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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the community of Kleinmölsen
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Kleinmölsen highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 2 ′  N , 11 ° 8 ′  E

Basic data
State : Thuringia
County : Sömmerda
Management Community : Gramme-Vippach
Height : 180 m above sea level NHN
Area : 4.33 km 2
Residents: 298 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 69 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 99198
Area code : 036203
License plate : SÖM
Community key : 16 0 68 032
Association administration address: Erfurter Str. 6
99195 Schloßvippach
Website : www.kleinmoelsen.de
Mayoress : Monika Poppitz (independent)
Location of the municipality of Kleinmölsen in the district of Sömmerda
Alperstedt Andisleben Büchel Buttstädt Eckstedt Elxleben Gangloffsömmern Gebesee Griefstedt Großmölsen Großneuhausen Großrudestedt Günstedt Haßleben Kindelbrück Kleinmölsen Kleinneuhausen Kölleda Markvippach Nöda Ollendorf Ostramondra Rastenberg Riethgen Riethnordhausen (bei Erfurt) Ringleben (bei Gebesee) Schloßvippach Schwerstedt Sömmerda Sprötau Straußfurt Udestedt Vogelsberg Walschleben Weißensee Werningshausen Witterda Wundersleben Thüringenmap
About this picture

Kleinmölsen is a municipality in the Sömmerda district in Thuringia . It belongs to the administrative community Gramme-Vippach , which has its administrative seat in the municipality of Schloßvippach .

St. Burchardi Church
War memorial on the church square


Kleinmölsen is located in the south-eastern part of the Thuringian Basin . East of the locality, but already in Großmölsener Flur, runs the Gramme -bach, into which the Linderbach coming from the west (originates in the "Suhlequelle" south of Windischholzhausen and is the namesake for the district of Erfurt, Linderbach ) flows. Kleinmölsen is traversed by the Mühlgraben, whose water rises on the western edge of the village and flows into the Gramme in the east.

In the north-south direction the place is crossed by the state road L1056 ("Vieselbacher Straße" (from the town center to the south) or "Udestedter Straße" (from the town center to the north)), the Kleinmölsen with the south in an east-west direction extending country road L1055 ( Töttleben -Großmölsen) connects as well as a county road K515 with Vieselbach .


The community was first mentioned in a document in 876 as Mulinhus . In 1286/1343 the village came to Erfurt as a little molhusin , later it was also called Kleinmühlhausen .

The place originally belonged to the county of Vieselbach and came with their sale in 1343 to the area of ​​the city of Erfurt . In 1802 it came with the Erfurt area to Prussia and between 1807 and 1813 to the French Principality of Erfurt . With the Congress of Vienna in 1815 the place came to the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach ( Amt Vieselbach ) with the Amt Azmannsdorf , to whose administrative district Weimar it belonged from 1850.

Population development

Development of the population:

  • 1994-258
  • 1995-255
  • 1996 - 272
  • 1997 - 330
  • 1998 - 372
  • 1999-386
  • 2000-396
  • 2001 - 386
  • 2002 - 398
  • 2003 - 390
  • 2004 - 367
  • 2005 - 366
  • 2006 - 361
  • 2007 - 354
  • 2008 - 358
  • 2009 - 348
  • 2010 - 337
  • 2011 - 343
  • 2012 - 334
  • 2013 - 324
  • 2014 - 319
  • 2015 - 317
  • 2016 - 314
  • 2017 - 304
  • 2018 - 300

Data source: Thuringian State Office for Statistics


Municipal council

The local council from Kleinmölsen consists of 6 councilors. In the 1994 elections, 2 seats went to the FDP candidates and 4 sites to the Independent Voting Group (UWG). Since the FDP parliamentary group did not put up any candidates in the 1999 elections, all 6 seats went to the UWG. In the 2004 elections, the local volunteer fire brigade (FFw) competed in the municipal council elections for the first time and was awarded a total of 4 seats. In the 2009 and 2014 elections, too, 4 seats went to the FFw and the remaining two seats to the UWG, whereby the FFw has been able to steadily increase its share of the vote in every election compared to the UWG since 2004.


The honorary mayor Monika Poppitz was elected for the first time on June 13, 1999 and replaced the long-time mayor Hedwig Biener, who did not run again. Monika Poppitz was confirmed in office on June 27, 2004, June 6, 2010 and most recently on June 5, 2016.

Culture and sights

Regular events

  • Fair : The last event organized by the local and traditional association always takes place at the beginning of July. The original date in October was already postponed to the agriculturally less demanding month of July during the GDR times in order to be able to use the harvest time in October more effectively. At times the so-called after fair was put on the original date in order to keep this date in the memory of the residents. The fair, which was only revived in 2001 after a long break, paused again for the first time in 2015 after 14 years without interruption.
  • OpenAir Festival: Since 2001, this event has been held annually in midsummer (usually at the end of July or beginning of August) on the village square by the local and traditional association. The event, which is quite popular in the village and the surrounding area, was suspended for the first time after 14 events due to the dissolution of the association in 2015. A new edition is currently questionable.
  • Christmas nativity play : always on December 24th. The nativity play was revived in 2004 on the occasion of the 400-year parish fair in cooperation between the parish and the local homeland and tradition association as an adult nativity play after a 12-year break. The total of 7 performances in the years 2004 to 2010 enjoyed a kind of cult status not only in the village itself, but also beyond the local borders . Due to differing views between the pastor, parish council and association regarding the content of the performances, all adult protagonists, and thus completely the local and traditional association, withdrew from the project in protest. From 2011, the parish continued the nativity play under sole responsibility as a nativity play, but this was accompanied by a massive drop in visitor numbers and donations.
  • May fire: the festival organized by the volunteer fire brigade takes place annually. Originally it was celebrated around May 1st, in 2015 the festival was moved to the weekend of Pentecost for the first time and is now to take place regularly on these weekends.
  • Village square festival: this festival, organized by the community, has been held annually in the summer months, with interruptions, since the 1980s.


  • The St. Burchardikirche , built in 1604, is located in Kleinmölsen . It was designated as the Evangelical Parish Church in 1719, and JB Saltzmann is known as its first pastor.

Cultural monuments

  • A memorial on the church square commemorates those who died in the two world wars.


During the Second World War , 33 women and men from Poland and Yugoslavia had to do forced labor in agriculture.


  • Frank Störzner : Kleinmölsen 876-2001. 1125 years of local history . Local authority Kleinmölsen, Kleinmölsen 2001, p. 96 (Festschrift).
  • Frank Störzner: Burchardi Church Kleinmölsen 1604–2004. Festschrift for the 400th anniversary of church building . Evangelical Lutheran Church Community Kleinmölsen, Kleinmölsen 2004, p. 18 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Population of the municipalities from the Thuringian State Office for Statistics  ( help on this ).
  2. Jakob Dominikus: Erfurt and the Erfurt area. According to geographical, physical, statistical, political and historical conditions. An award typeface co-crowned by the Academy of Useful Sciences in Erfurt. Part 2. Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, Gotha 1793, p. 243 .
  3. ^ Locations of the administrative district Weimar in the municipality register 1900
  4. a b c d e f http://www.wahlen.thueringen.de/wahlseite.asp?aktiv=KW01&startbei=kommunalwahlen/KW_wahlverbindungen.asp
  5. Thuringian Association of the Persecuted of the Nazi Regime - Association of Antifascists and Study Group of German Resistance 1933–1945 (Ed.): Local history guide to sites of resistance and persecution 1933–1945. Volume 8: Thuringia. VAS - Verlag für Akademische Schriften, Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-88864-343-0 , p. 280.

Web links

Commons : Kleinmölsen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files