Jawa Tengah

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Jawa Tengah
Province coat of arms
Basic data
Area : 32,548 km²
Residents : 32,513,000
Population density : 999 inhabitants / km²
Capital : Semarang
governor Ganjar Pranowo
Location in Indonesia
Singapur Brunei Malaysia Malaysia Philippinen Osttimor Australien Papua-Neuguinea Thailand Aceh Sumatra Utara Riau Sumatra Barat Jambi Bengkulu Sumatra Selatan Lampung Kepulauan Riau Bangka-Belitung Banten Jakarta Jawa Barat Yogyakarta Bali Jawa Tengah Jawa Timur Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur Maluku Utara Sulawesi Utara Maluku Papua Barat Papua Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Utara Sulawesi Barat Gorontalo Sulawesi Tenggara Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi TengahCentral Java in Indonesia.svg
About this picture
Website : jatengprov.go.id

Jawa Tengah (German Central Java ) is one of six Indonesian provinces on the island of Java with the capital Semarang . It extends over an area of ​​32,548.20 square kilometers and is the third most populous province in Indonesia with more than 32 million inhabitants.


Jawa Tengah is located in the tropics , about seven degrees south of the equator . It is located in the middle of the island of Java between the provinces of Jawa Barat (West Java) and Jawa Timur (East Java). On the south coast it surrounds Yogyakarta , one of the historical and cultural centers of Java. In the north is the Java Sea with the Karimunjawa Islands and in the south the island of Kambangan in the Indian Ocean .

In the coastal regions, the average annual temperature rises to up to 28 degrees Celsius, while it drops to 18 degrees in higher areas. The relative humidity is between 73 and 94 percent. The highest average rainfall was measured in the city of Salatiga and was 3390 millimeters with 195 days of rain per year.

The Merapi volcano

The terrain consists of flatter regions on the coasts and mountainous areas, partly interspersed with volcanoes over 3000 meters high , in the middle, which extend parallel to the coast from east to west. In the west of Central Java is the Slamet (3428 meters), the highest stratovolcano in the province. Further to the east there is a mountain range with the Ragajembangan (2177 meters) as the largest elevation, then the Dieng plateau with the Prahu (2565 meters) and further southeast the two volcanoes Sundoro (3136 meters) and the Sumbing (3371 meters). The following are the Keduebene with the city of Magelang in the center and north south bayed volcanoes Ungaran (2050 meters), Telomoyo (1894 meters) Merbabu (3145 meters) and not far from the border with Yogyakarta of Merapi (2,968 meters) . The Muria (1625 meters) is on the coast to the Java Sea in the north and Lawu (3365 meters) is just off East Java. Over the millennia, volcanic ash has developed fertile regions for agriculture, where rice is grown .

In Central Java there are four river basins with rivers that arise on the slopes of the volcanoes. The largest are the Elo , Okap , Progo , Serayu , Serang and the Solo , the longest river on Java with about 600 kilometers, which flows further through East Java and then flows into the Java Sea.

Administrative division

Overview of the structure

The province is divided into the following 29 administrative or government districts, ( Indonesian Kabupaten ) and six cities ( Indonesian Kota ), which are legally equivalent and have their own local government.

coat of arms Kabupaten / Kota
administrative district / city
Seat of government location Kecamatan sub-
Desa / Kelurahan
Area [km²] Population (2011) Inhabitants / km² (2011)
Lambang Kabupaten Banjarnegara.gif Kabupaten Banjarnegara Banjarnegara Locator kabupaten banjarnegara.gif 20th 278 000000000001069.74000000001,069.74 000000000875214.0000000000875.214 000000000000818.0000000000818
Lambang Kabupaten Banyumas.png Kabupaten banyumas Purwokerto Locator kabupaten banyumas.gif 27 331 000000000001327.59000000001,327.59 000000001570598.00000000001,570,598 000000000001183.00000000001,183
Lambang Kabupaten Batang.png Kabupaten Batang Batang Locator kabupaten batang.gif 15th 248 000000000000788.9500000000788.95 000000000713942.0000000000713.942 000000000000905.0000000000905
Lambang Kabupaten Blora.gif Kabupaten Blora Blora Locator kabupaten blora.gif 16 295 000000000001794.40000000001,794.40 000000000833786.0000000000833.786 000000000000465.0000000000465
Lambang Kabupaten Boyolali.jpeg Kabupaten Boyolali Boyolali Locator kabupaten boyolali.gif 19th 267 000000000001015.07000000001,015.07 000000000936822.0000000000936.822 000000000000923.0000000000923
Lambang Kabupaten Brebes.gif Kabupaten Brebes Brebes Locator kabupaten brebes.gif 17th 297 000000000001657.73000000001,657.73 000000001742528.00000000001,742,528 000000000001051.00000000001,051
Lambang kabupaten cilacap.jpg Kabupaten Cilacap Cilacap Locator kabupaten cilacap.gif 24 284 000000000002138.51000000002,138.51 000000001651940.00000000001,651,940 000000000000772.0000000000772
Lambang Kabupaten Demak.png Demak Demak Locator kabupaten demak.gif 14th 249 000000000000897.4300000000897.43 000000001067993.00000000001,067,993 000000000001190.00000000001,190
Lambang Grobogan.png Kabupaten Grobogan Purwodadi Locator kabupaten grobogan.gif 19th 280 000000000001975.85000000001,975.85 000000001316693.00000000001,316,693 000000000000666.0000000000666
Logo Pemkab Jepara.jpg Kabupaten Jepara Jepara Locator kabupaten jepara.gif 16 195 000000000001004.16000000001,004.16 000000001115688.00000000001,115,688 000000000001111.00000000001,111
Lambang Kabupaten Karanganyar.png Kabupaten Karanganyar Karanganyar Locator kabupaten karanganyar.png 17th 177 000000000000772.2000000000772.20 000000000821694.0000000000821,694 000000000001064.00000000001,064
Lambang Kabupaten Kebumen.jpg Kabupaten kebumen Kebumen Locator kabupaten kebumen.png 26th 460 000000000001282.74000000001,282.74 000000001162294.00000000001,162,294 000000000000906.0000000000906
Lambang Kabupaten Kendal.png Kabupaten Kendal Kendal Locator kabupaten kendal.png 20th 286 000000000001002.27000000001,002.27 000000000908533.0000000000908.533 000000000000906.0000000000906
LOGO KABUPATEN KLATEN.png Kabupaten Klaten Clap Locator Kabupaten Klaten.gif 26th 401 000000000000655.5600000000655.56 000000001135201.00000000001,135,201 000000000001732.00000000001,732
Lambang Kabupaten Kudus.png Kabupaten kudu Kudu Locator kabupaten kudus.png 9 132 000000000000425.1700000000425.17 000000000788264.0000000000788.264 000000000001854.00000000001,854
Lambang Kabupaten Magelang.jpg Kabupaten Magelang Mungkid Locator kabupaten magelang.png 21st 372 000000000001085.73000000001,085.73 000000001194353.00000000001,194,353 000000000001100.00000000001,100
Lambang Kabupaten Pati.png Kabupaten Pati Pati Locator kabupaten pati.png 21st 406 000000000001491.20000000001,491.20 000000001198935.00000000001,198,935 000000000000804.0000000000804
Lambang Kabupaten Pekalongan.JPG Kabupaten Pekalongan Quays Locator kabupaten pekalongan.png 19th 285 000000000000836.1300000000836.13 000000000845471.0000000000845.471 000000000001011.00000000001.011
Logo Kabupaten Pemalang.png Kabupaten Pemalang Pemalang Locator kabupaten pemalang.png 14th 222 000000000001011.90000000001,011.90 000000001264535.00000000001,264,535 000000000001250.00000000001,250
Logo Pemerintah Purbalingga.png Kabupaten Purbalingga Purbalingga Locator kabupaten purbalingga.png 18th 239 000000000000777.6500000000777.65 000000000858798.0000000000858.798 000000000001104.00000000001.104
Lambang Kabupaten Purworejo.png Kabupaten Purworejo Purworejo Locator kabupaten purworejo.png 16 494 000000000001034.82000000001,034.82 000000000696141.0000000000696.141 000000000000673.0000000000673

When Central Java was part of the Dutch East Indies colony , the area consisted of the seven districts ( residentie ) Banjoemas, Kedoe, Pekalongan, Semarang, Djapara-Rembang, the Soerakarta Governorate and the Jogjakarta Governorate, which were gradually dissolved after independence .

The governor of the province has been Bibit Waluyo since August 28, 2008 and until 2013 .


The province is densely populated with more than 32 million inhabitants. Of the 34 administrative districts, 12 have more than a million residents.

About 96 percent of the people profess Islam, another 2 percent are Protestants. There are also Catholics, Buddhists and Hindus.


The temple complexes in Borobudur still bear witness to the Buddhist past of the region. Islam came to the province in the 15th and 16th centuries . At the end of the 16th century, Jawa Tengah came under the rule of the kingdom of Mataram , today's Yogyakarta. In 1746 the Dutch occupied the north of the region, and in the 19th century also the south. Jawa Tengah has been its province since Indonesia's independence in 1949.


Agriculture is economically important, among other things rice, grain, sugar cane and tobacco are grown. There is also industry in the cities. Tourism plays an important role, especially the temples of Borobudur and the Hindu Prambanan .

Individual evidence

  1. Population Census 2010 Province JAWA TENGAH ( Memento from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Jawa Tengah  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 7 ° 0 ′  S , 110 ° 0 ′  E