Frangipani (noble family)

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The Frangi , Frangipani , Frangipan , Frangipane or Frankopan families were a well-known noble family in Rome as early as 950 . Belonging to the Italian nobility, the Frangipani-Allegretti, dukes of Mirabello since 1663 , still exist today.

The Frankopan family , known since the 12th century as the princes of the island of Krk in Croatia , which died out in 1671, presumably (but not verifiably) descended from the Roman Frangipani.


According to legend, the family descends from an ancient Roman noble family , which originated with Anicius . An origin from the Roman family De Imperatore is also mentioned. The name was probably originally "Frangipanem" (lat. Frangere = to break and lat. Pane = bread). A Petrus Frajapane de Imperato was banished from Rome in the middle of the 10th century. Legend has it that Pietro got his nickname because he rowed a boat through the streets of Rome during a flood of the Tiber and distributed bread to the hungry. Peter's son was Giovanni Sardo de Imperato , a nephew was Cencio (born after 1030), a Roman consul, a Leo Frangipani appears around 1014.


The main branches in Rome in the early Middle Ages were the de Septizonius (who had built a castle in the Septizodium including a tower of the Circus Maximus ), the de Chartularia , which had established themselves in the ancient Chartularium (state archive of the Roman emperors) and, thirdly, the de Gradellis in Trastevere . The Trasmondo family seems to be a branch line . The Frangipane family ruled u. a. about Nemi and Tolfa and belonged to the papal feudal nobility in the Papal States .

The family became known as partisans of the reform popes. In 1124 the family pushed through the election of their former opponent Honorius II . During the schism of 1130, the Frangipane rivaled the Pierleoni family , the family of the antipope Anaklet II , and on behalf of Innocent II converted the Colosseum into a fortress. In the later struggle for the dominant position in Rome between the Guelfs party led by the Orsini family and the Ghibellines led by the Colonna , the Frangipani supported the Orsini.

Sant'Ottone Frangipane (1040–1127) is the patron saint of Ariano Irpino .

In his Trattatello in laude di Dante, Boccaccio made the (unproven) claim that Dante was a descendant of the Frangipani.

A line was established in Porpetto and Tarcento in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, where two ruins of castles and a palazzo still remember them.

The main Roman line of the Frangipani died out in the 17th century with Muzio, Marchese Frangipane di Nemi. The Frangipani-Allegretti, dukes of Mirabello since 1663, are still in bloom . The Croatian-Dalmatian-Hungarian Frankopan family, possibly a branch line of the Frangipani, died out with the beheading of Fran Krsto Frankopan in 1671. A lineage from Friuli ( Joannis (Aiello del Friuli) ) in the kingdom of Illyria gave its name to the Count Detrico Frangipani via the female line of succession and, after their expiry, to the Gliubavaz Frangipani de Detrico and finally to the still flourishing Count Damiani di Vergada Gliubavaz Frangipani de Detrico continues.


The plants of the genus Plumeria are also known as "Frangipani". The name is said to go back to a medieval family of perfumers called Frangipani. In sources on the Internet and in the literature, it is often mentioned briefly that an Italian Mauritius Frangipani made the discovery in the mid-16th century that fragrances were soluble in alcohol . According to the novelist Patrick Süskind , the frangipani water, a perfume in the 17th and 18th centuries, is also traced back to this Mauritius frangipani (this supposedly consisted of the frangipani plant as the top and heart note and musk as the base note). What is certain is that a field marshal of the same name, Louis XIII. served, introduced the perfuming of the gloves; The Frangipani water was named after this .


Below are some members of the family:



  1. " ... Il quale per merito delle sue virtù, fu dall'Imperatrice Costanza, ..., creato Principe di Taranto, e Signore di tutta la Provincia di Terra d'Otranto ... "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sant'Ottone
  2. For example, Parfümmacher (Heimatlexikon) also Patrick Süskind in Das Parfum , who turned Frangipani into a perfumer: “When Frangipani mixed his fragrance powders with alcohol and thus transferred their scent to a volatile liquid, he had freed the scent from the matter, had the scent spiritualized, invented the scent as a pure scent, in short: created the perfume. ”(p. 71, line 21ff). Two people from the Italian aristocratic family are presumably mixed up by Süskind: The first is said to have invented the smelling powder , and his grandson Mauritius Frangipani discovered its solubility in heated alcohol. Cf. Georg Schwedt : Beguiling fragrances, sensual aromas. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2008, here on Heinrich Hirzel Die Toilets-Chemie Weber, Leipzig 1892, p. 4f. (4th edition) builds up. Schwedt writes in his first name, differently in his book Chemistry and Literature - an unusual flirtation. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2009.
  3. Georg Schwedt: Beguiling fragrances, sensual aromas. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2008
  4. Francesco Zazzera, Vitale, Costantino .: Della famiglia Frangipani tratta della seconda parte della nobiltà dell'Italia del signor don Francesco Zazzera d'Aragonia napoletano. All'illustriss. et reuerendiss. signor abbate Roberto Frangipane. Costantino Vitale, Naples 1617, p. 35 (Italian, online version in Google Book Search).
  5. The Tower of Astura . In: The Gazebo . Issue 25, 1878, pp. 413 ( full text [ Wikisource ]).