Herbert Kroemer

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Herbert Kroemer (2008)

Herbert Kroemer (Herbert Krömer) (born August 25, 1928 in Weimar ) is a German physicist and Nobel Prize winner .


After graduating from the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Weimar in 1947, Herbert Kroemer began studying physics at the University of Jena and attended lectures by Friedrich Hund , among other things . When he was doing an internship in Berlin during the Berlin Airlift , he took the opportunity to flee to the West and continued his studies at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . He received his doctorate in 1952 under Richard Becker in the field of theoretical physics on the effects of hot electrons in transistors and then worked as an “applied theorist”, as he himself called it, in the FTZ of the Deutsche Bundespost . In 1954 he went to the USA and worked for various Research facilities in Princeton and Palo Alto . He taught from 1968 to 1976 as a professor of physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder and then moved to the University of California, Santa Barbara .


Herbert Kroemer never worked in areas that were “topical” at the moment, but preferred areas, the importance of which only became clear years later. In the 1950s, for example, he published work on the concept of a heterojunction bipolar transistor , which enables frequencies in the gigahertz range . In 1963 he developed the concept of double heterostructure lasers , the basic concept of semiconductor lasers . Both concepts were far ahead of their time and could only be realized in the 1980s after the development of epitaxy .

"The decisive applications of any sufficiently new and innovative technology were always applications that were only created by the technology itself - and that will remain so in the future."

- Herbert Kroemer

During his time in Santa Barbara, his main activities shifted from theory to experimental. At the end of the 1970s he played a key role in the development of molecular beam epitaxy , producing and investigating new material combinations such as gallium phosphide and gallium arsenide on silicon substrates . After 1985 his interest shifted to the material combinations indium arsenide , gallium antimonide and aluminum antimonide .

In 2000 he and Shores Ivanovich Alfjorov received half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of semiconductor heterostructures for high-speed and optoelectronics, the other half went to Jack Kilby for the development of integrated circuits .

He and Charles Kittel wrote a textbook on thermodynamics.


Web links

Commons : Herbert Kroemer  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Charles Kittel, H. Kroemer: Thermodynamics: Elementary representation of thermodynamics on a modern quantum-statistical basis. 5th edition 2001 Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.