Drenas municipality

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Komuna e Drenasit
(Komuna e Gllogocit)
Opština Glogovac / Општина Глоговац
Gjakova Deçan Dragash Prizren Ferizaj Fushë Kosova Gjilan Drenas Gračanica Han i Elezit Peja Istog Junik Kaçanik Kamenica Kamenica Klina Klokot Leposavić Lipjan Malisheva Mamusha Mitrovica e Jugut Severna Kosovska Mitrovica Štrpce Novo Brdo Obiliq Parteš Podujeva Pristina Pristina Rahovec Ranilug Shtime Skënderaj Suhareka Vitia Vushtrria Zubin Potok Zvečan Albanien Nordmazedonien Montenegro SerbienLocation of the municipality of Drenas in Kosovo (clickable map)
About this picture
Country KosovoKosovo Kosovo
district Pristina
Administrative headquarters Drenas
surface 290  km²
Residents 58,531 (2011)
Population density 202 inhabitants / km²
License Plate 01
mayor Ramiz Lladrovci ( PDK )
Mailing address Komuna e Drenasit
Rruga Fehmi Lladrovci
13000 Drenas
Web presence

The municipality of Drenas ( Albanian  Komuna e Drenasit or Komuna e Gllogocit , Serbian Општина Глоговац Opština Glogovac ) is a municipality in Kosovo. It is located in the Pristina district . The administrative seat is the city of Drenas .


The municipality of Drenasit is located in the center of Kosovo. In the north it borders on the Mitrovica e Jugut , in the south on the Malisheva and Lipjan , and in the east on Fushë Kosova and Obiliq . There are a total of 37 villages in the municipality. The area is 290 km². Together with the municipalities of Pristina , Podujeva , Gračanica , Lipjan , Obiliq , Novo Brdo and Fushë Kosova , the municipality forms the Pristina district .


The 2011 census showed a population of 58,531 in the municipality of Drenas, of whom 58,445 were Albanians, 14 Bosniaks , five Turks , two Serbs and two Balkan Egyptians .

57,987 declared themselves as Muslims, 66 as Catholics and three as  Orthodox  and nine do not belong to any religious community.

census 1948 1953 1961 1971 1981 1991 2011
Residents 16,177 17,683 21,125 28,188 39.141 53,618 58,531
Ethnicity Albanians Serbs Turks Bosniaks Balkan Egyptians Other Unknown
Residents 58,445 2 5 14th 2 22nd 38
religion Muslims Orthodox Catholics Atheists Other Unknown
Residents 57,987 3 66 9 19th 57


The list of places in the municipality of Drenas is intended to give an overview of the 38 places of residence within the municipality.

Albanian Serbian population
(2011 census)
Abria e Epërme Gornje Obrinje 1776
Arllat Orlate 3134
Baica Banjica 2307
Çikatova e Re Novo Čikatovo 2026
Çikatova e Vjetër Staro Čikatovo 1261
Dobroshec Dobroševac 1457
Domanek 706
Drenas Glogovac 6143
Fushtica e Epërme Gornja Fuštica 984
Fushtica e Poshtme Donja Fuštica 1066
Gllabar Globare 1526
Gllanasella Gladno Selo 1591
Godanc Godance 358
Gradica 842
Gjergjica Đurđica - 1
Kishnareka Kišna Reka 1504
Komoran Comorants 4393
Korrotica e Epërme Gornja Koretica 1240
Korrotica e Poshtme Donja Koretica 972
Krajkova Krajkovo 1181
Likoshan Likošane 600
Llapushnik Lapušnik 3433
Negroc Negrovce 1540
Nekoc Nekovce 3118
Poklek 1967
Polluzha Poluža 1017
Stankoc Stankovce 1437
Shtrubullova Štrbulovo 1102
Shtutica Štutica 934
Tërdec Trdevac 1121
Tërstenik Trstenik 3903
Vasileva Vasiljevo 634
Vërboc Vrbovac 1247
Vuçak Vučak 369
Zabel i Epërm Gornji Zabelj 565
Zabel i Ulet Donji Zabelj 1077
1 No data on population available

Web links

Commons : Municipality of Drenas  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Tim Bespyatov: Kosovo censuses. In: Population statistics of Eastern Europe. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .
  2. Tim Bespyatov: Ethnic composition of Kosovo 2011. In: Population statistics of Eastern Europe. Retrieved October 30, 2017 .
  3. Tim Bespyatov: Ethnic composition of Kosovo 2011. In: Population statistics of Eastern Europe. Retrieved October 9, 2017 .