David Morris Lee

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David M. Lee 2007

David Morris Lee (born January 20, 1931 in Rye , New York ) is an American physicist and Nobel Prize winner.

Lee grew up in Rye, New York. His parents were Jewish immigrants from England and Lithuania . Lee graduated from Harvard University and then joined the US Army in 1952 . He then did his Masters at the University of Connecticut and began his PhD studies at Yale University in 1955 , where he was supervised by Henry A. Fairbank . After receiving his doctorate, he became a professor at Cornell University , where he still teaches to this day.

In 1996 Lee was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics together with Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson for their discovery of superfluidity in helium -3 at very low temperatures (around absolute zero ), which they published in 1972. Lee also discovered nuclear spin waves in polarized atomic hydrogen gas together with Jack H. Freed . His working group is currently working on helium - doped solids .

In 1976 Lee received the Sir Francis Simon Memorial Prize of the British Institute of Physics and in 1981 the Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize of the American Physical Society, along with Doug Osheroff and Robert Richardson for the work that earned them the 1996 Nobel Prize. Lee is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

In 2009, Lee moved his lab to Texas A&M University .

His wife, Dana, met Lee at Cornell University, who did her doctorate in another department at the same university in 1959. The couple have two sons.

Web links

Commons : David M. Lee  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files