Kaçanik municipality

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Komuna e Kaçanikut
Opština Kačanik / Општина Качаник
Gjakova Deçan Dragash Prizren Ferizaj Fushë Kosova Gjilan Drenas Gračanica Han i Elezit Peja Istog Junik Kaçanik Kamenica Kamenica Klina Klokot Leposavić Lipjan Malisheva Mamusha Mitrovica e Jugut Severna Kosovska Mitrovica Štrpce Novo Brdo Obiliq Parteš Podujeva Pristina Pristina Rahovec Ranilug Shtime Skënderaj Suhareka Vitia Vushtrria Zubin Potok Zvečan Albanien Nordmazedonien Montenegro SerbienLocation of the municipality of Kaçanik in Kosovo (clickable map)
About this picture
Country KosovoKosovo Kosovo
district Ferizaj
Administrative headquarters Kaçanik
surface 221  km²
Residents 33,409 (2011)
Population density 151 inhabitants / km²
License Plate 05
mayor Besim Ilazi ( PDK )
Mailing address Komuna e Kaçanikut
Rruga Qamil Ilazi
71000 Kaçanik
Web presence

The municipality Kaçanik ( Albanian  Komuna e Kaçanikut , Serbian Општина Качаник Opština Kačanik ) is a municipality in Kosovo . It is located in the Ferizaj district . The administrative seat is the city of Kaçanik .


The municipality of Kaçanik is located in the southeast of Kosovo. In the south the municipality borders on the municipality of Han i Elezit , in the east on Štrpce , in the north on Ferizaj and in the west on Vitia . There are a total of 31 villages in the municipality. The area is 221 km². Together with the municipalities of Han i Elezit, Ferizaj, Shtime and Štrpce, the municipality forms the Ferizaj district.


The census from 2011 showed a population of 33,409 in the municipality of Kaçanik, including 33,362 Albanians , 20  Bosniaks , five Roma , two Turks , a Serb and an  Ashkali .

33,391 declared themselves Muslims, two  Catholics and two  Orthodox .

census 1948 1953 1961 1971 1981 1991 2011
Residents 12,997 14,406 15,734 19,284 25,028 30,981 33,409
Ethnicity Albanians Serbs Turks Bosniaks Roma Ashkali Other Unknown
Residents 33,362 1 1 20th 5 1 7th 11
religion Muslims Orthodox Catholics Atheists Other Unknown
Residents 33,391 2 2 - 2 11


Albanian Serbian population
Bajnica Banjica 475
Begraca Belograce 2.116
Biçec Bičevac 1,696
bob 1,796
Doganaj Doganović 957
Drenogllava Dreno Glava 34
Dubrava 564
Duraj Dura 651
Elezaj Eleza 495
Gabrica 493
Gajre 574
Gërlica e Epërme Gornja Grlica 387
Gjurgjedell Đurđev Dol 436
Glloboçica Globočica 1,287
Ivaja 596
Kaçanik Kačanik 10,393
Kaçanik i Vjetër Stari Kačanik 1,940
Korbliq Korbulić 124
Kotlina 416
Kovaçec Kovačevac 1,030
Llanishta Lanište 172
Nikaj 778
Nikoc Nikovce 0
Reka 652
Runjeva Runjevo 698
Semaja Semanya 193
Sllatina Slatina 211
Soponica Sopotnica 1,152
Stagova Stagovo 1,160
Strazha Straža 258
Vata 1,675

Web links

Commons : Municipality of Kaçanik  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kosovo censuses. In: pop-stat.mashke.org. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .
  2. Ethnic composition of Kosovo 2011. In: pop-stat.mashke.org. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .
  3. ^ Religious composition of Kosovo 2011. In: pop-stat.mashke.org. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .