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coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Hronec
Hronec (Slovakia)
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Banskobystrický kraj
Okres : Brezno
Region : Horehrony
Area : 35.153 km²
Residents : 1,201 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 34 inhabitants per km²
Height : 492  m nm
Postal code : 976 45
Telephone code : 0 48
Geographic location : 48 ° 48 '  N , 19 ° 35'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 47 '50 "  N , 19 ° 34' 50"  E
License plate : BR
Kód obce : 508667
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Bohuslav Nemky
Address: Obecný úrad Hronec
Zlievarenská 516
976 45 Hronec
Statistics information on

Hronec (German Rhonitz , Hungarian Kisgaram - until 1888 Rohnic ) is a municipality in the center of Slovakia , with 1201 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) and is located in Okres Brezno , a district of the Banskobystrický kraj .


The village is located in the Horehronie region on the Čierny Hron river , a tributary of the Hron . The Veporské vrchy Mountains rise south of the village . The center of the village lies at an altitude of 492  m nm and is seven kilometers from Brezno and 37 kilometers from Banská Bystrica .


Hronec arose in the 14th century on the territory of the Liptsch Castle and was mentioned in writing for the first time in 1357. In the 16th century there were iron ore mines and hammer mills in the Neusohl Chamber. Iron production picked up again in the second half of the 18th century. The first blast furnace was built in 1795 , and a second was added in 1804. The so-called Hronec complex was created, which consisted of blast furnaces in the surrounding communities, numerous hammer mills and later three rolling mills. The first cast iron bridge was made in 1810. In 1883 the blast furnace was demolished so that only the foundry existed; In 1885 a factory for the manufacture of enamelled tableware was added. In 1919 the foundry was bought by the state and modernized in 1922-23.

In 1953, part of today's Podbrezová municipality hived off.

Today, in addition to the foundry, there is also a saw that processes wood from the surrounding forests.


Results after the 2001 census (1157 inhabitants):

By ethnicity:

  • 97.49% Slovaks
  • 1.56% gypsies
  • 0.78% Czechs

By religion:

  • 77.46% Roman Catholic
  • 15.73% non-denominational
  • 2.68% Protestant


  • Roman Catholic Church of St. Kliment in classical style, built 1821–26
  • Bell tower on the square from 1835 with four bells
  • baroque country castle from the 18th century
  • Cast iron bridge from 1810 in front of the local foundry
  • Schwarzgranbahn

Sons and daughters of the church

Web links

Commons : Hronec  - collection of images, videos and audio files