragett (Raget) Johann von Capol, Landschreiber 1627. Married to Catharina (da Capaol), 1631, Schams, Andeer. Children: Ragett Johann v. Capol and Barbara v. Capol. February 2, 1636, Johann Gaudenz Schmid v. Grüneck, Landammann zu llanz and in the Gruob and Vogt of the children of Ammann and Podestä in Schams, Johann v. Capol, in the name of his Vogtkinder the grain interest of 18 quarters * barley in Tomils in the Ortensteiner court to Dietrich Jegli [Jecklin] v. Hochrealt, Mayor of the Ortenstein Court.
                  • Barbara von Capol, around 1631
                  • Ragett Johann von Capol, around 1631
                    • Unknown
                      • Johann Willy von Capol, in 1733 had outstanding credit balances from Constable Luzi von Capol, which he tried to bring in via Landammann Clopat Marchion. Luzi then pays the debt in the presence of his sister Anna Barbla and his brother-in-law Andrea Fopper.
                      • Barbara von Capol, 1716 and 1722: Birth of a son and a daughter in Tujetsch
                    • Unknown
                      • Anna Barbla Capol, around 1733, married. with Andrea Fopper
                      • Luzi (Ludwig) von Capol, sergeant 1731
              • Rysch, bailiff of Maienfeld in 1543. 1583 Podesta zu Tirano as successor to his father Regett, Amman zu Flims and land clerk of the Upper Federation. Died of the plague in November 1629. Married to Barbara Schmid von Grüneck.
                • Ursula von Capol, Flims, around 1573
                • Anna von Capol, married to Johannes de Florin and mother of Johann Simeon de Florin around 1593, the builder of the Casa alva in Rueun.
                • Barbara von Capol, 1594–1618, daughter of Risch, married to Colonel Hans Sprecher von Bernegg.
                • Verena (Frena) von Capol, Flims, married to Joachim von Montalta around 1600 in Sagogn.
                • Juliana von Capol, married to Herkules von Salis-Rietberg (d. 1595)
                • Ulrich von Capol, mentioned in a document from November 30th, 1650
                  • Herkules von Capol, Flims, 15xx – 1653, Ammann, judge, commissioner from Chiavenna , bailiff of Maienfeld around 1597/99, brother of Joseph, citizen of Chur from 1593, captain in the Veltliner unrest 1607/22. Brother of Josef and Johann v. Capol (from Andeer), both reform-minded followers who were killed by chain brothers (followers of Jürg Jenatsch). According to Capoliana, the father Rigett built the Capol-Haus Bellevue with a lot of effort and expense, income was provided through salary service and pensions, which led to the accusation of bribery of the elites in the Thusner criminal courts. 1608 Andrea v. Sali's citizen of Chur, exchanges with Hercules v. Capal, also a citizen of Chur, 1 Mannmad Wiese in Chur at the Untertor in the Lachen - towards the city to the meadow of Junker Friedrich v. Adjacent to Salis, in the direction of the Ems, to the “Messmery zu Hof” and to the meadow of Junker Simon v. Salis, towards Masans to Simon Storer's meadow and uphill to Junker Johann Byesch's vineyard - towards a vineyard at the Untertor on the Lachen, towards the city bordering on the heirs of guild master Hans Jörg Willi, towards Ems towards a common footpath, outwards the winery of Johann Bavier and up to the vineyard of Junker Conradin v. Planta.
                  • Reget, 1598–1633, Capolsche Houses in Flims, Amman
                    • Hercules von Capol, 1627–1719, governor of Maienfeld 1673, married Julia v. 1651 Florin. 1651 Commissioner to Cleven.
                      • Julius (Giovanni) von Capol (Capoli), around 1684, district judge and Podestat from Tirano, grandson of Julius von Montalta, Chancellor of the Governor of Valtellina Giovanni Salis around 1680 to 1686 in Sondrio, married. 1672 with Regina von Salis-Grüsch (1653–1728).
                        • Maria Flandrina von Capol, daughter of Julius, entered the monastery of San Giuliano in Como July 2, 1696 as Marianna Giulia Regina.
                        • Hercules of Capol, 1711 Podestat in Trahona. Died 1746
                          • Regina von Capol, 1699–1728, married. with Georg spokesman from Bernegg
                          • Daniel von Capol, from September 27, 1728 Catholic pastor in the parish church of St. Maria in St. Maria in the Münstertal
                        • Raget (Rigett) von Capol, ensign in Holland around 1726
                        • Sebastian von Capol, murdered in 1701 as a servant of the noble von Salis family in Chur.
                        • Julius von Capol, Amman zu Flims 1712. District judge 1742–1743. Inherited part of the Wyneck Castle in Malans from Herkules von Salis-Grüsch together with his brother Rigett. Conjurer of the renewed federal letter. Captain in French service. 1742 district judge of the Upper Confederation. In 1737 there was a contract to pay off his brothers Rigett, Herkules and Abundius. Died 1746.
                          • Daniel von Capol, from Flims, 1722–1797, governor, judge (1757–1758, 1772–1773, 1787–1788), governor, captain of the Travers regiment in France. Convicted in a criminal court in 1794 in connection with the customs lease affair as the main culprit for receiving pensions. Died in Chur in 1797. Benefactor of the church and school in Flims.
                        • Abundius von Capol, in the Dutch service
                    • Ursula (Urschla) von Capol (Cappol), married to Johann Marchion around 1675 in Schams, has shares in Bad Schams. Sister of Hercules of Capol.
                    • Benedikt Lienhart von Capol, died in 1683, Podestat and district judge, in 1653 took over the duties of the late Ercole de Capoli as commissioner of Chiavenna, district judge of the Upper Confederation, Podestat in the Valtellina Morbegno (Sondrio), district administrator of Flims, married with Dorothea Schmid von Grüneck .
                      • Johann Gaudenz von Capol, son of Benedict, 1641–1723. Training in Chur. Landammann. District judge (1670, 1685, 1688, 1694, 1697 1706 and 1712). Vicar of Valtellina 1677. Governor of Valtellina 1689, 1701 and 1707. Diplomat (Venice, Vienna, England, Holland), 1700 Baronet of England Wilhelm III. (Orange) , Knight of the Order of S. Marci of Venice, builder of the Flims Castle around 1682, renovator of the Untertagstein Castle near Thusis around 1706. Married to Amalie von Schorsch (died 1717). Johann Gaudenz was together with Adalbert Ludwig de Latour leader of the newly formed French party of the Upper Confederation around 1700-1706. Leader of the reformed troops during the Sagens trade . He died childless during a meeting in Flims town hall in 1723. He bequeathed the Flims Schlössli to his niece Maria, who was married to Hercules Dietegen von Salis-Seewis. His niece Margareta, who was married to Anton von Salis-Seewis, inherited his Unter-Tagstein Castle. In 1707 he set up a treatise with the Emperor, the Queen of England and the States General of the United Netherlands on the passage of their peoples through the Graubünden region.
                      • Hercules of Capol (also from Cappol or Kapool), 1642–1706, son of Benedict, doctor. Married to Elsbeth Sprecher von Bernegg from Luzein. 1684 owner of Girsberg Castle in Guntalingen. Officer in the French and Spanish service (as Colonel Hércules Cappol from 1693). Mentioned in the files of the Imperial County of Hohenems (Vorarlberg) around 1695 in the matter of "Storer's claim for money in Feldkirch von Hohenems, in order to be able to pay Colonel Capol again before his departure for the Netherlands". 1702 Bündner regiment in Holland . 1706 Brigadier at the Battle of Ramillies and killed during the siege of Meenen during the War of the Spanish Succession under the leadership of the Duke of Marlborough . It is thanks to Hercules that the three-confederate state consented to the recruitment of a regiment for the Netherlands in 1693. The Colonel had a loyal companion in the person of his cousin Captain-Lieutenant Christoffel Schmid von Grünegg from Ilanz.
                        • Hercules de Capol, married to Catarina de Normandie, christening of their son Tomas in The Hague (Gravenhage) 22.1.1706
                        • Dorothea von Capol, 1672–1718, daughter of Hercules, married to Georg Joachim Werdmüller von Oetlishausen in Thurgau , son of Leonhard Werdmüller and Ottilia Zollikofer von Altenklingen. Georg Joachim also served in Holland around 1700 in Holland.
                        • Margaretha (Margret) von Capol, 1675–1733, daughter of Hercules, married to Anton Strahl Freiherr von Salis-Soglio (1673–1735)
                        • Maria von Capol, 1679–1715, daughter of Hercules, married to Freiherr Herkules Dietegen von Salis-Seewis, great-grandmother of Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis.
                        • Amalia von Capol, married. Beeli von Belfort around 1722.
              • Caspar Leonhard von Capol, around 1526, Lumbrein
                • Balthasar (Bieth) von Capol, Vella, 1547–1559, governor in Lugnez
                  • Unknown
                    • Balthasar von Capol, from April 15, 1668 Catholic pastor in the parish church of St. Vinzenz in Pleif. Canon 1705, Cathedral Custos and 1707 Cathedral Scholasticus of Chur and Episcopal Vicarius Generalis of Chur.
                    • Caspar Leonard von Capol, approx. 1615–1651, Lumbrein
                      • Balthasar von Capol, 1664 sack master in Sumvix (Somvitg), 1719 Podesta zu Teglio
                        • Balthasar von Capol, around 1759.
                        • Jakob Anton von Capol, 1761 Landamann of the Lugnez High Court
                        • Christian Leonhard von Capol, 1770 Landaman of the Lugnez High Court
                  • Thomas von Capol, approx. 1600–1661, Lumbrein
        • Luzi von Capol (15xx – 1570), bailiff in Maienfeld 1531, builder of the Planaterra house around 1533, Latin. Schoolmaster. Son of the Wolf Georg.
          • Luzi von Capol (1545–163x), son of Luzi v. Capol, acquired the citizenship of Chur in 1558. 1606 Rector of the city school. 1639 Mayor of Chur. 1626 Jörg Hosang and his two sons Peter and Jakob, citizens of Chur, sell to master Christen Bawert and his wife Elsbeth Stiffler, citizens of Chur, a 4-man meadow in Chur on Daleu for 1000 guilders from Chur currency. Towards morning and evening this borders on the meadow of governor Luzi v. Capal, around noon to that of Ammann Hans Capell and to the north to the meadow of Junker Zacharias Damur. Luzi v. Capal and the canons have the right of way. At interest, the poor of the city are paid £ 12 pfennigs a year.
            • Cathrina von Capal, 1630 guild master Christian Hosang, City Council of Chur, and his wife Cathrina v. Capal was sold by Captain Johannes Tscharner, town clerk to Chur, and his wife Ursula Clerig for 1200 guilders R. Chur currency 2 vineyards with the associated staggering rights at the Untertor in der Lachen. In the morning the vineyard borders on a common path, in the afternoon on the winery of the heirs of guild master Luzi Heim, in the evening on the country road and in the middle of the night on the buyer's vineyard.
            • Hercules (Härtli) von Capol, Chur, 1620 town clerk of Chur and federal clerk of the church association , married. with Verena von Florian, progenitor of the Ulm line, son of Luzi and brother of Dietegen
            • Johann von Capol (1608–1660), rector in Chur
            • Dietegen von Capol, Chur, † 1630, guild master
              • Luzi Florian von Capol, 1765 governor of the High Court of Disentis
            • Maria von Capol, married. with Andres (Andreas) Thürr (Dürr) in Chur. Sold around 1635 to the chief guild master Daniel Heim Wiesen under the city of Chur on Dyleauw (Daleu).

Andiaster line (catholic)

Descendants of Geronna (Hieronimus) von Capol from Waltensburg and Andiast.

  • Hercules Hieronimus von Capol, around 1652 emigrated from Waltensburg to the County of Thurgau (near Mammern ), where he sought his fortune as a negociant . This migration is possibly related to the takeover of the Thurgau Landschreiberamt by Wolfgang Rudolf Reding von Biberegg as well as his takeover of the rule of Mammern from the Lords of Roll in 1667. Ludwig von Roll died in 1652. Hieronimus is considered to be the progenitor of all today's Andiast Capol.
    • Ulrich von Capol, founder of a chapel in Andiast around 1738
      • Maria Elisabeth von Capol, Andiast, married to Gion Teodor de Castelberg around 1775
      • Joseph Capol, descendant of the Thurgau Mercator Hieronimus (Romansh: Geronna), had a letter from Waltensburg issued to him in 1755 for “Wyb und Kinder”.
      • Michael von Capol, 1721-1794
        • Johannes Michael Capol, 1765–1847, second marriage in 1825 to Maria Josefa Ott from Nendeln FL, was landlord and Marcator in the Thurgau county, settled down as a descendant of Hieronimus v. Capol issued a civil reputation certificate in Bünden in 1796 and hosted successfully in Zizers.
          • Johann Michael Capol, 1828–1834, Zizers
            • Michael Capol, 1859-1937, Zizers
              • Michael Capol, 1888-1946, Zizers
              • Georg Capol, 1893–1945, Zizers and Landquart
          • Johann Georg Capol, 1829–1850, Zizers
          • Andreas Capol, 1834–1893, Zizers, married to Amatia Willi from Mels
            • Andreas Capol, 1864-1940, Zizers. 1901 Agreement between Andreas Capol, on the one hand, and Wilhelm Schmidle, on the other, regarding the admission of Magdalena Capol as a foster child by Wilhelm Schmidle (against monthly compensation of CHF 10.-).
          • Maria Lucretia Crescentia Capol, 1836-?
          • Anna Maria Josefa 1831–1846
          • Maria Elisabetha Josefa Capol, 1826–1874
        • Johann Alois Capol, Eschenz TG, died on Jul 27, 1830 during the July Revolution in Paris
      • Fabia Capol, 1723-1767
      • Risch Capol, 1725-1791
      • Leonz Capol, 1729-1802
        • Joseph Leonz Capol, 1756-1835
          • Leonz Capol, 1788-1851
            • Johann Georg Leonz Capol, 1824–1899, Zizers and Pfäfers, married Anna Grest, Graubünden participant in the Sonderbund War
              • Leonz Capol, 1853-1935, Zizers

Ulm Line

Descendants of Hercules from Capol, Chur:

  • Johann (Hans) von Capoll, Chur, * 1590; † October 13, 1659 Ulm , son of Hercules of the Chur line, 1637 engineer and fortress Zeugwart in Ulm, married. with Magdalene Frenklin
    • Balthasar Hercules von Capoll, Ulm, * 1622; † April 17, 1712, merchant and shopkeeper, married. with Anna Katharina Kress (daughter of Johann Marx Kress).
      • Anna Maria Sabina von Capoll, Ulm, April 15, 1642 - October 11, 1712, married to Johann David Miller (Krämer) in Ulm around 1660
      • Johann Jacob von Capoll, Ulm, * January 23, 1648; † 1720, m. with Maria Dorothea Hocheisen
        • Katharina Barbara von Capoll, Ulm, * August 16, 1684 or August 6, 1684; † May 17, 1723 Münsingen near Ulm, daughter of Johann Jacob.
        • Balthasar Hercules von Capoll, around 1700
          • Balthasar Herkules von Capoll, around 1750, married. with Ephrosyna Regina Maurer
            • Elisabeth Dorothea von Capoll, Ulm, baptized November 26th 1751, daughter of Hercules
          • Johann Christian von Capol, born 1710, son of Balthasar Hercules von Capol, married to Anna Katharina Appollonia Peschik von Komarow
            • Maria Anna Walpurga Elisabeth von Capol (1753–1820), daughter of Johann Christian von Capol, before 1782 married to Albert Ferdinand Freiherr von Sterndahl (1730–1804) in Bohemia.
        • Johann Marx von Capoll, expert contractor , married. with Sibylla Rosina Gatter
          • Johann Marx von Capoll,
            • Johann Marx von Capoll, * 1749, † 1809, married. with Johanna geb. Wöhrlin from Wöhrburg. 1779 Actuar at the Nursing Office, 1804 City Judge of Ulm.
              • Sibylla Rosina Capol, baptized May 10, 1775, Ulm, daughter of Johann Marx
              • Barbara Cappoll, baptized June 23, 1776, Ulm, daughter of Johann Marx
              • Christophina Friderika Capoll, baptized April 22, 1791 daughter of Johann Marx Capoll nursing clerk in Ulm and Susanna Maria née Wöhrlin. Godparents: Theodosius Marx Freiherr von Welser, the secret councilor, governor and war councilor, or in his place his son Christoph Friedrich Freiherr von Welser and Susanna Maria, the councilor Christoph Erhard von Besserer consort.
              • Anna Magdalena Capoll, baptized September 25, 1796, daughter of Johann Marx Capoll nursing clerk in Ulm. Godparents: Theodosius Marx Freiherr von Welser Rathsolderer and Susanna Maria von Besserer widowed old woman
              • Johann Christoph Capoll, Ulm, born June 16, 1781, son of Johann Marx, senior justice procurator at the royal. Court of the Danube Circle, author of the history of Teutonic nation around 1814 or the judicial refusal of the royal. Obertribunals and the void process and Gant findings of all three instances in the case between Holl u. Pan in Ulm around 1848
                • Ottilie Capoll, Stuttgart, 1821–1896
                • Johann Christoph Capol, Ulm, tenant “Auf dem Jugendhof” 1836. Merchant, 1843 member of the Association for Art and Antiquity in Ulm and Upper Swabia under the protectorate of Crown Prince Karl von Württemberg.
                  • Adolf Capoll, Württemberg, b. 1853, officer in the infantry regiment Kaiser Friedrich König von Prussia (7th Württembergisches) No. 125.
                • Maximilian Christoph Capoll, 1783–1831, chief customs administrator in Heilbronn, father of Julie Capoll and son of Johann Marx. Married to the court silversmith's daughter Wilhelmine Sick.
                  • Julie Capoll , Kirchheim, 1816–1904, mother of Max Eyth
                  • Wilhelmine Capoll, b. 1817
                  • Amalie Capoll, 1818-1893, married. with Albert Steudel, professor and pastor in Ravensburg
                • Erhard Friedrich Capoll, Ulm, son of Johann Marx, baptized on February 16, 1784.
                  • Hugo Capoll, 1817–1880, head forester in Güglingen, created an overview of the Swabian branch of the Capoll family from 1611 to 1826, which is kept in the Ulm city archive as an estate.
                    • Carl (Karl) Friedrich von Capoll, Ulm (Söfingen), December 24, 1847–3. November 1914, Colonel, creator of the Capolliana (Graubünden State Archives), last representative of the Ulm line, died. He was a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander in the Württemberg Landwehr Infantry Regiment No. 121 and died on November 3, 1914 in the battle of Barrenkopf near Hohrodberg in the Vosges . He was a veteran from 1870. "Infantry and M.G. fire from the front, bayonet fighting to the right, enemies also left-hand - untenable, and von Capoll ordered those around him to slowly retreat; he himself did not take a step. At last he was Handling the revolver, seen in the crowd, lieutenants Seitz and Hubmann next to him in hand-to-hand combat, that was the last thing, and he and his followers were missed. "
                • Juliane Capoll, Ulm, daughter of Johann Marx, baptized around April 8, 1785
        • Johann Ulrich von Capoll, Öllingen, around 1700, button maker, married. with Dorothea Rinninger
          • Johann Ulrich von Capoll, around 1720
            • Catharina Waldburga von Capoll, Ulm, baptized on May 21, 1731, daughter of Johann Ulrich
            • Johann Ulrich von Capoll, around 1730
              • Anna Maria Sabina von Capoll, Öllingen, baptized on March 14, 1770 in Ulm, daughter of Johann Ulrich

France line

Descendants of Daniel von Capol, Flims:

  • Phillipe von Capol, Flims, officer in Colonel Planta's regiment in Holland around 1731. NN Capol, from Bünden; Captain lieutenant; Wounded * 1746 in the Zurlaubiana: Acta Helvetica mentioned.
  • Jules de Capol, 1749–1817, Paris and Chur. Captain of the Salis regiment around 1793. Major in the French army 1793–1797. Aide-de-camp of Comte d'Artois Charles X. In 1799 accused of treason for Austria by a compatriot, later released. French teacher at the Bündner Kantonsschule in Chur.
  • Jules-Daniel de Capol (died September 19, 1823). Lieutenant Colonel in the French military until April 27, 1815. Married to Anne-Marie-Michel Mozetter
  • Philipp Jacob Gottfried de Capol, b. 1757 in Strasbourg, second lieutenant around 1784 and captain until 1805. Then promoted to major in the De Rolle regiment and von Roll around 1805. He succeeded Count Charles-Emannuel de Rivas as a major in the Roll regiment.
    • Phillipe Auguste de Capol, b. 1789, son of Phillip Jacob von Capol.
      • Philippine Flore de Capol, 1822–1888, Watten, married to the industrialist Adolphe Antoine Aimable Vandesmet (filature de lin).
        • Jeanne Anne Marie de Capol, 1878–1934, Angers and Watten, married to Gaston Vandesmet (son of Adolphe Antoine Aimable).
        • Andréa Emilie Augustine de Capol, Pas-de-Calais. She died on May 4, 1897 in the fire of the Bazar de la Charité . Married to George William Huggins around 1881.
        • G. de Capol, Angers, author of Le Phylloxéra et les vignes en cheintres (Phylloxera et les vignes en cheintres ) in the Bulletin de la Société Industrielle et Agricole d'Angers et du Département de Maine et Loire (1884), by Le Mildiou ( Powdery mildew ) (1888) and Voeu relatif au projet sur les bouilleurs de cru (1888), De la ligature au bouchon (wire cap) (1891), source est la meilleure greffe? (Grafting) (1891), Chanvre et engrais chimique (Hemp and artificial fertilizers) (1893).
          • J. de Capol, Calais, author of the book Guide de l'excursionniste (recommandé aux cyclistes) dans les cantons de Calais, Guines, Ardres, Audruick, avec des historiques, archéologiques, pittoresques, scientifiques
            • Auguste Georges de Capol, missing in 1962 during the Algerian War
            • M. Pierre and Elizabeth de Capol, died March 26, 1962, victims of the Algerian War in the massacre in Rue d'Isly, Algiers.


The Capol served as Ammen of Flims. In addition, within 30 years they were ten times district judge in the Gray League, bailiffs for the Bishop of Chur, Podestat / vicar / commissioner / governor in Veltlin, military leaders, diplomats, town clerks of Chur, federal clerks, mayors and delegates of the three leagues.

Schlössli Flims


The Capol owned several possessions in the Grisons as the Hotel Bellevue and the Schlössli Flims , the Antistitium and the house Planaterra in Chur, the castle Untertagstein in Thusis the castle Ringgenberg , Schloss Rietberg and Castle Lowenberg and Castle Wiesberg in Vinschgau . Johann Gaudenz bequeathed the Tagstein Castle to the daughter Margareta (married Salis-Soglio) and the Schlössli Flims to the daughter Maria (married Salis-Seewis) of his brother Hercules.

Mercenaries / soldiers

The Capol served as soldiers in Italy, Austria, France, Spain and Holland . In Holland there was a regiment Capol in the 17th century. A Capitaine de Capol of the Swiss Guard is said to have died in the storming of the Tuileries on August 10, 1792. A corporal named Johann Alois Capol (from Eschenz TG) died on July 27, 1830 together with 84 other Swiss mercenaries as a victim of the restoration confusion on the occasion of the July Revolution of 1830 . They were buried in front of the colonnades of the Louvre three days later. It was the end of the 300-year history of federal mercenaries in France. A sergeant Capol from Zizers was the only Catholic who moved from Chur with the Möhli company to the Sonderbund War in Lucerne. On November 23, 1847 he was wounded by a shot in the arm and incapacitated. He was later cured well and lived healthy again in Zizers.


The Capol had relationships with all the important noble families of Graubünden. By marriage they were in a relationship with the Salis-Seewis , the Salis-Soglio , von Mont , von Lumerins , Beeli von Belfort, von Castelberg , von Florin, von Jochberg and the von Planta .

Today's distribution

A large number of the Capol living in Switzerland today have the town of Andiast in what is now the greater municipality of Breil / Brigels. They come from the same family. They are distributed all over Switzerland. There are representatives of this family in Germany, Malaysia (Penang) and France (de Capol).


  • Johann Christian Engel: History of Halitsch and Wladimir up to 1772. Part 2, p. 90.
  • Sandro Decurtins: In office and dignity. Origin and nature of the new elites in the Surselva (1370–1530). StAGR, Chur 2013, ISBN 978-3-85637-449-5 .
  • Paul Eugen Grimm: The beginnings of the Bündner aristocracy in the 15th and 16th centuries. Dissertation . Zurich 1981, ISBN 3-260-04890-1 .
  • Konrad Huber: Rhaetian name book. Part 1, Bern 1986.
  • Albert Maag: History of the Swiss troops in French service 1816-1830. Biel 1899, pp. 289, 563.
  • Robert von Planta, Andrea Schorta: Rätisches name book. Part 2, Bern 1986.
  • Capoliana Collection in the State Archives of the Canton of Graubünden.
  • Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland
  • Martin Bundi : Capol [Capaul] [from]. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Letters from Charles-Emmanuel de Rivaz to his fiancée Marie Catherine Julie de Nucé from December 12th to 24th. October 1814 from Zurich (meeting with Baron von Capol). In: Vallesia. Volume 20.
  • Martin Bundi: Bündner Kriegsdienste in Holland around 1700. Calven Verlag, 1972.
  • Collection of the Rhaetian families , Hitz Verlag, 1847.
  • Episcopal Archive Chur Presentations at pastoral care offices
  • PRO SUPERSAXA annual issue 2014
  • State Archives Graubünden Simonett and v. Marchion, Schams Family Archives Part 1
  • Christoph Simonett Schamser seal and family coat of arms , Bündnerisches monthly newspaper: Journal for Graubünden history, regional and folklore, 1941, ETH library
  • Hans-Jacob Leu, General Helvetic, Federal or Swiss Lexicon, Volume 5, 175
  • Ulms Volksliste pro 1791, sixth year
  • Ulm church list for the year 1796, 11th year
  • Permanent deposit family archive v. Tscharner from Ortenstein, Graubünden State Archives, Chur 2012
  • De Navorscher. Een middel tot Gedachtenwisseling en letterkundig verkeer tuschen to all who weten, iets te questions have of iets kunnen oplossen, Volume 49, 1899, Nederlands Archief voor Genealogie en Heraldiek, Heemkunde en Geschiedenis
  • The Disentis Monastery from the end of the Middle Ages to the death of Abbot Christian von Castelberg in 1584, Johann Cahannes, dissertation, Brno 1899
  • Directory of the supplica registers of the penitentiary of Alexander VI, published by DHI - German Historical Institute, Ludwig Schmugge, Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2012
  • The Free of Laax, Peter Tuor, 1903
  • The Regests of the Benedictine Abbey of Pfävers and the Sargan landscape, Karl Wegelin, 1850
  • Ulrich Campell's two books of Rhaetian history, Conradin von Mohr, 1851
  • Archive for the history of the Republic of Graubünden, first volume, "Memories of Fortunat von Juvalta, 1567-1649, Fortunat von Juvalta", Conradin von Mohr, 1848
  • Bündner Nachrichten, April 24, 1886
  • Rhaetia Ethrusca, Romana, Gallica, Germanica Europae Provinciarum Situ, Gabriel Bucelin, 1666
  • Germania Topo-Chrono-Stemmato-Graphica Sacra Et Profana: Pars Quarta, Gabriel Bucelin, 1678
  • Document collections in the Graubünden State Archives: Regests in chronological order 913-1897 for the document collections AI, Calven Verlag, 1975
  • Thesaurus Ecclesiarum Italiae, Carte dell'Archivio della Certosa di Calci, vol. II (1100-1150), Silio PP Scalfati, Cinzio Violante, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 1971
  • History of the Tyrolean Capuchin Order Provinx (1593-1893), Agapit Hohenegger, Peter Baptist Zierler, 1915
  • Lumen orthodoxum, spargens duodecim radios illustrioris præ cæteris lucis, & ignis, Fidei Cathol. emicantes ex q. 2. Prologi senten, Bonaventure O'Connor, 1661

Individual evidence