Emissions from shipping

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Emissions from shipping arise primarily from the emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the air atmosphere when operating motor ships . Ship emissions contain different types of pollutants: among others, sulfur oxides (SO x ), nitrogen oxides (NO x ), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), soot particles , fine dust . The concentration of the pollutant emissions emitted depends on the fuels used, currently mainly heavy fuel oil (HFO) is used. Ship exhaust gases also contain heavy metals , ash and sediments.

Worldwide, shipping is responsible for the emission of around one billion tons of carbon dioxide, which corresponds to 3% of all man-made CO 2 emissions. It also causes around 15% of global nitrogen oxide emissions and 13% of sulfur dioxide emissions, and the trend is rising. This is accompanied by damage to the environment and health , especially in heavily polluted port cities or metropolitan areas near port areas, where ship emissions are among the most important sources of pollution. In order to reduce pollutant emissions in shipping, exhaust gas aftertreatment systems are sometimes used or reduced-sulfur fuels (MDO) or low-emission fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) are being used.

Ships are also responsible for emitting liquid and solid waste into the sea. See also

Maritime shipping


In the military and commercial shipping, mainly different types of heavy fuel oil (MFO; German “marine residue oil ”) are used as fuel. Heavy oil has a highly viscous consistency at room temperature (20 ° C) (kinematic viscosity of around 1,500–10,000 mm² / s, depending on the type) with a density of up to 1.010 kg / l. In order to keep it pumpable, it must be warmed up to a storage or pumping temperature of 40 to around 50 ° C. For injection into the engine combustion chamber, MFO is heated to 130–140 ° C (corresponds to 8 to 15 mm² / s). Similar values ​​apply to auxiliary boiler operation and boiler operation on steam ships . Heavy oil contains up to 2.5% non-flammable components. Normally, prior to combustion, the water first and then the solid components (fines, sediments from asphaltenes) is removed (set and service tanks, separators , filters ), and as waste, so-called mud (engl. Sludge ), collected in tanks. The residues must be disposed of on land in accordance with the rules of the MARPOL agreement.


The Margrethe Mærsk , 2010 during the investigation into ship emissions by the US American NOAA

By the combustion processes in the marine engines are nitrogen oxides produced; these are jointly responsible for the formation of ground-level ozone and acid rain . The emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NO x ) by ships are among others. a. the origin of acidic precipitations and the smallest particles (soot particles) that can be harmful to health. The NO x emissions and VOC emissions (VOC = volatile organic compounds) contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, which can be harmful to health and the environment. In particular, the NO x emissions contribute to the environmentally harmful eutrophication of the water. CO 2 emissions contribute to climate change , the emissions of halogenated hydrocarbons attack the ozone layer .

The American marine and atmospheric authority NOAA ( National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ) published a study in 2012, according to which switching from heavy fuel to low-sulfur marine diesel and slow steaming significantly reduce the emissions of a ship (measurement object Margrethe Mærsk ). The measurements of the exhaust gases from the ocean-going ship showed that a number of pollutants fell significantly after the switch to low-sulfur fuel: improvements of around 90 percent were measured for sulfur dioxide and fine dust . The emission of climate-damaging soot particles has been reduced by more than 40 percent.

Most container ships , oil tankers , cargo ships , cruise ships run on heavy diesel oil . The world fleet of around 90,000 ships burns around 370 million tons of fuel per year and produces 20 million tons of sulfur oxide in the process. A study by the Naturschutzbund Deutschland stated that the fifteen largest ships in the world emit as much sulfur dioxide as 750 million cars per year . The Nabu claim is based on a misinterpretation of a mind game by Dr. James Corbett, Delaware University. A fact check by ZEIT made the contradiction in assessment visible in the German-speaking media.


Emissions from shipping have serious consequences for human health. It is estimated that around 50,000 premature deaths in Europe are due to emissions from shipping.

Damage to health

Ships emit a large number of air pollutants , especially sulfur oxides, which have a negative impact on health and thus premature deaths e.g. B. caused by cardiovascular problems or lung cancer and diseases such as asthma . As of 2018, shipping caused around 400,000 premature deaths and around 14 million asthma illnesses in children worldwide. If the sulfur content of marine fuels were to be reduced from 3.5% to 0.5%, as proposed by the International Maritime Organization for 2020, the number of deaths and illnesses could increase by 34% and 54%, respectively, to around 250,000 premature deaths and 6.4 million . Reduce asthma in children. A further tightening of the fuel limit values ​​could further reduce health problems.

The direct effects of ship exhaust gases on human health were first discussed in the 1970s. It has been suggested that the risk of cancer is increased by the fine soot particles, similar to the effects of coal dust on miners ( coal miner's pneumoconiosis ). In June 2012 the World Health Organization announced that soot particles from diesel engines are sure to have a carcinogenic effect. The head of lung medicine at the University Hospital Würzburg , Michael Schmidt, said in 2012: “The ultra-fine soot particles are extremely dangerous for human health. They penetrate deep into the lungs and can cause asthma , allergies , cardiovascular , respiratory diseases and even cancer. The cruise industry must act as quickly as possible and significantly reduce the air pollution on its ships. ”And the German chemist and environmental expert Axel Friedrich in 2014:“ It took 20 years for the WHO to classify these exhaust gases as carcinogenic. Because lobby groups have worked against it. And the fact that these cause heart attacks has long barely penetrated, even among experts. "

Air pollution at sea

The pollutant emissions from the oceans caused by shipping increase the risk of ocean acidification . This is primarily due to carbonic acid due to CO 2 emissions and sulfuric acid due to sulfur dioxide. Scientists predict that acidification will increase by about 17 percent by 2100. This process has progressed faster and faster since industrialization. Large parts of the Baltic Sea are as good as dead and no longer offer a habitat for animals.

Air pollution in ports

The air pollution caused by ship emissions is particularly evident in port cities. Even in port cities, where shipping companies are now forced to use less environmentally harmful fuels , high ship emissions can still be measured. Shore power supply is a suitable measure , especially for ferry and cruise ships, in order to reduce emissions during lay times in port . However, this involves investment costs for the ports, standardization measures and other supply issues.

In Hamburg, the topic of 'air pollutants from ships' has been discussed for a long time.

According to estimates by the Hamburg Senate , cruise ships in the Port of Hamburg should emit in 2012 :

as well as 10,500 tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) (of which 6,200 tons in Altona, 4,200 tons in HafenCity, 100 tons at other berths).

In 2019, a study by Transport and Environment was published which shows that Carnival's cruise ships alone emitted almost ten times more sulfur oxides along Europe's coasts in 2017 than all 260+ million passenger vehicles in Europe combined.


Legal framework

There are no uniform regulations for limiting emissions from shipping worldwide or across Europe.

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) regulates the framework conditions for the treatment of heavy fuel oil on board.

In so-called Emission Controlled Areas (ECAs), special environmental guidelines apply to emissions as well as to waste disposal and service water disposal. The ECAs (so to speak 'special zones for shipping') were defined by the IMO ( International Maritime Organization , an organization of the UN). Critics consider these zones to be too small.

Political framework

National, European and international organizations strive to regulate and control the substances emitted by ships worldwide.

In 2006 the EU published a "Strategy for the Reduction of Atmospheric Emissions from Sea Ships". It stated that the emissions from seagoing ships contain air pollutants, greenhouse gases and substances that deplete the ozone layer. These emissions would pose risks to human health and the environment. The strategy named a very far-reaching reduction of all harmful emissions and the elimination of emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer on all ships in EU waters as goals.

Examples of possible emission reductions

Alternative fuels in shipping

As a medium to long-term replacement of heavy fuel oil and marine diesel applies LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas / LNG) as the most viable solution, since the fuel is both relatively readily available, as well as by electrolysis ( power to gas can be extracted from current). In 2013, more than 100 LNG-powered merchant ships were already sailing the world's oceans. Step by step, the ports are building the necessary infrastructure and the shipping companies are already equipping more and more new ships with LNG or dual-fuel engines.

Some ships are also equipped for operation with methane . Methane is problematic as an alternative fuel in engines because of the methane slip, approx. 2% of the methane is not burned and enters the atmosphere as an environmentally harmful greenhouse gas. Methane is approx. 20 to 25 times more harmful to the climate than CO 2 , so it can be used in engines. d. Usually more harmful to the climate than diesel. This problem should not occur in some 2-stroke engines.

Ammonia , on the other hand, should be a good alternative fuel.

Shore power supply

Shore power supply principle

Most ships continue to operate their main engines or ancillary engines that are also fueled by heavy oil in the port in order to ensure the on-board power supply. With shore power supply (also known as' Cold Ironing ',' Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) or 'Onshore Power Supply' (OPS)), ships can obtain electricity from shore while they are in port at the berth . In this way, the emissions of harmful particles and the external costs resulting from damage to health and increased mortality could be significantly reduced. In most EU countries, greenhouse gas emissions would also decrease.

In Lübeck-Travemünde , the municipal utility has been operating three shore power connections for ferries since May 2008. A few years earlier, within the framework of Agenda 21 , the plan had been drawn up to implement this in European seaports.

LNG hybrid barge in Hamburg

In the port of Hamburg can on since the end of May 2016 Hamburg Cruise Center Altona cruise ships AIDA Cruises access a shoreside power supply. A liquid gas power plant on a floating platform can provide 7.5 MW and saves 80% nitrogen oxides and 30% carbon dioxide compared to the ship's own power supply. Outside of the operating time for supplying the cruise ships, the barge can also be used as a combined heat and power unit.

Filter technology

Installation of the desulphurisation system on the multi-purpose freighter Timbus

With SCR catalytic converters , over 90 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions can be prevented. According to the authority for urban development and the environment, shipping in Hamburg emitted around 38 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions in 2008 or 2009.

The German shipping company Braren uses an SCR catalytic converter (exhaust gas aftertreatment by adding urea ) on three multi-purpose freighters . This SCR catalytic converter reduces the emission of nitrogen oxides, unburned hydrocarbons (HC), soot and noise. The systems were supplied by Siemens . Siemens developed this technology for onshore power plants and named it SINOx. Around 80 systems are used in shipping. Only low-sulfur fuel ( heavy oil ) with a sulfur content of 0.6% to 0.9% is bunkered . The sulfur content of regularly used Bunker-C is between 1 and 4.5%, on average it is 2.5%.

A desulphurization system was installed on the Timbus , a ship owned by the Braren shipping company, at the end of 2009 to test the system in sea operation. Here, as part of a research project by the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg and Couple Systems GmbH, investigations are being carried out on desulfurization in real ship operations. This is a "dry process" that has proven itself in land power plants. Two other processes in ship technology are called "wet processes"; they work with fresh water or sea water.

At the beginning of 2010, the manufacturer Alfa Laval Aalborg BV installed a desulphurization system based on the wet system on board the Tor Ficaria of the Danish shipping company DFDS Tor Line . This hybrid system can be operated with fresh water or with salt water. The wet scrubber cleans the exhaust gases passing through the main engine of type MAN B&W 9L60MC-C (total output around 21 megawatts).

Change from heavy fuel oil to marine diesel

The technically easiest way is to replace the heavy oil with one with 0.5% sulfur content (Low Sulfur Fuel). Experts in the oil industry estimate that the bunker fuel will be 150 to 250 US dollars per ton more expensive than the previous heavy fuel oil with a sulfur content of 3.5 percent. Heavy oil can be used more environmentally friendly in oil and coal-fired power plants with filters to produce electricity and heat.

Installation of a cleaning system (scrubber)

In order to be able to continue burning heavy fuel oil with a higher sulfur content, the installation of an exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubber) would be necessary, with which undesired particles can be removed from the exhaust gas flow. There are various systems for cleaning, but it is not certain that they will be able to comply with future regulations.

The cleaning creates a lot of wastewater in open systems with the pollutants. These then also put a strain on the heavily stressed ecosystems in the North and Baltic Seas. By switching to marine diesel, the sulfuric acid produced is reduced by 80 to 90% compared to heavy fuel oil. This is similar with heavy metals and the amount of soot to be cleaned is also reduced by 30%.

Conversion to liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Another option is the conversion and new construction of ships with a drive of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)). In addition to the high investment costs for LNG drives, availability in ports is currently problematic. In the Port of Hamburg, as of 2019, the LNG supply will be handled by truck from the Netherlands and brought on board the ships with an LNG barge or a container system.


Shipping traffic will increase sharply worldwide in the coming decades due to stronger intercontinental economic ties and the dismantling of trade barriers. The industry is facing major challenges so that ship emissions not only remain at the previous level, but also decrease significantly. The environmental regulations for seagoing ships will change on January 1st, 2020 according to a resolution of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) . From this date, new guide values ​​apply for the environmental limit values ​​for engine exhaust gases for seagoing vessels. Until now, ships on the high seas have been allowed to burn heavy oil with a limit value of 3.5% sulfur. From 2020 the limit value for sulfur will be reduced to 0.5%. As an alternative, however, it is still possible to operate the fleets with heavy fuel oil with a high concentration of sulfur if the ships are equipped with scrubbers. In protected areas such as the North Sea and Baltic Sea, the fuel has long been allowed to contain no more than 0.1 percent sulfur. According to experts, around 70,000 ships worldwide are no longer allowed to bunker heavy fuel oil. Inland navigation vessels are not affected by the change, as they are already operated with marine diesel.

Maritime shipping is not yet involved in the international trade in CO 2 certificates.

With the increasing navigability of the arctic regions ( arctic ocean ), solutions must also be found there to keep emissions in very sensitive natural areas as low as possible.

Inland shipping

In inland shipping , the requirements differ from those in maritime shipping, also in terms of pollutant emissions. The only fuel used here is marine diesel, which is significantly less harmful when burned than heavy fuel oil. The ability to innovate in inland shipping is also very limited due to the owner structure, which is why fleet modernization is very slow. In Europe, specifications for exhaust emissions in inland navigation are primarily issued by the European Union or the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR). Comparisons of the land transport modes show that inland shipping is advantageous in terms of the energy balance, but has had a lot of catching up to do in terms of air pollutants for years. On July 5, 2016, the EU Parliament approved an amendment to the type approval regulations and emission limit values ​​for mobile machines and devices not intended for road traffic. These include lawn mowers, bulldozers, diesel locomotives, and inland waterways. For the first time, the regulation also provides for a system for monitoring the performance of engines during operation in order to compensate for the differences between the measured values ​​in the laboratory and under real driving conditions. In the next step, the EU Commission must examine which rules are necessary for retrofitting devices to limit emissions in engines.

Studies have shown a significant proportion of pollution from inland waterway vessels in the vicinity of rivers, which counteracts the strict and cost-intensive air pollution control policy for cars and trucks in the coming decades. The relieving effect of the rivers as an air cleaner and pollutant sink is also insufficiently effective.

Public debate

Due to the direct relationship with customers, the public debate is particularly focused on cruise ships .

In 2012, the Naturschutzbund Deutschland carried out a campaign in cooperation with Deutsche Umwelthilfe to carry out an "environmental check" on all new European cruise ships planned by 2016. According to him, a modern cruise ship emits around 450 kilograms of soot particles and 5250 kilograms of nitrogen oxides every day. Only two of the 24 planned ships were to be partially equipped with modern exhaust technology. All other ships would use neither a particulate filter nor a nitrogen oxide catalyst.

The ship Europa 2 from Hapag-Lloyd and the cruise ship planned for 2014 by TUI Cruises will be equipped with an SCR catalytic converter according to the current status. Due to the debate, AIDA Cruises announced in 2013 that it would not only equip all planned newbuildings with filter technology, but also retrofit the entire fleet by 2016.

On the one hand, the shipping companies are interested in the lowest possible energy consumption, as this leads to cost reductions. On the other hand, they are sticking to conventional heavy fuel oil, since lower sulfur fuels (if available at all) are more expensive.

Shipowners feared in 2012 that the strict sulfur limit for ship exhaust gases in the North and Baltic Seas planned for 2015 could cause short-haul shipping to collapse. In German ports, this short-haul traffic accounts for 60 percent of the turnover. Exhaust gas purification systems that would allow you to continue driving with the previous bunker oil had not yet been developed and could hardly be financed, said a spokesman for the Lübeck TT-Line at the time . The shipowners therefore want a moratorium. Environmentalists find this unnecessary, as the shipowners would have had enough time to adjust to the new situation.

German ship brokers and shipowners anticipated an increase in the cost of transports to the North and Baltic Seas in 2015.

See also


  • Thomas Wägener: Shipowners have to improvise . In: Hansa , issue 6/2016, ISSN  0017-7504 , p. 46/47.

Web links

Individual evidence

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  3. Drastic air improvement through marine diesel ( Memento of the original from August 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Naturschutzbund Deutschland, October 18, 2011, accessed on August 16, 2012.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.nabu.de
  4. Shipping - the dirtiest business in the world In: srf.ch, February 27, 2017, accessed on December 24, 2017.
  5. Big Polluters: Ships v Cars, More or Less - BBC World Service. Retrieved August 6, 2018 (UK English).
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  11. Hilde Buder-Monath: Health risk underestimated for a long time ( Memento of the original from December 24, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: zdf.de, May 14, 2014, accessed December 24, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.zdf.de
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  21. taz from February 7, 2020: New fuel for ships. Pipi for the climate
  22. Stephan Maass: EU switches off shore power in the port , Die Welt , September 15, 2009, accessed on August 16, 2012.
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  24. Eckhard-Herbert Arndt: Shore power flows out of the socket · Shore power facility cost around ten million euros · The federal government and the EU contributed to the costs . In: Daily port report from June 6, 2016, p. 1/3.
  25. ^ Spiegel online: Hamburg: Cruise ships use liquefied gas power plant for the first time , June 1, 2015.
  26. Kraftmeier . In: HafenCity-Zeitung , No. 2/2014, p. 24, Hamburg 2014.
  27. see also clean air plan for Hamburg (1st update 2012, as of December 2012; PDF; 4.8 MB), p. 45. Quotation from p. 56: The quantities mentioned must be interpreted as approximate values, as the data are largely only based on estimating Model calculations could be recorded . The number “38 percent” implies numerous assumptions. P. 53 (section emissions from shipping ) estimates: around 8,000 t / a NOx and 420 t / a fine dust PM10 (reference year 2005) .
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  41. Federal Environment Agency: Energy consumption and emissions from inland waterway vessels , May 6, 2016.
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  43. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/stickstoffoxid-emissions-durch-binnenschiffe
  44. Spiegel online: Exhaust technology on cruise ships: Aida equips entire fleet with pollutant filters , August 29, 2013.
  45. Gernot Knödler: Shipping companies want to remain eco-sinners , the daily newspaper, April 24, 2012, accessed on August 16, 2012.
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