List of the Austrian 25 Schilling commemorative issues

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The Austrian Hauptmünzamt presented 1955-1973 25-Schilling commemorative in the form of silver in an alloy of 80% silver and 20% copper forth. At the same time, the first 25 Schilling coinage in 1955 was the first commemorative coinage of the Republic of Austria after the Second World War and the return to the Schilling. From March 1, 2002, it was no longer possible to use it at face value because the euro was introduced in Austria. However, the coins are exchangeable at face value without limitation.

Overview of commemorative editions

Different value sides of the 25 Schilling coins

Over time, three different face values ​​were used for the 25 schilling coins.

Overview of the individual issues

Below is an overview of the minted copies of the 25 Schilling coin.

Face value: 25 shillings

Material: 80.0% silver, 20.0% copper - coin diameter: 30.0 mm - rough weight: 13 g - fine weight 10.4 g
Edge: smooth with recessed inscription "FUENFUNDZWANZIG SCHILLING"

Illustration Reason,
if necessary, explanation of the presentation
Draft of
the image side.
Embossed edition
Value side Image side stgl PP
25 Schilling 1955.jpg 25 Schilling 1955 Bundestheater.jpg Reopening of the federal theater October 1, 1955 Alfred Hofmann 1,499,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1956 Mozart.jpg 200th birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart January 27, 1956 Edwin Grienauer 4,999,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1957 Mariazell.jpg 800 years of Mariazell May 2, 1957 Edwin Grienauer 4,999,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1958 Welsbach.jpg 100th birthday of Carl Auer von Welsbach April 14, 1958 Ludwig Hujer 4,999,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1959.jpg 25 Schilling 1959 ErzherzogJohann.jpg 100th anniversary of Archduke Johann's death May 11, 1959 Michael Norz 1,899,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1955.jpg 25 Schilling 1960 referendum.jpg 40th anniversary of the Carinthian referendum
Couple in Carinthian national costume at the ballot box
May 9, 1960 Hans Köttenstorfer 1,599,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1961 Burgenland.jpg 40 years Burgenland
Haydn Church in Eisenstadt
5th June 1961 Hans Köttenstorfer 1,399,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1962 Anton Bruckner.jpg In memory of Anton Bruckner May 14, 1962 Edwin Grienauer 2,399,000 1,000
25 Schilling 1963 Prinz Eugen.jpg 300th birthday of Prince Eugene of Savoy May 30, 1963 Edwin Grienauer 1,994,069 5,931
25 Schilling 1955.jpg 25 Schilling 1964 Franz Grillparzer.jpg In memory of Franz Grillparzer
Fehlpräge with the old value side from 1955
May 4th 1964 Edwin Grienauer 0 3,600
25 Schilling 1964.jpg 25 Schilling 1964 Franz Grillparzer.jpg In memory of Franz Grillparzer May 4th 1964 Edwin Grienauer 1,665,000 35,000
25 Schilling 1965 Vienna University of Technology.jpg 150 years of the Vienna University of Technology April 12, 1965 Hans Köttenstorfer 1,563,000 37,000
25 Schilling 1966 Raimund.jpg 130th birthday of Ferdinand Raimund June 20, 1966 Ferdinand Welz 1,388,200 11,800
25 Schilling 1967 Maria Theresia.jpg 250th birthday of Maria Theresa May 8, 1967 Alfred Zierler 2,472,200 27,800
25 Schilling 1968 Hildebrandt.jpg 300th birthday of Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt
Main portal to Belvedere Palace in Vienna
May 16, 1968 Kurt Bodlak 1,258,200 41,800
25 Schilling 1969 Rosegger.jpg In memory of Peter Rosegger May 14, 1969 Wolfgang Pichl 1,356,400 43,600
25 Schilling 1970 Franz Lehar.jpg 100th birthday of Franz Lehár April 28, 1970 Ferdinand Welz 1,660,900 139,100
25 Schilling 1971 Wiener Boerse.jpg 200 years of the Vienna Stock Exchange May 25, 1971 Fritz Tiefenthaler 1,804,000 196,000
25 Schilling 1972 Ziehrer.jpg 50th anniversary of Carl Michael Ziehrer's death 3rd July 1972 Helga Wenisch 1,955,000 145,000
25 Schilling 1973 Reinhardt.jpg 100th birthday of Max Reinhardt 2nd July 1973 Ferdinand Welz 2,322,800 177,200

Web links

Commons : Austrian commemorative coins  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Austrian National Bank - exchangeability of schilling notes and coins. Retrieved August 26, 2015 .
  2. ↑ Complete list of Schilling coins from 1947 to 2001. Accessed on January 3, 2016 .
  3. ^ Coins and medals from Austria. Retrieved August 31, 2015 .
  4. Requirements on "germanycash". Retrieved August 26, 2015 .
  5. Federal Law Gazette No. 171/1955
  6. 25 Schilling 1955, reopening of the federal theaters. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  7. Federal Law Gazette No. 4/1956
  8. 25 Schilling 1956, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  9. Federal Law Gazette No. 95/1957
  10. 25 Schilling 1957, Mariazell. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  11. Federal Law Gazette No. 44/1958
  12. 25 Schilling 1958, Carl Auer v. Welsbach. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  13. Federal Law Gazette No. 108/1959
  14. 25 Schilling 1959, Archduke Johann. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  15. Federal Law Gazette No. 96/1960
  16. 25 Schilling 1960, Carinthian referendum. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  17. Federal Law Gazette No. 123/1961
  18. 25 Schilling 1961, 40 years of Burgenland. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  19. Federal Law Gazette No. 119/1962
  20. 25 Schilling 1962, Anton Bruckner. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  21. Federal Law Gazette No. 110/1963
  22. 25 Schilling 1963, Prince Eugene of Savoy. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  23. Federal Law Gazette No. 75/1964
  24. Federal Law Gazette No. 75/1964
  25. 25 Schilling 1964, Franz Grillparzer with less than 25. Retrieved on January 1, 2017 .
  26. Federal Law Gazette No. 60/1965
  27. 25 Schilling 1965, 150 years of the Vienna University of Technology (Johann Josef Prechtl). Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  28. Federal Law Gazette No. 57/1966
  29. 25 Schilling 1966, Ferdinand Raimund. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  30. Federal Law Gazette No. 114/1967
  31. 25 Schilling 1967, 250th birthday of Empress Maria Theresa. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  32. Federal Law Gazette No. 115/1968
  33. 25 Schilling 1968, 300th birthday of the builder Lukas v. Hildebrandt. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  34. Federal Law Gazette No. 127/1969
  35. 25 Schilling 1969, Peter Rosegger. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  36. Federal Law Gazette No. 98/1970
  37. 25 Schilling 1970, 100th birthday of Franz Lehár. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  38. Federal Law Gazette No. 167/1971
  39. 25 Schilling 1971, 200 years of the Vienna Stock Exchange. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  40. Federal Law Gazette No. 135/1972
  41. 25 Schilling 1972, 50th anniversary of Carl Michael Ziehrer's death. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .
  42. Federal Law Gazette No. 236/1973
  43. 25 Schilling 1973, 100th birthday of Max Reinhardt. Retrieved January 1, 2017 .