Dmitri Alexandrovich Lachinov

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Dmitri Alexandrovich Lachinov (1870)

Dmitry Alexandrovich Latschinow ( Russian Дмитрий Александрович Лачинов ; born May 10, jul. / 22. May  1842 greg. In Novaya Ostrowka, Rajon Shatsk , Tambov Governorate , † October 15 jul. / 28. October  1902 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian physicist and university professor .


Latschinow came from a noble family, which was derived from the voivode Grigori Grigoryevich Latschin (middle of the 15th century). Lachinov's parents were Podpolkownik Alexander Petrovich Lachinov, who took part in the Franco-Russian War in 1812 with the invasion of Paris in 1814 and 1815, and his wife Maria Ivanovna, née Frolowa.

Latschinow attended the 1st St. Petersburg high school with graduation in 1859 and then studied at the physical - mathematical faculty of the University of St. Petersburg with Pafnuti Lwowitsch Tschebyschow , Emil Lenz and Fyodor Fomitsch Petruschewski . When the university closed due to unrest, Latschinow was sent to Germany , where he studied for 2.5 years in Heidelberg and Tübingen with Hermann von Helmholtz , Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff . After his return to St. Petersburg, he received his doctorate as a candidate in physical-mathematical sciences . Latschinow began his research and teaching activities in 1864 as a state teacher at the St. Petersburg Forest Institute, where he became a lecturer in the Department of Physics and Meteorology in 1877 . Lachinov was a member of the commission which, on the initiative of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, examined spiritualism and, in particular, mediumism .

The end of 1877 led Latschinow trials with Bell - phones from Siemens by, Winter, Galton and others. In 1878 Latschinow traveled to Paris on behalf of the Imperial Russian Society for Technology to the Paris World Exhibition in 1878 to get to know the professional training system in France . In the middle of 1880 Latschinow published an article about electromechanical work in the first issue of the new journal Elektritschestwo of his friend Vladimir Nikolajewitsch Tschikolew , in which he for the first time resisted possible solutions for the problem of the transmission of electrical energy over long distances with regard to the dependence of the efficiency on voltage and line resistance pointed out. This article initiated the development of high voltage technology with corresponding transformers , three-phase alternating current and high voltage lines . In August 1881 an article appeared abroad which gave Lachinov's results almost verbatim. At the International Electricity Exhibition in Paris in 1881 Latschinow represented the Russian department and presented his inventions, for which he received a bronze medal and was accepted into the Legion of Honor . There Marcel Depréz presented a direct current distribution system , so that Latschinow deserves priority with his preparatory work in the 1870s. In his article Latschinow also pointed out the possibility of direct conversion of heat into electrical energy and explained the basics for the operation of electric motors .

In 1888 Latschinow first proposed the production of hydrogen and oxygen from water by electrolysis - for the use of oxygen in steel production in the Bessemer pear or the Thomas pear and in glass manufacture . In his patents, he envisaged the production of hydrogen and oxygen at normal pressure and also at elevated pressure, as well as electrolysis tanks with monopolar and bipolar electrodes . Lachinov's trial was supported by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Latschinow set up one of the first laboratories for practical physics teaching in the Forestry Institute after the physical cabinet of the University of St. Petersburg. At his chair he set up a meteorological station for regular weather observation (from 1890 three times a day). In addition to his meteorological investigations, he studied the arc and photography , which led to a number of publications (1878-1880). In the summer and autumn of 1887 he photographed electrical spark discharges in gases with the photographer W. Monjuschko . In 1889 he published the first Russian textbook on the fundamentals of meteorology and climatology (based on W. Wesselowski's work on the climate of Russia in 1857 and Alexander Ivanovich Wojeikov's work on the climates of the earth and especially Russia in 1884), which was highly praised by Orest Danilowitsch Chwolson . After Latschinow got to know Alexander Stepanowitsch Popov's device for the observation and registration of electromagnetic waves , he first installed a stormscope in his weather station in 1895 .

Latschinow was a member and organizer of the Russian Physical Society and the Electrical Engineering Department of the Russian Society of Technology. He worked with Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Fyodor Pirozki , Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Benardos , Vladimir Nikolayevich Chikolew and many others. As an expert Latschinow commented on the priority claims of Russian inventor Pavel Yablochkov , Nikolay Benardos, Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky and other and provided information on the work of Marcel Deprez, Werner von Siemens , Károly Zipernowsky , Nikola Tesla , Thomas Edison and other . In view of the competition between city lighting systems with electrical lighting or gas lighting and their control, Latschinow developed a simple photometer in 1884 . He suggested the city duma set up a light measuring station. The light unit should be the light that is emitted by 1 square centimeter of solidifying molten platinum perpendicular to the surface. This proposal was supported by Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov . When in 1884 the Russian Foreign Ministry received the proposal for an international convention for the unit of electrical resistance and light intensity, Latschinow prepared the report on behalf of the Russian Society for Technology after consultation with Orest Danilowitsch Chwolson, Robert Emiljewitsch Lenz and others. When Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen's work became known, Latschinow, Popow and Chwolson repeated his experiments with new results, in which they independently developed a cathode ray tube analogous to that of William Crookes .

At the request of the chairman of the Russian Society for Technology, Pyotr Arkadyevich Kochubei , Lachinov was appointed professor in 1890. On the initiative of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Latschinow received the Order of St. Stanislaus II class in 1895 . The Nikolai Physical Observatory, founded in 1849 on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg , appointed Latschinow an honorary correspondent in 1899. In the same year he became the first honor electrical engineer of the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute (according to him AN Lodygin , NN Bernados, AS Popov, II Borgman , MO Doliwo-Dobrowolski, KH v. Siemens ).

Latschinow was married to the Swede Laura Benediktowna Nagel. Lachinov was the youngest brother of the historian Nikolai Alexandrovich Lachinov , the chemist Pavel Alexandrovich Lachinov and the writer Praskovia Alexandrovna Lachinova . Latschinow was the uncle of the philologist and actor Vladimir Pawlowitsch Latschinow , brother-in-law of the engineer Alexander Borissowitsch Nagel and the architect Fyodor Borissowitsch Nagel , grandfather of the artist and philosopher Lev Alexandrowitsch Schulz and great-grandfather of the physical chemist Mikhail Michailowitsch Schulz .

Web links

Commons : Dmitri Alexandrovich Lachinov  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Большая российская энциклопедия: ЛА́ЧИНОВ (accessed March 20, 2018).
  2. a b c Ржонсницкий Б. Н .: Дмитрий Александрович Лачинов . Госэнергоиздат, Moscow, Leningrad 1955.
  3. a b c Большая энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия: ЛАЧИНОВ Дмитрий Александрович (accessed March 22, 2018).
  4. JA Chramow: Latschinow Dmitri Alexandrowitsch . In: AI Achijeser : Physics: Biographical Lexicon . Nauka, Moscow 1983, p. 157 (Russian).
  5. Кафедра физики (accessed March 20, 2018).
  6. Schatelen MA : Русские электротехники XIX века . Госэнергоиздат, Moscow, Leningrad 1955, p. 380 .
  7. Данилевский В. В .: Русская техника. Глава VIII. Промышленная электротехника. 1. Пионеры электропередачи . Ленинградское газетно-журнальное и книжное издательство, Leningrad 1948, p. 367-400 .
  8. Иванов Б. И., Вишневецкий Л. М., Левин Л. Г .: История развития электротехники в Санкт-Петербурге . Nauka , St. Petersburg 2001, p. 89, 90 .
  9. Хомяков В. Г., Машовец В. П., Кузьмин Л. Л .: Технология электрохимических производств . Гос. науч.-тех. издательство химической литературы, Moscow, Leningrad 1949, p. 145 .
  10. Mendeleev DI: Основы химии. Дополнения к Главе второй. О составе воды и водороде. Т. 1 . Moscow 1947, p. 411 .
  11. Shustov MA: The History of a gas-discharge Photography Development . In: Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering . tape 6 , no. 1 , 2003, p. 64-71 .