List of Kaiserslautern personalities

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The following overview contains important personalities related to the city of Kaiserslautern , arranged according to honorary citizens and people who worked in Kaiserslautern. The list does not claim to be complete. Other lists contain people who were born in Kaiserslautern or who played for 1. FC Kaiserslautern .

Honorary citizen

In the order of granting honorary citizenship :

  • 1847: Baron Carl von Gienanth (1818–1890), industrialist (iron works in Trippstadt , Eisenberg , Hochstein and Kaiserslautern)
  • 1870: Georg Friedrich Kolb (1808–1884), journalist, member of the Bavarian State Parliament and the Frankfurt Parliament; he gave honorary citizenship back in 1876 because of differences with the city council
  • 1890: Paul von Braun (1820–1892), district president, who, among other things, suggested setting up the trade museum (now the Pfalzgalerie)
  • 1902: Gustav Schmitt (1832–1905), district administrator and councilor, who was honored for his promotion of the school system, agriculture and industry and as a co-founder of the district hospital
  • 1924: Lina Pfaff (1854–1929), councilor of commerce, initiated many welfare institutions
  • 1925: Julius Gravius (1845–1929), industrialist, donated money for the construction of the Hussong exhibition hall and for a home for the elderly
  • 1933: Josef Bürckel (1895–1944), Gauleiter of the Rhine Palatinate; politically determined award without special merits to the city of Kaiserslautern (symbolically revoked in 2013)
  • 1933: Wilhelm Frick (1877–1946), Reich Minister of the Interior; politically determined award without special merits to the city of Kaiserslautern (symbolically revoked in 2013)
  • 1933: Paul von Hindenburg (1847–1934), President of the Reich; politically determined award without any particular merit to the city of Kaiserslautern
  • 1933: Adolf Hitler (1889–1945), Reich Chancellor; politically determined award without special merits to the city of Kaiserslautern (symbolically revoked in 2013)
  • 1964: Eugen Hertel (1893–1973), city councilor and member of the state parliament, honored for his services to the reconstruction of the war-torn city
  • 1985: Fritz Walter (1920–2002), soccer player and captain of the 1954 world championship team
  • 2015: Norbert Thines (* 1940), President of 1. FC Kaiserslautern from 1988 to 1996

People who worked in Kaiserslautern

Individual evidence

  1. a b c "Symbolic revocation of honorary citizenship of Hitler, Frick and Bürckel by the city council and city council", press release of the city of Kaiserslautern from November 4, 2013, accessed on November 5, 2013